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March 22, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-03-22

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i~J(. o '~'f'( '~jf and students alike. Ta a wealthy E o~~
ests ot the city for the few pal try
isibilshed Dinily (Sunday~s excepied) duritigilollars whlichlite receives as rental r~
tiw ColireStear, byTe t
is a surprise, bust as tihe self-i nterest
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION; of those whto fight the sill is so
mtasnifest, it is tiouglit that they sol ~ o
SsiFirlpiion pre SV.50per year, invariably dar igl ois3cns nsl t hasvelist little influesnce.
ihcsiinisosauto Oticenerws said at 1~
o'lcnoni. Subscriptionssmsaytie lsft at j LwsTnisSheue
theofic~ite otheiDAIL, Opera Housiseeok at anTni ceue
Sheciasiat iStiiflei's, norsniihaiy of the)
ediitors. Ilie Executive Comitltee iof the
Coii sieaos .siiiisoudr eh the ofiee i b iy alTssi sscain u
"o'sioiusr. . -it they are in apeasr the nexsI Ntol''ni soitocn
daiy. Asddress sli mattesr intrnded for pubhiiea-j sisti ng of Presidlent. H. «V. Slocuis
-oneto the Managitng Editorw Aluisss
esmaieictiesahiisd e asiintheBai-Jr.; Secretary, V. (G. Hall; Treas
ness g DIL srer, J. T. Nhlsttlesry; J. S. Clark
TE Ass Arbor. M1ish. C. I.. Stickney asid -1. A. Tayloir, 7.
siet its the Hloffmsan House, New
EDITORS. Vork, andi arrangeil the following $z50 tir incekt st-s
S. Wi. CUUTVs S,'it, ManagingsEdPitr.
i,. I. (tssets, N's, Assist. Managissg Editor. scheidule of touirnanments for the
w. E. Sti-ttscssisa'93,tAsst.ManagntieEditor.consg seasuunt INTER-CO
'. Titans, '93, Businiess Manssger. Mlav 7.-Inter-Schiolastic, at Cats- 1Tle totaii expi
n. . 2 inanti,Aisist.tiasitssanasari-.bridlge, Mass.
C. Si. CKTS'4 Assist. Bussissess Msi'gr. 6 oilet aetTni nine last year seas
itysns, i.May r6.So,0er0 has hini
iS_ ' T' Pstusr'i i 3. J.. n.Astos1i.. n. the New li
F...S.sbs.92O. tta it HS 3IDs. Associations, Wasbhingtons, IYork
is tisisss, NOthe Niew isok'Ha
W.R.Di ,Ii,F,\ivsii" 12c Rit tei-sBsCKe'sir. i. t 1i)3.Xi'Hns lts Cu, There are tenss
F. E. RilcsiSi ress LUI~A iEV, 9o N etc Hasven. i u i .sli
TH R 6 eaLSIN OR. . IJ tine 20.-ladies' Cliamsiionuship, to s iceso
The Editlors dii sits heist heitils reispots- t'lie Vale facult
sil aforiteopinions or stastemtas o corres- 1June 27.-Tioga L.. i.A., Ithila- h iate fct
pondents, appesarsig its teii Ii. i delphla. thendattce. Itism
A4 tt.hs nsIrsne n June 27.--Neighborhiood L. T. A" year's senior clas
West, a ee rsetdfr. Nesston, Mass. fo tedne
Congress by Cotigressmsans Gorsisais s i unsr 27.-Orange lTentils Club, fo tedne
swhich provides for a $6o,ooo post-' Chauncey .NI. I
Oransge, N. J.
office bildcing is Annt Arbor. The. (illy i.-Aplesatit T. C., Saratnac ed to act as toast l a endsusdb h u-,Iaeqe fteYl
committee ott puiblic buiildings and July .4.- Invitation Tourney, be giren at the Ns
reported favosrably, andi there is lit-' Country Club, Westchester. otn the evening oil
tle donbt but that byats effort.sof july . Clasinhi Pacific debate wvithi larv
the citizens of Ann Arbor, the billCosHtl1nerySaRef,
will beconme a late. The stnudents of ICastfoter oneeyianRef. BUSINES!
the Ctniversity- are vitally inter- ( July t a -Westerit doable arid (oieisred ~.i
ested in this measure, as the ittade- time, and extra lises f
sintgle chanmpionslhip, Chicago, Ill. the DAILY aiffle.t
luacies of the presesnt postoffice July itt.-Seabrighit Cricket Club, To REINT-Snite
butilditng fall on thens nore Iteavily balthlirootm attd cloy
- reabrigltt,N.J 4 North tttgalls str
thtan on aity other class. Juls.- Tuxedo tark Itnvitatiotn Stdtt eii
It seonld seemi that all of AnnTi''ourney , Tuxedo, N. J. largest lities of N
Abrscitiznsou sldl le a tuntlt i lyaS otgnoslCice nCot, dolStuttmer wear
Arbors-ogwo Cike lulitte of the (Goldeti
supiporting this lull, but thse list""vBostoni, M\ass. lhitrsl at the Cot
is isiformsedlthtat thtey are tot. NMr. Jl -otap .(, .,Masrch2n.Te .F.Ba steonro h ul-Mao lb oeltis itd.ilp
- E.dealis he oene of he bsill- Maclse Cub.they tiake to meat
in ewhicho is toos rented by the grov- tgsa.SroaAhlicCn feet mantiter at I
ug y1)uutz-aaog tltcCu . F. Foley (onr of
erment atidlie objects to losinso0 at Saratoga, N. V., Eastern champ- the state,) will b
good a tetnant. lHesith a fete in-i ioitslsip singles and doubles. tmeasures. It. you
or ansytlitg intslt
terestedl propjerty owsners in the Autgust i.- Nahsant Sporting Club you tonr selihat thi
nieighborhood have declared sear ono -Isteitation TPourney, Nalsatt LOST.--Pair ofo
the bill cit Contgressmian Gormians, Mass.Coest,11Finterci
and are usisigcs-ery effort to defeat Akugust S. ihebis Valley '1. C., ward's oilicer andti
it. A pirotest seas cruae and a liar Mabrae. WANTED-A got
fete sigitatusres obtained to it by AressM.ate, foek
b by ~~~August a5.-Opes oTiurney, iBar AdesMLc
stateentts swhicht were soot qjulte the Harbor, Mte.
truth, these signatures not beitig
those of the btusiness thns. F-inding Atgnsett 5.-OpenTtt'ouirney, Nar-
Sties5i~issoreiast einerantgansetttsePier.

