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February 27, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-02-27

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. C. ,C oobll olle~e +FOR IRE OEOOI
Ii__ itansswer to many inqutliies ablout
tiiedDiy(Sundays excepted) during football practice, Mr. lDygert wishes ~GekLtn rnh e
the college teat', by to announice that as soon as the T ext., +Rooks, New and S,
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION iud onl the campuSstwill permit,
teewlbefoblprcieThSubscription price X2.50 per year, isvariably wilt be continued until warm Bo University Boaseallers,
adesi'-Sici rpix I tte O sleatweather comes. Notices will be
-serms ss uta les totsiceanes standt at 1,'
i-eock, noon. subsriptiossmaay tie left at p osted ont the bulletin boards its all-
the otficeofttthte DAttY,ODeera Hotsse hbsock, at departmentts, alsto inth le hIsi is.
Sheehuti's, at Stofflet's, or sitht any of the
Csmtunicatioas shouldita chi the otice by Thle lawsshare lectures to-day. =-
itchca'.s.i they arc ttt appear the next 'sMIrs. Sliase,ttf IittsfOrtl, Pra., has
tay. Address attlamatter tatended for piubtica-
tuon to the Managig Editor. Alt businessI givein $ 0,000 to thte trustees of thec
ctattctussitdbestisteni-Iteaboly Meittion to fostini a i-hairIsteLAN
THE U. af M1. DAILY, of archaeology isnmemiory of ier ---- - ~ ttsedtutti
Ann Arbor. Sich. liisband T --l-matp
SionNecob sciterfesosog, livin ex-
EDITORS. ( itisN 'votisciFrpofsor $50 per neck; stadents assisted to positiotns.
S. .cURittss, 192, Manaingu Editor. of nmathemtatics itn the United States Fur catalouie, addret
ittL. tAPss,'90. Assist. Managitig Editor.I Nary, atnd professor of nmatitematics
W. Et. tt-Mciic. 01. 3Asst. Mattaging Edittor.
I. itut, o, iuisssMatacr- aid atrnossat ohsFopin
1. . tA -sa'2 uiesMngr n srnm tJhsHpisH .-~r.10.93,Asist.ttusiseu littiusace.tCiversity, has just received his 1 W MF ui'9,Asst uies a'r
W' . fitcs93.sssa . 9 sit Assitess sr- - ilpmna of electiont as ait honorary Mkfym
F. J. i M , H02. 1 ttASs. I tsit'9-i. - ;smembiler ofth le Royal Inostiute ofT j
* aictusiso, 0K'2. nictis triFtstO~ ,. I l- aon

rmati, atid Matliematlrttl
seeondhatnd at
- State Street.
NG scHcQofetBtIN
is-Commrcital, sotextibx
seek- Etiglisti. Shihotad tnt
'Flegat bilditng. lateutu-t
et instrutocrs,wokto-
xpea se extIrreiely ltesto
s P'. R. Ct,EAtty, President.

