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March 22, 1892 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1892-03-22

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- WE () PEN 0OCR1,L1NE ()F -

Ouar SPRING andI SlIMER 8171TINGS are arriving daily.

(We clait to have the best selected lint; in tie market, at the lowest
~ F F~ IN (ยง- rNTIc L 1 ~5\J-]FIJ I riles. Doi tot bay it Suit, Single Panit, or Spring Oveiritat until
youl have seeii ogi line. A lairge linle of Triiiiks andllBags alwas e
Fo your 11 ins~pection. Astots,('lhatill iesan l F inl hand at
fThe J. T. Jacobs Company,
-~ T H E TWO SAMS ~~ ANN ARDOR. 4,)7 and 211) MAIN STREET.
T =-71. STt7.A'=IO1,T_ GEORGE L. MOORE, (Successor toe ,
T E FB FISJ EA.DHE .S'AGEiNCDJES. A Fuli Linse of l College Text Rooks, incliuding .Lose sant Medicatl]loks, byte Mc
106108l sWABASUH AV\E.,'IJICAGO. Ceasepesteiace tor Note Boos andtountiaiPolsintheeaty. }eeskmeneerown. tosoeaooe
old frendais. I tone iave my entireestocksitmy storeaon INO. 6 S. M AIN STS
OIPOSITE ]lU IHis juist received at full Lile of all Second Setiesler [Iext-B3ooks. 20 UtG-I SuT NO 's
CO UT Headquarters for G~eriuan andFec pbiaios oe S.LIVERY, IIACK AN[I) ItAilGA(tiE LINE.
HOUSE , tugcent forW sultilgoFne Stationery ald Ketiflel c Psuer (U1 STRET Oed romptSic ttended i ttget
n I STRET. Telephone i6l. 21iN10. ain St., app. rot O010cc
MIAIN iCelebratetd iNlatltetitial In tstruiments. Sporting Y(.fooids. ii t~i .~0SO .UIR
it<oo0lH. N A. 8 CI I 1; Hanxii ke1m4se.c- EC;iSanch-in,At71t to pee
STREET. Il.laink Books. Mngr a l h ipo daahniadi r
Ipared-toturn out fistilasnwok on sotost-
I _______ tc. ommaercial wock turnedt outttame diay
( 1j _----_rriels eaonbe andt'work guaranteedi. No
(Chaiteced and Incororasted.)R AL
~3 f ~7I2. 1dT3.j FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, Coh lal1 fa M tli
NO TED Cec foritso liE'ARA'I'ty 'CtOtItSEX. IPreaetudentstor anyecollege orceion- lCo C sesIX tli
title sckool in the ontr MLIEYANCR OD -! ADCcc.OFIS t'Oi rh ootE
pra tiL cEtJislt. Ietce o uedeec n satat tke broadetteultiice andiMLIEY N ROfl ~ iGMNNcFIS
Foe its NarRIVMAL' AND TEACHER S rTRiAILING !DEP ARTMENT. Special atni1 ie 0 FastHuonoS ttreet, 1
tholpetnoexiatona nd ntingre ____________________O INSEY &SEABOLT,
i-or itt M 81tt1AND FINE ,ARIT )E.PAIIT'MENTiS, Secondsito Nnithe, ikLoted Staes arcswneelesi
TKFor itos(COMMERIIAL AND ASHOTHIANDo DEPARTMENTS, Stheodiag sekool ot butiness. Q UflDTHA1ND CAO A i jt4geres, Provisions,Flour and Feed,
ioe (hie extremnely seederate exaiense to stuidens attendisig. The expense aecount cats be fig- it LAa U CUKS. it asd 855. Washington St.
ued ltiwer with isishan at sanystiser eduscational institustiiin ini the counstry, antd at the IT WvILL PAY TOOT. Skorthand Scooot, ew __- __
osme tinse live wetl nd comfortable. Evervttilsg Isursnisetd. __ _
A. I;. VYtREX, P'resideutt. Bisding, to South State Strcet. INS
THE CAMPUS. Ms~ls .Rullli lootlgoodhof Monroe, lDr. J. WN. Jttngmnt, 'S, dent, of qy~gf~ .Qn~Q
re -ailnletst-o- Michl., was tlte gutest over -sttulay Clevelanud, visittcd the tDelta SignusHSiAiaX )S'Jjt
judge (laill1tlctrsItttr of Miss E"tlelle Jontes, lit '95. hDelta boys Ftridlay, on htis way hvotne' AT
