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February 03, 1892 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1892-02-03

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lttwar on Ittheice of (lothiang, IIatsCapsLUderwear, (love-s,Mitatetns, IHosiery,
" TRUNKS. VALISE S, Fine Shitst, Collars, Catffs, Overalls antI Jackets.
We are going ta let thte publlic loose attottg thtirty-eight thaousantd dollarsa ($38000o.00)
- ~~~ ortht of taeeotandi-.e fortweetty days, whicha will be till Febrary 9, at onte-qater (,)
_____o Q J 5 0 ooff maredt'eao . Wehaveeanot picked out afew goodlsand maarked athmdown,laut offer
LT1 THE1THETWOW U V _. # Rememaite t ea e s a yintg:((NE-QUARTER off tate 1riat of everythtintg atanty-
thing itt ott ohle Store. Nttt ottetdollar to go onathtle toobs; evety adollar tal be caslh.
We otaghat to ttotve(ONE THOUtSAND OLtL)(lIARS' wortla of goodls etery lay atths
'XT'V "fAM f l t DlAXT IiiAIA"I'VMC1Iries.

;: It ta ou fot S;3 .,ctosttng $4.0,
Sale U NIJ
-at THE
All (stliattg,
All tltlttslttlti", - ,t1

Uri - IAi) I AL4YJvJIN 5 The J. T. Jacobs Company,
I Ieaaltia lets fartehlis sectiota af ttte Sta t f atiabtgan.
$500, $5.50, $6.00, ad $6"5o far $3.85 'l iso
IL SATt RIAX NIGHT.,IN. B.-Counatry daleres willtdowel ttcoaae iaa,andlasstotttiptheie sttcs at tl ese sicas.
TWO SAMS . 4"T c 3- rp dioan, . PA S
Dosatneralt Bankting lusinstaes. Patyn tat
>n- . 'or'' 1 F etonaSaving Depoasits. 1HIa.soaety -1''
)N E-QI'A l ER OF .Depasit Boxes'sfareta ip eaaC.Mai
It. KEIPF~,Itres. IP. IH. l E l, ataher. A N L 36 M i S.
Bankt onaStattatyevenitng. _________________________
Ann Arbor Savings Bank q TT E ,1 , AnAbrMc.CptlSok 5,0, A D L
AAjaVtaAAeta1SunMrplst $0a . fatiatSocS lt,~ i -- T -A-- -- f
ATT ETW A S OecganizedtaaaderethaeGenaeral anknas-
L BL)T Z. othnimsstattaen teaeisaDatoaitaintuysaanthe FINE PHOTOGRAPHS,
UnttealStates. Drtes es tle aeat patt era MILa INERY AND ART GOODSI
ieatat ona. Officerst. ~ t~tN la
'Cltttoo a as oSTA, Preso.,
tW. I). HtAt-tMAsatsVia-a'Pieon..30 i Oatuon trect,
t" kyt. L v s s CHtAS. E. 1118000K'a, (astair.
E Ml-T a 1II TILL PAYYOUatI ShoethoaScl , eIv
Rtepairiang acalaty. 6,SOTtcttATN Tat Builatng.20St h StateSte .

Mil Arlor Stu fiLawnllr.' COAL. GEORGE L. MOORE Maattt &Ttl
M o e & T b r)WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL . A tal l inae f all I allege Test llokn, ineltadata LatacaatatMas cttlaai. by taeo cci
ALL x IChaeaplest ptw t'or e.altaaBooks arid.tS'attitaPeta4 n theeity. Fhenaaa raowdtain. (oea l g
SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. tatat fi=Z Ry olietalo. I tat-o tt-han y eatire statok at ny staten on NOI. 565...MtAIN N 'I'.
Offioe, - 23 South Fourth Ave.! Nat.11 Wa-To-'WASlalNa-ON \SaTintatt-. O .2,0I~

teyStnudent swall save monoey by butying Univtersty Text-Books andta all supplies at H~eadqarters. We allow
sptecialldicontaaon t at W BOOKS, MEIC(AL. BOOKS. DJIENTAI, BOOKStntsottteveryIBots utsedl an the
Uivaer sity.a5,10 Blank Books at loswest pitces.

Oradeas ortrainatts, paltes, twedddings, ot.,,
prtyatteaaded t
ITlphoane'66. 2t N.tMaia n.,opp. PIost Ollce.

~ w ~ ir n ,Has allaeteataproedat aotloety, atatalitre
'pareed to turnaaatfirsataalsanorkaoilshotnota-
L.EiU)tNG BOOK STORE IN THlE CITY. tit-e. Comeaaeil-awkturattnedlntotast ietoy.
