Comnmencing Wednesday 'Morning, Jannary 27, 1892.
Entire Stock
O f C l o h n.cvecoats. S ails, P an ts. It e s S alts, rin e :A lb ert S it , S m ok in g Ja ckie :, B ath R akes ,
flats and Caps,, Seal, !inc and Plush, all Underwear, all Shirts, all (Gloces,
all Neckwear, and eery Article in tre Stock at
Btwtar an the Iteice of C lotirglistsCas Underwear, Glones, Mittens, tInsiery,
T RUNKS, VALISES, Fine Shrts, (altars, Caffs OveraIts anti Jackets.
We ace going to let the pubrlic Inane atrorrg thirty-eight thrrostdtdollars ($38,000.00)
w orthroat irechandisA for twenty days, wich will ibe tilt February 9~,cIarroe rqnarter (1)1
off marked price. We hose eat pickedt ort a few goods and rearhertthtre rrdown, brttotfier
' Remenbrcwstat we arc saying: ONE-QUARTEE off teiprice rrf everythtirtgottdIany-
t in ine urrt-e Storc. Not one dollar In goart tire books; evety dlla crmnst Ire cashr.
Werrorght trotrace tONE TilOISANI) DOiLLARS' worthr of gtonrs revery toy at thecsc
The J. T. Jacobs Company,
IHeartquarters far iris sectiort rf thre Slate ofNMichigrr,.
$c e ty P y erjt r h i~ i~ N. ]!.-Coruntry dcalers wrill dorswelltoa cotre irr, art assoretutriherir stocks at tirese pic s.
tThs wtllire Ire (tICAt Psi SACRIIFICE SARI ' Ill C I l IN1;, III It' I "aff fl4 I~aI 'I
CtATS ANtI FURNISiIINIGfGOOtDSever held.lEvry Artile gossst Seventy- fivn trots trriritrt. $,000.iur. s(tll rtrrtat tot OUVEPIE. + spooDs
r)ir the Dollar i
Does a generaltaiirtngbirne ss. Pays rn-ol
terest rtrSavngitiepirtst. Harssafty tp-AT
T7Th-T~Li ~TT~TII~ I1 TOTIC. I. EPWie O.iL1E li, Casir. ARNOLD'S, - 36 Main St.
Rtankaneen Satrdavtntevenirng.
Ann Arbor Savings Bank l v1\D /\
ArtnAror Michr. Crptal Stok, $50ii,0, A AL
the miish tro tat,'totunrrder crrrr t thrreee articles are nt irrrlrrdedr Me. V ,,uiti's1 tOganize n er the en eral Biin g ar n .
Itat, Mr. Knorxs ItrantI E. IV. Collaes. Ahll outrartistles atSoevrrty frce Cerrts rrrltire Iot tist tet. Receise-DpoisbusanDIDllr.Rrrrsrlt, hs retOvrca atrnt ~tlunilf sarnoie.Do'rsllixcanePHOTOriciaGRAPHSth IN POOGAPS
maske sty purchase untlil yort tat-ceeourts. idetiicton.Offi cro arrr raeMILLINERY AND ART GOODS!
ICrmtr-rs Tls ICKra~es.
ttv.D.HnrMANmn'dice Pre.,30 Es Huo tet
lts Sort t. s Strirv IttT (-srt.J,,, jEiJ R, I I ItLPP i SOt Shrtnd choolttt I h
-R iepairing a specialty. 443 sokn I N mmST sa Bildrtirten0Itutir crne Strerr.
AIIRlATMorStu l1Lallftry. - CO0A~L. GEORGE L. MOORE, (Mioore&,rThtem)r.+ +
WORKOCALLED FORnandIDELIVERED, 'FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL, A FultltLinrerofralCllege Tm-xt iBok, inecluding Latrr tar'rirredialrrrrlry the,-,fol.
tALt. oN Chrattest plnee frtre Brrookrrrs anrriFrrntmttrPtenrsin tire eity. Fr irtreerr~crowdint. oicln
SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. I IV A ni'of ri ends. t now iharve mytre stoeh atiny storecnn NO. b6..-. I2 tIN s.
Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. I NrO. II Wa s6r WIotttNrtfN 5STREETI. curo.. ssooccu.
Esemy Studnent swilt sive money by buyinrg Uniersity Text-tlnoknanod all supplies ttHeaidquarters. We allow -OrLVRYOe rrI Ns, pArtr.tertrI irg. etc.
special dinscoumnt on LAW BOOKS, MEIlCAL, BOOKS , )ENTAL BOOKS, in shotrt, every Boork usenin thne ; irmptly nnatttnt.
'T'elphrrne 68. 21 S.linrSt..rrppi. Pro t fies.
Imieil s5(I0lllantk Bookn at lowst prifes. ______
-, A .J 1 .1 TJ - EXCE c-I.AiOR JI1/R'y
c ~~I~ B~ w-m , Rarnt fme lmrrirov3m chi nriy , iartdis pe
panrrdttrnourrrist-tmns tmnorkrron sirtno
LEADING BOOK STORE IN THlE CITY. tice. Ctnttm-n rril rk hturmrnrot inaynmrlm.
