res Zr'of ^t'" rV ioughtt to mieet with theheartiest sup Co l e FO T E S CND E S E
por. Eeryusas i ttis nivrsiy ~Greek, Latin, french, German, and Mathenaicijat
riiie Dahn ity (Sndatys exceptedt) tiring oughit to tinfy a ticket to thisns Nitt 1+ fBunks. New yea, by(1 Secondhand0at
THE . OFM. IDEPNDEN ASSCIATON heteter lie visies to atteind or io.
TELOFMINEEDNASOITO 'the Isisersity iii Sichi-iaiiis +
aboit the ionsly viollege in this sousris RR i
i~iiripiniice Iili ecsri, n eisl tymur atre t cvl i nn'T I~~ Unverity Booksellers, - - State Street
>pi","esluie tirc.rirocets. Oisalset t whc- tis oezrzth o
nvi ' isi's dsit I' eiiier nes tlaidiat s 1 sneeestsu ppitort itsniniie. Iti
clcks' . ii nii. sm~timsise may ie irief t iiffivilt iti say wshettier c h a _- actsg
th itime tir1ic.peraciiHttmie hiock ai. r
sis, i, t sttn's, or ifiti saty f ieI'mitthoidlof trm uring isoiey is hiet-___
rttitnrs. nssoidrah hoie y'tectishim' Vsibsec rihti0[nisromt. / " ' '*'-"'-
o''Icr. 1t. i theymie to appearrtitiet It certaiiily rcci ies a vast amount C
itlay. Stiirot ss mtter inteniiersilourpsitilir- of lahoy anditrouhle tii get tp stcts d/ J L
commosietiins sousidiibte sein tesite ntan citiesrtainmment dittn sis dty oseIACM CHO tlt ~I
oefn utsige.tfsisall tssitoswhat see atstn e t oesteCemerilNo e ie es
THE U. of M. DAILY, Fortermet r -oaue riek-EgithShorethndi ini
Ann Aboch. Iek.cusrage such a lasdahie -enterprtse. emoshiEleigt bulngsins~g at
entrprs ieivo e, efrseint in stsuctri s, esk this
Dartsiitutls college, cossisting of -- _-ogh iitgeensesextrey ltwess23 t
EDITORS. ltteovrie'sssdr0isis perr ieek;sttudet ssisted t psitinos.
S. i. C citesss,'92, Mnasging Editr. snly altteoerfv hnrd t-Fertaogueee, aodressheP. R. CLEARY, tresiiet.
it. 's.s rese,9'IAssist elsaiongEit oita. I ses a isedt ty siscriptionithts
cv.h. MvctI as9'Asit ManingEdiisn. year .;,0o to support its snie, anssiReduced Rates. 1IFU L L TI T''\TV
-.c'rtcs ,BuitnesseMatnger. a like sissn is raised there evey Thie T' ._ A. & N. M. E'y silt sell , - '""'"
1'.E. JAsEsrE,'5, Aseist.Bu nitits 5ssssnne. i yee. Thle sase is trite of Wliamss excusrsonsstickets at terate of onse andii
A'V5. BrwTiiy nfc ntt oneto fYugPol' tse'TSn, 'ti, Assist. noiserss Metigr. ute-tudtI lar 'fist'the follwsing- -
55' 1' 5' Iisersii,'9 5 . Aan sss.L,'5i. Crsti Esieeusorur ,t'es t let . ring'
[.,. itGCt tsi .'c. I 'sits. ii ,s,'s. earls' all f the coeses ichlar'se Clrsist,.vts
Citie,5M I t's , Wi. 5 Inens. tiC'. ' Rapids ichds thtsansi30h. it t~s
N .H.iisir.te ssns'is.'at itscissiset ti. i.not selfsiupportinsg. Herin thueEtintsalut bl. ach 90t, lisitesd tsretussri
t.'niversitymof 'Miichigans it is oftesn Maei it. I.g.Gio n tS5n5,gSit
ver fharthdisposeetntickent.ats
The Editrs iti tushltimsssevesespon sP ntlo ns grttsnyoTh siset sta
sahle tor the ipinionseoticstateimetesieAIY rafcrs- tesnd thee estetainmecsts ochs ik OIESLOAS a tlo s .
usedeos. usteiimti 50eheOes.Y. ets aid et are ever ready to crti- hiimeieetdeeleensnmitu-ctis
f otes iseertisecSlureurates attme sioec
Ic is asked if tie contests oftic is the etransntni li futhe DAMPtiti h iitetrsmgii!And
e~te sillhe esrahe aesIentr-wills it if it is nost up to tie standard. '"lie" andi "Blade", (Toesdo atu7t
taiteitugfor ladies tic attendu. We see Why isBhis is thcamsofeetree ' U. of M. ID. aid Y. 1 ancye~
noranon-s ieysusis o .uot as interested isaour nine as tim ii .ciih uttstQcoioue I
Th'le eveints will le boxiing.,nwresting, Easterne colleges are its theirs? No. News lDepot.
fecng umlng wigngte n Eeybd was thioroughly inter- (Go to te Opea HouseNe'sipt
fecigtuclisg ssimiug im i-for the N. Y. Word, N. Y. its eraidetatiulV stng
liennn-lie,lie iitchi anti kick andsI esteI its our excellent ine of last Ciniscinnati papers.
