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March 29, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-03-29

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,!U.0f W, L .$a i [v
ti.lie 5 n Ivar,t-
r atsri~inl ric'nt a ).creya rsta riald
.1scrn Sinvcoivsti2 cnaltc ) aleitat
'ihn aottn' lt the HA It.LY,1(ila H(ce lock, at
"keelan's. itt StofTltt't,aorathlwl y ofthe
'clok. . it thyae tappear'the next
lay. Adidresall imatter latendtedtfoa pablica-
ion t ie Managing Editar. All busanesn

cones (~h'ai ti i s1(1 iis ho1pedI
1) ea-) sliicislingcla ss. liThei
chialleiiiing, the lic'-liin to aIIiOhI
lai (il'()]estistead ofIIa ruihiorltug-
'l[hose ilesiring jtol eiter in lanyc ofE
thle asciits aie raquastcalo n in l
the ir names at once to Slhields,
Wentwth or Ill' iblo(f thesaophao-
m1ore class; and to Baird, Wt'agnerI
or Neil, If tile fr'eshana class.

70C11 TE SCONID 5115111
, i' +i Books. 'Newa'111d51Sacaitaailalalaal lt
00 P '+1Univaesity Booksellers. - - State Streeti.


C '

lef sttn.IIs the aEFAfIIIG sCHo. IC flt;SlN QiiS
THfMaae. a .DALTherapeutical Society. .natFurdepartmaents-Commercial, Na teat-bai
TEUof.AnLAbar. !ch.otianusaeipatnork-l;tsnll. Shorleha-tdnain(
AnnArbr, ich i enieanshtpa. lgantabniladinag, nine at
In cen intrestang aacetig tah liting QXictaee ettciuaet3 tan', It
EDITORS. ' e ek tuet sitI opstos
5. IC.t t catlse,'02, Managia taditor. lca ls calgi ). Abel's labtaloauepeedeekesntPden. annasteiPnresideat.
Feratorl.aaNIatssc InPr5nii -ave ieladeit
GI. L. C (Ii tlMA:, 'let, Asnist. Maragitag Eaitoe. octc.IFn agangc t
W.1 "f'Fc'c0,93 Ast Mngig dio eliettreavienv of lPco'. Jloffnaeistaec 5 Hathtnta c aw, Vtet wait a
L. I' Ttts, 't?, BustinessMannger'. ceseatrchaeson tine fr stonofwite sig t ait attnlS atudwhlej UL., L L L ! t
P'. ET.1JANiecee.'sli, Aniant.BItainess Matanaer. ;bloodil crpusles. 'nlir papecwsnjutapig. It asas thtouight that lie
a'. wi. ItKicaa, 'tin, Atsit. Btusinessn Ilatige. followsedbly sate onathte nestanuti- had rceiacaditatecanal iajuaides, but!-u
1 . 51a'ldnat'a. r. I *-----pyrcetic I'laenon'oll-inynlocllatiae, sy lie is none imtprov'ing. S rng
..1.t~t1.:, t ';). teHnS. BI im, '9i.
aiyvnet al t ';>. w .ateei l'. '9!.sa ).ade. ''is racla-ntt It seas statedian te IDetroit free
I".. rttcstht.ns,. Fee Tr s. t. Iciliae ito tine yet to aaay extent, bait tress of last Saunday that IHillscdale Sut
S iings,
TKO .aQ,t.a~ta. q u.;fcomaathe alitnical obnsercationas mnadleexpectedal nfaont-ball gamne scitli the
thus fac, it seaas tc) be a cecy ctle]- IT. of 7AL this spring. It is probt- n\
'TheEditors la nit ahotltemuselcvnes tian- P I-
aiale Cay te apinioans ate statneactstat; oe's- ,enat atntip)yreticanl ainalgesic as seell. able thant a ganac wiula ae aranagedaa ialtaO ls, 'fVt
aonnients, apttinatoi the DAtILY'. ine next omeetiang of thaesnciety seillI sitihtine '9,, teana.'
l proably mnot 01ccrtili aftec the 'An
n'oo ntY1001tite seinteint of cta, atto BUSINESS LOCALS. ' ndsrgvati.L
'lit class ac egacrds the catpli1atd (Notees insteint. tis clumin althe rgee
92 as - " aol10cen tapeciene.inthinialitta tfrloneI
gown stod j 2 infaTHE CAMPUS. jtimeDandexa iesfurnsheat ty aplying at; FancyTHCAPS hDI fee 1 J
int the iiiaos'ationa. If all the Stiadenats desirintg tat see oute if the '
umemabers atf the alass iwhoaahaven-'ot I'Te seatiorylasssnill be(It,,zdi lartagent lines tat'tWtolenas ftr Spilla
yet einceseal iacic asi slaniala len . aadl Saummer scear shldilexaminte i \estings
yeOxpese hi llpi'tontsould 0Co 1m(' arricersewek. linaeof the (toldienEaglesIDetrotit, ex-
aoin iithe affirmaatis'a' the cliestititi Protf. Rolfe's sectiota as Latina se- ItOited at tilatataok Ilotse, Tunesdaly FomELADAvSOIyi
wnotuladstilltlae aostas it requlires liaheIlectioans is to tate innexama. oit "ci - aTh etneswa ltlat, Mala 2 7ttla tindil 'ilita 'atEemAt xiS c .
I 'I sowany ataealteatest ttselasii I
aostisthraace-fifthas of the class hlay. imiported laths wthlicia they Iliake lt
fly'maeatnttte inth ie inoslt rect Imanna at t f T FIFORI
frits adopstian tdliceuiacc lilt iliTorlaw ase-lial Icataaiidates popapttc'tes. Mr. ID. I". Ftley Ia .A I.Ii1I7L\
aioycthatn 175ametmabers itt '9'. practiceilla svacanttlot atta N. Statte Iof tebest gaiatiers ittthae slate.snil i llo.19StatC:Ma1nSteet.
Whlewear srr t eeths ~oi-i e hiall toiltatape tieasttes.tIftill
\\'iaia see iii 15IIOSI street. I 5at al misly sati itt' antl Itatg iiln ii ____________________________
tiol tk~lea t h eicsealtciut lass oalt hat' Miss tCrie t n ltiamilof lKalama litit it wil1 1117' y111 Coisile ibihat e
laaetIli.t iya aa s.tseloi lf il i5 ctiacll . ilt a Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
- aretI icst nlircw oisvitn issterrudtButt -ec acrasi"iti
abidle liec Ifit I lk I liete eisatula'94.lit. ( - tin IsatEuropea st $1i3.>. Wil sell , NMichigan Railway.
a ita t at t lle set frits j it sacifaitce .\Addriess, C. 11. CT. Iot.- " n la atlate atn
itea i ~ a fa \. Pr.'Iessler, '13 lit, ni aiimd s ' { 1 5 clta(:il et en t 5atanatyili, S9
yea or5 more te 11111N. willivsitinig inithe city, GiaililNlaail IiNisli Shti'alt .M
11111 li in an ad pt i titill Nis5 ila I1(lliles o1f laagin~aw,'i " ' '5o1. 1 M au 1(1 Exti lwt"'lsa. li
j I antd-C st-fflila'in aNis').IAtot Intl-a> ilti '5 iii i Ira