______________________________________________________________________Priees_____ earoeneosnaaht-at wotrkcolo gaseaaatea-.NNa
;? ti Ha t Naon . A .1'. tal'lly, tat tat itar
IIP"X ST tN M CtG A N (O1A Z-EfttndttalIbe gytat,' as thtey calledl it.,
0. MARtlfTIN.
(tatabac tatt lttat ~tsa~a atI teliet he ltycletaed$c oo ftroat ile' toA E 111I
G~t A2'T) TI.'PCEIS. - concarttO . 1I ant'tarber exaotly, Cloth Caskets, Metallic
N1,lE1KD o its t t' ,tA'.ltYaaI ttttt .'U'?Ett. tpareot oitdeatolntts a o-tor alttlIy attolleegstcoo tiatos solal ____ ANSIt a &O S ENAf05 TIN
-titie sehotaatina t ha- saasastoy. inat r-garth to it. ''btc nittt chedaab R SE EA O T
'o it 0't.E(;oI-00-17-ltSE;s. Prepasaoe; fao Ilat stos e ndataislat i st alas'brosadest. autluaro andst - Iaksearsatnddealeas to
thar most lpratilr-toesats. tla oss fr bostsystay rrtOiage ataGroceries Provisions Flour anded
"ao ist t'tl.115 I, AND 'VAlt T HfIRI' ' 'It.INI1"tb ll'.t I b S p'' .aa'ialat tetonta ltiss.t a aFeed,
tso reparatinaaaor examintationttadto cii. rwm o h oe. eebrtlaa i t~ t
t'oo atss Mf1 5 .40 NDE\' .1t 1 E1R'.Ilt'.ti1E.1 .5. tayattes l w, illa btilIt'I aibt Osttsaboytl t eebsto. Ionesboo(ost tWcaagaa n
borate tat 'at1l.IRltIAI, ANDt s HttbllA J)t ltlPA'.ltltR, .l,-ibresseistg-selatol O flsaaisstho. bat art ofsiit svorv sw'ell.- Al l tis lttt -S1 1 tat lbt olltlla btt
:-vthe'exremeoly aamodraates'xpeease tostleantsaatteantinsg. 1ah Ia3es ao un~satcal befig--
toaed laoer swithl tan titaallasy atthe'alasat issalsasaait stra ta e Coalalso'rsoy,lass asth alt ~brouatgha ttbakt alto by OOOOiv eaasttttt l 'ty> rsAttrrbl
, ats sae bit e tro llarsa a-oamfsoatabe. Eat'osalstsofutrntshedt.C3:ea i ton ftcB } es :\ rc n
A. I;. lERKIEX, IPreideiut. !ittg ascall yosbooabay froo a 1iysioiattt 'oflltttta tbb, IFridla- a a to:3.
ta-re, Itr o.h sbtton, whlo wsnsat thso 31isossi-II bp') ceab
Started the "Gyro''Fund. atbAtnalS ltto.andtattlIIoe tsosuetbs.btiJessttta ule atlsbt a~saaba o itas.ratsass sos recen-tta
ITe ;rand Rap~ids hercoaldy t-------- y lltttstsonieotthbt 110of theto btysa that bhelpeda a 000 'teis dtivedis al togethsero1f lthuse'
las ctontainedohe10 fosloingt iter t . lb ty 11000'sthto tlease tat thtey f1110o 10 l o atelb I tlb yost I btose sof it.
ostittg history tof htow bo a the 1101 -attrsadecd110fie ~tollebtackbandisatbaaplay hbefooo studaents. 'lTey' are -."
I)ie stlsissalt 'totteiianatothert o nceta r-ot. Ihl)I ss hc aa Ite cooal (tao. N Otal --. illswishing to cotehst
"I tave lost landthatt the i-aaio he, andtmy hreietinWeryofind thetheare th tsthat'bsosiit-, antavestlitng totiota-
cosil of earasal tte f .ag~a Ibtist llah ity X'hseeser~,a. utahIlsost t ~ Mentat' tslet-i h ellaobat-lb 1ala. will sul lIeese
w1i-iaa sI)v as so atarmitthat tI iseganstto t eta- samte generouts, imlsulsive, eashassi- -a, cea-aes s lccanlte
vestofMcignitlae asalticottse o' \hi o- si hiis anIldthirnmstthco ite
gymnasiumnacosting $fao,ooo, saidthstcolthe satbject ofAnA si rtc. iat oceo. - laarfsl , 'agner, Shone.
Roteisci, the great violinistl to ato.I got'stuick' 00 thseimato tuseO1 1- --0. -_ RobinasonandattG;riffiat, acaomittee.
reortO~er ft-ote IHernalat the \lco atiAmicaniotismt, and toffeored to give Ali evenaing recepthion wilhlao ata-a-. sp~ecial examtinatiots
taon yesterdhay. ".I'moadRof that t. thelstents a benitct. 't'hey askedh givein by te Chaaacel Society of St. fea tudoaeatssconditioanetd itnLatian
I feel that I helpedl ho start thse C at tte swhtat it shaoauhlh-toranatd I tohl Andrew's chttrch in IHarris Hall, 00 wilt' be helad is Room EattntFrichay,
Fe , . isvestybciansimwhnI ws intheisan.aytliiaag. Sa tlheya aecidled Tlsttrsdaya *eb. 4a at 7:3.Maselash0x-lscas exaasriaaa na hiaoa zfpoao taihioins.
this cotulatry teas years ago. I playetd thaat t shicohlIbe for thae gynmnasiumt ly Claetrlaoegtn corchestra. FRoANtIS W. Kntats-y.

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