of ,. T cl.{ ThelTorch Light Parade. W right (&
Mayor Soule will marshall the C
Published naity (Sundays excepted) during torchs light parade preceding the
the College year, by Republican banquet, Tuesday even- Spaulding'a R;
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION lug. ft will start on State street i
front of the campus at 7 otclock, the
Subscription priceef".50per year, invariablyr line of march beinig, on State to W11o
in advance Single espies i3 cents. On sate at
Sibeehan's and Puss Offlceenes stand at 12 1litron, Huiron to Division, D~ivision
o'clock, noon. Subscriptions may be lett at to Liberty, liberty to Main, Main-
tbe offce uf the DAILY, Opera House block, at
Sheehan's, at Stofflet's, or with stir at the to Ainn, Ann to Fourth avenue,
editors. Fourth avenue to Huron, Huron to
Cotmunications should reach the office by
7to'cloch .rts. it they are so appear the next the court houise square, where Mc-
lfay. Address all matter intended for publics- inewiladssam smetg
tion to the Managing Editor. All biusiness iie ilaics assetn
communicationts should be sn to she Bso- of citizens and students. If the
co aaeweather is stormy Major McKinley -_
THE U. of X. DAILY,b
Ann Arhen, rich. sill speak in the opera hoiite.
Ditson'S Tennis RackefS
,'OR 18G)57
racketo assd a Complete Linie of Sporting Goods.
>lesale and Retail Agents for Miecsigans.
S our departmets-CommercialNo stetok
Sor msouscript tork-Engltsh. Shorthand sod
Penmanship. Plegant buildingIanreuat
osenacefcetisrutrwr r ous iing sexpenses extremiely-lost 50.25 to
is ssited to positions.
For catalogse, addrs s P. CLEARY, Pressdessi
- Springj
ouse, May 14, Suitings, a
F. 0. JANETTE, Lii. '91, Manasging Editor.
GEt iTitil lirvo, tit. '94, Assistant,
J. G. EtittITZc.Law'cP'', Assistant.
E1. J. ( ItoAws, .Oi. 'S4,AisatiiOi.
J1 ,C.TcAllis, LOt. '912, BuiscsSMasigere.
sV. xv. sx tisi)E~u'F'cs.Ls. 1, .Assistanit.
.A. . Jttiit, Lass '93, Assitaint.
7. . Aii Aitos ., --SCil'9i.
L. . 55 IliTEast, Litl. '93,
C . .RICETToS, Lit, '94i,
W0. H. EVAiSo, lawe tO
F. A. Missy, Lit. '931.
C. N. Soocis.Sirldic Oi.
C, A. OcoISON. Lit. '93,
LUCIA.. KIEVE, it.'(0.
NV. E. untiES. iti'95.
yLaughabie Farce Comedy at the
Grand Opera House Tonight.
"Little iiuggett,' hOslpresenlted at (lie
Ioperai hosise ltist niglit provedl to be 0110
iot the miost lauighiable fasrce coimedies
ever p~roduiced here. There is miore
side-splitting futn to thlemtuittte iii it
tlhan inainy laly seeti here for a long
time. 11 - S. Cawthiornt, aOsIBarney
OlBrady, teacher.fairmuer, &c., is inli-
iiitable, said ,voldttmake a mule
lhi. "Little Nugget" is a prctty,
versatile soubrette, aod uwon nitchi il-
Illilise by tier graceful dlancin~g ilnd
"catchy" sotigs.-ErYxC1"iiuu(: Viit-
(iNtIA, 1Dec. 18, 1890.
V'50 per wseek; student
\.-- - -_! A --t -- R
Ypsilanti Opera iHt
Ann Arbor Opera House, May 20 Pantaloons, Yc.D
GrnOeaos,_aurave__ _ _ 1 ' 1 J) 'H '(I-And
NEXT 'Thursday evening the teamuGadOeaHue auovEe ~EBS U FTE(3.
leaves for the east. " Jeff" will re- Yes, "-out of sight" of all the comieidy
ptort thle gamies foirtus. j rultlilities that hasve beiihelre fora SO GS Fancy
- ~lontg titme, waslOthle Little Nugget" NEW SoNG
'Tiio livenlentenltertainmuent at our opleria house las~t N EWA MUSIC!