+ G'srrekLatis,1t rachl, tGermas, aAatlMitsrticui:
B iooks, News-anttdlSecondhaitndlit
+ University Baakselters, - - State Street..
- - ds~ i-our departmets-Commrciial, En iex-hooi
ormanlsel iSwi h- Englishs. Shorthaandtaad
'renmaohtu. Si(anet baiidinsg.lai _e al-
lieiiassoltficirentintrartors , w tor
-thass og. litigexpgersesextemeiy ilos,$S.25tol
rdrats assisted to pasiis
For catalogae, addtress P. St. CLiOARY, President.



etise oIf thse Vale ;A
s $5,950.5.
2n siubscribeol for Spin
arvardl Cloth.9
chsools anid collegs
ih affordisu- Suiting
ty are conssidering 'Pantal
spuilsory chapel at-
likely that ttext
swill be excussed An~d
I)eluewse sconsent- -Fancy
,.master at the bait-


Union, swhich tell
hew Haven House Vestings
IApril 25, after the j Ft~ vL DADSOLN

this eailumns at te rate
Speeial rsstes fee tesger
furntished bylipappling at
uto roomss, furtnae
)et, ill reduced rates.
ng to see otne ut thei
Woolesns for Spritig
rshiotldl examisie the S
iuagle, iDetroit, ex-
uk Hlouse, Tuesday
y show all the luatest
arted eloths wischil
.sute in iithe mont per-
uopular pries. Mr.
Athe best ecutters in
ur 0on hanusto10tuake
it wtnt ainsobbuy suit
;heir usne it still lusy
rey offer.
opierae glasses n Utti-
ighit ot the Oratoriecal
leaue samne at Ste-
reeielarge rewsard.
ol sisngle rmom, octs-
isece or strum heat.
bnx NV.

No. iS) South Main Street.
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
Timerd ineffet Jsnuary hid, 18S2.
Assivua ftraiust iAtnnsArblor oaly.
No. 1. Maiilassd Express.n-.......2; a . n
Noi . Pasngr, AtunsArhar Acrc-t.. it Oisnooi
No. 5. MailtPassengere- --.........42p.m
Na 2.StauilPaiieenger.......11 . i tn
N.. Maii Express.- - -...8 40 p.mi.
No. 6. Passsenaer, Toledn Aecrns.... ; t0a.i.
Trais 3 acid 6unihetweenitit ~sA rbor and
Totido only.
Central Standard Tine.
Aul Traiss Daily exept Ssindasy.
Ges. Pass. Agent. Locat Agesst .
State Street Grocers.
Students patronage especially solicited.

niovemnthMsr. Beal lhimsehf senut
to. Nashington last week for thse
pur ohofdefeating, thor bill. Ifosw
successful, he teas in Isis moissioto re-
nosins.to be seen.
'Te opponents of thoe bill are con-
den-neh,;generally by the citizens

August 2.-National champion-
ship if thor United States (singles
and final doubles), Netwport, R. I.
Septenmber g. -Pacific States
(ladies' championship singles and
gentlemen's doubles), Monterey
Hotel, Raefel, Cal.

INO. 12 W.

Repairing a specalty. 46 aOrTa Msits 5T.


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