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May 05, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-05-05

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~tI$ , of

, n. ma n.

VOL. I-No. 151.




French's home r-un. The Sopho-
mores were one run ahead. The

A Close and Exciting Game Yester-Ieximntwsnesth ylig
day Afternoon. ectmn tsitne h eln
_______antI guying- worse. McKihhin and
lie proverbuiat hostility hetween Mv~errill strurk out. Hol~t hit a
Frestimans and Sophomore always single, hut seas caught at serond.
,givs cntets etwen toseclasesIn the ninth '94 failed to score antI
assiiserstip isa) atis~i-i. i ~ 95 weint to hat for the last time
emineintly true y estertday. Focrise withbut one run needleil to tie the
iit tinie iinthe iter-class gashes soe'ii im lirsiaint
severat co-edls were oni the camphus. get i. Stie was disappointed. ieog-
ihe ecrowtd compiletely siuiioundredl iiarnhere showcedlmarveltiois coot-
utie diamndit and fieldl, initei fersn Hiess. Evans led off with a clean
serousr t tmesssitth theplays. is selht, gettinhg secoindi ii an error.
teies feature tof ttise wpanic wa ~Kg iion msade- asteak hit, going to>
first, Eans tistidc. Iiinciiiisss
mia t itctihe. Ilie wonth e gaime,
well suipsportedl iy I lallock bhsiti fasnneit tie air. 'oodhure isadle-a
-iss'tiib ut to asoidi a score wsa
fihe bat. Btntwt its w te so-ideshrhi
if tis letcer us ix nnss wii , nlosse- irlit. itie-base-s were fill.
lie- struck suit eleveis se]). 'Strietts (Contdonwsatstructk oust ins I c-
nudce a di tie-alt cunning caitth ol tPisei can caise toi tie pkite. (Ile
iong isy. list 'Soptionoies sient to stirike a-ntlthree- h-its wi-re- called.
pieces intie th iird '5scor ing re-ltit'iecross-tiass tryin'iii Pt to eon-
rusprncpalyoneror. hefuse t-.oguinn iiTwostrisikes isete
leissFtr te last tieotheciro
I resliusuenclled p i}-uil asteadey "-sie sitilh hl s k I-ttii teht
Ole excetiions ofithe sisti lning s casise tisross" I sndis thetie sissi e
si~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ tiiteicaiits siupsrleii' lleil tiree strikes tiresoullrises
letinfu r-unii hS s.ty werecitesit)ytesvatedi i-rtsgiu-tiliiithieii shiiiii
outpitaiyeli. 1tie first ininisg te9 csi4ti aei sit-t s
taileil to scosre.IFire'95Sitsrill liiittecamus. Itie fol losswig'is a fistl
los tswoi bs-sestisok thsirdl 'n .asl eelrscr
ill Ilisilil
anti ihsise sirsa passe-tibhallimiuter -________
pickedelou1t isis hat iiithe secondioi- ssc t" 1ts-sP-saus
us twvo hugger, stole third, comuiig Wetworhil I I I is11 10
homse isisa passes1 hail. No russFruecd a----.---- i s10
for '9J Thsescore ivan tied. Sisielss e net, b-i-------5 r'0 , 1
open-edl the third iwiths a single, marde jHaster,3 -------5 1 t 1 1a
Chu eh : -------- - 5 0 1' 0 15
a steal for secondh, vesit to lihirdt on s -tilockc----t-----ii3 a 4 I
a passed hail and some on a sinmilar Cilikrti ieoand ti S 0 t
error. Ten strike-outs follossed. fI4 a 10 a
For '95 Holbt lilt for a homse russ. I FrESsI-IMsx.
A rapid succession of liens's hits antidA tll 1
hatd errors explain the other secen jSMerrill, 1-i-------4 3 1 luus.Atraru9 aieUorec lb---------41
CEa s, f-------5 1 <I Us 0
home. Tlsescorewas9-n. Ninety-fosir Areanss I------t- I111
put Krogmn inthtie hox assetstaritsii Hirlcntan, 15---- 5 4 1 1 0u is
out to catch tip. With two men oust Condoef t.----_5 is 1o
Chickering matte a single, stole 51cEbberrn .-----50'
f Mchesra,c----400S43
second and canmehonmeon Krogmasn'sy------
hit. No runs for '9J In the fifth 4'1 i8t'ii1 S
French made a single, stole second Hams runs, by Ral, Chickering, Went-
worth, 'eesch; two-base hiss, by Merrill,
and third, scoring on an error. In Hinchmsan, Raster; struck eat, by McPherran,
the sixth, with one nan out, Hailock 0, by Chickerisg, 5, by Krogsman, lit pelted
hit or irst Chckerng oundthebails, Me~ibbin, 4, Rallack, 1, bases en balls,
hitforfist.Chckeingfond heMcPherran 5, Es-egman,. Umlsspire--Craswford.
hall for four hasee. Kro man niad e Time, 1:50.
first on short stop's error, and SCORE lit INNINGS.
strolled in on Wentworthe home sop.. e-e.... II 1 1 1 1 4 5a2 -1
Fres ........... S S S S0 S0 - S
hit to center. One run would tie - +--
the score. In the seventh '94 did Rev. J. T. Sunderland's subject
not score. Kro spn still fooled the next Stunday evrening, in his series of
Freshmen. Wills two men out in lectures on thse "Great Religions of
the ei NOl, Siel.4AhttQfpr tt, stole the World," Qilleh "Thle 'l)stonic
second a -i rd, :wl ighome on and -Scandissasian teligions."

