~ ~hrt5, OFF
Is still raging at the J. T. Jacobs Coin-
On Children's Suits. E VEIYTII IN(~
goes until March 1. Comie and avail
yourself of tis fo/den t ttjtjat iit ly.
for Full Dress
The J. T. Jacobs Company,
S ~ W~~Z 2.vf S ANN ARBOR. 27 and 29 MA~tIN STREEF~T.
ARiI Arlio Stu IllLallllly. 0 A L COAL, GEORGE L. MO IORE, Mor s >br) + +
W(}] CgZ~ FR ndDEIVRED FR AR AN SFTCOL, A Dull (Lieof0 all College lest Books, including Law fmi Medclllt101
WOKCALDFO n DLVRE.FR CADALN OT Cheapest place foe Note BooksadLtoit atiPesin the ciy. Frestaenerei.aatt aon
SPECIAL RATES TO STU DENTS. old friendso. 1 iiowsleave myentiree sloek at sty storec ontNO. 6]si..,141N wr
Office. - 23 South Foueth Ave. .No. 11 WESTorWasiiixTt'1orN 8ritEtY. 04.. 2.000101
l tt T W A H bt J v1 R1 T 3Yj3IT! ESS DP EOTCORY.
3 O O IE j -sjutriolvtd 11fitll lilt- of ll Secttnd Sentesler Text-h~ooks. ll 11G-II. S QI'
(011 hRT IHealtjllrtte1s for liel'It 2lt11d Fechotpuiblicationts. Stle STIATE.(edes ftrtrain~ecndia t.
1101 NE. ~ ageilt for W andg it'Sttoity 111 eitlfll aEoser 4i SREE. Tlt>ttte e. ~srsl Lj;.i t tooe-
'AN ~ l t-l Maletti a tstltlit ptig (ots tt .S tE rIIE - ~n ts I T j1ttS t:.,
STREET. B~~tisk Bitolco hllattagTR ET -a l ~ tt(ise tttit- ,edi o-
lal (leletee. Ctttttttt ecitnstrumentteSportig; tttds.--aely
Prieleer(easenatle tttdwtrk t-t a eetet. ItO.
m U1 -v. -WFij Tb'RN x/jlcq-IwrAMN ( T, 1 1 , ' AN F AI F~ lat lurttestt. Att~t~t
t'l colPinte o il -tt yP..Petcoit t tae ttIutt t i tttls OIttttlMILLINERY AND ART GOODS !
te m s. rcft~ lesults. 30 Eatuon Streett
Fo tcits N~lRAIAIAtNDi) E(PO1[ttiipli'111.1 iN/NitCi:li SpN. ecittl attentingitten
to t iteiti>t for eextainatiottttand to clitto. t bc it/otttttO lt
tie its MitSlt ANDI 1INPO ,At' itp.t'iliI YhNl.5,Seodttl'x uth uie tnc S j 7 AK A
Fore its CO tthIip1,A ND lS..V 1 OitllIIt1t h)IP.3't1 lh,: 1 th leadettintg schooof ttI itenesa. lJfljf jIU JS.
V' tothe extreely ttttderatetOexttnseto ttstudet ttetditng. 'tthetexpente-ctouttSaoelthe ig-.G)HS:
satmtetimte livecwell tttttlcottftrtales. Ptet thingea i e1
A. 1;. Bu.Ireiet. (tildittg,2(1 South State Street.
Cloth Caskets, Metallic
Lltkeett ttttIdealers itt
Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and Feed,
atna 5iE. WashtittgtttttSt.
lSai at the church oi Christ. (. ,. Denntisont, '02lit,wo hitlts III. tf M. cottittete c~)VI1~ 'SPOOIFS
bteetfIeiisick itt ( picatgtoitht typhtoid requetstedl lotmhot itn thtechaloel at t-A'
Ileclttstftettsfever.ltts recoed tttttlis ttgainint ist :;0otttlay iooo, toe discuss alt ARNOLD'S. - 36 MainlSt.
