THE U. OF M. DAILY. AT THE TWO SAMS Comnmencing Wednesday 'Morning, Jannary 27, 1892. The Entire Stock O f C l o h n.cvecoats. S ails, P an ts. It e s S alts, rin e :A lb ert S it , S m ok in g Ja ckie :, B ath R akes , flats and Caps,, Seal, !inc and Plush, all Underwear, all Shirts, all (Gloces, all Neckwear, and eery Article in tre Stock at NO WAR WITH CHILI! Btwtar an the Iteice of C lotirglistsCas Underwear, Glones, Mittens, tInsiery, T RUNKS, VALISES, Fine Shrts, (altars, Caffs OveraIts anti Jackets. We ace going to let the pubrlic Inane atrorrg thirty-eight thrrostdtdollars ($38,000.00) w orthroat irechandisA for twenty days, wich will ibe tilt February 9~,cIarroe rqnarter (1)1 off marked price. We hose eat pickedt ort a few goods and rearhertthtre rrdown, brttotfier EVERY ARTICLtE IN Ilttl]DOUtLE STOREII ' Remenbrcwstat we arc saying: ONE-QUARTEE off teiprice rrf everythtirtgottdIany- t in ine urrt-e Storc. Not one dollar In goart tire books; evety dlla crmnst Ire cashr. Werrorght trotrace tONE TilOISANI) DOiLLARS' worthr of gtonrs revery toy at thecsc pyrices. The J. T. Jacobs Company, IHeartquarters far iris sectiort rf thre Slate ofNMichigrr,. $c e ty P y erjt r h i~ i~ N. ]!.-Coruntry dcalers wrill dorswelltoa cotre irr, art assoretutriherir stocks at tirese pic s. tThs wtllire Ire (tICAt Psi SACRIIFICE SARI ' Ill C I l IN1;, III It' I "aff fl4 I~aI 'I CtATS ANtI FURNISiIINIGfGOOtDSever held.lEvry Artile gossst Seventy- fivn trots trriritrt. $,000.iur. s(tll rtrrtat tot OUVEPIE. + spooDs r)ir the Dollar i Does a generaltaiirtngbirne ss. Pays rn-ol terest rtrSavngitiepirtst. Harssafty tp-AT T7Th-T~Li ~TT~TII~ I1 TOTIC. I. EPWie O.iL1E li, Casir. ARNOLD'S, - 36 Main St. Rtankaneen Satrdavtntevenirng. Ann Arbor Savings Bank l v1\D /\ ArtnAror Michr. Crptal Stok, $50ii,0, A AL the miish tro tat,'totunrrder crrrr t thrreee articles are nt irrrlrrdedr Me. V ,,uiti's1 tOganize n er the en eral Biin g ar n . Itat, Mr. Knorxs ItrantI E. IV. Collaes. Ahll outrartistles atSoevrrty frce Cerrts rrrltire Iot tist tet. Receise-DpoisbusanDIDllr.Rrrrsrlt, hs retOvrca atrnt ~tlunilf sarnoie.Do'rsllixcanePHOTOriciaGRAPHSth IN POOGAPS maske sty purchase untlil yort tat-ceeourts. idetiicton.Offi cro arrr raeMILLINERY AND ART GOODS! ICrmtr-rs Tls ICKra~es. ttv.D.HnrMANmn'dice Pre.,30 Es Huo tet J. H ALL ER, I SHORTH AND CURE lts Sort t. s Strirv IttT (-srt.J,,, jEiJ R, I I ItLPP i SOt Shrtnd choolttt I h -R iepairing a specialty. 443 sokn I N mmST sa Bildrtirten0Itutir crne Strerr. AIIRlATMorStu l1Lallftry. - CO0A~L. GEORGE L. MOORE, (Mioore&,rThtem)r.+ + WORKOCALLED FORnandIDELIVERED, 'FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL, A FultltLinrerofralCllege Tm-xt iBok, inecluding Latrr tar'rirredialrrrrlry the,-,fol. tALt. oN Chrattest plnee frtre Brrookrrrs anrriFrrntmttrPtenrsin tire eity. Fr irtreerr~crowdint. oicln SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. I IV A ni'of ri ends. t now iharve mytre stoeh atiny storecnn NO. b6..-. I2 tIN s. Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. I NrO. II Wa s6r WIotttNrtfN 5STREETI. curo.. ssooccu. W1A H R'S BOOKSTORE, DOWN TOWN. Esemy Studnent swilt sive money by buyinrg Uniersity Text-tlnoknanod all supplies ttHeaidquarters. We allow -OrLVRYOe rrI Ns, pArtr.tertrI irg. etc. special dinscoumnt on LAW BOOKS, MEIlCAL, BOOKS , )ENTAL BOOKS, in shotrt, every Boork usenin thne ; irmptly nnatttnt. 'T'elphrrne 68. 21 S.linrSt..rrppi. Pro t fies. Imieil s5(I0lllantk Bookn at lowst prifes. ______ -, A .J 1 .1 TJ - EXCE c-I.AiOR JI1/R'y c ~~I~ B~ w-m , Rarnt fme lmrrirov3m chi nriy , iartdis pe panrrdttrnourrrist-tmns tmnorkrron sirtno LEADING BOOK STORE IN THlE CITY. tice. Ctnttm-n rril rk hturmrnrot inaynmrlm. Prineesremsrmnrtl-rr nrdmrwo nr urante-d. Er- XttEart Hurrnmr it . 1{'.Jr mnI111ia.1itrr l , r qiehmond straiqhteaf. THE WIh~STERN M ICHIGAN COLLEGE, O.M.MART IN, No. I1Al~tt CIGA ETTS. r-lrnen-c- I initmnrrcrnrntet~lCloth Caskets, Metallic Cigarette itmokn errstwro G RA1VD ER A'TD3,S. zLCEEAND OhrMMON CiOFF5 INS. race 'willing tmnm SIamlittle NO'EI)fnrc itr Pt~ l il'tirto li' Crsrt'Jlo .. tPe aresiscc s in,, tofrsrc ollergIenr e r lI -O l- M S s~mnre thanmn tire price ' tifieschrotlirrln-c~n-rrmto.J.A OHM trdeCigasrettes, willtindi t hIlrmotst tratilre-r-rlsult". V - - 'rmisBRNDasu em rior to FirtIs: Isrrtii 1 , A!t .'h