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January 25, 1892 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1892-01-25

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S n lunts. Ot-
(In tll 1sesit t ilOttall Ujistel ths Vel
t arh ft li the Eietsttt ( t s . llT -
A l, T IM , T N' ) S A M1 S ,

Buot war on the trice of Clothsing, Hats, Caps, Underwear, (Gtoves, 'Mittens, I lostery,
t'RUNKS. VALISES, Fine Shirts, Collars, Cults, Overalls and Jackets.
W~e are g oing= to let thretptblitc loose aniosargtthtrty-eight thloussantd dolliar.. ($35go.oo)
weorth of mterchtandise for twentty days, whichswill be il Feberary 9, at sone qutarter +
joff nmarked price. We hare not ticket ourt a fete goads antI itarked thtiem dowtt, bat offer
I' temembter n-tartowe are sayirng: ONE QUART1ER off ther trice of everytthisng snd any-
thsing ins orDostile Stsae. Nor onre dollar to o onth ie bolks; evety stollaeremst Ibe casts.
We outghtt to stose ONE THIOtSAND) D))LL1ARS' wsrths of gootdts every slay at thse
The J. T. Jacobs Company,
Heradquoartts frrts,sectionsthte' ttState ofi \ cbltgse,

N. 3.-Countrydeaerswl oswellto come'inr, andtasocrt tipthteir stoctksattrese ptics
Sllll Ala8tMLlllr. C iiA L. GEORGE L. MOORE,(Ssrccesssorab) ,
WORK CLLED FOR and IIELIVERED, FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL, All inofalClee Tract Bosokn, irsrtsirirsg !,c cst ,ectirstl iisssstr;ta5 tsr->smatl..
SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS."Iolrfrinds o hv yetire sshtrotmy Store stirNO. 6 S. .M IN,8ST.
office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. INor. 1 It Wins W Psil\(TtNt' -)s TR i r =0~L. AfO12007


