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February 24, 1892 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1892-02-24

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But still warsion the rice of ('lathing, Hats, Caps, (Gloves, Mittens, etc, etc. 'thbis wl
stanntunce to the putblic that was owe four th off sale, on everythsing inwaour wattle Slore, caw-



Ores ShirtS,
for Full Dress.

Isiuess (NtI. NI ARCH ist, witichimeatns some things at less thtan actual cost.
At thse timsetlhe water pitenlustovsiesrctur storea letsvteetis agw, sotme if ttr (AtttIL-
sREN'S Sttits sect slsighttly dtatiagedt. We w ill pust iwnsoltsenttire sock of Chiltdtens Suits
adPnsat (IN ElTHItRD)llFF regtttar selling price. Oursttckeaof these goodts is nt
vertytrgs'sandtwte woittdttadvtsettssthosci edttcall satly.,ITis is a grteat ancetilt
Marh1, 1 t8t92.
The J. T. Jacobs Company,

r=7I' ITC)7O a 27 s< ttttl t29A IIN STREET.

- - A NN ARBORI1%.

nillArlor Steam lLallllty, ! C O() A.L . GEORGE L. MOORE, (Moor lAbe) 4+ +
WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED, FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A tl,'111Liste of til l olege 'feat iteoks, including L~e is ti Mecalo;/sit I athsle tttst.i
CL o.Cheapest purerties , BooisleJ a nd Ftntii aiuPtts ithie city. I eotin,;teit,,ilin,. Ctotmetalttnt
SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. o tldtfriendls. Its(,W tiieimy entireestoceatmy stoeion NO. 6S8...MAIN,8ST.
Offioe. - 23 South Fourth Ave. I Nt. 11 Wes-i' WASttIXis-'ftNSTiEI Geto. AaLoOI'2
If)OW.NI ) _, IXVEIRtI[.
o ,tOSITI'E lltta jutatt receieda fttI I ittofaltecns itt 211 GIL-a SkOVT'S
(O r l II t-ttll t tt lets fstt Ii Ger tmtia ttanl Fr-entIth t blilcatlis . Slo 5e . Ord eIs o itis A ti hihht lt.
110512Itiits a -ttySr 1E iest t he t a rto, es,1 15 d'~t itiigo etc;.,
si t f lit'W iti- Stofitt s IotfeI2 ELsit J ~ S s~sssit j s ee ta. '21 i.N,,inSt.,o. Iot s t fielit.
TtII E1. 'BIlantk Bobs. UIIi ,itt .. i 't t.s5. TIII - EXiCIi.IOR - I.AL' NIPRV'
Boo ott fls ilthe impt oe d atttiii'ti'sty, :tnd Ii's
.Niasias ftt pare to2- ats a fisr s t i... is work ran '.'..sstiss.

lis. ts tIr" "frass~tss"i5' wories.aont 'lts. sis'lisahsttlsisgiteii'i. ht

TH11E V1 STE r N \1'Ll(1FIA N /\{,jJ! ~t (4( it at t isttonit. A .1F. t'OtiE'-liT. ttitttt.
it ils Iuis.ttislss-t's--OIEG AODA. M. IARTI N,
_N0,,1 't it I '_ A 7,is 's "O. 1 r x1r~sSfIIdl'tts for It tzycol s's rscl' iatest FN P O O RA H . Cloth Caskets, M t li
itatithol ille; sth isosp.'. trst.i t i'Iost' si tttMi i isstts tl isi YILLINERY' AND ART GOODS ? ANtiCO'tiNt OIIJ itlHNti.
th tctt ttctcl eslt. 0 ,st5 5 S ,tRIN8EY & EAEOLT,
F(itt i't tsl.II3 13 5x'115 ' t11ttehlts 1'1( 14ta 1sit 151 .1 1 tt '7N'. SipecialI attention ________________given___________'o.tt leiii
tsHOI+n;f31),,ei' /rIotr s~l IA\ K, hAi N rls PovisionsFlour and Feed,
is 'tiitttt-;1.1: 1 . 1 N i tit't'i t N't tsl i '5 5 ..1 tt' 'ii.sr.. 5 N Grceie P
1ssis' Ai)ssssiiss'tsss it'sststshe iesdi ng School of.. . si- (s)1115i.Tii6irind8 t~ i simiiton t.
s tee t rlsti' tit ii ts i iis peilst o iistudens~stiis itsit 'fleesiexptilse issisisist. ait be itg t tt.-t il t i t iIi
lant im y it iell and'itis 'siitisrtit i. 1tur utinest l iiiii ii i.pneiheI iitis 20Sth stStateStreet5. Z1z __-
A VH. 1vCsli,, reiit ,