-N Siss Blautchue Vinton, of D~etroilt, rotitChtirago, where lie ateld inl the ARROLDa'S, - 36 Main St.
Tlue Freshmtlanlbattqu eltwill ocututr
tistt S y 5spenlhlulg t fetw tays twith hler capacrity of best mnat utthe Itarrilg1 _--
.1ot a lsn noyd visit oe a frottu cotuinMiss Lois Rowelitt'9 tt f Iis lasmte r. Nies itibt t4 tsltt. Ena ateii s aot 100
his brother, Suntday. Owing to tihe cttttltctisththe!tltv ltarof. Stanley44) tao turiteth toe0a()
l~t Ksotvtou (ttt wil 1111tiAthtletic enttertatitnent thte IX eltter $ tU to the tW\omentl's League, its thue; t~otspenai Bttlasnklsng bsinss. Pay-t
tpr ted f Itadereleskis ctttcert. tttet. tt oitiBoxitorpent. Stsr
. . 1 ~ ~ ~ RE til. iF11PKires. .I}. }3I+Lbtir, Castiler.
Prof. Reightarul boltetd his bilogy- its publlic entertaionetit ftromtIri- hisiniontey tmay be regardledlastlte l3esktsaiSatiscitneevenisig.
lecttre yes terdlayumortin tg. uday, Shari-li2; iito tiuhduv \hart-utichtsfr h itt' Ymi ftu
it baieinforthat firionsieralestm ilArdor 8toullLalllry,
]?red ltrettyttiatt .'c);lenit ills ac- etdapoiiniUCiao . W oln oulrqi b-riedirtatlu pufrs oterahi
epela oiiolii li-ao- R.N4 jolVii hlhlilrlii.ha- -- WORKCII LED FOR and DELIVEED.
M1r. V. -k. Cutler, tt2 lit, spient ier in tile late departmtentt last yeiar,4
Sundlay twitht frieniilliii I~ledtt. ltao receuttly beconie connutecteed tithi The btrotwnt Herald hits livenut SFECIAL RATFS TO STUDENTS.
Alarge niiumbier ofmtntetii-rc tltthe twllkniowvnucorpiorationi latw ftriii) greatly enlargeul.OGn.- 2SutForhA.
uti the cattplus xyesterdayu' afteriton ttof Chiciago, Swift, Cuinitlell andth Where are ses-enite-enti t itihu te s-
playing baseball. {olnes. four thue llrton nitie. 0 .B B R S O
Messrs.IDateVantcey, Scottt andel Sr. 11. It. IVolvii, udent. '94, flueh Vale batteries have Iss-gituntTubs
others toill adderess the D~etmocratic telile runinug ihrotight the dental tinintg in the cage. si-crIBtiscnetedss wit eahtoe1i1)i.
society. T'hursdlay evenintg labuoratory yesterday, slippedtIaniel The te iv. of P~en. playedl thr , J. R OJ A.N()WSKI,
.51 . l. I. Clby ofl~oeagachisarut lattul hrogh toticowfirst basebuall gamle if thte seasuout, tc-
lr ' L.Coly, f Dwagachi ar pasedthrugha 1ndo,0. WasinsgtonssSt ..ssAnnAbor, Michsigani.
Slielt.,coeunof Prot Kelsey,stop- iilticting att ugly twoutnlon thte backfetgthRsrvsbascteuf_____________________
ted oter Sunday in the city. hart of thte foreartm. lHe teas im-too8,nlatltrtay Ann ]Arbor Savings Bank
Afterntoon attendattee iii tte mediately taken to the upper le- - -nns Arbrtisciit;CA~taltock, MO,00
library readiitg roonm will probably tuire roont of ite medical building, IS'0TICE-Demroct-atic Soy ety-r O Oranized sssdecxbse~itnral Blanhing Laws
Threi lb ametn i 1Te 5- s A"sate. liscacten ODeaoits, bays and
ibe sonmetwhat lessened front notw on, telere an impromptu clinic teas con- Tler tihbe metig ttth lw angr o:asse It-n Pr li eties at the
lecture room Thttrsday eeenizi i~ r tm15ndWats. iirftsa ass rd upon proper
in conseqtuence of ball practice uton ducted by Dr. Nancrede at thte opten- 7to. lldemcrticstdtar Fsation fIftaPis.
thes canmpus. intg of Itis regular lectutre. earnestly requested to be present. WIDSHC sIS "lee Fran,

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