retcivedl atkintd invitation to attetd od legimprtanquetion
t entertainmtoent held ot the Chttrchlt Wsigo n ~c (nvri h aosCetnm no- .tlu °
tohitls vnn. twsat'gmaitum wsorktcoute ls tour chestra tas electedtl s o ietnierslltltI Slt .Ott. Stlt tt Jcl,5710
tory Ipleasattndttluniquetti affair. A .,tuha tatet ~sit
tia octrcosbnddet pool~l-Iitntts tvtordthellOdegree (If Bache- tree ladies, If. .lerinllt (Io<s e e t<nig uies asi
nea faor as andd ech Yn ltt ]r (If Arts. The cwork is elective. Mtrs. D.M \ley1r 011(1histscxl .ty,(si Bm~ orItm
111bItsltce co oitel tg Te silier tox tatitlresolu~tionls Wilsey. t Mink o)1Satura vnnr
(teltof0meIrimewse causettdlt loloodlstoby ~ ~ty NIh E.-DAILY BOARD! ..B B R S O
the (fenderitfth e nl osttlell e rollt tgro loll- OlItI II ere 00111 beOtn inmportant iteetitig
titeTh etteets(ftl etltl~ i o reto ltion~s ore ilaced itt lis tlls15evenintgtIat J 30, c' harp.t(Plk Iunl l eitt tttttt t t t t Titi s.
etndoaloady0w10ho ldthce remattiing s ettcv cmitlhBit 1111 or tettrotwtieg1t W. Cu El 155
fragmcent. After ectIthod foun t etdelooatnto.chlnaigEotr
grett I-al tf tteoloi. I I oogie Edtor . . '. .z OJA NO WSKI,
tbrdner all cwere seatedh 01011att ex--T110e111o1stIppular otductatiotnelii ice-Th mck 1t1( t ~ ttkt~tttS. 5tt te ,Metaa
-optionally lice 1mus1ical otntlliteratry si~ttl l \toit steIlies-Representaotivs wcill lmeet next .\Ion __________________________
Itrogrolel cos rend~eredt. A lulnclh iltglldaytl olk c evl, 0enigin lphaNIu Iallat is-ta&s lS'tltlgIltflc-
1bty (If Mittal Plestyl ecodsocinll nellct111( tne tthelw
followoedl after cehicheall tdeportel, b rtorl'hit7,00tll isharp.flrl
votting thlepooetical 100 creamllstorial Irl ottt 11 o i~iy(ffi~INtt 'It I,,.I /tt/otttj/t: Cittrse ;rdh -
Tru worhno0aniqit5.ffi co;il1 be given os-a practical cour11
asuces.dtiloltseems1thle criterionl (f -col- itn psy-cologicol intlrospection /T\. la inl 0e
THE CAMPUS. logos Os cel~l as ecerthieng else.-ItulY b lctt y teo b e ig ls
louboed ollge 11.) eelct a1311Course2 on )00stpecial applica-;Cls, 1e
Miss oM. Carr, of Eaton Rapids, Bilt Nycebarely missedl beitng given lion. Course a4rsoittenengalism
siteand Amlericant ralncen dentolistt
is visiting hter sserMiscsIHenreitta a ride on a rail at tort Dotdge, to., a1n1 not ill Comtte ac annoonuced. I
Carr, '92 mtetlic. tile othcer eveninig. The grangers of may be electosd by those taking__
lion. W. it. Gilbert, lte necwly tlhot townl and vicintity claimi they either Coturse 4 or 5. The COults
appoitnted judge of thte 111nt1 circulit were scwindled because thcey failetl to ~Rglslgemyteeetdb
of thce United Stoles, was a student cee somlething like a three ring cir- toeoheanl arnCtoucses 4landeet1t Set pi itlIn lIceipto(f aris~e.
in this city andi left thele act tepart - cua, romuan hippodhromce Oil/h tenag- Tuesday, Feb. 23, at4 p. no. or IIOEIIM & SON,
inent in 1872. erie comnohtedh.organizationl. J. h)Psc1c. tDetroit,Apisht.