"Hmoeetfor tite org7ani- Thiurstday ecllg ~ploie~A E
raio f oltca lus n snv rell filled and1 a cuoistanut rtoar of NEW D A ! CE(V estint
,aio o itltiti libail lllse-laughter sras compelIlled from first to _____
sities and lcolleges, originating witOh list. IomI.
tile progressive yotung ment ittthle It is doubtful if our pteopile have ever 8 NEW SPECIALTY ACTS. 1' ss
tub rsiy o N ihiglllas lirarIseen iii this rcitysi better comsedian tlian
Unvesiyof'lQignha Srad1. S. Cawthiori: but srestill maoke mtnoO
wi111 great ralidlity 21111 enthulsiasm.- isore cotmments fiurthler, thaii to say
thatswheiiesver this conipatnyi plstse up1No etra lisi (it-folriristrd-sGate15 BotrdtlI
Detroit't'riblune, May 14. thesir paper here, 1111 ise call lattordto totpentat11atertilts tilwntsiistoic.esiMondy on-Iti No. 1
(Pi c aknloledlge srith1,graltiude a 1Itheir elltertaillileult. - 5 1 bIAJ siAZOtSGAT ~ L IJE oeo
solid conltribultioni folud in the cam1121-
- - - -- -M i
pus1 box in te mtediral building,in1 EXCURSION.
the shape of a large reil brick,1- ANN . 11100. ONE NIGHT' litL . TinmeCuae
Toledo vs. St. Patti. - -- -Arivalc
swrappedl 115aInewspslaper. A niltdle- !I
agedl copy of llhe Toronto Mail ac- lliegi-efl l tl SATURDAY .EVE., MAY 14, '92
leaueh ameofbas-dal ilidayo.1. ailaCompnte i, alaloteveaitas- payeti ToedoiSiody, atlaat cmsy ithot fiw.ccninuuNoai.tie.,NoP3.Pasgr
11211 idoidgers minlcedl fine. (Ye are betsseen abuse iiamed clubs, admissionl GrtestIris Coml i edian. No.a5.SMail i
to wolieli sill be 25c. The Tolesdo & mrsrn
doing our level best to edlit a liv, Anh Arborroad swill rsii a stpecial train h h~ No. 2.Maili S
all around 'University nesos p r onthis occasion, leaviiig Ann arbor at HERBERT CAWTHOl RN No0 0. 'taiE.
paer sg. n1., returnitig lessve Toledo at 1(.2(1 No. 0.i son
ant alinil h lbsalil011 . .Fare fur roiiiiiltrip ooe(1) dol 01ll ISi IC5U5 o Toledonly.d
port anti encouragemlent that wve re- lar. it. S. (GalE1Nwoloi, Agenlt. -l Central St
t 1 All Trains
reie fromi thooe sohose interests weOC SINSS.LOCA.l - - \1.1 . W.BN
:e.- ciyto o 5tter.o BSN SLOAS. Gen. Pass.
19 South 211111 Sttet.
Ann Arbor and North
1110 account of the sophlomore
intecrferencre at the banqiuet last night
io by a representative of thse DAILY
so was oii the ground and knows
soheretif he speaks. As usual toni-
ors are rife to the effect that a dis-
graceful affair has takein place.
Friends of the University and to
truth -in general xii do what they
cani to discredit these reports. The
disorderly presence of several soph-
omores is sufficient unto itoelf swith-
out the affair being made worse than
it really was.'
Lxoticco onserted ini this column at the rote
of i0 cecntsper ltoe. Specialirrtesofer longer
time, ad extra lincs furniohed by applinitg at
the DAILY office.)
nary, 54incli, w ithi cyclometer. Ad-
dress F. D. Greenl, 55 Fourth st., City.
Memiory an~d Phlrenology taught in
seven lessonis. Phireiiologieal exami-
niatiotis, nominal fees. Investigate
this at 17 N. State street. 115-t.
FOn SALE-Pnumaticsfety bicy-
cle. Good Shape. A bargain..
R. S. GitosNA ovoon.
Suite to rent, also one sinigle coons.
Cheap. No. 471 S. Division St.
LOST-Fontains pen (Sackett) on
campus, Tuesday afternsoons. $2 re-
N. K. Coxt, 7 E. University ave.
Vioesna Lady(Quartet. Solos. Danceo, Music,I
Sceciic ad SMechanical Effects. Famous
Nugget IQuarteL.
Prices, 35, 50 and 75c
Rescrved ScalsaottP. 0. News Stanud.
Renpairing it specialty. d6 00U05 51015 5T.
NO'. 12 W. HURON ST.
J. D.
ichigan Railway.
rd in effocs tanuary .4, i892.
1ofs0 rais a n sloc ooly.
ind Exitreoss........127 a. a.
r, Ann Arbior Neeso...12111no
'ascocr ........a25p. to.
...............................50110 p-to.
nger, Tolndo Accomi.I u.00a.
1 ei6 ruewensnAutoorand
ondard Time.
aOaily cxcept Sunday.
- Agent. Local Agent.
te Street Grocers.
atrenage especially soliciteh.