Soeulannoic Freshmasn Fiald-Day.e
hi I l(mi i eo he Feh a !i
in> s I tIlie cala la e of th
1i 1111a 'unds' esa }' to con ed
ril'C i i a h iii Cna bIit Ilte S
il1h 'lii eej d tIns aas Inllows:
1 0 5vIs. da~shi, 20o Vla,' lash,
a nl un , ile lici-c nilae, staniil
iii iliilc seigitt I 55 estli i~]', ' in

thItys f r a llew a -,iaofttt iss131
151ahl F oi et i '_
faywokng'atrs a nd th ro11gh
tie achiion thi heprsenItlie ct11 ig
glasst iiiltle sh.teitheNi -ioenc! inc
11.2 Disaici iill h el1 n, cfV, c.j
Iscgit hstntl ala ltiiiS -5t15Iltliii),.\iil a~ t5

I'l' ihhI alllnItilsNit li .t a 5.ii' aial I'llntl..I' ............
jN 1111111al lsca," l. -I111
'f'ie ,ip )tr (l parilelt O 111N 1'h? [r lI'. ii1 , a' iil I I S at'lit
l1i' t l t '~ia It 110 1 1 'x 0 6 'i'lacn. i ,iToit. lcon .a 'iiitd aiiu
fli'1C1( 'I" ti e fr I s T i I Ce t lSan ad i e
l~AllhTrains D' Ill-il' 'a 81hi1i1 y.
l1S th 1(111' ofIi. 1 I1/,ail a l 11c "'it1yi
(rrn'~ .s a. yoH A LL pae RattatH'Srretsroer
Ileta aa' np~aaty. ia 1 co I 'a i --.SA'TtsS~IEEl'.

Enhtries Icoit acit'cass -arce yea ot a sleat Sh'iuctauts' ook 'Storec
qutledh oc -4Leh~se 0,.eets;..: aucal-State stroeCt. -'

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