U. of M.Dialect Society.
Tise class it spoken Engnlist s sitiOURI
rgaizediasdisalectso5tciety. Tshe
ohiect of tshe society is ti stsudy
v arieties of speech-ius-igesisti for}
this pur pose totmaske use01fltesip- IN\EW
poirtuniity affordiedi by the ipresensce
is-it nIbohof iisitdents firoms sll
isarts of the country. ete Ioci IC
still hoelid re-pilar iseekili eretins. IIs
heginnsing Saturn-is-es-esnissgStay i
andsl sill se-cosse l testtendarceior
any -issterestedsinngis 55h sand itt LIST
rilalectic focsms. I-liile- o itsse-

N Mailedeto You
-vThroughs Your
Upon - -
lldIfI', a
mid1tsslrstrcsllu liasi rd--.

I)~s>> aemelc~e5 itir't I-r ETROIT, - - MICH.
sits faceulty isntd ofitie sisulr-uul body
-sust ill those ithse callduiiiluisapi
irosediiy hicissiers of tile socie-y
Puof tuIlesupi hutsibeens electedrii
dleut andus :kri s sItlohsues. secretary
Time Prohinition Contest.
The priituuuc csute-sifuorurto
tuo retpresenutthue local trustiltiuusn t,sihen51u51ant5he aes:MerpliaSye
t ubh us the iier-u-ullegiahe conutest inl Slhoes tt ust 1.au r s tnAri ro
likes hutacttin the- usc lecture rsomsus IsedFo it~lncct
Saturdaey esvenigu. Thue f iloiuuu IR F{FEI &.
are tihe vausious suubjects switih tlilej 11 . I, 1,
speakerus: t\Wouulste suol tbe- mor e DTRINIC
succtessfiulto dl-i thProhibtiosul 0hon101G Straimht ts
-us a I inas-iiasrther tuansa SMorallo s.
Prohle-iuu,"' C. A. Thomuuas; lTeCIGARETTES. Wlso h iy"1ls llca-CgrteSnlesh
landt; 'Flue Sitiuatisn,' 'U. AV. Bel- 1oesssthsnthprusiace
knsals;'As i s B hrother's Keehper? ' hared r 5thse osirs'
1 y ptradeCigaretsewill hSed
Mis S F. Plln; Wht hal te s'aels RANDsupertar so
all ohiers.
Atla S. i. Plhist ''isatshahI ~Th~e RinhmunStra5 ighti
Natisoisro iriths theLitquour 'Traffic?"cat Na 5 Caetes ealre masse frosetshe bright-
'[hue uidges st, must eslleately flavsord ansI highestcoest
J. 1. Johinstonie. hejdsar Gonid L.af grewn in Virginia. 'ibis Is tie leds
Sirs. A. ii. Steves, Prof. \. C( and Oruginaillrasnd ao'Streight Cat Cigarettes,
snd wassrougt toet by as in the y ea 87.
Abel.aushui n asd Rv. J I'.Sunr B0ware at imitations, and obse reluat slur
1tileaug lin nd Rv. J.T. Snd Sentrmnameuas below isan everypackage.
land.The ALLEN&OGINTER tBranc
f land.atfshe Amnericsn ToascaCe.
asnufatre rs - - Rtichmnds5Virginia.
Senior Oratorical Contest.-J , .POLHEMUS,
Thse contest for orator of the 1_ V 0 E?=
senior law class wvill he held tomor- Northi Main Street.
rose evening~. The subjects andI the - _--
contestants are as follows: "Re- WVANTED~-Lads- Secrefary.
ligion vs. Science,'' J. H. W~hit~ely; Wantedl, usladsy 1f refinemetcll,'i-
"OeSlto faDr rbe treadCrsincaatr bu . A. Chorcs; "Chief Biulwark of years of asge, as prsivate secretary in us
quiet, 1101c-like lawsoffciee intChsicago.
blue Nation,'' C. M. Demon; No expserienceecpess-ary. Salary, $505
,,Trumps o Amrica Inusty,"per monthI. Please state age and edtu-
"Trumps f .merca Inusty, cation. .Address, Miss. Bltsmsr',
R. C. Wirtz; "ThieIndividual and the Room 1,111, Chsamber of Conimerce,
State," XV. I. Manny; "To the Chicago, ill.
Victr Blong th Spils, 'r S. Reference. J. C. Travis, Business
Victr Blons te Spils" T S.Manager of ths paper, Anus Arbou-,
McClure; "Nationalistic Tendencies Miechigant.
in History," A. Webster. The
-j4dges of the contestar Messrs. . Good yelling and effective guying
J..Sawyer, E. onsnnd E. I . has bsecome one of te p- ncpal eie-
Iiinne. The contest will be held in Iments of the -class games. They
University Hailt. - re as essential1 -s agood battery.

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