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January 27, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-01-27

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AT. ailg

Voc.. IL.-No. 82.


Prof. Dewey's Lecture at the Unity
Prof. I)ew>tey irought out the fol-
lowing thoughits in his lecture on
P1sychology and history'"ibefore
the I nitv Cluob last 'itonday eveu-
It heas beeiithne strutigle of sci-
rnce to d(l op(1a1 ifreeudomof or-
loagiurno alsuhabitanot nsfSirins
cing to this coountryinremaining
for a tinne, and returnn to Isis osvn
planet to relate his cxperience dur-
ing the sojotirn here. SucIt a visi-
(or cotild more easily answer q~ues-
tioins conceruing physical phenonie-
non thau those relating to science osr
social life, lie woiild not lie able
to show that his fellmwsoin earth
wero liiving ini accordauce swith cer-
ain lta1s;5:onlthe ottherIsand, Ih usan
actions wnould appear to hiiii a nap-
huourd mnaize.
'he iiitemipleraince antI corruption
of our soieltyiiay Inn renuoveidby
he applicatioii of psychology.
Il h ipleot foms if con -
sci usniess the sensatioin mnios in a
stti ,,]it lie. If there is aii y truth
in ii olution, it is the fact that there
ison (c Ionitintial forwvardl movemneint
from 0oiiscimnusnaess to actiosi.
It'htrc is sio separatioin betweeii-the
senses. IFreeclom sinthe transferring
ot the senses front the -passive to-
tilie active slate. Man, primarily,
\vas a slave to the passive sensationst
non-elie is the master, and controls
10e outgoiingnof Iis owni intelligence.
IDevotion to miechiaiiical pursuits
(((((1(00 the niind idealistic:,anod thy,
grcat inventions of inioderis tones
art, simply this idlealismn pratctilli
It has takens years for the think-
c5on phi losophsical subsjects tin un- I
ilorstancl the relatioii of idea to
atoor thast ideas finid actual ex- I
prcusion in iiaerial things, The
IFrcihemuphasizedl this fisal last
anI tlie terrible Revolntion resulted.
11l(, llerisasis asserted a ciomon
centre of ctivity whlichi sas found
inl the minid. Thne present problenm
is to find a unity whlichs shall give -
significasnce to both.
The Anmericaisslhave, as yet, con-;
tributed nothing to psychology, but1
it lies wtithtin their power to become
(lie greatest philosophers.

I Thse Eastern Trip.


Choral Union Series.