li1 s's is'ht i'h: rn eo aao n°s(r1S 2 p ac tet' - l ii is 'lissh ste sail ( rsiiac2, ((poll stecisal sssllis s
(f ' it((st e tsttsstsstttttt it ill cI cn e \'«'it ldri i s t o r1ts sssissilsa t Cus sesis las sill btic isi1 tlisl
ills is It ~r te°-c Itt Leie a beIa d ieian T asscsiendtienstalisi
uat testarilou iv eisis a d o ltit 'iasiitlitvc, t
- ttlt iss' tt ii5 111 ske in is) iif tss tia lt at insit may )Ise itleied 1) v tse i as iiisit
I, ibe he la i tre' Iof tii hts list utu suta ss iilitths h ro g1i tisslii i' tlts Corse ..i ori -s T le tctitlst'
.''stvIi as,' a tl IMathii ui sistWth the isilsist lists fihertisin's heil 's o c.1ie i lss i eti t
'~eis. (irontheistge tatsnsousid e (lsstsshose h ahis Cosrses n .;i
Prf (.1. 1he l h. l -i tout i Is tult o nfu n e a oraje- T e iilnari (r) tihliic s' II r
ctutu I Collete,15 isistinti' lie -I temi;he isaliii sswenat 01"('a1iatisis Irtcrisis
'isith-, ths e-stif Pi DltaitsI sets. suitk
Pril hete l ihssthe-rpuaton otilt i_- o ke sok Conai1sI wsill lie its isle itthe Pi ls ohi alss i
sii it aisogt hep ii-osre-stsso(f ler(us rs a e eturn ltoiI.iI). iousil s is orineat semsestser. Ctitlist'
isa tsstsemsatic' issttists anisihis ( "sit, isf (hillsitm . ai s I is s t itsy Iic- ostlls itn
l'esent i si rt is Stir the tpurpotise oii 11i 1\\) ii .-lutis5l rtsasect'ionii siltl b iv e-ti' Wh I', 1 At
esatssitiap thse ts'stssh isaru t onS h sits. "liesa list sll ditssas t littie o re 2 _es si li-'sit ti
si e hss ma~tersiassfitrIsh iissnewpoo: I 'woSitms. s ;the sitctutu sei onuu Isill tiot'hes-
(}listsianisorst tsie("- t'Ttii re i ll hit eissniss sit si sy tlo ss~wis 'seci as sts i:C rs i si
,, ., .h-sit li I hiss si fthis es etisig i (att i siscilitsittoi- alts clo , is '1
is iitssi- siiiitsi sil iS cey''usa vnn t-, ime otoe w o h v fk l a
'int ii -- 'its ttsiis'c ustthe las hu' Isti I tils rsisCsouttse sd, .avance'du I sy ilsislsy,
per,"at tice Itrandil lOpera Hose,-(I li 5tue-ihsesi.is b svisiti i i
Satutrday een uingp, situdswhiechtis a Aetin;Ii.rtestlenit t it sp~etititi- (ourst-:}a, \ast-r-
iiramtsaie-atioss ef NIhark Tasins sstory' y". r's I"Tiersewill tic in es slitiesiNes ssMoeris Phititlospy
si th s amooe- tatte. 'The iprincsipal ietiton n sig , t tna, l. a- 1-ntilishtsi'I'ratnsctnlettlisti is sisi
sttrae'tisnin i tiecomsttpanty is Elsie tirthiy:Fb.lt 1551uchpesoils as tutes-ilfor ('snte's lPosite hisloss
Lecalse, stisdho be tse- most wosndler- as-sicunuable, becasitofIcotft di ipy. Ctuirse ia, B1tish 1 thies ass-
fl youac stress onithue stake. Sisheiust ititenssithe setsutlasrexam-su "Minciesifor list semester swill tie,
seas thitsoriginal Cedric itt Lithleilihon.Ga-s;;~ itniduringtphals, lessisedlstats-'
loril F aiutleroy, playing that role.- Nut is I I /h/icsf/ii ( (ittrse ,id metsofsithlbscouirss canbe seens si
foir sight conssecuslstivsonths ii Newwill be gsva sss a practissalcors te bulltliniisboard itsnIMaintihhallsansi
YorkCity atntl Ioston. Sitshas ott isu Isychlicaltr'itrtospetihon.at Siseliati Nbiossktore.
esellencta iopany, t.hteuusae as' ai- fIIt tmay bie electedi by thtose ltaving lii II NI.i.

ARNOL.D'S. - 36 Main St.
se's, at sits ails it'g 1, sit 1. has saftyi
I 1'i-i -it Itissc' lit' Itt-si
But1 hiatN o t i 51 .. uits isis.,'. cl Ii'iiitiii
ip alala Iii I- lstIos bi-ileissittli'sa
setn tiot.1lii illIIreceipt tif prtice.
lI)hII t& SON,
Detro-iit, 1Nili

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