(li Etittrs o tttihi~t siesselex esp!- Notices itiserted itt this coumntt at te rate
Bibl fo th opiion orstatmens o c ore itof10 ceciDpertilie. Special rates cite tonger
suie Cr te otiios si sitti~taloot oceo-tituesuit extra mines turisthed by applyitig at
pottdctts, uppearinthesicDAILY. the lDAItY oflus.)
-------- -- - 'The P'rincre anid the Paupeir," it the
(1st 1 s to the discoturtesy of the lGiatndlOpeira IHtotse Saturdaty eveninig,
still lie ite of (lie spsecitl evenits if (lie
chtairmatn of the commtittee 00 1nvi- flthatrictal steason. Elsie Leslie lheads
tations for the juntiior 1101)in not It-e organizeatiotn. She has a drawoing
11155r-tetuall (is(let if mnuy if (lie
sending the D~aily a press ticket, iwe lit-st knotstn stars, though site is only
are stnale to ipresenit our readers Ireen yeairs oldi. 11cr cottract ctlls
for a suite of thpuartments for herself
wtithi an at-count of last ights affair. 1 situmatiher ini (le best hottel of every
We are sorry to sec this position; city site sisits, pbarluir cairs, ecirritages to
tutuftom liet- litel fansd the tietatre,
taken.- It shosts an exclusive spirit trtndtll (lie other extrswiichl high
tot at all becominigantdswidenis the rpriced primaix dotinas usually exact.
I' etHet er tperfssormacn The Princee tns
bireach alreatly existinsg b twen te Pue"ssokno as remtarkatble.
fraternities andu the Indetipendtentts. ILios-Delta Sigma Delta pin,
Maitrkedi"C. J.-hlaunu, lit-it. Class '54."
Wc ladvise all reanlers of thc l:\t yIlo eturnil. Sot nalsad eev
to obtaits the last ittmber of the Itmperital Egyptitan figareitle. Fittest
itmported tobticco. Puire anit fragrtanit.
(iviersity Recorni,swhichi is nstwtil For sale it all stoics.
sale at the Stesward's office- This Somitethintg tiessin Cigarettes. We
hubic-tion is otte of (lie most s-alit- (tote (lthtlie cigars sotres in toss-t
1iotca lotte just receivedi a stotck of Imperial
able papers published in Anti Arbor, I Egypftiin Cigarettes. Ilhese cigarettes
antI althsoutghs it is sellitng rapidly , I o are tsclde of (le fiutest iti s t o ibac-
cittt ieperfectly hiartiless, a hy
dlesersves more patrontage. Articles ecttitaina less thtati one per centt, of tieso-
appear insTheite niversity ,Musical (file. All prices.
LosTr-A small gotlsdssatchu. Fintler
Society, Ittercollegiate Athletic 1 pletase leavre at Stewtards oflice.
Contests andTrlhue titiiiersitv attd I StItINGoWOIOLEN. - The Goldeni
thse High School. The future policy Eagle erpe Clothifig Ctsmpaiiy, yMrosIengr-
itf thle autisorities tostards college ( esi, at the Conk iHouse, Tuesday, Feb.
contests, is clearly defined ini the j16th, swithi tllereoloullete line if Spritng,
Glotito for Suits, Sptring Overcoats antI
second article. The relations of theI Trouisers. They are still maitking a
University to thse lighi School is1 leader of full sdress suits of line ia-
ptorted wtorsted, mtise in (lie best style
iiscussed inthtie text,. rise advisa- at $35. The best of city references
bility of doiisg asway witlhtihe fresh- givens. By leavitig your address at (lie
office of (lie Cook Htonse, 11r. Itoseni-
man stork atid alloswiitg the highs garteni will etll oii you.
schools throughsout the state to take Slot-Go tand see Wild's iiewsp ~rinig
this stork is considered. Nunserosts suitings. Fifteen orders takeni Thuurs-
slay, Feb. 1t.
editorials and items of interest ap- Hot aind cold bathts 10 ceiits, at Post
pear. It is aio especially ])rightt Ofice Barber Shiop.
nutnber and ste recomnmend it to all Itosr.-pocket book, contains
outr readers. owener's nanme. -Return to I.. I).
- * ---- Carr, i6 Williamos.
Miss Sallie A. Scld, last year 'rTETss-otSA.Ns.-Glos-es, D~ress
swiths 'q , sas returned to college to! Shirts, Ties for full dress, at the
graduate with '92. ITsto Sants.

J. HALLER, Suitings,
Rtepairitig a specialty. di6 SOUTH nAI i'. s
Ann Arbor Savings BankPatlo, W
AinsArbior Michi. Capital Siock, $500000, 1
Stirplus 0.00.~t
Organizedttnderthe Geneailunking taws;An
si this statec Rececuves tDeposits, buys and II1
sells exchangecon the priticipal cities of the 1,
identification. Oie rs:
CHITIrANs MACs, Pres.. Faney
Wt. D. HARRIANs. vice Ores.,C
CHASs. E. HISOCic, Cashite.,j
ANNsARmBOR. Fitoom .E'ssmNDtANs hoist List,
Saturday Eve. February 27 JASI, M, STAFFOR]
----No. 190 South Alaiti Street.
Etigagctic.t oftirtc iistingiushied Zhotuiu
rc-41 -Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
E-~ LESLIE Michigan Railway.
Time taed in effetiJantuary24,l1892
Stiuupotd by asuiercimctupatyinalinielty A ivratottransat Anirbonlsy.
irohmuas ptroduiuiioiotMark Twis
easiouis stury, 1
The prince and the pauper No. . Mil and Exprcss-........7 .i.
No .PsgAna Arbor Act-ol..5(2 0 ooniii
No.05. Mail Passeager........- - -27)p, to.
A comiedy d ramitfu r atti ets, dramatizedtby GIN OUH
Aiby Sage Rtichardison, as plated six monthsNo't.MiPasne........118a.i
aot t BiroadwcayBtnTheater, NewiMsemYorkti5ro Nu.MlPasne - iia i
Bsoh ttliit usssHston, l, asts.,rNo. 4. Mail Express---.......1)08p. i
tourtmonths at Park Theater, Philaidelpihia, No. 0. Passenger, Toledo Accoat.... 7 00 a. Iu.s
thiree mionths at Hoolcys Theater, Chicago. Teains ut and 6 euta betweeiiAnn Arbior xid
Toledo enly.
Ceatral Stiandard Time.
All Trains Dailiy except Sunday.
i . es, 50, 75, ind $1.00 W. H. BENNETT, R. S. GREENWOOD,
Seats oni sate at P. 0. Nesx Stand- Gen. Pass. Ageas, Lscal Agenut .
-AT-- 0
ElcOM 17:00f -r 1:0a'.m.
Fanscy Danices by thle Chsildren ___________________
will be (toe chief attractionti his .D.SIMON & SF
evenig. --State Street Grocers,
ADMISION - 0 Cets.Students patronage especially solicited.

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