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February 12, 1892 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1892-02-12

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AT THE TW O SA M S tlBt stiltrean te prceoflttt( tiH illhus,ICips, (Gloes, Mtittes tc~ti, t. IThis wil
1 V P1attounce to the public that our oe fourth oft l, on everytinig in oatrtDoalle S te, stit-
Otto ltttidredlTiite Orcoats RcdttrCdl oter NIfI. SAHCIt st, whtichimtars sosme things at lsslha atulcot
A ittFort Pt'ttee Albet Cots atd V nta. At tie tite tite water ife bttst avre totr stoe, it frsw weks ao, somie ofitr CI I
DR EN'S Suititwereasigtty dtattitysit. i I Iiptt it otr entire stak of Ctie tildt s
atd Pots attONETttRt OFFliglr ellrting ptire. Outr staik f thesegooids i not
TH IS Y W EEK . %toy largettand se stiotld is tos it) a inred t casit ly.T hi) ls t great chancet i
---- M tsih r, 092
7 j~ T 7O S~ The J. T. Jacobs Company,
Telephone 9. 127ttttd29 MAIN STR'EET, - ANN A18O.
Aro onL. r. CO L EO G . M O E,(oret5a r)+ +
WORK CALLED FOR an DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. Atittlttitteti iof ttt''fstitti e t ok, inlui at , fitirititit rtieiii tt. ittia .'t tt iaIr.
-- -tCALL tonChetest tla te f ar Att, iitBtkiti utat ittt entitt nri ttthe city. 1Fesheatttcter t t it. (oetitt long
SPECI AL RATES TO STO DENTS. ai/E od rintds. It tistitsrtttmyei rtetatnysttiaaattNO. 60S..t AIN ST.,
Ofice. - 23 South Fourth Ave. No. I 1 st AW IsNTitit' 'it+:7t''. s i M 62E
I'1lOtN, 1,VV A-. H . I N)I ' IN I! USNES ' -TR .
0 1t1It) S ILLi 'jHasojtst rec'tieiv t afut ll i in f sll Seconditt IleSaitel tiostIitks. 11 ?oitGILT.Z MS 'O'ST
Ii 0'STF. titentifitt'WV Iiti ip's i ie Stitioney tutu K otelt 4:fa sr S ATE ' F t }at t t t
'1 I '.I. I ltttk'hoks. hut' A. Su'tI . 1 , T cp oE - 1N.X atI. S t .. AuN ct fiu
celebratteHdt oh tte intlottil taocitot'it. tt is- - t
NO'I'I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I)~pae to turn not'h~tit'it t'st ts suttiS twioous on tihdtrt tno-et~ ili' atcsit. k t ,M t
i it idtiit'tttttl . t'iis T 1 1re it' teatO'Ls it ti t tit s it itt + t ettit( t (t etit titet' ttti t ILLINEoYkAND ART GOODS I
tit'tits ietoitT Easti1._l N .O it'it'NiiiFast' 0 tHituron SEYA.I&SOEBOLTU>ico
'111Finsiou ad Fed
iii'~~~~ -t-tt.a'ii ~.'l istti~t''t~Xh5 5tiiit i iu iiltttti iuH R H N C1IS
U ttetetet't (dct Ct' i tr riettIitan Iteotio ttie e ttt) cit'etttt tttiiihati ARtWo TINteatt
tltettitsil littiti t!eCititilid!ir. 3'r i i. a looiothinggrperiotis saml itsthelsctpadeARNOLD'Su-e36nMain-St.
