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February 13, 1892 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1892-02-13

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ATt THE TW O SAM/(S. Bitt still oar ont the price of Ciotinsgs, fats, Cips, Glovses, Mittents, etc., tc. his will
j j y nonoce to tihe public tat our otte fourth off sale, oni everytinsg in ououbtole Store, coit-
Otto Huindred F ine Overcoats Redttced. ttc tius UNTIL. MARCH lot, witicih means some thittgs at less titan actual cttst.
Ait .ot '~ieAbr oastdVss At the tinte tite water lpitteitttst tt'oe rstre. a fewe weeks ago, some of ttur 'ilL-
DREN'S Saits swere slighstly tiamasgedt.'We will pal in ottr eittire stock of Childisen's Suits
attsiptots at ONETIIIRSI OFtF'regttiar selling ptrice. Oar stock sir these goodts is nt
THIS W EEK. {sery large. andtwe orualtd adsise thtose in nted'toI call early. Tihis is a grat chtasce tilt
- - - - - I M archt 1, i92.
Z~T ~ E T TQ Ly~~The J. T. Jacobs Company,

Teleph :: e 99.

27 ants121 MAIN STREET,


k11Ailbor SIGtiIJm L1fy~u. C D A L . GEORGE L. MOORE b~sl~)
WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL, AFuttl iceo siCo 'llege 'Tretlooks, including Log tt)isn MedicalfcoI;,(o.:iu t' tie"arR
- CALL t NChesspest Istace orteNote Bookos ndFssattitiPests in the city. Frrslimnirterswttit'. t'sstna on
SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. 1 ,l ZA , oldtfriendls. I now biasem enttirrstocktattnystaeon No. 6j*S...MAIN _ST.
Office, - 23 South Fourth Ave. I Nit. 1f Wit-,S' V ,suttstIcGts STiREE. GMO . moomz=