Prineesremsrmnrtl-rr nrdmrwo nr urante-d. Er-
XttEart Hurrnmr it . 1{'.Jr mnI111ia.1itrr l , r
qiehmond straiqhteaf. THE WIh~STERN M ICHIGAN COLLEGE, O.M.MART IN,
No. I1Al~tt
CIGA ETTS. r-lrnen-c- I initmnrrcrnrntet~lCloth Caskets, Metallic
Cigarette itmokn errstwro G RA1VD ER A'TD3,S. zLCEEAND OhrMMON CiOFF5 INS.
race 'willing tmnm SIamlittle NO'EI)fnrc itr Pt~ l il'tirto li' Crsrt'Jlo .. tPe aresiscc s in,, tofrsrc ollergIenr e r lI -O l- M S
s~mnre thanmn tire price ' tifieschrotlirrln-c~n-rrmto.J.A OHM
trdeCigasrettes, willtindi t hIlrmotst tratilre-r-rlsult". V - -
'rmisBRNDasu em rior to FirtIs: Isrrtii 1 , A!t .'h<fi 7Ital Ti .tITINI , i'l itRW. Otreci rl t n at Oven s "l'co 1iT8 lati 511iiif a"~sI
ii all tteton rerrsnirlt~-rsrrr.thers. m I ALSrOrl gore.1 C,ANt, e.t 1,LIN ,
Th ') T RiicimndrStraigiht Vol. ins MUIC N Dor .m~sta titA L IlhR!'-itl'tn1.117 '.. Srinct I to ir inn the 1Intitrrt Stio
Cat No. 1 t'ianetetr Iernte ma e rmnthe hright- IVIomeinntts O- lYEiI RL n C m atSitintlThir lIAiP4tT 1.2.5O.theaint-grtiescihool ofnCttin s .
ett, rost de'lrcattfav-rmedt andthicest erst trierthe estcr-rrt-tyo- rrderterexpseoto' ttdrrerirmatrtinga. 't erenrse,ramccontamnnerig RtI SEY & SEABOLT,
Gold kentfcegrwn inn Virgintia. ThissthetOldn icridIno,,,rr wit It u" tramnat mri nether eductional Iimsntrrnirrn thecinnsrrrtrye, ntelat thretrm-- 11, l'mr n
and OrigimnatBrand of S tra~iht Cut('igarettes, 'trrit tinme-In rrlv well n orm rrcrrtbe. JterNtrinr-rfurisnhedr. ~ rcrepoiinEn,.,
arl twas boherit otryitsoth Oe yere18.7.x. lERIIX, ISreaidemt, ni,- ,. luran Fed
iewareeor imitttiorns. andrit rih vee thant the" InA. VI5 I-IIEin'lrrmretrmnit
flamn nae aslbelowmrisran every packaige. 1 n vchrgo t
The ALLEkiN & CINt1EtBrnch~el
Of thne Anricrn Trtinneer Cnn., intheIHis-tRiot r.nits rl tnit msosidcr- 'tiitrutees of r tctr .\carlcttr ImLies, .i~orl itlitrositrlre tutifirIl
ttntacues, - - 1ietrrr nrt - '~inthn ari-tins tt nn---c I a mt- ,
ablethecmee,-- 'm pa2 c mlrtotftte woleexpense~. It tllve otd tontit) tanl:to the Isint S jmniris. ei'(1i ~a.l
(Crirrb te rtir I err tnt -'I-. - isto b inc relt'ty hrrotcdt htl thtt ti s 'tom o fin rrtitttitigtitionrtlo n lt tIp SI ,-t ill 11sills.rtilr-rltms tvotr i Ii S (i
ie expenose. It cstls -o largc fanuityt sill -tsefavorabtle ctiosot tudelnts. S'tto$45im'o. -$151; - -ak'
of muoncy foe railroattltranstorttat tttli'ctiOt i otII0tlitsctIttani ol mibamts 10mcents, at tont
1n;.BUSINESS LOCALS. aOfinme I3'I mmInn-cShopi.
frotm AArb \ror to ltliladlpholia ndantn-oicsisrtdiihi onn tteraeti1,1 ut e tye7 laa il,1)
frotmaNeon hatntito AtomsArbor attnl Ofthe lts42.1memetcrs of tile tos- noisces imertlinet.mmSibil notesr o n gemm-noI' 112mi mn'25I to Schtlmsd Q.
it te Raotli a fo ott taivroit Clo, tte, atnextralirnesntnurnished byrIapplyingats
ifteau tVertait 'onnly afwostrieriy lbwich tins just te DAInYetlce-l4
gamres, the gttararolces for ttoebeen organisedl 257 arc gradtuatesof Ansewe linienofNeckweare fjuot necensed 'o~ittr.n-t Xli ltto'edesirinog invt
stillhas- to ay ttis basy arsrci.andr in better styles wtilt be foumnd ini
games wl aet a hi ev -avr.towmn. Yoillmitlnay they-are one-halfttonts to thot' i lO 11(111 sil lcase
expensc. On tmhle other hrandt, if 'FTereicipotso f the 'hale t nit-er tine prime youm ipay for tinmetoeleme.]ran-d mn thir nrtnetne oftc the:it
aiooctia araoed in il lo CblaIper rsoioldMonk & Schemidi. fotllowitng conmtrritler I-.I'. IDodge,
the trip isalwda ragd h iyBa lbls eranutc Ladies of itmeJit'. of M. wilt findc it ' Chairmnr S. I). Kinne, I. S. Git-
guaranstecosxwili nearly pay the entire to $1 2,503.75, all of whlich was greatty to tiheir advnmtage to cmala on chistjP. S.(Garnemr, J.- S. 1iV.-
railroad farc, as thnc travelinog whlilewme in ice o (talnDrs God iHlloway.
expettitlerl. ~~orIFmancy hiry (rod.Mtk enm