00 lBut waron the prie f Clothing, has, Cps, Udrtewer, Glutves, Mfittes, Hosiery,
RPI NKiS. VALISES, Dine Shits, Collars, Cufs, Overalls uand Jackets.
In We are ging t let te lpublic lose aog tlirty-eigttosntcd dollars (38,o cu0)
wortuotit rhaof cr orte entcdasnhichwil feteltwettarl5 . fflayredpiwhich haewillpikeeou tille g FelDOBLttTOuy!ds nd a tkutte to wntueteffe
_ _ _3._
E 1EVARICIl NT F111111. Tl
NT TI1I FTWO S MIRiemelr what w te uLsyingcONE QURI ER uff Iltheieo ry0)titg and uy
thing n tour Iouttile Stoe Ntttoutttdollue tu ogtt thbo k ' ~s;evertydlltt must re cs,
TIWe outght to tttute ONE t I 111 59NI) DOLLARS' srotrttlofgootts etyy aup tttre i
A NY - PAIR - OF- - PANTIAbOONS ye The J. T. Jacobs Company,
ti H adltitat ttforthis secioctofte Steo frtli'chigan,
I h hutu $3 $j, costg $ °frsu ou 5 S u 6. ct ad $Sf50 fr $3.85. lThis .1.Ctttt-e~cttlltt I octct tut sutcl ht ttk ttts
Sle I N Ill, AIlRI) SN NIGHT. NIi-Cuntdeleswlldoelltocomi,_adasotrpteistcls _athsepries
-c_-THlE TWO SAMS,++- .- 1,1 lw I~ 4.11 Ia~I1,' u,*: A spop
(iolliitto rlttr o n sactin t Iuthcco citteHss lts A -
C--jo- \iI OiA ' NF'(I IIETR OFF. trc-os,tuticcg- nc-1Rntc. Hot
It K111 It -011I l31, 'ce. I. I-I. 6HlEPI, tCaSict t RNOLD S _ 3 ' at '
:u Iats, Banktttotcetcsctrty evettcrc.
AA nnArbor Savings Bank /' N D 1L -
.AT 'THE TWO SAMS. n*i Arbor tttt Cta l ttcgb0,0t, 1 1 V 1 C)
L_ BLITZ_ wlehsolu ostt tt t-et-c Depocitsc,fscr' FINE PHOTOGRAPHS,
uncited rl etutt. onttctcaltcttipencror ILLIERYAND ATGOODS!1
1c t'tcs Sii cacA ,FtIr .. 1tli s0
w.I Ic~l us ic e Hro S
J25~I5TtI 111LPAY YOU. Sothlad Scol Nc
St eparn t settalty. 41 olti'n tc IN sr Buldingtltct otStlc ato tteett
MillANTor te9ffiL~iiift M. COQAL. GEORGE L. MOORE, (Mo e ftt e.) + +
WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED, FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL, OcAtIctilrtnotttcfNallrCllegeTet o snctlding Lw andhertY. rrsttrcrcc'rcwl tio. tcc-ct
SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS.' .i i 7= , l rid t-I. Inottwhvitclltty entire stock at tray sicme on NO.6 s...MAIIN 5,'
Ofice, - 23 South Fourth Ave. INcr.11II iSsIWASHINGTc~ONSTR11. 1 OogT. - 001E-
7 VN, V VITA .1H LLOOKiST() RE, .. ,.
OlaltosIlYF: l(f Has ju11t1 l'it't'td t'l Ifull Jlie ofalliiSetcnd SemitesterT'e xt Iactks. °Dji IVE R YRC , 010 Sh IAIOAsE LN.
CsOURT '1 JlIidcjifl's'o r mant'tttll nd111Frenlclh ctbliC~atO. Sle Ordes fon'trains, partier. wedrdidl, tc-, -c
11 1 F tgolt fiatWhiitigs Fire tSaioiiery 111111Keaffislcl & ssr i sTAT'P I', reepo icc. ,1N tti'd i tt. li
\I Al N - 1111 A. Si ILEE.R as hn all t cir cictrttt'ed macie, fci is Irare
STREE'. j >ockn I luos. .1 M age. ;paey ot tu r I t tclcass elw o tt nshtn
lic '.C actec'iat ,tork turned dccut rs e dai -
, trates willbicc onttsicerablce.lTe . . MARTIN,
Caert rtcndItcctcrcrt tcs.tfmEALElRiiIN
G-10A3 A T0ITR A a= s. EdEcTx cauactttt t hett (ril~-Cloth Caskets, Metallic
f testo-l itc itpsiet tit ic't-, A1 hiCOMON COFFINS.
