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February 24, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-02-24

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c~Ijc ik. of

Al . Wiailjj.




I .

rTse Astronomical Expediton to Montana Banquet. business menl have wbose offices j K OF YOUR -
Peru. beM\on tana studen ts gv happen to be in the same lblock. S c~ y RBT
A little more than a year ago, the bainqnet it llangsterfer's sail, last Class spirit hardlty exists before the 0151lli1 a
,vcossd exp)edition from H 515 51(1evening, to Mr.I1. h.lav-bnrg, the ( eiryaadtosntbcm
tosaelvnthsrolbbing tie until after grad- Mailed to You -
as seitost akeastronisuis b-Ilectturer onisnsiing lass, vho hails ais.IVOSlletSvloathreTouhYr
crvations is South Aimerica. 1 h rofm(nsthir homse state. 'There are , ~NEI'W ____
irisa ne h ieto f31 tsvenst-four stusdents frossssthe iiewvtimes a._clay at .the sasse. notlarge c ..q'T
lut ailunesr sthseirerytinsf rsssl 1nt f3 s ,51 tale, ofteis remain ifor niontlss ini F A1y jL_.-(,
andthe;rnte nube wee llssfusl inoiisce siteachIsother's I Uo
Prof. 'iTilliais t. Pirkerinsgs was in year, aisse tne greakeaIpassingsnodiqsvts rR Upon - APPI IN
':large of thse secondsiandt sithi atpre st tist evensing'~s eistcrtasisisits- iittsskatasi'tsitssieP~~s .AI'ICTO
isiser sit assistansts,Ise lcit C(nsirmst. suicisienst fos soc ial pursoses.( Issee
Iisa svhile sssrnis reezy gensial s-iis sg r
risdge in I )ecernbter, i 8So. 3Asites Deass Knowssltosni, ssftse lisw se Af osv fromsiithsr cousnstsrystar ts i osss )M
ii tlreemisles nosrthswevst of Ale-lpartmen~st, wsasssone osf(teisi ted1"itI
clsasise all thisbsst lie rdses nist get LS
-iiai er a eet's aisralssusts. AC(. Ius isirs Ipresidedl Msas Initssrci seers o sitniiestPlaits
far Ho e s ia rc c s 1i tstility lie is lit cornbast isssi.iesele esiety ladges.
,titiosiestabish lest. It is osser 8hoo0n toastmsasster, andilthe folisgitoss irsone o:eintlbtHradiife-.DTOT - MI .
cet absove the sea level anisi is rstsrs ivere resliillelii
ills fisrsisate ii se rns skatlr 't 'it ii a I I inscure is .sssitaisgible, as ii rsistiblr
allisfortuate iiiithiiimarkablsisonrana-A.sT.sLoeb
,teaslisess of theaiir aisndih s rliii- Ciscur Honsosseit Guest-I1, 8.ICiy-.a h auminaIxase !
ess if the sky.'t'he tiastic teles 1sebserigtistassris
livc wassiiiunitedianduit ii ii'the Ti lie Pineer s-\M.IR. XWilIsis. Conmmrunication. I
ear. s22.4 sitorgr is h avesi r bets 'Tilie 1Pil'rums - I,.Si tlii is i
aken. Thse thirteeis-iiicihre iu torial lie Ilii visits asid thyeIFir WXest I ans very cdesirosus of obltaininig,
stlsicli is the largest refractingsstel- I-Prf. J.(. knsisltvsii ini order to cuoimplete oui rss f
(scople in the sousthierns hemsisphier- Butte--I-D.XW. usce .College pubicsationss, the folloseing-
:as alssiosisinteilansd, altholisi sss Iashes if Ait staa-l" 1 l.Ist1 I tie \tichsiganssArgosass-Vol. whlies nsouwantthe Latest Metropolitan Styies
ei iso phostographssav e tireistatkets I i -isctNXosii.Ii I f2 14,1 5, i'S to tie last iiSsissu ol arta lasAssA~i
-Iii it, the expeuctatiioniis that 'reat Our l l31ater-I.I1). Wisckes.sssssIotts vtsis iplrs e Iices,5 sentorCaalnosur tn
eslsinithat line, wsill evetually +Vis\'0i.t, No.ist;RVH. FYFEo.&r8
aiasel iserssrsehs Fellowship at Trinity Collage. ts sosce-sl 9N 'I
eess busilt for the observers, at toni str- te eltsi 1 ssltis 3ut all th u mbisters sexcept I DETROIT, MICI.
iderable expsense.'The exteirtionoisIlslansd, sit Iartfisids, Irinistys sit . 3o
as bseess receivedl very kindly byy lege receives X50000,theincsiosse A reasonable Irice swlliepaid for Sp~ Ib B E
he pseole thee icl r 1 cC whd rissstichs is to be aswardted by thseill, us asny-of the absove. I shsall -_
sieriltelslent of tthe it otleisslo j cisllege facslty tistthree stuidensts etactsh esteemit iiiftsvor if readleirs of thse (lit.Sel ,& C
raiway oferd tem heuseof isyear.b Earls felsswships yietsds absout Do iv whso save taken these Ipapers,
cose duiring the erectionitof tse AsatiigiEc, itsesaeandI tre not preserving files of Itsem, tie Chs.se.tling pat ,greatly re-
one-hiouse. Thlroughi the assist- if 100orduriing thse college cissrse, wilt see if they cans helpls isn the dciec ipsces, their cholce
sire of the Amnericans Silliister of anld ais exanslinatiols, as welt as the mastter. R. C. D I~s i, tine of Neckwear, Under-
oiiArAnerotiletei-stuident's standing duriiig his jiliior.............i- lbrarlanair Slnd all Furnshling
oss of niuchi arctsaotogical interest, asic seiior years in the subjects Trigt eEvn± (cos
ya issaclrying iaotGaititvea.silothe.
scredl islanilsofthse lncas ois fake exansine' Gpunudvill determinegoodi
of shall tbe appointed to threse fellosw- (Leland Stanford actually received .i sr FispcZ,'od
'iticaca. A trips was also isade to (ships. Theincoths g ivenimst $150,00coro i os ron n rcs
IiiCs s iiiimit iof u;sl.0 sass, .iPAss..E'- I he uedbyeacltststdnt ls.stulyyfo

