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March 24, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-03-24

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'-"~C of"~'i' ~ 1 usnusual enaterprise.'.lTake it all in)
S a]lshetre has been a progress of
whc al frieiol of the tattiers is
tliihd ~ily s-ndsats 'sct- urn
I tSt- Col1 tritca, 1~ iiayvwlt e proud )111.
"Ibce~n price e V150psri*t'to,itn-toiabty One of lhe aiemilers of thle DIi.\
I" s xt int, c s'i's 3cts. Oilttsaltt
tatt)Oeeares tatt mP.staIt leartnetithatte1 Ion. (toter
Isc~oe.na ett. Subsctriptioseaye eabe lett at V 0lerelttis was ittitiated itnto the
tsetti~ tht te Itt lit. Oisere itoutetbtlitckat s if te ,,, Iti ra r
rheans s r ih of he m stert s f he Sg a ;ii-, tr
hritt.at Stoettta 1ist1111 a tt

"Ia' tool-c y~Nw aitti"et sttitntl , t
Book University Booksellers, - State Strent..
ull! Is the LEA DING SCtOM11 131; ; it ls'S.
i. - - "'"°' tFor dpatmettts-Coi estotrtt. ot tetb)(
R".a0per teek; studtents raiter to postitins
Fer catatogtu ttereIs iK.i AltYPeiet.

Cotmu ttia tt 1 shuldreach tthrettfice ttt
cltay. Adttrestt all maittetr ittetttt frtiite liea-
int the Mottegitig Edtitor-. All tbusitness
remmtsiatittttshouetlti te ettothe Btisi-t
'legs t sitJ'r._
Ann Arbor, tXich.
it. e ettat s, 't2, Managlisgo- tottta
c;. I,. C' ItAVit'tN, '92, Astist. Moaaigg ititr.
It. 1.E.Nc m Fttt,'tit, Asset. 'Manaiging Editotr.
JC.TAI,'9t2,Buittetss Motniger.
F. tE..i tetat.I-, '93, Assist. itesittess Alimettn
I. It. Htttrt;t, '94, Assist.Bint sstt an tt'gre.
lttrtJ.tet R.tt A It iItLt.tesi'it.
t. titrca~t r s, 'W. II irs'tA eEVtst,'t.
'tie fte toptiinitots tor stattetmetts Itt 'itres-
teastiants, appteatrintton itttte tDtte.
lDt im;th ie lattyear or ttro, ter-
laitt tendtencties ttf I' ll tersi te lie
httve leett pretet ip Ilmire atisl tore
iii te. As soon as te tieetisttf
indlliittals antheti'Univtersitly seer
felt tot le stfii-entlyte-strong,'thtese
tenenceiees itetatie tdefinite ttrgani-
thlir funcletionts incrtteased. It is t tri-
oils tt tnote tite growrthtot Sot))(e.elf
thtese, anttteIir fosrtmatiotiitotedteli-
totesitaite. T' l 111 s i rodtls

nlite-sdtrintgphilt recenttvitsit to Antt
.\Arbosr. I )ne etf thie tietmbe rs of the
fraterntityteas intersieweda*whIo lpro-
dttcetd a letter frottt\Mr. Clevelandl
itt twlihihhe says: ' '1I shll alwasav
regard it as toteCof thte most gratify-
inincitdentistontetiseted wsthl liy
recenttvisit tt thete lit-ersit- of
Mock Senate.
fTe reptiler tmeetitng of the fI otis
Setiate ttas calledto to reler 'Iueseday
esvening at (S o'c-lotck intthle last quiz
som, eitli the Presidet l atit
IaottwIteIllty amemsbers ipresenit.
Sotme tiltrttt ttleesswere dilsposedl
of first, andi the Saenate thietnIrt-
seetdetd to elect Messrs. D~avis, lirk-
ley, Bolrtilan etitd Datwsonetettttetet
btersiinlaieeotf others resignet.
_1 lengthty disctussion thseti enlsued
upnat proptosedlamiendttmet ettt the
-by--lasss folr list ing debate. "Phtis
swas left undetited. hetl Il ering
Sea fishteries treatty sas thlentrecad,
atndI tisctussetd for a shotrt time. .fn
adtjotrnetttwas thienstaekett. 'Ihee
treatsy5will bt'e eamintetdat tte lest
Si Plunkard.