tiisholiIr utr.1ousucommiteeuan a oard. oiltf RINSEY &SEABOLT,
Grn"its COLTII / tr tit I. r teenfor 1he'dctitrc'cwv, cand aictcs at 11ct ctrodst e trtc n
0tcr'mot (t i , -leits. got cnorS comtpoused ofcal ottini, ,il Itleratcctdealea ir
I or cts l'Ii MA.ItS)1';A I021S'71V' I~Nc1)hJI1REI'N T'.Spcial tten'ttittnrgitn - Groceries Povisions3Fiour and Feed,
~or its ll SaI 'AND hI EA to!IIto' t.-icc'lcclrIe icery ruiinMrIucic trs cc6 ad airian
to trr'cccrrcrtitr i N S O ADi httn' tt'05 l'5.t'. t he lcc eaco.icc It I '(itfc buctsiness.tcct 11, 1t0istoped thatttitcndor.
I~ rtlce estt teli-tccd'rtteees e ttc tcc lttctttttrtuk ''l-'the ct'ttnst-tt'ca cc tcn ittig-'
rc-ctlccttr itic cm ilcat cc cci cticl e 't'uicccal inttttccc iou cin thecotrccy, adclat the-builing still sh ly- be' ccgis-cl tIc e Ilic ' L\c 'tV..- 1 i i shc ig touc nctcelst
tcctctimte lcctcrwlc c nl tuu ect. crrtttccccucrtivhnttt-ceI. I -ll''sitc l~l'l
A. . I. VR X, irecidet. clubl, i it is catnc stcc'e'ssftcly I t ccx cg ctclsrctiiig Icu tuc
Hobart Guild. A University Eating Club at PiFeir - stac -cI--hacdfti t e sciI tilt cosil i inlte '
It secccs thatca tmisudersltnintg ton.'Turscay cnointg sitlprossors aoil c --'. arrocticl - agner, Scone,
s socmewhauot 1rev-alent anitticg te mas c i t s cccii, Ieldl atIbesides lresiodenut Atgll ocuid It ~I . I; an rifinc, cic on iltroc
studrects as regards Ite coiiditiocn dlIriucdttofe cct Irsiccllectie platfoarmc at capel.- lVecliacscay Nst'c itt- - special xaminatio
ligibility to thce Ilolcoct G ud.-i c sdcsfclI-tberiy 'ai o lcthc icesiclcct Atlaccs andc D r.%V ite frl iteI I tcllctt c tc
is o a uccssfl C iverityElaingii bc htcldl ccl ccRim , Gon Friday,
Not only commuitcancts of 1te Fpis- C tw1c cceii cc itgsyoGserc' presentIatte morning oc biayi~a icc bsi lo
t~ulcctca ital s tc 't C lub h t in;w srises. ' eflay11atz1. : tisi h
toaccucuu llw o ated tleelan etusistic acidc'thecre vi siasi e samitionucl cifor c rlltinns.
tt ici -tuc-- n ct-c IV K]itsiss
tial thucrclh are eligilale totm mbr-Iis good 1]lo cc that thle_-25 ecibrs'c-ct-o. A ecndtralofV.c
SidIls. necessary foc thre orga-nizoationi of tire for eutrantce .o the q5 Glee Club I N i , T'Ihcre will ie a-nmeting
it: A. Iltr -uN itxe Jx., clicb will -be scuc trioaind. lice will belIetI at 3: opi mi., Satuirday otom b c-I n q;;,il l RiooacA, oi
Curator. crclu 'swlli be -r-i' l uh tesm l'b. ith, icC 'room- 4. All fresh Scltfd t "'Id. fri l vporo(d
---n""-mien w ho-bioe good voicegsswheherter~sd'i
Thle 1 . M. C. A. of'i okio, Japanc, macicer as tile Harv-ard Dipin~g ASthey cult read oociisic or not, sholdl- irit'F --alII canidiiaes for 'o4f
oervedlthe sweek tof lit-oec Ihis sociatico, and it is expectedJ that thOe apjly. _- - - - hoe hI 5gtea acdt!hleir natnucs fo
year for Ine first time, sac-lag t) themebrs throttgh the In alas o-night _ i; he aa1-t'lagr Ra ~lv. Qtioeiu -