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May 11, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-05-11

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Vol- H.-No. 156.



THE SYMPHONY CONCERT. hy i close and intimate aeiluiintinie FRESHMAN BANQUET.
with it that one can_ ever hotpe to-
The Orchestra Were Greeted by a ii ii Arrangements are Complete andI OURt
Large and Enthusiastic Audience. 'truly appreiait. ti ult Ninety-Five Will Have a Big
-overfloswing wits melocdyagtanice Time Friday Night.
There were at leaist 2,goo peiplecat the orchcstral score rer<eatiii" the
in 'University Hatl list eveniig,"tto hat cacti antievery iitstrussent I- eryttii s ii oisiiaeiltN11
hear thse thirdt annuial conceitblithite tias a ieloily sometimeswilt the I tirieshminahinitnetof tir classt!NI
; inpihosy O rchestra and ilsoto c omhiiiatioin of all ttic iicoieic of '95 ill hcoiie if ttieniost suec-j
hear ttie wortt's greatest tiianist. mike op a sonorous wtiotewhiichr e stintcivents of the tiuit in tieuis-
E ugen I)'.Attjert. Itt sas i biilint 1 takes the tistener along igth iti It liii of the I niiscisity. Itcwill take EIPRlC
audience, anti 1)y the atteutio tii l itsthe lost stupend itoo k of thettirae F-riiiay eiveningi''aeyI , at

Mailed to You ---
-:- Through Your



77, Upon -


"ate siioused themseives 01 lI~emo
oii' alt11)reciaivei cof thlefintest
Thel irci s o h rciestra
werei is thec bistimiod is Iticy alwvaysE
-'ue oil.1 it sry lllsictitlis ull-;
cne l indt o iii iiiie iof
theirbes i tillas iliiing theirI
ItscthtiitliiWsIs tolighititly enjoyedil
tIdeiett thgriater 1art of the archl-
iii1. c ell)11i111mushitlliterature.
I tttertsremii to e aor tin io-
i~tl\ tiwsitti the I.c0t,- sehieti stas
tartituiari siehut ilichy iiiiel
lithe swill clscibefillseItiesciiieiice
lose-s thimiprei ssiiiniladaie1lie
l)' flhcrt. NiMiny ciixreed the
opinion11thatthi no lhail iot lit
street an11! iaelloiw a tonae as see are
arruustouulet to hear at such a toil -
cre. Laying this aside i'lbiert
made the impilressioni onhits hearers
tihat iae suirpasses ansy -iprev-ious
piaislt in iterpreting ipiansoilmusic.
'Thiere swas isore eiithusiasiia cisplayedi
hy liearuaidience isver te toucce/t
isy Chiopini thansaliyother inihber.
The encore to thsis inmher, a italic
of Chopiia,seas a clincher for
D'lbiert's repultationa withs U. of ?t.
Dr.lbiert msadie a most pto-l
nounred success as was inevitahile.
He is a phensonenal virtuoso, aiii
one of the greatest pianists of
the generation. His performance
of the E. Minor Concertt of Chopin
swas inspiring and so far heyondl
criticisna that notising is left one.
He is as totally different from Pade-
rewski as can he imagined. He is
like him in this, however, he is an
inspired genius. Like Paderewski
and all great men, he is as sinmple as
a child. He responded to an en-
core with the charming waltz -in A
flat. -
The Meistersinger Vorspiel, that
Titanic work, brought the concert to
a close. This work is a verytable
mine of musical wealth and it is only