sitft ocuosom teighthousi ne year, in Eurospe atnslAlierira,
.en fetin eiht fill thle iraisches if studsy four excel-
- '"'~~leince in whlichl the aswardh sas gis-en.
Gymnasium Bids 'Too High. i 'Fle geiseral cuourses of slushylire -
I scribied are phillososphy, phllogy-,
hut little bausiness svas acconi- mteaisadpyiacecs
ishled at the iothtstly nmeeting of}
thue Board of Regents yesterdlay. "
- Harvard Indifference.
The bis on thte iseswgymtnasiutn
swere opened, tint all of thsem being 'There is nothinug di sdaitnfusi, 110111-
greater thtan the anmount of funds ing aggressive in 'iHarvardl induiffer-
sn hanud the contract letting was ece.'' It is simply inudifferenlce.
postponed for a muonthl. The nunm- Classnmates sit on thle samse benchi
tier of memsbers of the school of week after week withont ever feeling
isurses was increased fronm eight to that this simple fart in any way con-
twelve. Else hundred dollars was stitutes an acquaintance. They pass
soted as a guarantee fund for the. and repass each othter on the dormi-
tUniersity Recorid. the faculty puh- tory stairs a hundred times with as
lication. little knowledge of each othler as

XNashingtoi spsecial to thte Brooklyn
Eagle tells swhat thte Californuia sen-
Iator constempillates (doing withI the
m noney receis-edltroni the sate. "
let that hlorse go too cheatp,'' le
said, " 'andI lul 15010tryinug to get
even ons testeal. I think I will do
it in this wasy. I ctnutl it a y'oung
sian thirou~gh a four years coutrse at
nily college for $i,000. Now f am
going to pick out z 5o young msen
and use the nmoney I got for that
horse in giving them an education,
and in that way I will get even on
that last sale and a good many msore
that have preceded.' -Ex.
The-Univ. of Pa. Nhas: bleen invited
to enter the Inter-collegiate lacross
League, and has accepted.

Chap. Speller & ~
Ricthmond Sfraight Qaft.
No. 1
Cigarette Siankert iho
SarniO ,linig to Dar a littla
tanre than the price
charged enr the ordnar
\ Irade Cigarettes, will Saud
'a Tats BRtNsuperiar In
- all others.
The Richmond Straight
Cut Na. 1 Cigarettes are made ram the bright-
eat, mast delicately Slavored and highest east
Gold Leaf grawn in Virginia. Thin la the 011
and Original Brand ni-Straight Cat Cigarettes,
atid was brosght out hy as in the year 1873)).
Beware af imitation, and oserve that the
firm name at helow in an every paehage.
The AlIEN & GINTERI Branch
0f the American Toaaeo Co..
Manufacturers., - .Richmond. Virginia..
North Main Street.

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