Slit-cc ,i. -.News'; iesertutisit-,iter
gotintg ttoEttrope; t'tst $13t5. Wlill sellj
at sacrffice. ,Addriess, C'.11. G.al'ttst-
.4 NorthtIgstlls stteet.
Stlltretl esirittg to sti' itntrof thet
tatrgest lines of Wotiltets tfle Spring
tant Sitieterwssrtshldte xattineitheti
linei'of ls tth xltlt agIlet.Ittoatt, as-
hlititedl at thte Cook 11ltttse, Tuesrs~y
itatselties it imiipoirtd 'lths sshifthl
thleyimaike to mieasitre ini thetmtot tpe
feet it~tttir at popular ptift'ts. Mr-.
1). 1'. ttley itle of te test ctttt'infi
te statte,) sill lte'oniItlu tt tatlat
mteasurtes. Ilf you sswanit a hobbtiy sutl
itt aniy thting initheft-liniit tw'ill payI
ytatt to areswhIait flirt offer.
LOTt'.-fatir if tpecra glaisses itt titi-
versity hail thte tighit of thie' Oratoricail
('otitest, hindele' tave samoe it Sir-
wsairdesitffice intl receivse latrgeirewsatrd.
WANt'i'Ei-:1 goodein igle 'ttttm, seel-
tratlly Iltcatedl, fitrnacer isofteatiiIeat.
Wdress M.,JLock btix V.

Pantaloons, aT.
And u
F(1't"1,At\1)tAiccit>C)t"tt1 llN
*i 1m T


-Nu. 19 South Main trect.


ill tlletimtlls -1111 "resw'naturailly ott A 'Itletottly tfti 'ltettit
Iftll IIeststwo slle e telalies, whenl it 55il1 te seetk it the GtittiOpet i Hotuse
beam115es Iscis llIfshaIthIlesy 111ot1ld ot oilSaitturdaievi' ng.llh il e dy iis~
itt fotrt-asa tte sees tlth r
Iillt texlstins';sswlits. lie' needi of istitd ill itlds arountd New"salt r' k s ll'
mot ssll i ahltis 5.vas15 elt 'allscetral i gur1111e, ofi courlse. isa
so o e ti e b fre i- t acitusal IitiddlttersWich-s tllis lsosskesd 'f ter st
fo mi ono seA !lstis \5'ssocII Is I s-fsi.ts. 'i. tlttsi.Some oftlil a i
dollI. Is-ih s -itlse 'if tssstiss' thle' DonniiIst r'lg'. 1 Iltll'osil i-l- sIs- In
scatctt~l ani op osccl aillcic frce s isoaeIsifis Si Fls'is'as 'ill idt. (il1 1115 t
asll s iti s if if I1111 ts ltcc II55 ~ Is~slln Iiittn, l ar e ch o s llss -t ' id'-
if stis ishs' s I si:ssosesalsetstonitaIiltiltssl
tim IotsilsriIth deirsio sitsn ' lnd tt lnss Ii's lrit sstss tt-ss
ir tud sit and l iis si as vill b is li l''st Itssl'It lsl
ert attt ~f'smit'ist i n ludisis IIIl sll feisltless.
sel;.t5n1mckh s lo epta t I BUSINESS LOCALS.
tevs'arc list \fsittlysan i~sfletl at i tl s-tse
ils tfst~ ll tslite ltsottliesilThletis itClb.Icltflc'lfs iatIa~ IIi
it is true',ihave los''beti staie dauraesof its kindties-at'ivot it)trot
lstl 1ne5erO beforle sasve lhcy teenl s0tA.1seciillrratlg'et oltsf sngs iands
il umbiers sea saresntitle1for'thits ails'
.11 tise. 'Ile formler, It iits sceeit and 1frosmitit lt'epeingtote ci'losing;t
for the' l1ittsl of inlti' tol le'sccerre-) s is''tltttt ia sn a ptstht otertt ltttf
publ~licantlulbs , alnitile laftr'rssith ichibss woldtdtos stll tossitfate.(Oini
is I fot51 ~l Iii sfftte nostlei'feattures oftlthcoineert
isgreat lisanlset 6 fr) a'x-ar i-tas its nt lstiy-. sesticly ttie sof tieit' tt
Istatsioilisof thleir incea ,setd aetisvity.I'lltmorIosacessories furnishledifosr it
occtatssin , lhitig Iseent hiardlfnltis i
use tChorlal Carrionllandlithe S. I..A"ct eor.-erIFrePes
c~s~eial5 11efirrer lai eshwntilt Grfsadd Operi os, 't'lttel;st. A

Saturday Evening, March 26 s Toledo, Ann Arbor and North

Michigan Railway.
so oCC rdi efct51.1 ssissa 'A S-
A~ria Iofatr lasat i hi ll t' d

C ' T \A/TIq

(9 K' i v 1K ' No- 1. IsiT issaniEpst s.... ... <i -
"' ...P s-"a inls A tssso s-sissis r .ll ii :t~
-silt's-w1 wII f we-s all''l'CIN.s li I.
\_i f a ' s i stssIto.'ssfls' ssn- t..........11ilsaiI
\o.9. asene i sTle e-sissi - Ills 11
Tran nstirulblIeen .1r A liirar
I~~~~I~ it , l' 5 Td 7
Can. Ps. AOrtM Oi L o ALes
35,H A L E ,StteretGr ces
-a'e.y - U in1I t ti it crng sheiii nfii
tin tt te )1Silc t I1t. tt0. i News CT'h'5 SalEt'

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