w1 F N 011 1 'yF of Our SPTING adl SI'M-NIER S~IITING(S are arriving dalI .
WeV claimiitoi)hae the best seletedI lie in the market, at the lowest
pries. IDo otba a Sit, Single I'nt, or Spring Overoat unie
pop have seen our hute. A1 large line of Trunlks and( Bags always on
hand (1at
toiyor ii1~etoi. sets (oinilie ad iolrinlails.The J. T. Jacobs Company,
-e--=T'HE TVVO SAMSC--= - ANN AtfBli. 27 ad l29) MAIN STRIEET.
THE FISK TEACH ER~S' A\GEINCI ES. A Full Line itf11 lleoege Text Books, including Law ant Aleieal Blks. by te l,,
106-108 WABASH AVE., CHICAG4O. Cheaeittplcefrie BoolcldFaointai Pes inthe ity. Feshencwiin. Coze aiu
ol frens. I o hae my entie stck t ny store n NO. 68. M 11IN"ST
OPPO>SITE 4Ias t5jst receiveid a full line of all Seond Seiiestr Text-Bunks. ljf 21 G-ILI. cwO'Ow's
CO Pill T leadljlarir 6ii rtunitltianiilFeueli piibliation"is"oSub S. IVElYIIAls ANIIAO(~tE LI NE.
1, SSPAT}'E Oede ir trienis, irie, xl iliillii tci.,
IIOUSE, .agent forWhiting's Flne Staihoiiry and Kefel & Ptseer S IZh1I reiihitebotlil lenilei li
.iecpoe s. a N. M ain t., lei. lst (lite.
3LFIN ICelebrated Mttlietiatit'al Instrlettts. Sporting t(rioids. jlxA uieTE- -ECiS~t ,Ui
STEE. Blank Book. MaigerSRE.. Hentle iece ed macehiney iitiili pe'
paettn outirstetclss eorktti sotn-
ie. Cmmecil'iok trnedout samne duy
-____ Pcenrenonableaiworktguauentieed. Ni
THE WESTERN MICHIGAN (COLIJIAGvj R A N D A L -JjjMATINnant ncororand.). ' 1 A-'S.11C .FN HTGAHDA.'.R ~IN r ~ail
NOTrED Ifor 'itsEt'AIATORiY COURSES. Pepae tdetiinIfeor11 anyclege iir oien- MLIEYADATGOSI loth Caskets, ]Yfetallic
title scholti in ihe eintey.MILN YADAR GOD AND COMMON COFFINS.
Sac ie CILLEiE COURiSES. Pepaesci nortt degrees and inst etthe tenadeiteltre atd_______-________
the tnst pacticlreilt. 30 Lasl urSe se,;
Fac its NORIMAL AND TEACHERS.' TALING DEP'ARTMENT. Speeilelattentown gienI__________________ RINSEY & SEABOLT,
io peaatinetar esaminationanied tiiathinig. IIaeteddn ei
Fi Ci OMIMERICAL AND SHOTHAND DPARTMENTS, tieleacding schol at bsinte. IHIHA TAE gtfEg 8,PP~SOISF and FeedI,
Fuc theetemely modertelexeneltoinstdettsattending. The expene laecoulnt an be fig- fSees 5R. Wningine St.
iled lnoewerthl ustant atty nthec edcainin lstititionlin tl he contrty, adilat the IT WILL PAY YOU. Shrthnd School, Net__
sae im lvewelndcofotale vevtin frnshd --- - - ---A. Ir. VERE]X, President. auilding, 20 Suth State Stee.PL_ s
INTER-COLLEGIATE. The faculty of the Coluimbia Law Freshman Clas Meeting iOUVE!11lR { SPOODSj~t
'Ietuvrito 'ianaIlSchool has establishiei a prize tutor- 'PTheiFresimiein held a c lass nietel U 1-s
tairil1ttaedbNsiofteship of 8500o, to be awaried for gel- ihg ii Roo] A Saturday tiorin NL', - 6Mi t
teamwil be raied b Nah oftheeral exceleiice of ternwork adiitlS 3 ai #
Iostolis. .for tupseofiscinussing 5114
A chauge ini the college yell islbe-greatest 1ci'ass matteesa.lTheateport
isoiaetclssnittrs.lit epetd~~ t Idlik IV IIF.
