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February 03, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-02-03

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cal c .of LU. Wi i p.

Experiences ot a U. ot M. Graduatef a cigar. At the end of fifteen min- (lay, then Mossinan goes to Vienna,
in Europe.
_____ites the room is full of studlents, Venice, Egypt andl P lestise. I go
We take the folloswing fronm a letter and his royal highness, the professor,' to 1h iih, Switzerand, Italy, Spain- I Oh
ilii 1t0M. ' X.Ross, I ommences to lecture.A o h nil histeaio from Gihraltcr soni."
IThomas Kcrt, lit 91hiold ex-piresi- i lharaciter of the priofessor, it is as inii -* +
dist of Ithc Stuideiit's LI ctsii c sssi the I .S.-soiie ar e "ood, sonic arc nean Knowlton on Printed! LecturesNJ
cthail hBstlingxwa's tic hest I1cever Decan IKnossltoiiiideliveriecitheIlist
.tteThansiksgivsing Baonqueit it lieaisdat tLeipisic.I Ie lii'thichstiletulriconlCiomiiniCarIrieIrs tuithe
1,1ti ; Issii ii iiiil lls it utof (art Srhlzi, unid gcts 5'so iriiniisenuir class yesterdais. cleiire tait
Sc 'o, who is studyiing it Ilalit his lcture tihitIlls iol ilistmeIts i i tptiie siiljrrt lic tilkcittlhiity Il
fter leIavill C sat 1111111 1Iihat a owis I slioiiul siythti ierman ii ii sssstes liiithitsubljec t ifptiiite(I
sritcid trillstosivessrpooistyis \Ioisuiviersits lifc is1not1giiiiiorlthe lscciturcs iiiot sail tlii Iacultty Ihitd
l t(it othe 1'iglis luke region, (ci mii iimiirality iIs lowas coimnpared insst tic stoptpedthe re; °t~ris hldint
I uil, l sgow, Scotth lakes, LI' iswitli iis. Her-i i ng isiiii kut -1 11 paisseid sinmilii csotiitioiis aciu it isis
itblgNewcasstle,IDuirhasmi VorkIs versial, as is ilso snimotu. IThere is onlyxremciiieiiiiltii ccc itctilii so itt.
Stitfoirul, Stuefietl l xfoird, Iossu-tsolutely rio liope fur a tcssslsc iic le "'ice is au rcassiis iiirIticap-
solt. At tiiiidciiiI iset -Mo0511iiiuliiiaty tiire, so tuong a issoeci i-htpaient licsitancy i liitlhcparlt iof the
stet as it didiinothing bti n ill Fitdreii aididniisters airc brouiiglt up 1faciitytshticfaicttihit M\.lifin htiid
ii isle we uwere ttiereswe pilledi Ito din k. the Americantiaris5 liii iepceitcdly spromuuiscit tiosuilt the
siat for I ceisic. At Leipsic we sit kniowin. The IGermnalwlsays sits buiniiess aiicleatvsectoiwns iiidithat h
mito the (eicaais langiustl' Ilie shwnsaisdimeditates whleii lie idcirIins oswit I habconicitpiirciit thiatlie
wt ' ii nderstandt almlistisoth-ThiIeictheatre sit iLeipsictwsn iothing slty lhaidldsc idedittio kecp him f
's-,!mt fteraswilse itwet etraster. it stlliiialthiiiighlithe (pill tu tlsui-thegroundslecif i t titlistuitedlit
lp°t i' thelit'ti'ite is itishite liitiesitae taslktii thesl teillsstiltt sithsicir it the dorohiss lctr
o' ii titlstha tun iestariitii'it. 'sic pivtei ot rol iso as tills 1i 15 i tlroomlevety.icltis
lus lewe to oils'a't th ilttse-stit staadin(]suikltttout111lit lists Tesprofcssorswtestedsthlestst(its'
aifasils ttic tisii1 I ciiioite ~tt IdelithItls11 aft ~sllteloi h atrasa1s ithtilts It is
la ew r rae ithteea'st's it < s c il ii ct stre s t tht flire cssuit\ ( s
((Ii c ii lii si'hey t its i gh iy o it .sciTiie'latc if 5 siictcallsit ts ob a y r otl la sb
ill) li fatiiy. It tIok snlier s pirsilt imakcs a fcltoss msila it tli Isstmes fou siots te sice itt liw anst d r
t05taitotintsrs ts to at Ile Iletidela sit a goviernmt at sup -- ti+ 11
aisl tlk t ii t sc scsilltis i tcl ii 11c li 1)1 NewicmAthilnticCliub House at Prince-
i hse lit ' wcclat se knsictsabouitfoosist siulisdThe licdacItht iit liay5 1 icil i5 t
tltii iftillowecil inlussssions oliostheciimiaii ii lrissiiiieist for Idfellss toi


