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May 06, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-05-06

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C. i ! ~ ~ r11 nificance. It is one of many indica-
"' ":" "' 'I~is that the active interest of the
'"co-ecds'' in university affairs is iioss
i'ailistied Daily (Sundays excepted) during ihriilire ncsveta
the College year, by frwdradnOeicuieta
THEU. F M IDEPNDET SSOIATONit has ever bees before. Thrci
THEU. F M INEPEDEN ASOCITIO Ievery reasoni wvhy the 't co slihoultd
Subseription price $2.50h pee year, invariably conisider iiratorical conitests open to
;advance Single espies a rents. On tale at tlhetii,,5 as teyon me.I I-
Stiehia's and Post Ottiernestrctstantd ast i lg2ii tsIi
o'clock, noosn. Subscriptions may tie ieft at iliatia receiitly, the state intercolle-
the sfince of the DAILY, Opera House bonkhat giate oratoric a) contest svas wviin by
Sheehan's, at Stofftet's, sirswiti any of the
editors. a young woiiiai-Miss Jeaic'Nelsoin
Coitmunicationsshiould reach the oftice sty of IDec PaiisvUniversity-anidl ter
tiocltock P. M. it they are so appear the neatI
'lay. Address all matter intended toe publica-i success 10s11n1ot impossibile to oitr
lion to the Managing Editor. Altltbutiness girls.
communicationas should be sent to the tBusi-
ness Mianager.-

Wright & Ditpon'3 Tennis Racket3
W'OR 1802
Spautlinig's IRaskets atnd a Comipleto Lite of Sposrting Goods.
S= = -az z;O~/.=.a~s2
Wholesale acditetait Agents fur Miclhigati.

_ - ° .
i rnuue

Four departmtents-CommnereialtiNotext-bock
a r manuseript nworE- Engltsh. Shorthand anti
Prenmanship. Elegant bisilding, large at-
tendance, efficient instrucetors, n-ork b bc-
ough, living expenses extremely lost, F.t
catalogue, address P.,tR. CLEARY, Presidet.