Atthe rists ictair s stltisti u30ois.a s t ; tieRINSEYrday, a ;.
sea, o bitastt0,1I Ar1 CIfS PAI1( I R TIL'tl. Sei al tt n t io il n ti Roii 1. Si.Sri sst. X n
'oera aigh 'oteser
lir' e tp ea minar'tion dl titl ii rte I;tItttletl ttls l Riaikt ieii. irtil ttreras and dealerti. susit, i nttt ila ii
Vopa:1 Ii zv lrh lailrt r siti~rtit switil th nit si y d titsttic lt a tt T AKEi Atice. octriest c otti i o atti lo urtit aiti dt. Fitead,
1'ii(oao ne istR~ath le th1at i sie oli e I)FLreaL til S h lai ngs a. ruin~. ite i siset l it t siiet etiiht'iii tierii it
hl~r t he extremelyimdeiraisiexperstltorstdentitagsendeogttThutupense.Recount can Ae Pig-tnOI1"S iitiitdlBie.tWas('titotue.
siedlote tithitirs th itipy o the dt5 ionalititutDioil saecountryi andslt teI T r LIsr' PAYri O U.r t ho rtan itd itrir
lo i e tlire wellitiadtcomforttle. I eittli tisti ' . Buidig , oth ts ateSeta a.RourtS. 0 K. B A : ER S O
A . 1 ; . S i c . h a rtPt o tsdt i e . t n tu O t TS O
rertIN itT -Ois utLLtE ttuIsT. T he N ftt m o f. 'h.e Nancree asts a -oits. sirm n cure i9 E r S O P
tpte iutt iiAseriliro s k aiil ity'urueoniiiti wetll ttuknownthi Neck 'is o 11n i'sDaulilas tune oti-A'
wil shrl salthasho f tr Itu itte coIultr cas fo usehil n ess ou co reiteti Monda ..H O A O
iliuoitltlcltieuiituof tit t etlat h ich ha bafle th eutfolrts of rut -i
\tnnuhisitiortaed itr Isi saalttetiisttilnt.ne i 9:T5;. o'I T 'u es dayto 3Ystiapr
'Ile ceutoi it ke itesio I it erla otheasre ph scansI, hucett run Nitrit. All aS' itsp hsy tiat lthtusTTt i 'naslp ii tlis
la s to e e ighueet il bc ttursers.u'l titdiiisiluluullu t o ik ci it ielula Iis ti u ii tia
Ther aeTe e ru mapesnt bsco A t sa lit. rts hun r e doit il e for pi v~ ate lit iotl the r nses u rises2'Thtinuttiro w srr~prrn t ren ln
esurSineaa tstclAt.otteati, a nitesluet 11 lIIyt Roatntic. ovses n \ to a nce.uur ,o ige rw i i'shghsre. ty
'isecollegesmioun ts ta over tbae snutilost liaat s rsilas p ii solituuut stil eifto susttutte
tail~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~Wr tase yoeml e~hsi~dhii' 11trt Nu''ul. is al sanuu ttins
tregineiopyhsailest onricoobl., an- ' p att1e Xthlat
tsro, Ariuletud a ty'. f ayoteionjakunieectc ueru tll inha ithiiroomigs1 fott aned !l.iy IF ,. P u: Csir
halt etuscen te tantsstud uto tue oe hi Sstteils Isicetotuit a to ' cirtisSatutrdaot evsinisnti
statet matke sayn aoatenr lieadsirs So'cl o and iolsNutIIWild' e l ai i ttscus sisntissforotiditerar ns
hod e asisnct. ia, fio. sik n i tta ht Itaenrersils t t sisel ttiuuFra ce.T s dayatc 0 . K . BA R ER51
aistofu llyeses,caunid on e o phe t-td- not( i Te IAli~noc at S tisty urt ru-. Al an idates for tit yri~~en cQ ~1eac tb
ci t he. ttito,$pie L'lat rlsy oas Iting t anits.tta a e 93 ballte htchliare eqtueted tot U. 51Itul iiA1cec Sipto itt
lee.o ttedsiran fsth eliih ue ec(r.rtut oW Csots' lhad titeir names at once.I~liM &SN
ca o mmisotn fr l 'sB ir. N rnr.-.I adiato es itoretot. ' I II. . Jtii. tiM a . an c r :)U.it ' o t. nnAder.t iei .

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