a 1)101 rae. nylodyasm emry-year. It is rather because eacis in- Stdents desiritng to see otne of te t'ttiimEsEmAND0ANDSe tintsSm
a piovatiuraacoesAnotoscentno tisink-it imrgest lites of Wolens ferSpring
body at all athletically inclimnedtii lde otse tikitind Sumimer ncear siould exatmie tie JI 1\F FP 1T fl i
soulsi ot fail to attends.Iis dity to attend, bhtmleticttincot-iuieulf Cte ('nivagloe, etr ie JAS.lVL1 wii
sider that if this most coissmendable Marhisat 2nd.h They stoalie, itesta
icmsayic atiaterti io itlemethod of raisiig moiey is iot noiseties iiiitiportedicloths nwhicis No. 19) Souti Mui9 Street.
1rmybamatro oltl they tmake tomesure in tie most per' _________________________
interest to our smany readers to) learn properly supportedl it sill Ie ieces- feet mianter mat outlar ipries. Mr i
that tie University of Michigan is say to resort to subscripmtion. it is D.F. Foley wou of time hst cuttle i Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
stone tiehanneer Amserican uniiversity oped that everyhbody nililbusy at imesures. If yout want a hohy sit Michigan Railway.
mmpistofatnsaec l'u nn-least one ticket, or aonythinlg ini their line it nill paty
icr toint sf atenanvce.roheihum-iceyout to see nchat they offer. 'ritmiedrtoin fettomaumy z4, Ih92.
be fsuet owerle nteLits.-Puir f otiersggloses it hr_ Asissloft 5rinat AAis ttn l.
I'nivrsity, after sdeducttiing those 1 ie our repot eof tie Orotorical versity Haull tie night of tie Ortotrical -
('outtest. Fider lease same it Ste- tOImiNOeTH
whio registered twie andrithsose whlii contest Saturday swe unwittingy ward's offiiee mmd receive arge rewart. Nu. 1. MitanoExFprese........ ... 727 a. I.
En 5 t...e Amo A c Arns. v.isit 9 oo
ave severceditheir connemctions, is erred regardingAir Grossmans AATD-godinlro , alpasgr....Abr .... p.m
2691, tie largest snumbiher cs-cc em-martineg. i'Tlee percentage should , urnheo tam et. OIse SOeTH.
Eo.. Maila ss oe iger ..... .. 1118.. . in~i~i
rolled at amny Amicanasiviersity. ave becem gisveme as followss: Roerts, Itecis.-A iice suite atfotiSWasssite-N. . MilitEpres.. ....... ..... sr- pii.
IHarvard's ;attetmdance S, exceedelei IC Me~emie, 70; Cutler, 12 a., isiaw Ase. IHeat, tetatih dcsset. IEN. 0. iPsuseger 'femoeden Asu... 7i0oa,
tal for sampe copies tiis weektint Toleoe ony.0etbecestieAsr-o.
by 28, asci counsiderimng theiphemno Bowenu, 1S2Y, Wilox, 70; Lilpsoin, te N. Y.- World, st Opersi House Cetrletaniudrd Tine.
tinmtial growth of tie University, dur- 951 Johnston, 9.5. Taschciages News Iepot. Al TrasDaileepSundmaye.
ing tielast decade it is a question ihoweverc. do ot effect tie general lnss4 us Lhrysre. GcttS.I.uen S.5. Ps5.Aon, ocaltAwet.
heat, bath roommammiicloset. te.Ps.Aem, LeiAei
wvhitier any \American isstitution of aveccages. ILeae yousu sciphtmionfuse Ietot,
eacrning snill evec againsankcabasaove -- "' -'-Chicago News Pok iit it ttmmi
Toledoipapesmeittt lOpesaCIlouse.
thee C. f11.inis attendamnce. Reviews. Nnsseo
Tie DI yn'has receisedi i5 eopy of- -
'lte; tickets for tie Athletic Com- IRIand, MeNsally & o's official m~ap of
tes ae ow n al atth psttie InduiiamtisuesOkiohisoima territories.
test re nsy 05 sae atthe ost l towns, villages, streams, railways
office. It seemssnecessacy to say a forts and rsanches are acrately oa-
fe words as regards the purpose of e, mmtd tue differttresereatioss are ®
fen sesi giatedl by separate colors.Thi
this emtertainment. Iist, sucs a routes of maiihites, tie number ofR PI RRP_ __ __
trips per neek, and the dates of treatieh NO 12 W HURON S._____________
contest as tham develops athetic ma- tade nwitht Indianm nations are cearly____________________
teril, ncorags gynasic orkpristed on tha mp. Miitary reserva-
anefriahiususragsngyhomnasriceork tions are siowns, asd Intdianm reservsa- J. D.). TIMSION & SON,
an o hsrao hndrcietions accurately bounded. Te east- J. H A LL E R, State utree Grocers.
encourageenmt, Secondly, it is for rn and western land districts of Oka- JFvExELRtdnsarngeseihyslctd
hommo are aso hown. The map is sold Suet arng seilyslctd
the purpose of raising momney to send at 25 cents i-r copy. Reairing aspealaty. 46iormsAIeem'. ICS. STATE STREET.