® G-II.I..SA'~OW 'S.
}-;(c Stude n a-will saive onrey lay buyirsg Ursis-ersity Text-Itscsks anst all ialn iccsr lratssaeec. W slrs testrs sr IeCIsAs istre Ces Assctsrirso. st.
streesit rtdiscounstsoncsiLAWIT OOKS, MIt'1IICAI IttllttS. I) ENTIs flOOKS, ir llst, every Itookt utsesl its tire prom tsstl 55tctcc irs.
scIiss-iity. :),C(,ll0 Itt risk Bocokss itteoest pricte se ss'tes.,_ .iN . _sisisi.._..-- .-l._-
'a . '1 T.... "T iIlE - I:XCE I, It - I,AL' 1JRY'
I'IIOIttI TJLEI ECITY. paied'. tunouteeessc ascrs ork on csho crrtsip.
__________________________________________________________________________ Pricrise resasocnssbislandirworksr-tsr rsceccrcer-s .Noc
(Ft 5c-5iisroniri.A.JFrttOViRT. t'csssictsc.
ifthmon Strsight QIP. rI I-IEjVI BW SIITEI ITG N (OL L E M ATN
N.1.M.MRNCIGARETTES. sicsealteresinstn iseclerpr.)1) l A te I 1N
t MJ ~Coth Caskets, Metallic
Cigrrse-rsnie"n'ss -ANtD COMsMO)N (C51FINS.
- sar iltinig ts ayaits t le u ia OW NI) tcse it iit , ' i-itO I" ' rtI SF S. Pleeptres .tstdenst; ts r y cslietotr sers-
m iore shor thesireie' tiis'rtsct oinrs ntirssrsste. J. A. FOLHEMUS,
chargedt lcerts'e rti rssy Fr s i (Of, F,F;e~t . 't57'S. P'r'earss frysrthe 'degres sandtaissat tsr' troescul5tr e instd'r -"-'-gr '" '-'
tsadeirCigaretten, witi tird tire iost eeoeisesrt restis. - T IT-- .i..~ X
'lTISBRtAND suprir to Its r "teits, NoItttIt,f XI-)dT ArCtI5'S tit' t s-hvn'asat Speial aitetriionrt iven ASO 'I' N ,N h~~l it
itto tseisrr-t.oits orsex'mcnat-oniands escei'ea
'Tire Richmond Straight iTmsri tNe tl I EAt'ttAt15lh"'',Nr-ssttcNcc c s scetvttoNosrth MinsStreet.
sCsi \o. ICigarettes sire tiade fesor the hight'- Forist' t JltCS1 _4 I) fI, Ai E NSI)55IIAIt?.t l!AilSc dtN m,ie te stiiishstr sfirsirr'tat- ____
tsrs, ruos eleicatetyflavoedrtand iighrest cot Fosr eteeretey moderater' expese is to striensatrtening. the s'xpr'e seccuntsan -in esrlig-If RINSEY & SEABOLT,
Golid Leaf ger o n irginia.Th,'o in s he Odt nrerd lowrerwth tt ha n tn ssy othreducirational institutisiiion i s'he rrsrsty, adsttir i lt aaddelr i
andlltrOrial Biranddof SrraightrCu ' gr ettsjars ddelrsi
tewrrae of irmitations, and obrserventa h .1, FRX rs e~# Olson Cisc hIors POVS WrrsliFiegtrnd Feed
'irm narmeas beloirs an erreypackage. n .Wsigo
sTeAcLN&GNE Bac tire Aroeriron TohbaccoC., Nains in Wae, Dance and Song. Iing p art are Misses Waste, D rsnster, 'p 'sn n n s'
tlaorfactueen, IRichmiond, Vrginria. ,'~sIrerSiftU lJ lIMYSOIT Xr SONS
T-trrorrr-evenring,5 ass enstertains-took uatndh'terry, ansI :Messrs. IDnffy, - Stale Sti-ee treeos,
141st pil (asFipen) at thre opjera Costley, she tott.N '{')tbetr, lBre-ak-- S~tdentsslrrntgr'espeesselly ,solicitest
nle t w ll be r1it(, 8tor x. cr 'tttszrt israrts,.KlI, 5105t ssttthse Iby local talenat, for ltre benefit cv, t W arry andrhI iorstas. 'Ihce ct-24 S.SATE51 STR11FT.
1os agenreral liarnkig husnress. Pitsl s ri t ra me wlbe netiin fot
trersnSoeirg lDeporsits. Htssafti of thre AnntrbsorbightIntfanttrys, ass te';istes -s---- rlesiirgfsrr ---------
DeporsitlBoxssnrfar Berr. I lbeginnting tso enan srvhouldst rich iccli G A
