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September 30, 1891 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1891-09-30

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r Mdnswill join the Associotion this ?
f. f year, and attend themeeting for the T
election of officers and directors.
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during eei o f rs d r r.H ANj & Q.,8-
the College }ear, by THE edict has gone forth from the
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION office of the Dean of the Law de- have received for the opening of college 20,000 Books, new and second
hand of all kinds, Greek, Latin, French, German, Law and Medical Books,
Subscription price s2.50 per year, invariably partment, as our news columns which they will sell at Greatly Reduced Prices.
in advance Single copies 3 cents. On sale at show, that hereafter, type-written Mathematical Instruments and Laboratory supplies. See our Note Books
sneenan s and Post office news stand at 12 copies from stenographic notes of or 1891-2.
o'clock, noon. Subscriptions may be left at
the ofice of the DAILY, Opera House block, at lectures will not be permitted, and
Sheehan's, at Stofiet's, or with any of the
cd rs.at the student who violates this tL-===- "
Communications should reach the office by rule will be severely dealt with by
7 o'clock p. M. if they are to appear the next the authorities. Any one who
day. Address all matter intended for publica-_C
tion to the Managing Editor. All business familiar with Professor Knowlton
communications should be sent to the Busi- aad his methods will readily appre
ness Manager. i
THE U. M . DAILY, ciate that this is no idle rule, but Is theLEADING SCHOOL of BUSINESS.
Ann Arbor, Mich. will be strictly enforced. We think our departments-Commercial No text book
stritlyr manuscript work-&nglish, Shorthandad
Penmanship. Elegant building, large at-
there will be at first some grumbling tendance, efficient instructors, work thor-
EDITOR. p .ough, living expenses extremely low, $2.25 to
RALPH STOnE, '92, Managing Editor. and protesting at this decision of 2505 per week; students assisted to positiott,
pee ca.logue .Raddres..at h CLEARYPresident.
S. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ctlgeadrsP.. CUnaSS, '92 Assist. Mansa'isgEditsr. the Deatn, but the sober second I______________________________________


G. L. Ca APMAN, '92, Assist. Managing Editor.
J. C. TRAvis, '92, Business Manager.
W. P. PARKER, '93, Assist.Business Manager.
C. W. RIcKETTs, '94, Assist. Business Man'gr.
F. D. GREEN,'92. F. E. RUGGLES,' 92.
F. E.,JTEeec'9l. J..R. A astILL, '9:1
0. B. Dygeer. '93. C. F. WELR, '9d.
With this issue the U. OF M. DAILY
commences the second year of its
existence. It is no longer an expe-
riment, but has come to stay. It
has received very encouraging sup-
port from the business men and
tradesmen of 'Ann Arbor, and only
fair support from the students. Our
subscription list is not as long as it
should be. We hope to increase it
considerably this year, and we think
that we are entitled to have our ex-
pectations realized. The DAILY has
had considerable influence in mak-
ing Michigan better known among
college people everywhere, but more,
particularly in the East, along the
Atlantic seaboard.
The Athletic Association is badly
crippled by the loss of nearly all of-
ficers and about half of the directors.
At present it is a useless body, as it
has no head, and nobody to assume
the responsibility in the various de-
partments. The president, vice-
president, and nine of the directors
will not return. It will be neces-
sary, therefore, to hold a meeting
of the association at an early date
and fill the vacancies. The consti-
tution provides that "if more than
six vacancies occur they should be
filled by the association." This meet-
ing should not be held later than
next Monday, and in order to com-,
ply with the constitution, a notice
should be posted and published to-
day. Secretary Taylor has an-
nounced that he will be in the main
hall to-day to receive membership
fees to the association. The pay-
ment of membership fee constitutes
one a member. It is to be hoped
that a very large number of the stu-