Mailied to You-.
-j Through Your
eni ytisii w ttile ie ttst iii' iitr llian Styles
Doe atic0ct 1 <si utir les titu aiAnniArbu
I)I I 111( ',11 'ShI I.

sis t. rsiris tie leingths uf ir rslsindier the kaiser ini the sreseice
sitrs yon slay get sumitdea of witit a IEif cute tof the issiliertisis state ci-
,tlise a leriiain is tos sit aroinds ployees sir solriers I' Itothli Ilngtit
I tat; It' Imagie ilsan sserisi suiatd ermni aire far ibetindiithe1. 1'

Cub ils ouslse asit cssetoun, sass tile
P~rinicetoniian, sire lists'bet igidrawni
lil ustler the dirctioir of the stu-
ideiits' Commisittee,swhisc~h cinsists sit
iteitisns of ste tirs's athltic


Chaiss. Speclle'r 4.k I>
icc' st-l l lugit gieat] Is' i--
due tut rIiics,thliri'chisce-
I iiucu if1N c kehts''ui, IUinder-
wearut'1 uuiusatll Frtsii
Gis ans1 inisset gilk
alu rih s

taiggtohours Istillnceceryhas S.usoIoitical fitedom.u If yu
is ticrI' hEverythiniug, tusweer tculusIg"t ticopi~y sit a cceciiitLondioniis auiis 'Sl ii" 5)1 suusenusluugh 5)
llioesssots niiirn 5 t lltslluusatcc ucwhchsMtkhucai
his~~~~~~~~~~~~~ itftss w lcusuu ~s hlut t1 ii iuiI S klns ill tic siuliiutct ts thlt, (giaduatet
.ai'oitt5are quite a scomuonuuuss saess sm u nniiyithingtssusustttthuse itiiu~Itllltl iitti
Wi transportions. \Wagonis stithsLiwosipilsfstkinsoustill bshI luuuuseut
#;>.a frtwoeshosrses Iut withsi l y s iswell us ulstrut It stuiltlfists I suiosal.t hss bli ng il it
{} o s ttsachctdh ace uite tihe I all ecu c heist dsi p 11t11it itelbight!bickswtitlshutessesl brticktt, criniailgt
Flu<1 liii. T e stoese asre for thue Siltof s git sthl uou trs lilt as tt is I one strcs i Iaesght, ih tn rt
it patit niimierotus 11111 sm1all. tulclinusIcetutg's sketchiofstl uitttsh ansd xttw i ct pthetttstite fthtle Irs 5
r is a sti-osng opots ittin ttto uc E itft I T ie sest feturit Ie;c t Ichubh olutiset slutch it llI Ite11movci
ls o ichiicuc. It is vxycix fils notitctedh Issliier 'e thut'dilsitt itiicii t 11111 side.T he litrior till L itc
fo uistancte. to thud a easscss thltstate Icntrotthfsrtlad satushintushuetd lailiut' wad.It it
fo imalihtehl, anuthit there s onetc hlc Iatti utnd theucomsit111th ctax. st'suit 1111
it is t nlls useid fo u tr ugue 11 uc ast.hciiut ctusisch h t stl aulnd to lso c s. S tecialititet ionlluu
I tt' hue use if eletctricity is icannotista5ly Iompare, ithe instittluc 11Iuu-ii'
11stonssommonas us the h*Unitedc tuiunstif twso c ounutries huhit erranv uu vilhttxo urt utirssus
'Mts hue I iersity his the ansdiu thucL'C S.xwithoutnt auuhit a theeor fsour showserus andh ssciril
Itilrciteristucs of the lpeople. Voltu greatualloxwsiuce for thut inherenut duf- hst. h stutsisio h 111
l"e into the lecture rooiiu st the I ference is the }peolte thetmstlvs . i tetd ux tehtihhn 'suue
Isgiiuiutiug of the huour; inobody there. W~e have just come from DI resieniuclit andul practical raither thusns orusa-
Pcesenstly a stutdent or twno comies u, 'Tle art galleries are fise. Aftti'r itl ftewaer wecsiti
likes off his caps antI coat, aidilights gui to BIerlins, ie go tou I Hllefor vil eralyfs cuisxsa yll
'I.st. 'Thue cost still hue $5,000.


hc Speller &C@.
q 9,tthronkl Straighut (st.
its. I
ari' willing toii nun ltt'
'iut utu'u a1imithue rid
ricthisuid'orhet inr
e iulu]coteirs. it
('utNo.I ft tretc saretrae irn ihue bighi-
Gol Leaf cud;gownc in itrgiiniia.'This is thie Old~
'aniidleOriinaI iirand ofitraisighi it utigiiretten,
Iand xwasxbruughtioutus mxin the yeiir hiss.
iBeiware oiit aionis, nd hobserve'tatihuuiue
Sirm nis iame ms beloiieis an ievery ipackagen.
The ALIEN & OINETIERiiriinch
tIf the Amierican Tobaccon Coh.
Manfacturers, - - RticimindVieginia.
ENirth Mii Stech.

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