5 EMI'1j5.at I Pes. I-. H. 1II trite ie. 1gi/7atisrr Is is-h inr-rldes nis ptoiebyeestutdents. GRAN OuERA HOS
mtihnri arelperrsr iieesthips tattnumbsreriftire'rest-) ----UOL
.Anni Arbor Savings Bank denit sstudensts of thre h- ( 'it M 'tTre j)io,(;rgAlexandrser siit is irssis
Ants Arbors diets. soa tlStocek, $50,0N, e traim nswlrosit os"'. t Ie-sliit t Te~etatteO e
Surpeluis, $1r0.00. -ccctaracsta-l sssTstsIeisgrs r tls u Tuesday Eve, Jan. 26
Orgcanizedt trunetir Geeral'rBakissrsn-nsg ist s Lawiaa trs 1(not' is'xt 'l'lssssststi ~1t,2s i st
Athinsstore. hReceivsnDeposnis, toys andrid -e--li 1 a M lta\ sai i rte intrst:- ) sit(-n atC rnt
's-u1s exca e o nsisthe priipalcities ofrh nrcf s lyn )at(I1 I~ni f -i
United Stolen, Drtsa rstiestupon tprier drillts att('elnletctstsisbys Ivsithent stirsINA'-'tTOUTS si
irsieotlflairi. Officers: rasences's' i itacttorwhas as 1 tt itd foIsi A.t'-S TT I
CHITAMrs's, Fees.,hrss osri hIr compi nysass -iri h e s'Ithe ptr a sysal.- hr iee r i a siseell A
W.1.Hsrsimprss, Vice'Ptes.. 5<irsit hisf seasonler~scrii i s i r 5 iiedI
CH. A.t rrS. .H Oists a ssiere, h rlesso fsri Nationsa snumbtc5 rI f'i555 Is I ' a i tht~
! -na inl- ic-s beirig gsvcl)s-si isamt goodsloosrila nit tis assssitp r irtirs'' IsI
D E Tissnn "lll alies itl r'tlltessss- ofs b c nn ts's'r trs'5l5'5 wtithther ~tics I tirtils rI N1slisI 'sltS 51'i5i-t5' 'tt
this (srcsrr'it sir.ris is str'sertoire'pare rsrrntn'dl tsifi Al nn Arbor Light Infantry
cid n stilvett rsior 55 -srrs soceyW ih v il DI *1 0 she i-st ,a I- 5er ls± 'sllty rand l t'e sirc srStrtrrs)st lIra tir'
Sell for ste rich.s slit' cri ncu rItat 5 Irs-is tsrir it 15- I--
ARNOLD'S, - 36VMai n St.- iiIisplicuntcrss1isrrasisin rIin'(snsIn , 'I3{I I'
ts s is s(ssr -r lrss', Irrrtssns, trust liy ticnit it n t 1) , 'i tinst srtni 'tc tnt
Zsr ns' ell'tsgtrs ett'stit at lt'ie rttnr'ttts irrittriits-,-"moon tt s, ssiiin Irl, IDan e
4 ~A .-'5TINM~\essrst~tcsIts.takns srigcr:,' Duffy, 'ti j gst. r's vui ad
-l~"INJ,,..)'-X I 1) c t~n muir llte':tirst'sribor tsasro(' -Drs
Lo_____ ~ ' (Iss ss rlsr sss, In-l it sti lt, GoldrtSi-trI Iil.Cba d oh r.Ti itt' 1t'ltii 1, l{ ittrltiSS, a-ish Ns1(itrItt
S hlecsi ieart, sret asiths lwrlan l 551.I t int 5 Sstllrrst 11csI Aiotc1'a lii om
FINE PHOTOGRAPHS,. 't ns.natisonal ci it;s v itllabs thliii res'r th smii asisll grslrt sirs. Iil)''l ~t i ,rsh Ins ris ratts5 rt,ttctusissiesrth isc-rs
'MILLINERY AND ART GOODS !h atrarls~vc features al thai colvetairn eardt-st'ifrs-turnedrto s F. S. srter, .nitit i rtt5- -
trus)sa Delta TI-hiiItninse.
-n~ rsts ga ntn nas rshst Ssrtetlsirig newv:-Is the lIs e I IfIJ;II.DEMBER TE E-DATE!I
TAE i ationail corstumres. lie ar. rtictpaztasaIfs1. stitioerty. It existss ait snpre-I
~~t1Uh~k1&I~U ~ liac, bees . r hirln ssgIcnesvsrh lecesatires it design'. ( enL, M~orrl' cs, 3,5,an 5Cs
1T WIvL PAT YOU. Shnrthanrd Sri ool, Nearw hpnleso aekeliMi t
Building, 20 Ssuth State Strelsit.' ' an es -- a-ot n se ak InHot arid colid baths 151 cents, -.4.kit 5 ttSx frtl r s.(n t-'arrinns d p u2. s it ,:t a
r- le IlBirbel'Strop. - s 1i rntsnlr N ew a ssnzi:

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