thought of the reasonable student
will agree with him. Type-written
lectures encourage absences and
idleness upon the part of the student.
Then, also, it can readily be ob-
served that the taking of notes en-
forces the attendance of the student
and fixes the subject matter of the
lecture upon his mind. Upon the
other hand there may be exceptional
cases where printed lectures might
be of some benefit to the student
but we know of none such.
NoTICE.-Students electing work
other than that of the first year
will report at times and places indi-
cated in the announcement or on
bulletin board, beginning Thursday,
October z.
NOTICE.-French, Course D, Sci-
entific Prose. Tuesday and Thurs-
day, 2-3. Room M. German:
Students electing Course 19. Tieck's
Romantic Dramas will please meet
instructor in Room M, Thursday,
uO1 -t1I, or 4-5-
Chapel exercises will begin Fri-
day October 2, at 9:15 a. m.
Join the Athletic Association.
Election of officers soon.
tNotices inserted in this column at the rate
of 10 cents per line. Special rates for longer
time, and extra lines furnished by applying at
the DAILY Office.7
A look through our line wilt convince
you that we are the house to purchase
your Clothing, Furnishing Goods and
Hats of. Call and see them. The
Two Sams.
Ask last year's students where they
trade. All will say, at the Two Sams.
We have the novelties for you. The
Two Sams.
Hot and cold baths 10 cents, at Post
Office Barber Shop.
Mr. Marshall Pease, who has been
conducting a large and decidedly suc-
cessful class in voice culture since
April 1st, will continue his work
through the coming year. A natural
and correct method of producing and
placing the voice. Studio with the
Allmendinger Piano Co., 51 Main st.,
where all particulars may be obtained.
Voices tried free of charge.
Rooms-2 suites with furnace heat
and use of bath room-at No.5 Monroe.

"The Niagara Falls Route."
JAS. M. STAFFORD, iTE e largest and Thl'aasFal sf.
m rost corrplete line TIME TABLE (REVISED) JUNE, 28, 189..
of Wooiens in the CENTRAL STANDARD TIME.
All the llatest STATIONS Mail OnDaySre Y Ni'tAtl.i Kal
Ajte atsExpjLim Expl Ex. ExpAc.
shades irl Spring Iag,. _ iA 0A.M .n..a
6TT 70 K , CatIig. fhicanoLv.7I051 9 00 12 2 10 tO925111156
Jackason........ '255 425 5 s30 8 d47 440 1 S50
A coraplete lineD ei.ii. ..:.55l72155
of foreigr novel- 42 5501an2is.u51 4. . 5 238013
ties in Farcy Vest- syneJane 527----------047 sIsa1050
1Detroit, Ar _ 6 i45 72010451 7301 92011125
rigs. AMA. M. A . aol. . u. rP....
Buffalo4.........1810 4001 725 s3 1 60 .-.
A narmoth stock WESTWARD.
of Sprirg Trouser-' Chi. N'th
sTATusn. Detr Chi. Lim Eve.jShre Pac. Mail
10 S. MAIN ST., irlgs. Exp Sup jExp Exp. Lim Ex, Acm.
A. M- . M A. A. M.rP.. M
Fine Full Dress Baffai-o,........ i12 i 090 945 340 1260 05
ANN ARBR,5 ICH5. MAs n.. . ss. .M.M.M
Suitings a Speci- Detroit,Lv... 820 5715 0 745 915 915 445
atWaynesunc 900 , . .8 25 .9 54 5 19
, alty. Yilaiti.. 592 510 015 847d ...1015 540
-A+*--.. 91358s 219 19918 5515 l s51
Delhi Mills.. 9 -45. 915.
__________________Dester.... 955 ..- 9 esa29 - 607
'' 1k Ch!' iss...1010..... 95.- 1
-- - _ackson.....100253141025110 929 3.d 151 1115 i 6 5a
chicago, Ar. 7 55 355 9 00 0650 450 s 05a1115
'Daily. *Sunday excepted.
G. P.& T. A. Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor
PH OTOGRAP IER Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
NO. 12 W. HURON ST. Michigan Railway.
Time Table going inte offect September 13, 1091.
Arrival of trains at Ann Arbor.

Prices, $1.00, 75, and 50 Cts.
Sale of seats opens at the Postoffice News
stand, Thursday at 9 a, m.
All Arbor Sham 1Lallllry,
Office. - 28 South Fourth Ave.
ART GOODS. 10 West Huron -

No. 2. Through Mail and Express... 7 40 a. m.
No. 4. Ann Arbor & Toledo Accom..1150 a. m.
No. 0. Clare Passenger.............. 5 05 p. m.
No 1. Clare and Toledo Accom......11 30a. m.
N. 3.Through Mail ..910P.m.
No. 5. Ann Arbor & Toledo Accom.. 7 20a. m.
Trains and 5 rnn between Ann Arbor and
Central Standard Time.
All Trainn Daily except Sunday.
Gen. Pass. Agent. Local Agent.

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