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May 05, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-05-05

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Published Daiuty (Sunday's exc~epte~d) durneg
the Colee tear, by
"uts etiptitta pricer V.5t peyear, invariably
:advance Single eopies :3 rents. On sale at
Sheehan's an Pus Ottiernerws stated at il'3l
o'clock, noon. Sutbscriptions rmuy he left at
the oficof thcieDAILY,opecca ouse hloch, at{
Shechias's, at Stottictos, orewith ay of the
Cmunications shoulId reach thc otice by
o'clock P. t. if they are to ateaer the neat
dlay. Adidress all mattter itteneded toe puhica-
tientio the ManagitngEditoir. All bsisnessn
comtnaicatiotns should he hent to the Btusi-
nss M asucer.
THE U. atfSt. DAILY,
Ann Arbor, Mlica.
F. E. JIEt bait .. ii Otuoogico''5Ed1to.
GItuo tts'eoBUC, Lit;. 'lit, Assistatot
J.ie. Ett,vrLawst.', Atsistantl.
Et .0ito, ALti0t'ltosss tut-ce
J .T .iV. vi iti.i'9t :!,a.utiessMan'tager.
W.tt cit. , lt'il, Asitat.
A. . Wu~. t 4 It.OLaw 93,iAsis"it
'15'..tttiHtu'tt>I, i. '1
C.' W. tt' T78, Lt. '94
F'. A. MtAiNY, Lit. '.1
C'. \. oitsets,Mtseic ':'a1.
liisA. Drtst , Li. ';3.
1ct ItVEL'it. '95


ftor any considerabie titme of the use W right & i~f~
ttf a c0o111 if they watit it. It is vetyofp w
tiesirabie that the associutiontiehelccli
attpoyctiillottor lou Ofit.ll~ t~L' Sptastlitg's actkets attcl tsCorn
iloy courtyl mtyybe mtade'net y elr,
co-e'ti' gi ent'.'a fair sitt inthots, Wtiot ac ieti
lot Itholybanhofahltc
I ls f 1)3 andttitken tip hy the
fireshmtnictlasis'eworthiy of tite iI
hearty etciitrlgetltfnl andiemuiatton
o1 everlasst iinthe Univet'sity. I
is aunttiversally cotnceed fact that____
tue~~~~~~~~~~~~ 50ca ieo Ct ' flt,~ 11 uu per eekh; students asited to positiosin
1owial if ought to be or whatt it mliht Foe c
be. Miany students pass thlrough~
college writh thte bareof afcquaitance BUSINESS LOCALS.
ji it fellowe'clasmeti. 'CTe fautt Noetiteshienserteit in this colunsteosthetracte
itI lo 1c t h betf of 1ti ne tspraelise. Stiecial rats's fetelongeer
lies i)getdreinteasceott~~ ultta0ftrthi i'usticu
ti time, and exhc L~tr linsfunshdbyac.1nga

'sTennis RackefS,
.lplete Lite of Splortintg Gootis.
.Agents for Miechigats.
Is the LEADING5SCH0Otof I ;C,
tie manuiscripeteworka-Citglisth. Shthatndiinid
P'enmnshtoip. Eteait busildintgs,1usr'elIt.
oiugh, licing expesctitrtetely tow, t$2.25ito

btcls fair toidelopliShtoitld i t
wsithe} eiecouragieetlofi eery
Republican Club.

Sisdte ft rcltL, asototte sigle rootti.
Ch'leats. -No. .17'%. 1Divisiot t S.
Lout'-.7.ottutti p l'l (Sttlett)itt
campsTesaratrno. i2.e
N\. IK. Cox, a i. ltisestly ace.


