SPRING HATS at The Two Sams. THE-
ingj day March i. Mr. Yournans, Mr. ONE -FOURTH
Knox and the Celebrated Silverman Hat.
Telephone 99 AT THE--TWO SAMS. The J.
Is still r gisig at the J. T. Jacobs Coms-
COil Children's Suits. EVERYTHI INC'
goes"utniI7 March 1. Come and avail
yourself of this'golden, opjsortioi fy.
T. Jacobs Company,
27 and '29 MAIN STREET.
All AMor StoautiJiiftry, C 0 A Lo GEORGE L. M00.RE, (More .T)ber
WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED.I FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A Full tine of al college Text Rooks, including Laiondo Medical Route, by Mestdx
CALL oN Cheupest place for Note JBooksiooud Fountain,;Pes in tloe city. Freshencnrowdl in. Cumer along
SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. 2,_ r~ old friends. ISnow hasve my entire stock at my store on NO. 6 S. M5141N ST.
Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave.I No. It WESTs WASHIINGTON STREET. t +O. Iz. 3LCOORt_
TOW 'tN,
OPPOSITE Has jisot riedf a fill lhline of al l Seccond Sciocestci Text-Bhooks. I 21)GIT.S QWS
CO 4i Icdtircsfor Cerin RIl icchpblctos! SieItYSEIIX, IACIC ANVI)AAAOLINE,.
C0UEC eadquaters II andI OrdersublSiriotruSole, portico. wCddditgs, etc.,
IOUTSE aet4 orWhiitisn's ;ui tto'adI lll~c TT prosmptly attened to.
i (aget fr ineStaioeryand iff ,.iser S rEET. Telephone 68. 21 N. OMsinsSt.,opp. os foi)1ce.
.MAIN ' Celebrated MathieiiaticailInistriiiients. Sporig (iiods.
STRET Plsi- Ioos osiN .. Sc;isLIese. Til1E - EXC?iOIR - l.AU'NI)RV
i Mainslnkorooks.Hasu al the isupoyedntmachinery, ind i4 e
l paeed tot s's out first lass work onl shost no-
t ire...uomeriol work turned out osie lday
__________I Psiirssresoinable anidwirk guaranteeid. Eu
rl" H24 fst T nto 0. A . 5'. C0V1T7'1',Piti i ielic".
(Chartereid anl Incoiioticieid.) R A D
FIEOTEORPH. Clt Csei iits it'hjtAl'll tY i'iit't,50A5. Prepess tudentslo franiycoliliee or scien- i cho Fteconr.MLINEYPANTOARAPGHS) lt aktMtli
iitio oAND COMMOtheCeoFItS.
f oe ito CL'JLhE t fOtlLSP,. Prepeteifor lie ileguee anduimsiit01tle broadest cilture si M L INRnA D ARdOO SI A-CM ONCFIS
30 frtol 03100 nlcoelW. RINNEY-&-- EAOLT,
Forcts0 NiORMALf.AINDS)TtIAC(IIIOS' '1TANING l)01AJIT-i10Y. OSpecillatitesioiiiveen
to irepiaratioii forexainaiutionuaniiteeinoitt.
For itostl 4G' 1) F INE AIt' i DEPAii Yt~o;NT i, S.ei oTor r~ule ill he f'itu'il Sttis
Foir its O Mtll1lll'IAL A)D5'J51)ITJAN~iIJEIPAI'MIN'1'S, ileuleig sool if business.
For the extremiely miodecrte expeei to stdents ottending. Ttie expiense tecount eastliee ftg-
sered liowereeeith ti haiiiatiliy tyiher elntioilinstitutfiio in theio micy, adotsi tthe
sme itte life ewelliaud eoimfortable. Eveeritinusrfiiciiheit.
