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May 11, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-05-11

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-'. f i ' * the field. :Princeton, they say, yr .t& i ~ ~ flc~L
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) daring Scatinon, tx-pitcher of thse 1tii-
THE C.OF llNegeNDeNaSSCATOy Pnnyvniyvl cah Spca lditig's Rackets anad a Complete Line of Sportiig Goodls.
TH U F .INEPNEN SSCITONithe leamnthte rest of the season. ~~O I ~ ~ T
Subscription price bi5s per year, invariably -- f - Wholesale and Retail Agensts for Michigan.
fu advance Single eopies a ceats. On sale at New Postoffice. I

Sheehan's and Pest Office newt stand at vv-__
o'lcnoons. Satbscriptiosemay be ieft at
ite oficeoftsshe DAsLY, opiea Hoase bleek, at 'Ile plans irawnss ill by Siervis-
Sheehan's, at Stsfflet's, tie tithi aty of the in.- \ clitec Ed britoke for a $6o,
Comewusiciations sould each te osicie by-a 000 piistiiflicc at Annt Arboir have
7socloch a' i. if they atso aneaes the sleet ietl appiriival. A faisorabile rc'pocrt
ilay. Address all matterlitetndeit tor publiea-'
tisntsot-the Managing Editor. All tissitiess bty GC . IW. C. Newbeirry, itt the
communicationts shituild tie senit t the Bsiai' commtee sin pubalilictbildingis, has
ses s anger.
THE U. of M. DAILY, beets presenteil toitile liouse, ails
Ann Arhor, Hiete. siosceil large intormsationi on the
subjc -t. eni. Newvberry callced it-

- vane departmensts-Comecalu No teat-i eel
or emanssteeiptaeark-5s la-sh.Siiethasdann
Pena sip.aElegant tiilil sage at-
____ t endanceefeficnt inestctrstawohkthor-
engh, imgexesesex'temselylowit 5 t
$50 35per iweek; students assistedto55posittins.
Fer eataloguteaddresseP, R. 555 AilS President.

. E. JANseeve, cit. '93iManaginigbiditor. tentiotil lcefaic
lee isRUEii ee Si.C it. '9nAssistnt. the tiiiiihers iof
I . ttssis. lsss'tL, IfAssiistnt.
E.. I. iTT'sieisLit. 'cAssistnt. schoiiols oithsitcii
JC'. tes\-is, tit. '92l, Butsiness Matnager. deini iiiiitatiiiti
It.W. NV EyietiEvesi.it.'"IiAsisetant. 3.40, evicil tciii:l
A. W'. J i~set iist iaic 't3,lAssitanliii,0
2.It. A ialitL, Aleiete . t. enistiiakes a lt
L. 5G. 11TItaI~E',tu. v,13tcoii0tiesos iti
C . t. IicKTSitc. 4.
F. A. 55ieee NYLit. 93i I 'lie Genicral rig
C. A. D'IOcete i. '93-,ic entiiolltolitheic'fa
LUC'I-A KSYEsi-a. 9.' t sitiicli tip the' tree '
AV.E, ~o.L~: ,Li "A1,large share outhde'
The P cEd it 5nt hltih emsielves revepottt-take a alieill ithl
selt he inionsitititorttsttemets ottco et
ittleitts. appeainsg its the DILYte. 1ccicttir al, ali t
- -- saute Ihour. Sit

ct thal, incltintg
thit prceparatoiry
Vthere is.a sltu-
licre cit abioutf
h the regtularesilt-
)tal oittorethcait
10o pet their Mtail
htls i-ails tile at-
ci tat. itwit-ilc
delisvtry syslelli, a
e cettlip lt get
thatti's til crc
ittsltoice ;it cite
litt says, a imt-


