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February 12, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-02-12

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iIJ. f 1Jo(. thy, R:~~ ock Islandl; Kellen- "o Go Ie~ e FO- TESECON E M F
.l.1 fU J L " bc hetnCee.Pitchers-:Austin, Cu thrie; Iliar- Grek:Lti , ec emn ii ahmtc
iblished Dinily (Sundays excepted) during ti4ek aii itc, retii, di,~~eidi'i
t he Clere y ie1i5,\a~~Clee enor, by'. exlgoks, New itidISecondhndcat
'HE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION of M. }I211inalian, ()sh kosh,"
Ilou-i'ii F. L., Grand Raisl Itnas' 4
Sttieeiptniipei'i'Scyi tre uei nni'nhi de P'Wit, A.. If. S., tutd '9-t lit.;
vu s ipto rt''iic$25pe'ar , an.liii ial y F d ii trs n Universiiy Bookseilers, - - .Stain Street.

- rntunn'r end Punst oilirfice es staidat I'?First Base --Cetikell, Chagrin
o'cloik, rnt. Subscriptiournsoaybelefetc at
'holie o iit'n liieOAuiLeiru ue hiock, ut Cii Is \ mi ita sic Dixoii College;
shem', atiii ltit's,sun, wiisayiiftihe 3trollsiil IN otre IDanie; .1efferis,
Connniainssold;echiiheiffic uerby I andy vis inc 111)1t, NI aiicliester';
o'ilcik . .ititilue rier toiapperithie next 'l'ippcri V.,Wasliington and j effer-
tue. Address niilnuatter intended fiir puhblca onts Ie'
"in toilie Munaing Editoe. All biisinirs ii l1
ciinunetiUns shiiiid br sieiiitoiitle hn- Sccoiiil Basc-lepple; lDe linw:
biiieiiigt..A., Cintcinnati Stars;
Ann Arboe, Mich. Kciuiinui Sag"nmanw NIarooiis;
-Smiet/eci, 1 nisvcrsitey cif Iowa;
EDITORS. ('lirthIt ake Foirest;IHarrisoit Nan-
V. 1C' cuci--, 'tluMunginltiIiiito. pltlil.

a 1 eer ,rri tuens n IrS I p e lda rne C n 'e a. . i1
(uurulln,nr uilidi P Si h l I~t I mi

