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October 13, 1891 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1891-10-13

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in themain halt and ia the Library.
C't of '. T ai The cmaints aeecoltiectl * i x
Published Daly (Sundays excepted) during o'clock p. m.
the College dear, by How Would It Work Here?
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION have received for toe opening of college 20,000 Books, new and second
____ The authorities at Wesleyan Uni- hand of all ksnds, Greek, Latin French, German, Law aid Medical Books,
Subscription price $2.50 per year, invariably in Middletown, Conn., where ibchthey will sell at Greatly Reduced Prices.
in advance Single copies 3 cents. On sale at versity, Mathematictl Instruments and Laboratory supplies. See our Note Books
sneenan s and Post 05ice news stand .at 12 both sexes are admitted, have un- for 1891-2
o'clock, noon. Subscriptions may be left at dertaken to regulate calls among the
the ofice of the DALY, Opera House block, at
Sheehan's, at Stofflet's, or with any of the students. A printed form has been
editors. hdrslteslcbyissued, which the young men who
edtr.isewihteyugmnwoCommunications should reach the office by-
7 o'clock P. M. if they are to appear the next Idesire to call on the young wOmen
day. Address all matter intended for poblica- in the college must fill out and re-
tion to the Managing Editor. All business
communicationsnshould be sent to the Busi- turn to the faculty. They can make
ness Manager. only one call in an evening, and can IstheLEADING SCHOOL of BUSINESS.

Ann Arbor, Mich.1
RALPH STOE, '92, Managing Editor.
S. W. CURTISS, '92, Assist. Managing Editor.
G. L. CHArPMAN, '92, Aasist. Managing Editor.
J. C. Ta vIS, 's2, Business Manager.
w. P. PARKER, '93, Asaist.Business Manacer.1
C. W. RccKETTs, '94, Assist. Business Man'gr.
F. 0. GREEN, 'a2. F. E. tRoUGLE,'ila.
F. E. JxEE '9a.- . . As9EnL, '54.
G. 0. Dygert, 't3.t, C. F. WELLER, '94.
A careful observerwill notice that
an unusually large number of wheels
are being ridden by the students this
fall. Why not form a University
club ? This idea is not a new one.
Two years ago there existed a very
flourishing club, but for lack of a
proper amount of enthusiasm, inter-
est gradually died out. There are a
large number of L. A. W. men in
the University who should interest
themselves in this matter. A club
could be formed which would be of
mutual benefit to the cyclists and a
credit to the University. October
is one of the finest months in the
year for cycling. Short club runs
could be taken every Saturday,
which wouldbe very enjoyable. Let
some one interested in this class of
athletics call a meeting at once and
WHY is it that no practical interest
is taken in the DAILY by the "co-
eds"? The DAILY exists for the
interests of all, and is supposed to
be the product of University thought.
Yet there is this important element
which holds itself aloof and is not
identified with the paper. Our sub-
scription list shows only one name
from among the "co-eds" and it is
seldom that contributions are re-
ceived from them. Is it because
there is no representative on the
staff? If so, we would like to say
that competition for places is open
to all, and that so far as we can see
there is no reason why we should
not have a "co-ed" editor on the
DAILY. We invite contributions
from the ladies and assfe them that
any such will receive our closest
attention. There are DAILY boxes

call only once a week on the same
Bucknell Beats Cornell.
Bucknell beat Cornell Saturday
by a score of :f to o. 'rie game was
the hardest fought ever seen at
Ithaca, and was won by superior
team work. Cornell was obliged to
play a rather mixed team, as both
the regular half-backs were laid up
in practice. Neither side scored in
the first half, but in the second
Smith made the only touch-down of
the game. Cornell's work was
wretched, Floy and Bacon being the
only men who put up a decent game
in the second half. Cornell got the
ball within a yard of the line twice,
only to be forced back. When time
was called Cornell had the ball four
inches from the line. Thirty minute
halves were played.
Graduate Laws.
At the call of Dean Knwlton, the
graduate law students met yesterday.
The Dean addressed them. The fol-
loving is a list of the members of
the class:
W. A. Blakeley, E. R. Sutton, P.
J. Cosgrove, G. A. Kenall, A. J.
Kendall, M. Roach, H. E. Hooker,
T. C. Hughes, W. F. Wanless, A.
C. Gormley, J. B. Middlecoff, A.
J. Davis, H. D. Jewell, G. W. Pier-
so, A. P. Will, D. G. Invarity, L.
D. Hubbard.
LNsfice iserted in this econnmn at the sate
of 10 cents per line. Special rates for longer
tins, and extra lines furnished by applying at
the DAILY fsee.]
Back numbers of the U. of M. DAsLY
can be obtained at Stofflet's News
Stand, Opera House Block.
" Michigan" and "Ann Arbor" sou-
venir spoons at Watts', 10 S. Main
Lovers of minstrelsy anticipate and
will enjoy a minstrel treat when Gor-
mans' Minstrels appear. The company
is the strongest in every way that has
ever appeared here, and their perform-
ance is entirely new, novel and refined,
discarding all worn out conversational
ideas. Their departures are noted for
unique originality. Assiduous workers
in the realms of novelty, they are this
season presenting 'productions which
they feel assured will eclipse anything
heretofore presented by them.
Have you placed your subSription
for Detroit or Chicago papers? ' G1 to
F. Stofilet, Opera House Block, where
you get prompt and careful attention.