Wi lhavie teentetelby numerotic officc sufiintliiclar-eo town11ccIot
inqi~iec as itcccwhethccrlice imoncey -, 000 iltabitanctIs, cchlire mnic I
.1cc ci reelby' ithe cUicersityin is- scctii I bu lcsiess Itall ittuiccoitt
erels is iiteddto iible devotedto1tlie iccay,1)w1ouli e' iniadiequate toe
tile' atletic- tuitt, cur -liy simiilair'AnitA\rbot.lie tiso tite'stintithlie
purpotsc. SicfaIccs etci'e'ablte to)y1 ii Pt ccii ictltate-dites ciiieel cac
icatit theet er'taiinmtenit is a puly cI ordi t inary itit tiofttisittescs. ttir
pivcate unidertakintg andtninitetittonwti lte lt erlice' etcraec° Il
exiessot tcthlerintgpanyt i- ii iiy 1tiul l r11011Ittotilie .c..cectcitcI ci
ci lerpris e Oct11 i .I;0.
i iII camtusteis at prceeitt aibets-ti ilultitothlictiieits 111n11sitcct s
tifui i11place, but the ipriter . tltoil- P { . 111'i ciic solsc
ties tlighlt dotisom~etin~g toi illics'i tct iroreocbiledie:a titiic le
tile Jatwniby iorbiddtingtphitpasin j ite vc cc cciilie'he coiitt lilt'. titt
of hatdttilil t personsonithlie Vi- I
iSco o is cot alclttiicecstctetlle' clii.
vreilty premices. 'tese Ili'acnidiitlebetOillsell'i ll
arc cigin stu enltti~s wcoilm liiost 'ecm teeroimn dth
uposi the insietmtan tiopthettito scai- iacIof ttt Bil , 111. tutu itis 15 1i
icr uipoin ttelacvtn tiaininariill,.taIto in lsottn1111be' t cciken ti
ittilty. [itt short, ite campust cwoulcd i a itncii ~ct iclt ci
bte mtitre ileasingp In thtler cesltects f --
it it cwere belier taken-itcane i1, bitt ; 'Little Nugget."
ice ptactice of tttetsillpit Iaiplace oitT i'11e happlylurce comieidy', -"Little
cchict to acherteditbtusintess to thte Nusgget,'' hils heeti 11eehefore, butthie
detrmen ofnea a >erane 511051 otefficitnt comspiany thiat hats ilver
I tilll~c f ea itealltt it1~ htandiledl it, is the tite swhichit silllie lit
10 be a privilege that seqlldensot be i the CfransiOplera h~ouse sitsSaturdayi
alloced. - lighit. Newspjecilalty' peole lhliesbeets
enigagedi, eiwi he Sist 1ilstallis p asses's-
sli+sits'oneofrefissed ensjoy-ssent anth
INTER-COLLEGIATE. hetirty laughs,. it. S. C'tawthsornc still
________ ~ 1 latys Bariney O'Bratdey', estansty o
cwlii Itas heelsim nssce still scisis to see
'lis Ness ta c 'T'ribtine, Suit aitc hint agains.'Thsere is a peculllir humsior
'T'intes base s s a college mntonscthteir aboust ('isthsors's Irishmoasn. It is dhe-
lightfislly -isquainit anid originail, tatu
staffs.---Crimsons. there is a cosifosioss of blstsiderintg iss
Q]Aost of the University of lPentn- Iis utterasnce that is positively irre-
sistible, for the resasossthsat it stiggests
sylvania 'mint think that Harvard is a type of eharacter that is siss to the
stronger thsan tither Yale or Ptrince- stage, yet triuefto reality. TIhis as the
impressions thast lisigers frosm seeinsgins
tots in bathing, and about as good its here last seasoss.

N1tta'CF. - The Athtletic B'oard'FtU LL L!_N
meets'YTiursday, i'May rs"at f6:45 to
Alitha Nts H-all. --
t 7t-2t S. C. SPiiZEsiR-i
[Nots i n sertetd in this celumnsts the ti ei
ot 10 censr i ee eSpecialats folcontgers uittg
elie, indt ale isne sfush edi'tby C a sliat
the DAteYitihceel
Mlemiory acidPhresnoloigy Itisigist is l
sevesesiisonss. Phrienoogi'.icaleinit- Pan taloofns , Tii
mstissnoinassl fies. tIvesigate s
thtis it 17 N. State street. 15ta11.
cle'. (GoodtiShapie. A icticgtsii. 1 And
tR.tSs --l Stei .ilie t i;N hates-
Suite tic ri'tt, also otis'e ssigle siosit lt
Cheacpt. No. 47-1S. ivisionS t. Fancy,
Lst,-h'« ittiilhess(Sackettilln
cviii. K. Coil;E . ulsists isy. IVetns
BssckeNtis. oflt).. of. AtI 15. itis is50
fineri I S9l2, c ellshiediti it Stitilis Ntis 111tE ts elSit 5I
Detiti12 -N. .hhtiii. 1"51" t.
No. 111 South MahinisStict;.
ANN1t BOttii. iONE NI(titI11.
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
SATURDAY ESE., MAY 16, '921 Michigan Railway.
tlins listlin efree ict ccie ed I'1S92
Comyttic itus a lis.ot insstltt i e'ttis e. Arival' o1 tra'ns 5itsn .1Atoresnv.
iitcsette tI s oteiatnt
Pa 5155 r, tnn tArbor cctui..ittl0lno
IN .2 ll ilP e ge .. ..i ....... _11 S it
And cihis NIls ciii it' i n t No.u4. lEprves...11......t411 pt..
Ntt. i.P'ssensger, 'oleds Aeesns lull us as .
I ' (~~ : rais 3ndIttisanbetweenAnAut o a nd sl
d1 leCe\tralStandard Time.
IAliTraniseDally except Sundcty.
iv.H.I ENNETT, . 55. 5.GREENtWcOOD,
Viennta Lil Qt et i Seog s, csv,5Mu s 'ic, ,
z 51515 tad )ehltuit ct I i Famous Gei.(ass.Asea nta. LsentAgent.
Prices, 35, 50 and 75c; KA
Itle-ceetSeatsts 1.5'. iNceistand.
Sepairitig 'a specialty. 411 'OUeTH NsT"' n
O ( ( R State Street Grocers.
P Ors RA IR Students patronage especially solicited.
NO. 12 W. HURON ST. j 24 c. 5TATF:5SREET.


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