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October 13, 1891 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1891-10-13

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~ YOUMANS" AND KNOX HATS. c~v- The J. T. Jacobs Co.,
The J. T. Jacobs Co.,
Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Fursishings. The 4J. T. Jacobs Co.,
Call and see ng. 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR.
L L. IL . N. Il-We still have a nice assortment of ILighst Weight Overcoats
to be closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Al ror Stu ~lLafflry, 4CO0AL. GEORGE L. MOORE (Sucsor toer.
WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. IFOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A Fnit fine of ali Cotlege Text Bests, including; Law ccc5 Mdicat Busks, by the stckts.
IrAIL o Cheapest place tor Not Bxxts and Fxuntuain Pes in the city. Preshmen creed in. Comeealong
SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. L --, e' ldfriends. Inow havemy entire stocksat mystoreeon NO. 6t4. M1AIN STr.
Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. NO. 11i WEST WASHIINGTON STREET. GKEO. z. 2.LOORaE.
Every Student will save money by buying University 'text-Books and all supplies at Iteadquarters. We allow LIVERY, HACK ANt) BAGGAGE tItE.
special diseounot on LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS. DENTAL BOOKS, in short, every Book used in the Orders toe trains, parties.,swedddings, etc.,
Undiversity. 5,000 Blansk Books at lowest prices. Telephoetf65. 21 N. Stain Sc., . ost esOttire.
LEADING B100K STORE IN THE CITY. Highest Grades Taught. Apply st Wilsey's
-Msnic -Store._______
iffn l t raighti 5(11.1 COMMUNICATION. Illinois Athletic Content. Has alt the itmproved muachinery, and is pee.
I __-pared toturnsout frstlassswrkhon shotetno.
[No. a1 Editors U. or c. DAILY: tier. Commrrrial workturnedtoutsamer day.
The following colleges of Illinois, Prices rerasonasble and workti earasiteed. Etc
CIGARETTS. It wootld interest a large number forming the Illinois Inter-collegiate 20 East Husron st. A.P. COSPrtfT, fsssurictoie.
CigarettesSmokr h to learn whether the Studnt' 0e_ . M.EARTIN,
are willing tansay a littlatnsee-Ascaiu eiltercnet nOAStI
rmars than the p rice Asca Sofet eio: cUnestitynf loh AkEtsI tali
nharged tor the ordinary ture Association intends to pursue Illinois (10 p.3: nvriyofCohC setM tli
w trade Cigarettes, sill Said the name course as lastyer with AND___ COMMON____COFFINS. __
Tai nBAND superior toa years Knx,_JcksnvileMon
The Richmand Straight reference to the matter of re- mIllinois, enot asniLlke, oo-esAtOLE
Cat tNa. at Cigritey are made tram the bright-.sermouthf Wesseyan andl LakeaiForesT i Tj =
GLens at drcatly lavored anTs shighest ntOdserigotet.Itwudcranycolleges. These contests consisted
Geld La grass is Virginia hsi h l ALSO 'BUS SHACK AND BAGGAGE LINE,
and Original Brand of Straight Cat Cigarettes, be a great convenience if the pur- o otbalfaeoalad ensErth Maint StreeL.
and waaroghtotbyusainthe year 17.o ot-al aebaladtni
Beware or imitations, and ohserve that the chasers of course tickets could re- RIfildShaa ad eaBleri
firm nanms asielw is an every package. matchtes,fil sports and oratorical RBNkersdealT,
The ALLEN & GIETER Branch serve them at the beginning of the cotns nXCleewn yoeGoeis rvSiona,Flour and Feed,
Of the Amerinan Tohacsco C..*'otss nxCleewnb n oeisPo
Manufacturers. - - Richmond, Virginia. season and nothbe compelled to lake point, but She result was protested S and S E. Washington SL.
t heir places in line in the darknessbyteUofIbeasthfilsn J.H LLER,
111 lll alk.(fe ttersko eiu nuyfoot-ball between these two colleges NT= E=t_:M,
Capitdal, 505. Surplusad Profits, $17,00. to their health) on a winter morn- waSo lyd erairing a speialty. 46 SOrTH MAtNSTO.
Doats a general Bashing husiness. Papa in- ing, beforeewasenenotnmplayed. s~
teeto aigDp t.Hssft iDeposit Bones 1or Rent. Several canes, at least, are known Choral Union Concert. 'D. O
R. KEMPF, Pres. ;F. B. BEL E, Cashier.' '- State Street Grocers.
Bash seen Saturday evening, to the writer, where parties have re-' The date of the first Choral Union Students patronage espeecilly solicited.
AuAbrSvnsBikframned from purchasing tickels sole-coet has been changed from Nov. 24 5. STATE STREET.
sAn snroSa vi ~m nsank, ycaue0otinceareatrtta

Surplus, SiO.SSS.
Organized under the General Banking Laws lure.K
or this state. Rteceives Deposits, huya and K
sells exehange on the prineipal eitis of the "
United Staten. Drafts cashed spots proper The Attendance This Year.
idestifeatisa. Offiners:___
W. D. iHAaRIMAN, VicesFees., The registration in the office of
CHAS. E. Hiococa, Cashier. Secretary Wade last evening, at 6:30
You Probably have some Broken Arti- o'clock, at the close of the registra-
ce of lion was as follows:
JEWELRY OR A WATCH OUT Literary- - - - - -aae______________ 16
OF REPAIR, Medical--------------36
WM ANO.D 3 MINSTEEDental ----------------------- 168
WMRO D. SM I SR E , Pharmacy--------------- --- 1
In the Place to gn. Homeopathic.----------------- 77
V. 5' Total..N A g _________... .._____ aa43
S Afteor name date laste year - .--------'1
The figures 211 represent the
FINE PHOTOGRAPh-S, number of students that registered
MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! after the corresponding date last
50 lEndtHuonsStreet, year. In all probability a larger
TAEA number will reginter after thin date
SHORTHAND -'ORE this year, no there is reason to be-
rr WILL PAYTYOO. Shaorthand Sehost, New have that our total attendance will
Buildia ; te South Starte Street. *- eac a 00

20 to Nov. 13. Mad. Fannie Bloom-
field Zeisler, one of the greatest
artists of the day, a pianist of
genius, wvill aupear in connection
with the Philharmonic Cluth at this
concert. We arc sure this announce-
ment will give pleasure to the large
Eand appreciative circle of music lov-
ers in the U. of M.
courses in Biblical Study.
The Students' Christian Associa-
lion offers a course in biblical study
covering a period of four years. The
instruction will be gratuitous. A
nominal fee, however, of fifty cents
will be charged for each semester.
At the end of the four yearnsa cer-
tificate will be given. Somse of those
who will give inntruction are: Prof.
F. C. Wagner, J. R. Sherrick, W. H.
Nichols, Prof. F. N. Scott, Rev. Mr.
lYoung and Prof. C. W. Belser.

71 Fort st.. West.U.. Detrot, 5Mich,

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