Th~e tiase-ball- managemnitlpre- The concert nest Saturnday even- t
sented its reqluest t hue Faculty on inigosill lie -a utst evnjo01a1blOCIone weG
Istonslay for leave of absence fine are confidenit, for a special pro-MildtoYu.
twelve, mess fromn May an to _ tine r, gramsme Inns been anrtanged for this-e- Through Your
included, in order to take amyeastern° coincert, and thne artists participating NE1W
tells. Tlhe, petition nwas laidlon. the are all 'of thensn nf (lie high~est excel- F . TBR~
table, hbutit is 'nindersonsnl that it lence. Cetae u hn rsiet hymaea-ey eiedi -Uo
Angell retursns fromi Washainsgtonu. It 1ression recentlly at 'itonccstcr ndisni lh -- APP'LICAT ION.
in lecneil tial there in connsiderable Me. Maclcriclge wnas enagedl foer(lie _--
oppositionfrons a nunmbernsf thne cossinig nmusical festivaliTisis is U 1Into1
lacnulty to (li e(ain takingasn Eastern fifthsengagemnit nt (his fcstival, I'
tripa at alt, and a tess- sill interpose fact whlichs speaks voilunmes fon his '51 nnns norns ornesnnnt Plain
no objection if the trip is connfineid worth. We will plisha(Ithenro-IinniDEnRITiinn-tv IiteH.e
wtithins reasonsable linilts nof (isse. gramnne before (lie chte of concet.
The tells, an arrangedl by tine sana- We desire at this (isact(isempasize -
ager (Isis year, consumes but onie day tihe increasinig inmportance of tie j
snore (ham last year's trip. Every cosncerts whlich come in thne seics.
eftort snas naade to arrange thse dates Feb. s2, chsornus, orchestra, annd solis
withn tienansylvanila, tPrincetons, Yale ists of national as wtcll as intcerna-
and Harnvanrd, die stronger colleges, tionual reputationi. May 9, Syn-
sin (hat (lie trip swonnld be evens short- phouny Otcestrsi. tMa I,"DI-)
er thsanlast year, bnnt(lie smanagersn natinon. cat 1aunt,"' Blelioz. Amy
nsf thsese (canon say they can io iso sersontasthorecaids(lie paper s inst winynwn ae ei s erpt se s e
netter (hantsh(ncdates nofftredl.If tInc le inmpressedh withntInc cnthsitasmni ~e tre o$ ar estn7AnnAl
(ril mustlie shnortenedilbIs-tdieorder dis played at the Padarinewsk on- musn orCtao tet
nit the Ftaculty, eidier Ptennsylvania. certs. H~e is thne gre atest liatist R.I-I. F. rF & (
andc IPrinicetnor Vale andtl Haurvardisince Rlb linstein innhits ct idais. -' I
must Ine cuntouit. Thiis is tio eAkniArbor Inns cacuso t in thalt it( DETRtOIT, Mt'II.
regrettend,'no die chief caluetofith(le ,ann mpplorthunity is afdedlitito hinr
trlp is ins coontestswitthese(hosnlletges.t ts great geniius.Iegisa ci
Inhe studenits still anuxtously awinnat theit.at IFcli ifor (Inc benecit if (Inn:SPEgIAL SALE!
instl dlecisionnsof thic IFacultty. swonssanas'annetx ti n''nates noansgym.sI 1 (I s Sslc tCi
1' .sn'tiscros'it usical Society lbyChs Sple & Co
Therapeutical Society. estabslishingmotine "Schnool of Mut sic," nre sehlingsit greastlyre-
BTe regnilar meeting of (lie'I hem -andntigagin'giadarecwski tic same dcscnlpsices, ftstirchce
penitical Society took tphacec insthediccay shsows a spirit of cnatrrise ancd 0 Icnf ckIse-lldr
thieratpettical laboratory last Mohndcay hlnnencostact thstrs svtl naacdtin
evsan. Ie. Stiker reatd assnorigin School of Music a great sniccess. wcaran all Fuarnisnlg
nal papser ona theieluentcice itocr-Ildners of Choral Unaiona tickets can , (xa do.
cuiec chlorinde on bacteriaso Tias sectnre a Pnndarewtski tickets foe 50 Conn anildinspect gnoods
seas followedh by a very iteresting cents. All othuers mnnnst ptay 75 1su ch es.
paper by MNr. Bright entitcle Ca- cents. The price osf evening tickets
l o r i m e t r i c i n v e s t ig a t i on s o f t hI nc tas a tstO h a e f o o r r e inl i n g C h o r a l V i s i o n ' G h a p . S p e l l e r & y e i c i n o u n n e a d a t - c n e t i l a g r g t 3 2 . T e e S.'k ' { ' ' : ~ i '
syriste. IHis expserimntso vendcIc tickects are nol to be initalinediin any S.''AE ''tlL
(hunt (lie todrugs act qi tetdniffcr- , other mnnser thnaanrovidedclfor ini
entlhy (toprodunce (lie samutnltimaate die my-laws nsf thte society. It still SAYE TIME ANDT MONEY
effect. IQuininne t- wr ovr-.hen ., tat it0 -iis a matteritnofm econn


Iperatunre by cdirectly prevesitng tissuse
smetablsoismn andi thuerebny caunsinug i
diminniloin of seat mprodcntioni. tOn
(Inc otlier hnid antipyrinie causes aun
increasen hbeat produhtction buttdones
not comhpenate for (lie heat (dissipa5-
tion, hence a lowering of tenmtera-
ture. Mr. Bright bach evidently puse
much timac on tbe subject discussed,
and wsnmucl appreciated bsy memo-
bsers of the socicty. The next nueet-
iag will be held in tbe tisusal place
February ist, at 7 p. 10.

nnny to piurchuase nun assocuite nuenmn- IIyfu nry
bershnip ticknet, $2.00, anduch(ius sec
cure hn'anarenski fine 5o ccnts insstcadh ~
cut 75- Wie sre coinfident non onue
caun neglect hearing thin greatest nit uns while nwe srehe.
genus of (Isis genserains. I
_0*0 - CALLAG[-I \N & CO.,
11 e Princetonian publhishued a spe-
cial edition last 'T'uesday night, en-
tirely devoted to letters from promi-
neint alumni of thue college on tbe 114 Monroe St., Chicago.
subject of forming a University
crest. 50 S . State St., Ann Arbor.

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