1hl 1 ' the'i op li 0l titinions 0or'ltt'l'J~s f o ts a sally large andtin ltestng 1110cC-
in,'' 10sf eveinint' theIlte i'tclecttre f'ioilsi'tci lihut' )Litritt stll teftitit
THE RQUSPUBISHIG)HOSE. i 1r 1 l.Tce presiteclo1a itttober the failto telt'lit atititi iurto tt heii
sill tot eilil.i'of il'iterla re idiimadis hit 5
'11011dis wasftalit" y5 l' ing 11101eatIr sie lglt rii.I i i
-~ ~' 110.15 s tli I cl's ofiItlorlolercoat.Itlee 1
Til'I CE1 lull It[1: 1( o h nn'srtie lcenterttattittIt l inmen111111 T1110 als 7V\ ineet o saveF' voltqol t o
R1- '111, I eIt\lE12 O T i ts ii fllll i tsll 51 il.c tlll 11111 I'l gr l.t ol t he p rc as. hiJiJal I
tt101.1, I I lass1)()1.'lt:I112. l l. sif iteda oftlirrO tIings eech sI l.onl vrl.50, ll etot.I)0
I'l 01 1 0act inor latheir lah f and' importae.ll.s od S to tea h.' ' e
1)1on class e siten iiotrelagett filngfi rtlt sele ftelleveiby ic.dFriADy enIngMayJi6
I toPutigaIclissteaof ntil.' ell3l fiel 15ccr i sttels tonto ~.sthleel 11 lcongress0110
iily so ws l1 inlllasitu sndinileg ri ctIc- _n-a rii ~e peIll
ofIlsssforlilt' orth'e l argest Il. 1 3. ruli'as.a Ile 110asflleri y Ill.. 11151 011111110-, M a
as1ti cless111 the 10larestr 'i 1511 to lllrntell wh o sntedlthe lrglllo 01
''it11 101110e'cotinryry. sp ctce of exan t 'spea'il.1k iefine E lb o te lutts 1111'of eoll
Base-bo Ialiet1h0011 stsaill beiltrreli13 os coo oloi l llr los o
fildo le arn tll atliiidis esh10 s113 ll t oa ,011 lo rl'c110 iili~ll
close([ 110f o - tofl f.bo1)50 taC' ofvia, fir, Moo ter fi c lod oteclie
as ptecdlnfavo of he O UNofSoeTYo Octeeiu If-
garc lTl hei jooti t il Ilt'f be 115'00 iiCteplayed~oilt~tiliais el
'l'oolli Issciaill, leiri he 1)ttiWer n Atie utlr, of thIllliterborinos
hc-il nloblslext ia ida. ll asit efr itotl) shiltlfllloceHE ~so
lagsoeaer na lei tolllernloots ocr e nt otl fet fltu aeo
g1100 ts'l ipiles ;ite lilllruot Iefoe ll rttrihdbel o'rl i le00 - l~ i1 H rs a c ....1e l R hoe
socurdtd the thelarlerogeramiibutvtre latsnveloVanceadCClout photos coonici h
th I2e aet o sae tlso rinc rsig boset wf reabounto the a nueto. 0 h O~, N T~; ''G t
citrein tenreisogagein ifwn o wtpakerand laty wepotnesespon-
Tennhes AsareItingfordCloe cubr. he the oniyversy.sIfavoedbusihss
shencdesoamebrtoeeoin hedepsicedmia-timcndtryuhtickets.aO.d2i.eHRONST


Suitings, 5
And 71


;L1) A00.011 iitiOl.101

\ot.I1I) Sol~ thlinetSteect.
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
"mCre ("in1 aefftct, Jauarylii44:, lS.
Aintaofeltranetee n Arboites lit'101y.
No. 1. Mall 111CandExpress. .... ,27a. III
No. 2. itestlir, Ann Arhotr Aelleet.A 0Do
No. 3. MalePasee.e.............4'5 pl.cl
No.7.'OMail Puo'.eeeooe.r... ..1 100.11I
Net. Mail t oE e s. ..'otde. ...'....... l. 4 .ItI
No. 5tPassener, le cc .te.OAe00oa. Iet
Alt Transalse sty excepte Sundaly.
Gen. Pass. Accent. Local Aget'
J. D. SnmsmN & SONS~,
State Street Grocers.
Students patronage especially solieited.

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