OttIOSITE'f: las jusf 'eceisdat ts fufsll lite if ill SeciontdlSemtecr:Text-Bootsks. i f21) 0SILL SNOWT'S
COLINIeosiarctotsr(tltiiiitF''i'h stlciiue tl E fY, 11A1K ANti IIAWfAGE 1La1k'o
t 0 IP~l lea c u rte"S or {lenla gid ren h )ibleaiols. oler, Ordters frCite sti ati ices.sceststitigs, etc..
110)1'SE tfit"lttgo"' Sttiter1its11i1 11, Fsic SAI. Teeileselrowtly attentdedf to.
1, -c'llt'stesl i tiilte'ttts'l l tttt-oit'tits. d Sf'tasrilt g irili E Til. ;__lep_ ne__ .1t. Masllin St.,. 'os ist itliti.
NI INT . St 11.11 12. TIt - EXCtEI SlOM - IAU1Ali/V
STRE ET. jlBlantk Boocks. .Mitigc -nnnlteiitrst-lmtlict.otOi s-
AI1ae1.iHs aelltte npovedfcinery, andt i stipte.
tire. cmmierciasework tured tsia msssedaN.
Prices reasonabhle ntsit rktgset ntto etted. Nic
IlisirtereslaIncssttsopoated.)____ ______.M. MARTINV,
O'ttEs) Citeits 1t,'tP~A'fiift VS tt'llSi'5. Praesissisdent' ssetrsanysclegesoseie FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, Cloth Caskets, M~etallic
itc tscholL tintf cut...isestsCt itsere 11ftuusiisi'Ist teteitteatMILLINERY AND ART GOODS 11 ANDCO CMMON coleIN~fS.
ife is tttsaetseai results. . oti-~uxc tssts ssnist*- 30 LouttSouronsStreet, RINSEY & SEABOLT,
:osr its NtaftMAi. ANiD f'f'AC'ltEaS' 7711AIN NGDETBitMteT.specindatteeioneivnnn
to priesprationtttorstxt itettttttsc anuit ahn.B kes nd elrsi
ctit iiiUo'SaC'ANDtFNEtAfRT DEPARlit..'fM5T'. S, tSntoii owlit Mettic tdO SliteUD IIA TAKE A Groceries, Provisions,FIour and Feed,
'oti i'l O.5MEKI'AI. ANDISORiTffANDaDEPiARlTMEfTS'. tltteading sehlfusitne-iss. SH RT AN
i'rentremnely tmodrate eaxsense tosuidentslt atendsingse. 'riese ssraeeountslanobt ti1g. COURSE. S batdtt35. Washington fit.
errdto wer.tit usill an a sttineytlteteducatiotnal ins11ittion ts is tesountey, stndat the IT WILt. PAY YOU. Shorthanid Scholc New
suis-uetim e re tellatind sc ittablt'. Fits't'shisso Csr'slBut.ilhding, 20SoSnailsStale Street. I
A. 1. VERTX, 1President, f.
Freedom of the City. Prof. IReighardns Dinoovery. onknowns.is If nlist viotutt s cut II ~ VEJ1i~ SO
cit- of tese organus comies to ligh-t, Ptrot. Al'-
Tlhe foloi cisgstion seas taken by IOlue of thin tst insterestinug ands Rleitgltauclc11ei credistedtlvuh a sARNOLDS i, - 36Main St.
te City Coiuncil, Thursday nights: lpechas va0lisiuale ifiscoveriest htthas very uiue anin ternestingsooici--et-
W1112111t~s, list ComsmotnCoiucil of bentmsatic for somse years itsousr cal shus r.su41ssur isno th it f nlAro s ot eiou nvestylbraoieWs ae--#0.-- ---
of extendtitng to te hontorable (xrover Nx Tusafo :; ot03 aia,$000 upusadI~lt,$700
C'leveland, cx-CreileltOfthfe-Unitedily cf Ri1trlthssycit hn 1 i rust Irttneol'~s hass still given I oces ener7i tii'Bakinug bsusittess. sa's its-
, tatso nr< soime s-sttiteclsss sftenui aticitiotftcerialistepitelialh retadigs fromtiShtakespeare. 'h'seoc Ues)S'sit ltesn Cis te l ame
rsignitictnsoitthue distitngtuishedhonrradnIIIl e fetrodnayR EPi fe. F.1.iChl Csir
ashii elslewiill cnufer uttitsthe city' by cellos00s distint storganusstof tste i ntuassullno xcosisc-F tf iHakoes t. II. Ieveing. Csste
hiis presenelure onthle ttationlli- the commssousnorth-tworm.s T'hse class interest, andclbas.is all respencts equal'tit Stteds tttit_
tsy Februry 22nd,189~t2, andtl to iathin average evenitng ('ttcaitu-
WtIulucAs Te emtitietnt puiblics' It gesncral usiology tas btensworoking mea.Al ieisinu s tea .B A.RBER SHOP
is-es itt flu, illtustriotus Atiterhissst i ~o tChinearthu-wosrmssfor thinliaise six tunesm.' Iatlls iic<sn it ttititi tI Porcelin Tubs.
itietue 11atdlove sot his fellosw c nountutirtyst-ti 1liViitg)tu' unc' s.--hsyt'ioiogy atdcl logic. 5-sutt ihtsuu utiitctsli
ioaellerececrsdisersedStothtiheiestoif tihe'ost'ents inthue laboratcocy Exsttustatuoet its Psychtology-, sec. I, J. k. "IRJAN0)WSKJ,
to-clays pre-emintently a citiz elicitthe ta rf e ads teto a nRIu 1 e.1 nR01
I niteil States. Thterefotre, e t-?:0K ahnt- t.AnAbr ihgn
IIFOO.'Itl, fly t terl Ccl, attracstecby hue groupof sells 530 ata. it., F+rilay', Felt. s(~. it_________________________
toiveeshit speciial sessionuthit loicsc n801 Sa I.
elt'v-ethtssisy of Fetritary, A. D. i1892'twhicht latec, tartly lby' sotsltsirisiii logic, F. I hsBosc.II1, bom - 5h S1;itu <ice slakintughss'cllows-
hst Clue freecdo of the city' of Almti tosiths thin 'tastse-biuds" 'oituthintion's-ue -,bS>o5 i. In.,s-'l'stnsday- Felt. Its>. 1ieui- yls'si i ts(vanstd blue buittons.
Arbtotr andtiher hooracit'i nesipl Ce
tnthe Clesalue tire lhretty extenedilllt I O ' 'rabbitlieansa bleto idenutify 1. 11. 1..s us.
slus coniferrsedupslith le IHonoratble s' siosrgasofcuttaste. Stotarus knsowsns itoric i..-RepublhticaintCltub. Al. ai50 Y Y
Girover C'evelatnd, lately lPtesidienstof ter-s oreod nthlitrtuethimer fth Rpblcn lb.
thue UnitedlSatswiths thea. sldtrtce hm i sarcr s hc tct-tt hnuuutueso hnRpiioi(i
Shto llhrt n ehssred(olg fth icvr ftes anilthose swhou wish 10 attend tlb ( lass, Thc.
th ii y ofstilfr ctietlie has sre ofzolgyohtedicosrsof \l~icbigacn Clob Banqiuet on the even- i -
counttry best." lie it farther organs. All recent, as wsell as colderirng of Februtary 22, ace reqinestedl to
RESOlLVED, Thuat as copey of these rea- text ande reference books on Chitstub- meet ini Law Lectutre Roonm next
slutions, nuitably en~grossed, fproperly csttthttogtheah-Tsdyvniat 'lck.,Je
ineasedl, andtlsuly tattestedl by Cuth sae Cat-thug be als Isedyeeig.at7 (sc~k f
Mlayor aiud City Clerk, undeorthue muni- wornisliowvs its possessiont of thelam tnes of itose desiring to nttendel
slol eaul,uirsCnectyofr.Cletersiba.cinetsmors esenilltoi te i5ls tsureepofrc.
silanimediately uoithis arrisal flu sense of taste, Ity its preteurtnce for e ncttnisbesutoth
the city,-and thast Chic Mayor, the Coot- certain kinds cut leavesutotably Wecceaorbeatichian Cot t.IeI t ltpt iioreitofrc.
attentd Officially as thCle suitaidoeeltu- n- on eavs, hator wshere the resersed. ' itO1lIM & SON,
tition. organs of tlhi sense are, in vet J.AMIEs1F. hBt-se, Tres. 4 Dtri..t Mir-t..

" _ a .. .... ... u.....,., ... W ..,


s e rv l, viic a,

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