Ann Arbor, MficE. -_
I [ otmud romfist ag.]as per ceerklstudtents assisted npstn
EDTR.fresadmcaiswh0aesaldbst oii . E. JAsETE, t. 93,'li.Managing Editor. tipon their Ihomesteads. Some 0f these aten SariC
Ocei'.tIrnr c t, tit. '9a, Assistatt. might bc assistrd by the tipportunity to pay
.. 0. ERDitti, Liti' l92, Assistini. their debtts inia'til-cent titllar. TOhisof1'coturoe
1'. J. tyric CvA, Lit.'9f, Assistanit. ic on thte soitionii thactcwaesutid. the ptricte BUSINESS LOCALS.
J. C. T''st, Lit. But ttsinsics Manger. sit stheat wtotild rise to correspiondl in lie tic-
Nv V. Ari:tirit 5, Iii. 'lii,Asitandt. pre'citiontinitthe mnesy received. 5whoii le- INotices itisrrted intshiis colsisnt asthe cute
I cevs ihwee, shutt termiastill at stieof 0 dcents elitnhe. Specital riatesfocr loniger
A. Jri E tisLw'9, sisan.tittietitid extraSies furniishby bi'apiplying at
..tisssss, I 'liAvcit ind tuuhilt icomeicrecasedl iinsaoit:titi ho dm the DAILYcoffice.]
J.. tO. .t ~ tt~'Litlic 94.lblietes.thatt ilictiarmerc. with his smigecropi St i tn,55 110stgemtl
l.. svti'evitoiu, l~t. Stt iiyear, soill nitbleiatan ittitiense disadndiitage -
i'. sv. RIaCirsnx, iiLid. sl94 1. 0 tcviChunriemmuifci c sio l)il. Nit. =47 S. l1Divio t.
W.v1-1.I. Es' s, tItiil. sith a cin tiuoits prodnieitiroutpuitt, cnepi h'ci L.;r'iFoiililiii1)011Saekett) til
F'. A A l s, Li '91. paceswithitheillc tuatttiatns of01ls iatndlpicsto campuits Tuesday afternioi. $2 si'
C'. N. Soittis, Medic' 'til. 'iST e or tmanttill bit ie,'ftrst to troll the ite wsar'tl.
C', A. t s'is,Li~lt. (13. I creas noc thiesware or ini the lirice of tie imcNon.-ti,7If ni ritio
LeviA tIEvE, Iit. '95.iiimtiity-.
Wi. E, niittas, Ltc'95. 'the creditors of thc ciotiry icc, 1tthei-ic
Theii tttols onotoldthiletmselves respltiwaigeeitrs. Antd ttey silibeutiitccanTected Free Excursion to Detroit.
Bilc'(,nr the ottitttnionsor staitientsof ot ereco' liythe lull itt the lpurchasitngtitulity of their ____
scwages. 2ntlall thoscwho base ideptosits in the TeG~ g(o,11
itondetits, iapipearing'iin theIm LYi~. iulitTatheonoooisis fsienGncw ods~rldeuEagle ('tothingC.,9
tic savingos buns htiooscwho are oswters osit the ld venuie, Detroit, stilt reftilli
THE____ RGU___PB___SHING________.__ blocks ofnalwtay mcororationts. These pepete fare to Detroit lilit retorts to thin
ureintts implys the plutocrats of tie coutry.pitreiasers of either ai 'eadly misde sift
THEiv PRICE'ttOFr'ri1_bDI)LYmFRTHE'vionOsthe cotrasry these deposits and trttfitmds or it custotii laude shot or overcoat, they
artthepripety f souen, sho o sitspe s1100guaranltee to 5save you fromli $5 to
150.51.ae5l-',ANDO THE Colll.l.015 K V'Esill liit',-'olS innotscrkitsntosnalisul uieo,--swho $10 011 eithierlllurehiase. VTis is atniex-
store awauy their little sav igs year by y'ear. cetlenit optportunilty for those inltenin~g
WIt IlBE ONEil Sl 11 ( I. Vis Te plutocrat is tirobablys' istbor, runtingan' visitinlie Ietroit. 150ll-2t
-.0 * _-t-ibigtbusinsostpushtinttrougitirilwiy set-v
hToll(Ir inhoInisersity hatll oc- I iticapuital borrottetdon mortuge itons my7n te ls beppr ew ild ^t ASD O a i1 "
tie's the contest for orattor ill the 'in th ~er estlssiubledtatrs5who tiyllei-utlo GL~ lT ODLLA IT JE
selior lawviltiss. jtiredtby'fieee coihnge thetieniotnes o.17she
- nivertst..ctiaAntherticlass ofc edelitrsate--
- -''til- liesonswhshaeinsurtiace'plolicies, eiie
'iti t. of . . hlt'dlSoucii cty ufoiietittlyu i
Tu, is tilhtS o leistredlbits silTlisitI May6
its soethtuutg ttt11(1w inth1ew colleges proitlie'lititesliont iican perhapsiowyblie is-E e ig
if thec 'Ittr. tilereis noibtlteru' lv'tttsverems t to o wii sill Si'luvnitu byuElb'itrta',te 1Proitttionst of
vret'tollnage of ilsver thelr'act illto gtditidhut
plcefo i tantis O itSittiiottitali hats teen tprosveii
t~ roit Is.land titstervtes a1 thale It itltle asked lin'otteliiioti liitpesicc N,
5)iir~5miet uhli)~ bistotgetinl~t isloctoihils ption'littof tieNel l'gPS'
anl~y Otr prmaent i)S~tI~10Is' bardofci lllsertldollars', for wihit.iew re
- --f +classiocbiag.It the cucecumot does scthro
i mt Iai'S llvtlIOfii'94's 1c,1)lopnitiis tiltIatdu protmilse tos tap the oscroll ff "fT1J\
dheserves vcredutit ttinly fotlr1se swort fsi lvier wichleatnyontte nay duttip itis L~ j tii 'I
itlayin ttihtt ftir its llllsintess citler- doars, host is huit 10oput store silsvein youir
prs. I t ucesin sai ockets or omice? _Tite R-ontderftif Horse lRace, Old Fasiotnetd
)lr eh lmtktg - -- + coumintry ODance, Ctinmy Fatir Qisartette.
lates xvith Ilullod-le, Olivet andA- NTCmu-hr ilB ,Boi ildutesgtsncl .a1-!casmeigStryrpm.in5 -EP NTI TA -0
iiatble practice amtd alo largely ill- Roonm A. Come all.
scease its repumtatiollmoutsidle tlf uni _____ Twos Carlotads of Sceenic anth Mechanmical El.ees
vrsity linits. NEXT SATURDAY?
TOiClomT at Evanstoni,Illinoin, oc- Specllal Trains to the Athletic
curs the annual contest of thme North-Grns.Pce, 5,7 ad$10
ecu Oratorical Lecaguc. 'Ihea Univer- Bly requelst of a groat mianiy 11n111tin Reserved Seals at P. ). Newsstaud.
versity of Mictigan tdelegation is accommhodalte all, the Toletdo, Annli
noxw on the field. Arrangements Arhor road lis on lsentedl to run spec-
paut-tains hetwxeen their stationl andm J.- H A L L E R,
Itave bieen made wherehy the DAIsY the Athletic grotlnds, begining llext ErzM
xill receive a full telegraphic report Saturday, ande cointinuinig during thle Rpiigaseily 6SUHMIT
season on occasion of each attraction Rpiigaseily bsmusaxo
of the eent. It wvill appear to)- at that plaee. Trains wtill be run an
morrows. often as neceosary hefore alnd often thhe
.., games. Fare for round trp, 10 cents.
:arrangemenxta are nosy heing made
THE fact that this year txwo youtng with tlhe proper authorities to establish
womn av enerd orthePrhii-an entrance near the track. Proenre P fI fU .PP r
xvomn hae enere fortlxeProhhi.tickets at office.
tion Oratorical Contestis of some Big- R.S. GsREENWOODi, Agent. NO. 12 W. HURON ST.





Suitings, 5
Pantaloons, K

F I ix I Ni I O N D05 lSCTLAth ND
Nio. Ill Somuth Main Streot.
1Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
r Michigan Railway.
'h Time Cur is affettJauautry 24, 192,
( Arrmval o1 trais at Anti n ~)ortionly.
lNa. 1. lMail mmmiiiExpress - 7 . it
Nio. St. Pmoor,omiAnt ror Acnom.- 12 00 nt
No. 5. Mail Passentger ............ '5 p. c
No. 2. atolil Pasenger. .....t.. ll) 1 a. it
1No.a4. MaiIExpress-,...............40dp.si.
No. 6. Passenger, Toledo Accom.... 7 dda. mu.
Transs3and 6trun betwenAnnaAboruand
Toledo only.
Central Stiandard Time.
All Trains Daily except Sundlay.
Den. Pass. Agent. Local Atent.
State Street Grocers.
Studlents patronage epecially soicitedt.

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