sint ever roisceisedi 1111thetctfliiiNickels' tall.-Tlict-sshate gtsone
Iiivs ~ anre last evenong seas sith iy of it s161 ff teell, aitt a gilotl reptresentalltionl LiST ,A~~' ~u& t
li ee it. No higer praisc of the class tiilltlie iesit L I S iTli i'siiliil
Ic-it he ''iven.- In sthrtthe i-oniert -olalso sty ill assemibtle its the p511- r11 iind clii ilsoiei lads'
last ecelauligwas alul -iTos at the halt:h slintndw i-en--ry DETROIT, - - M ICH.-
Ioto 'Oti Symp~hsony Ortchesr st-Itiniin llreaineiss, itill pto iicei
ita posstltibly the "re-its tillchectra to thibanluct h ,iei b h
Ilcic 1101woldi -iisthit iro''e-iuulast chaprcotiistheltastma terlci ditht e ngi a otyo h rhsr.caspeiet
NiI r. Schlitisc c a pt111ittc e h eiict I iciirstpt 111 fiitierogra tiill I
{ audtice wth 'is rilo tl1111111 thinrisliesr It it\itill tic as fotllowss:
iiis Clsctseve hearsci) t le cte i slt casi acr ,hs Cies
.Arbocst We dis ie tci thissho t adiss oil istsna;oain
totait lladlclu tc inotitciof thicoiin- I r ot ls rp hlcy. ;Missitt iii -ci uuu ilie Laititicict li nstiil 15
re biy iichoi'iicg thltwo 1s o11the jI Ot.ini Shiesile tit t i aii i les thianiiAliniiArbo~r
elsergi c "ec nons a stI I n . hits w i i cl l ifoliowtcd usy it iiba - I I I I ised For ataloiii t
Thtiucet, "TieI 1ainna tuiiioof det. iiinsictrict is thi cIaiderr -4&,6
IYF &ast"ivihll begia at 'ut 7I0. itsnclihbtratc mcnu hits hieeni 11111 J:! H. G-3
totgct thic(lstc Niay c.itlainld cctritse hahdfoi to roulehs. I)In1IItfjlh1 llIlI.
The Republican sBanquet, Mr.(Gco. E. Rsselsl iiill presice as
tastinaister, ii it smeiicnhcs coi tile JQh 1 and Straight Qut.
six uhay siore ainld llAn rhuor class iill resphondlto tloasts. ot.I
W iil he a mserca of shteisnandsci The third hart cut tiele 5uogtlii IGA ETES
visiors.romall patsof- ivhga iwlihieii followus. There still b ii > iarete Smokiiy-esnilo
anil (hio. Thse Repuhlicais hainsqet Iii'itmo re liii iitile trice
1iwnt anccs, prohably witilsnio >s crgedi tor thcuiliicuy
I nlfriwrsuaadlutninlhetr.e Cigaretiei, sill 5cd
aic ieiok aad tects ieextras. Sireisser's letroit Sorieety TIiiiRANsiiuperioi is
g-reat naahonal conventions of Amteri- acetamllh t teiasr -i- liitliers.
Orcesta wll e i atendnce I The iiRticmod Straight
calt College Republicains, isill lie The chapsecons trill he six isn ci nul' ctsse iderlliteSci
Ciut ,otdelile tely ilcrredelltiigh est csi
someting ememered or yars o',her, as follows: M'escianes Angell, end Origintihend ci' St aightsisttCtgarettes,
comie. I(,. anii ics bniught ciii Sy us in theyesrtilt5.
lde ttuoit, Stanley, t'ayiey-irosvis, Beiwareotimieations, adseae .that the
The tickets for te hanqutehave Rolfeanad iKnoswiton. 5tssecALL eicliNEsRevry pshege.
bieen its sucs deniand iliac s,50o0 lftthe American Toacc Cc.,
Maenufateuers, -.Richmond, Virginia.
could have been sold if spare were Holy Cross Defeats Yale. ----__
available. Col. Stone, of Detroit, -I J. A. POLHMIUS,
conmes upil Ied ofa delegation of Agaieohs-altaspyd
on the Yale field at Nesw 1-avein ALSO 'BiUS RACE AND BAGGAGE tINE
xoo adis ad getleen. TheMonday afternoon, between Yale NrhMi tet
clhscmn rm sronigand Holy Cross. holy Cross de- Brown to Lose Woodcock.
toss-s to join the University and Ann feated Y'ale on the fornmers grounds
Arbor IRepubliceans who weill partiel- Woodicock, rw' etpthr
recently and tlh Yale team played, ionsbtpuer
dat inthegrad pocesio, wllhard to sin' this ganse, hut is seriously considering a proposi-
run the number of men iii line uo 0fie fe lyn lvnectn tion from the Pittsburg professionals.
5,000. All the speakers will arrive inig.Yl asfre optFron tihe editorial tone of the
in te mrnig. he rogam illWycoff in tse box, but was not equal Hrl, o 1teth instant. it is cvi -
be 'the finest ever presented to a to the occasion. Score, Holy Cross, dent that Woodcock's actiois has
Michigan audience. The decorations 7; Yale, 6. practically beeis determined on.
for the rink will be magnificent. All -= " -e----- - Sexton has proved himself an able
the citizens are expected to decorate The photographers of the Univer- pitcher, but dependent solely on
their residences and places of busi- sity held an interesting meeting last him, Brown is obviously wceakenedl
ness for the parade and in honor of evening in the Chemical Laboratory. for the rest of the season.
the distinguished visitors. Fire A picture of the members was taken .,The DmocradClb'. ee "-i-th
works and lanterns will abound by Mr. Cooley. Its - next meeting law lecture roons tomsorrow evening
everywhere, will be held May 23. at 7.30.


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