isi \t i~xsutii,'93SAsst. Mat ingi t orl . S iut-Stop Splti' , 1 o'-1'4 T
J. . ee vs, 2iisiaitcr iinager.I vF L img.Lilll-f;riiiltlt N U
. .1 is te, ,'it,,Assiis. iiiiuinss i tnnier. 'lmiherd limse--I'' iii --tI
Ou ui. illi.t it lieli-llIalloi k \l. :1. A; NO. 12 W. IhURON STl.c tx Mrl9. 1)AYNG , s
il H.Iilina.cls ii it a n it l nlni' ieil: liiK.'t. '' S .
St.E.ci U CrI E, . 'Thomas, Ilalia II li licoiil; I ,~auHAL-
(lers, Silvee C(reek: Staos; Myatt E_ V I sLL ull
TH RU ULSINcOS tr c; ii' auclllin , ( heclin College; te i i nsecuo. ii 0'iin 1
lii oeii liiI li Iueuis'~ci'"'ni-Hatrmlonl; IMahnii, Ieslic NI enluol tli
siheelFoithe ipniions ttuemuents if coirres-lBay Cit; Hatt, Midlanod: W\oou-l1Ann Arbor Savings B n P naoo s
lilndeati.. apieiringiiinlithle DILYhiur , hfesll ) h; ec, S ie Is Aiiinn Arboiriic. Capitai hinck, ' 50,, ?
y, J fferonO.; , S ield , ISurplus, $i00,000.
'-si iiietiltl s issuie of the lDs mci' v nt thinstante.tieceines enOposits, usasdAn
11 'art I l Iaytlwiloll. ('Iicag. oIicals. sells exchneonrrthe principal citiesiofthte !p
'citllie the 111s11foc tilt' reset-ilse5211-;Unitrit Staler. Dratsrcaheldupon proper-
I _ .-9._ Iidentitrnation. Oficerim
ese:-sn ae il eise tr IISirMax rs,;Fancy
esea i ne illeisii l- Peinceton Base-Baili W.Dtilo IA.Vicec Pres.,
lug thlecoinlg week. the micreas- CnuS. S. Hisca, Carlier.
edi tressuire lit work inlciidenitto thi 'flii' Princlietoinl(ollege liasi-ball- 'tlnsilegnetieso
semii-aiiiiualexamiinatiions reinders it Icaimihils arranigeidthle foillowviing riV tn
iniossbteforth edtor todevteschdul ofgams or he oinngthe senioir lawsy esterdlay, on thle
iiiherheilrtile eltors i ilc t slel ie(I iiie ortecitsll 11je't If ceal lirolerty. is intro-; FnoitEN(, IlANDo .aNil 11cir. 55 i
tl~ereililcil tll~ to lleIllasag- seisiil tilictorc lecture seas a highl~y initer-~
ineiit lit the lpaper, andlllienice twe April 2Will Ness'Vo'rk IdIlli, it r A . T F Oe.estitgacceount lit the origin anud l upnd\/iainIo n logons caatrsic fteIn<1 ao
sol llicilil eb.il 22,liat)oi caou 1Ap5 rounds. baracteDaticsoftttieollegeub0maun
sLeekn-witucinresumel. 2, hesub:ca-tPril-etoi ntloili(Ileeaid hie illustrated the snbject in his No. 1 ISoutth MliStreet.
scriptioii price o 1)the IV tior thle ( 'Ahell 9-WithLi ehigh, at IBetli- o h ila 51hutn ~llyi~i ________________________
remande ofthe ollge ear s bt llaen. tatins.Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
rensinde of ~le ittlge yar i 11111 l-l-euu" ratlltis
Pt.50. All college evenlts isf imtport- April uS With G~eorgetownl, at BUSINESS LOCALS. Michigan Railway.
ante, tiottilocal aiid fureigni,, trill le \aluntn ti ni 'r Carsd in effectJSnuruy p24, 1tn2.
IclApriui-el il tes -l ~ .lril it 9 11th tiiersity of ' ir- lo 0cnt e ie.Seilr tesfrloeiger Ai Iivatrofltrins atAnindrboronily.
giiyuiaonicat initese ooumdstiiie, uand eit hues nirnirhedbiy applinaiij__
atndtlstuents swhoitwish tio be i-il- theItG un lxtter
"versant tun college imatters should 'Apeill 2o-S\'itli Cniversity'if 'sir- Luus'c A blacktpainYsy scarfliltse't No. 1. tall ail Expressn......... a.n.
metfill- susrit.ginia, at Cliarlottsi ille. xwikutllciamondillceitre.iRefturn tol 14 No. S. lPinsgr, ,aAnneorA's'tutu12 Wuuotuiti
no filtosuscib.S. State, andi receise l'ewa'ird. No. 6. MStllPassenger .....4:15p. at.
's -- pitu 2 -WithllsIeligls,at lPrintce- iuuos'r nli. 7t,ontiEmst l'msling- GOIrNSOUTH.
Base-Ball Candidates. tioni. toll street.,it cherry-limittlteu,,selt-clius- No.:?. Stail P assenger ....... II IS i. ill
'telilisrui s is f h eus pril 2s7-1With States Islandsl Atluiig ubrella, stitli a long nfkeletd fec No.6 Psenepr, eno. .a .. ; (topai.
Th fllwigisa is o te an Irule. Find~er rtuntolEIC. 1\1. 'uuturtuut No. i.i ansru be tteteduu Ace botuu. arIl
uluaeko h I lmsil letic Club, at hiriuscetolu, 6idE. Waslingt-tou d receise rew'taru. Toledaoaily.
uuae ortel iersity nn ,wi 'f enrlStandard ''lae.
the positious thins are t rylig for, a Aptril ;o-Withs Lafanyette C'ollege Louss-1sso live udolar biluts ietsseen All TransiOuly excetut Suniday.
- ~~thin listoulice anduIthIme nfsecsity. Re- ~HlE
thue clubs Ithey ptirdhae ISSYecIupon bei- 1Estu.i turnto In .of hM. D I 11.5ofice mitiure- 'en.PT, i.nS. ocal Agentui.
foechhi oleti riy Ile~ .Nay 7-Withi Harvardi College at ceeu'rewamrid. OtPn.Aet ra i
foeoiigt huiest. 'Iei Prineetusu. A uenc he sftNeeksseacirk 1reiset
ire 4.5cniae, n ihteCO tand tnbetter stylerstill he tioundlin
c tauofsdorsato ad tutth 'sayd ils'alaCleg, ttow osl. iun sil sty theymice itte-hualtf PW
heuiu f icuIstpuultlum aeNets' Haret. 1 the price yuupaIy fur them selweshere.
mir ilitt c cot dslosulet Ih -NI ay -I'itisersitr of NAichiigan uek euttt.S
rink i GCiiuep ci cvafternsoons' '""' Latiies ou t blue . ittM. still fhod it
frm1tttui' s lok 5(1it15 S a 0Nulh las rgreatly to their adsvattage toemalf on ios
fro tliti ; '.16 llo itiswhtenuilt tuerd of Gouls, Dress fGoods
lka ,-il arad.olrob~able letat :theite uiuInbr5 tst'h it at hige.orCllee, cey hDry goods. iark L&DSchmtidl.
crease afterateacudoi ue".ir Laudies'Mtaekintoshes ini beutiul Q(
'June in--With Vsale CollIege, at varieties, jus~t received at Mauck i f
semhester.r ctos.Schunid's. t \~1 ~
C' aitchesss , MIA.N1CrCon *.$1.95-80t0 silk umnsreltlaSst-orbt1.-5O
Pass to $4.50, mttarked $1.95 at Mackt
cy, (Snaa, foi,l i none Stats Col In order, to-get good useanfor lhigls Seht 'tid'n. T TN Qm.'rsr9:.bnes'i . ;2,- C~rnT0
tge;,C ydwfo V aje class leans utuping and shsot pulling the Yale Hot ad cold bathsa 1 eents, at Post U..1)OiliUl U N.~S,
Itrkl xulyJ .'N lgieA.A.silhlIo - Oflice Barber Shop. State Street Grocers.
Ihsrra>t a1 t f #:. ess every swilhodva''gytusutil-ni - " ~ill~big ew~ttyie collaros, 4lily, 1-s tudenttspatronage especialy shiriteut
yg 6 r2't'2S ak&Shnit'24 S. STATE STREET.

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