- -" _ N "; Four departments-Commercial, No text-book
-; ortmanuscriptswork-&nglish. Shorthand and
- Penmanship. Elegant building, iage at-
tendance, efficient instructors, work thor-
ough, living expenses extremely loe, $2.25 to
$2 50 per week; students assisted eto positions.
For catalogue, address P. R. CLEARY, President.
i 4"The figgra al$s Route."
sTATIOs Mail Day Shre N Y Ni't Atl. Kai
in Fashions in Exp Lim Exp Ex. Exp Ace.
erc.lai Tail-
(ry TiTry in u.ntTal' A. AM.P.. .M PM.ChicagLv. 71050S0 22 2 31019 25,10 10 455
'C Ui J ()L.D'CiAJacksieon........ : 5721 ali0s8647 4 4tS6 15()
o r i ng. Fine Chsea........3t9... 51( 9 42
line of Piece liiMill... 4301... 7
line o PieceANN SABBMS.. 4421 5 21 6221 sal 60 74510l,9,
Ypsilanti.... 5I 5I00... -"' 9516 47,8 0 311
( jGoods to select ian.ue57l' )6 205115
Detroit, Ar . 61 5 72010 451731 011 25
from. Call forPIa A..M.,A5405M.11.a PM
a i e f Btn uffalo......... Ste 400 7251P3 151 60 111
a fine filling -WETAD
suit. Chi. N'th
SATIONS. Detr Chi. Lim Eve. Shre Pac. Mail
19 S. MAIN ST.. No. 19 Exp s aExp 'up. Lim Ex. Ace.
A. M. A.-M.4 A. M. P.-M. A.M.
ANN A R .R, MI . S. M ain Street. affalo,........ . 120 1 6 1 9451 34 1250 S60
A.M. A.M. P.M. P.5M. P.M. P,M. P.M.
netroit,Lv... 520 710 120 741 920 91h 441
WayneJune 5005... 8 20...9954 5119
. {.. ~~Ypsilasit ..... 2 10 2S 05 8 47... 1115 540
A111ARBODR..910 8 39 2 199518 isile030552
Delhi Sills.. 9 41 ..... .. 11 .......
1k }k T It 1k4"' helsata.... 100.......991 ... 617
Jako.... t00 8515 3,T410021110)11411 610
LEAVE YOUR ORDERS thiengeAr. 755 355 00S 605 450 8051115
-AT- ODaily. uSunday excepted.

- _FOR--
Newspapers, Magazines, Periodicals, Fine
Confections, Cigars and Tobacco.
Student wanted as agent for our
house; junior preferred. Address L.
Dreka, Stationary Engraving House,
1121 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
A look through our line will convince
you that we are the house to purchase
your Clothing. Furnishing Goods and
Hats of. Call and see tlem. The
Two Sams.
Ask last year's students where they
trade. All will say, at the Two Sams.
We have the novelties for you. The
Two Sams.
We call students' attention to the
liberal offer of Mr. Stoffiet, at the
Opera House News Depot. All sub-
seribers and customers of his have the
free use of other papers, of which he
handles a great variety,
Hot and cold baths 10 cents, at Post
Office Barber Shop.

G. P. & T. A. Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
Time Table going ints effect September13,189.
Arrivalioftrains at Ann Arbor.
No. 2. Through Mail and Express... 7 40s. m.
No. 4. Asn Arbor & ToledoAccom. .11 to a. m
No. 6. Clare Passenger.............. 5 05 p. m.
No 1. Clare and Toledo Accom......1130 a. m.
No.3. Through Mail.. ...... 20p.m.
No. 5.~ Ann Arbor & Toledo Accom.. 7201a. m.
Trains 4 and 5 run between Ann Arbor and
Toledo only.
Central Standard Time.
All Trains Daily except Sunday.
Gen. Pass. Agent. Local Agent.

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