itgegagitated at the t'uiin rsity of t5f:LtI i..Caldiiilates for tie f tilt ctmmnitte eitrustedI witt hu-
\'irgiia. rity ni n nll le eipeted to arraingemnt of a fied udaynwiti tele 'Ilitilioo. .ii.S uouItw tu tlitl~, 1700,5
rep rt n nifrm n he ageatDoinaen ra liilitkigtlaiines. Pays i-
it is sal tat D . ill. l . Antidi jIeot1 is ifonr- he rge a sisuhore's nas rei. After somse)1 etallii un hisa Ients lithinsaey
}:;o p. m il ecept S11111.-i t , hoesafrstt ent
so ilbe ilie irectir f the ba'le ' discussion tte ciesuittee swas i . I1M S'uIi.i I. IL LE casiir.
Men ot s reortig wll b maket)frak '11111 Stileililevening.
"YiiiuasiultnIett fatl. \c it55rpruu njhstrctdlnot to11agree ti ply 1 gail 1
li~t uif tue luase-tua l trainDnnlyiHisald.'of bereba ti after th e lufi ld d ay A l Arc: -O n n i b ll l r
portioftile gae-btonem15 hitci'ti rSargent's Perfect Man. Icrsss.1MUbnqetcoIite
carytereissthrurtehesiaon. Drrinsgewieshem WORK CALLD FOR and DELIERD.
('tytetan airsii it L105 i].Saret ias ] n ee a cisni
irof.I'dtoiuie J. Jattes, tirofesseor ti place on eshiitione at the W\'ord's Ni liii iiThe'T. .A. A. e' N. M. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS
(it Puolitial Eciotiiyat tlthe ' oFirlitwo ruiiuze astings.'ihese R.R. il.lnnell chhruniiditrii iickets to Oie. - 2 ot Fourth Ave
Pa., has tbeei al'aled to takii theicastiegs are to represeunttascetliieiToleo and11rtirn fer $. 5O thie -
eneneingset tier tire tCl's onert
Sale chair ini the is iii Isity f tii iie, ideay perfect ie their phy- inthaiut city,'tiarci a22u. A Sieciah 0. K. BARBER SHOP
Chicago, siiih priportioins. iThee plans thae'etrain nniih eae Anul .Arbiir at 4 1). btuuo i nhi n hemn. Pret~n'~]
Thetmatnageimeent sitthe ]'tle tCl ee not et heen perfeted adais ethee ms, uretuuniiliiat ahoet i a. ui. i. wriahoueid~iec'ib
'hluboffers tio leizes of 815 u d'$iusul iceeis stihh a visiiary on ntiitll1i ieosctriesintndilto go lease n110 fuI. . H. TSSOAao W :,
for the Iest words of a humtsorosus i einite caun be sail abott it. tfy ItAl- Joy,3 S. Division adi
song tdescribling somicphse of \ 'tlc w. C. Noble the fatu s ortrait 1-S -tl IilIspitIlos. tu .tl ----e 1. 1111Aile Nniai
undergraduatt life, artist, trio nnw ihas a studio in Sutsribetlr thit Wetetaw Tmes Ann Arbor Savings Bank
1n tite official averag ofI the Canmbridge, wiii prepar the figures. anud U. o . I.). t F Stttlts, 12 N Ass Abse tick.(aitl Slek,$5tisis,
Americaun ColiegeI. I. Anociation -- . - nFiiOnanietnereelnun elu Banin w
Amhrs M. A I. ostgatep o lstTihe ageicy of the 1etroit Evenlig elSexhage11lie inileDests, burs ndee
for 1891, Capt. Sulivaneof Ahrt lr .E Rsnatn fteNews fs lgaul ith le hadof.11.11Casen tte.n.esp te eantlcits n limpf o te0tr
leads tue list in rank itt batting, Goldene agle Clothiug Co., Detroit, Stolet, Ottrahisuse News Depot, and eeSlyetil hihbeee
avrae e nile ntndy the News will nete sold at Use tost, CĀ°tena r'N I i, rAee., ro.
with aucveag of 45 will lei h cityTdy net. office stndi. 3CA. . RiCOC, Cahier.