A. F. VEREFX, President.
IN TER-COLL.EGtATE. The studeints of Linicoln Universi-
ty, at Lincoln, 111.1 are reviving the
D~airtmouth's femlodelell111111d a eni
Lineolian whichlal be i
whn omleed il cotntaino a! '
wlieii 131, dofmnt 012ff for oveff lio years.
swisniltog tank 8o0isy 20 feet. Ilrau tsrciela o
Of the $7,000,00o andu over of the Hradha eeie equnest o
56,000 ff11101Ir. C. '.N. Jonses, of
proprtyof laiaru isiveoit, 1Boston, to establish a schlolarship in
$;,uoo,oou is itivested ill Ioston real ii lla~li~ fteUieot
The tmatnagenmenf of the llarvatrd AilllbroExtrtfeitXii
AthilicAssoiatots avedecied oblably lie expelled for postintg
Atheti :asocaton avedecdedtovaletntines a111 various other libelous
hold atn open athletic mneeting for all paad ftefcly bu on
amlateu~rs in thte spring. ++ The firectur~Qf ilniversity exten-
The legislature of Wisconsinto re- IXlol of the Slatetin iversity of Iowva
cety proratd$6o,oo o h is planning to have a summner school
consftructioni of a 'new lasvbuiling at the ilniversity ditring the summer
for the University of Wiscoinsin. vacationi.
'The Vale Foot-Ball Associatioto S-seso stutdents ivere recently dis-
has fcrmed an interscholastic foot- nmissed from 1Enreka College. Three
ball association similar to the one were dlistoissed for drinkitng, three
at Cornell and has given a fine for non-performance of duity, and
cup to b~e played for by the teams of one for refnsing to tell on his fellowv-
the various preparatory schotols in students. The students are endeav
and aroundt Nesv Havetn. cring to hlave them re-instated.
_________________________Ratkers snd deslers in
TA E roceries, Provisions,F lour and Feed,
SHORTHAND D COUTRS. 6en., i . WashingtonSt
IT WILL PA!YOU. Shorthand Selhool, Newon--
tliildtng, 20 South Stole Street.
Rath Rtoeoms ini connection. Porcelain 'rnuts.
Showter . tt tcoected wit rickTiti. ARNOLD'S, - 36 Main St.
J. R. zTROJANOWSKI, i --._-
300E. Washingetonet., A sn.Arbor,Mihgn it ;, acid900 allo lit.k
_________________________________________ tai ttil, r"i0,90)..SiXutiluo alun oit sl.$17,10U().
Northiwesterno agitates the iiea itf 1 ire"'ott ui g buneiss. fits oute
adpigacollege fhoover. l'ina l Deuit )tomso or Noene.
aisoptng a ott. KMFF it'o.,, . 1I iiIMECashier.
osne of the estabilished' titiversity kissttwinsl sauri eenosing.
colors anti selecting some flower to I presidesit Rayuotid, tif Wesleyan~
correspondl. is usaissee oa5igocisus effort to secure
Therevnue of(Wod ad (m' gyiiasiiiiii for thte college. 'Tl e
bridige represeint a capitai of abouit t'ayerwatlter biequest tfot7,000 is
seventy-five milliosos of dollars ant'i+ t: ) '+devotedi to the building itself,
the laniversity of Leipsit IsXy05111 Ili utud it I is f ti ecessary tie raise
tfry tvsIynoliosfuitds 1fo1 its flitIilsinietlt andthsop-
'rhueelegaint ntwvclbbhousQ ofi
the Michigan hi ining"'School t
lItougliton is rapitily approchitng
coisupieticmn, and ~oil.bei. e-cv tur 4~I. \t t 5 --There will.tie an in/in'! l
- ~I sfr1 nieting o~f the D~etmocratic Sue-i-
liccupaocy sitbfn a few weev~ks, I tyc ly i ttilay eess iong at 7:30 in the
buiilding, owhichis ahi sdonme t lasw Clsie eroosnI -All tdemsocratic
franie, costinog ito the tieigliborliood I stiselust in te Unsiversity are ear-
of $10,000, ciii be fitted out in' a ionestly reqiiestedl tsotie preset.
noodest, yet costly mansner, and will; .W icis
i President.
be utilized as a social resort for stu-
dents, who, if thoey so desire, suay fI lft:'F: All cantditdates for '92,
also findt a home within its Walts. b'ase a i nine lhandl iheir nanmes al!
A gynmnasium is to be esta l isheti in 0Af ,totFllino tPam, manager, 27
ciosnection Xitho it. 4T tioutsisomi street.