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January 25, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-01-25

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~b~c Ut ofT l iip
Ny'e and Burbank. Ias, clay books and other objects siy Track Athletic Cup.''(O the ( of YOUR
illustrating the subjectsIlie swill body of te cup is the Greek soruiCET 7(I
1n audience of about 2oo MtiI so rvd argenmber 5f stre- A niandjsItieneath the ficld OUo11Il yBADGEL
Bredin 'niersty hll atudayoptican viewss. The tickets for the scene is a palm brans bearing th wr,,c
evsu, o heffhcostinsitcourse of six lectures are offered at seals of Hlarvard andi ae. On hi i Mailed to You -
niation, Ite attraction beig the sell oNhIio tNieusVlil tstdfr-oareusgatihi Youri il i
sisl . '. tirbiik 'li iiog aistickets tos bring trofssortLy oiine.ue university scsriingtthe wining C 1 P E .
cositd fa ume oshr rci po t sa rarenippiorun its tii biciom umiibsler cf ptiits inithe "iiiie "sie 1 PlU I -.A PPLICATIO N.
,tiosesbhiMi. hi ti-inktsiyIiNiii ac~quin teil siths what, ini "null e i theret is talo i a sre uwreathi fr the
es<is readings andslanecdiotes by \lir"pts are the mosst starti ng disco, iaiie of the uiiiieisity lwiiniig the
M\r ccT''heiiirsgiramiiisa s lcil iby eso oentms Tetn aoiyof theniniie anui tess NT - ((
ilr. iBuirbaiik i twoslitsI selec tios, ea sluig of the A\ssyraun\lououicuts Auiniterestiiig souvenir ini oiiec- ULISTI
Ballad of IEast asu e st ,'5t ail(iiiii.At vivaitu w l ur.iR Badges.
has revclutionizesd the scsnscptons tiOii witht he tropiss is the ' Rerdirilenatieec etgs
"The 'scree k f the iJlia Plaiite." softhe sworisi regarsdig thle busriedi hook,"' aso asc ly iffasos & Cs. KDETROIT, - - M ICH.
These sere fairly rcseiersd ansIwesuciviaion fth -aly fteIt is eght by teis ices siisdtioundi ________________________
receivedl by thec iudise eisesiashyIFiiiosdSis es.Itic sil sif te isigskin. IOnithe coicr resc tic
the latter Mr.Nye chensppeareednissediithe lhistor y ainsiliterature of worss, 'Th'lniCversity 'rack Ath-ii
andi as gireetedl sithqlisle a gnerI e Oldi Iestaumcnt Is has trowis letic Csup,"'andaissidisse oii the first
iss alplausc. Fceiceicarsedi s fewrasfloodl of lightiupoin the history of page, following the tit, is teini
rish aiieccdotes aisdmiirth-pisrsvokius"Grek st, aiss the Greek sn oRs- scripioi, "For the encouagmtcuio
exeriences, tenings to illustirte thic iansysstemof seghts ansi ue a- of track ahlsetics aisdithifoster a
Ituisor sf (lid Enigaiisl" tie iiies theircisaily is separtmsent friendly rivalry' betweeis the stdents
mide somse vergoodint~suticho lsiairiooyta hsnto h touiestssi rc n
wferelassie-sireciatoloandtatphasuisot ssf tise msro niversities is tsasck asic
lustsenriIviesbyouhis fullersknowsfield athleills."iTieiideed of
e.er thss ~scl.isiuisirdbei ss cneiusthsfiberk css-filialeis.ceThnelesi slf is Si 5 ipa tastiAn Anar
el. Vs his sssir s s ic ledgecof soricntalsinIstitutiiiis, iss- gift,,:the sames sf the doiiisrs adpisishsedfo atl"let
irn ipI\all Vsiskec" tsy M\. tlm s isnd beliefs It is sfe tos sas terp rt-lasogter__ h
hiirtil aik5s, cpelhapisthe greatest astaesttfrmterhotitr cne gepartilasoftisehier titheom- R.,
sucess f the vecinii i cg Tespecaker tionis tol thyeswsrlds's eriuiditionn, iiiiiittes on behaf of the twolls il-
eniteresd into this sccsctions siths a I DETRlOT, Mll.
scries 5f rehi-clogisl Idisoveries ersiies, anduasiu sbnshellarrange-
spiits shichi tleasel all, swhilIc Iis isas ever equasitlesh thoese (f tie Cla- a eit fuse preservinsg thucrecuouudisauus
illheeoiaiou f li Rp v sscus iucsuiandslAssyriasnspuainsusillgeueral sdetils uof the cuntests, fol islull h PCA dd h ae enlmnapa
uhisi.~~ Thuasimauteuan ia s s in terest. Thestuuschithe succeedngusgo".ui~pg~ A
againuinus ''A'aleuf Tuwo Citics iost ecerishuedh beliefs sf the fose- - - * - C-is polr u
iis interpreetationu pleasing all as wss uotsauos ftewoliamre '93 Lit. Cas Meeting.hn. iicl' o, nst,
shsuuuuiiy te ecusius iiuausepoiit. No one canu affsoed to be ig- 'he juniior ils heist siseitliusias- 811..0 c' re-tn r''
th. Nye's greaest success seened uorait of them.'rien let eeryoue tic class meeting Saturday msoning, d lucochpriees, thi' choc
to) leIis shot talk on "Hosw siallieresthissef aniIis fienesss in is RoonsAs.Isswas edeceded not o lhe of Nckwear,IUnder-
se keels oure sives at ihouse of esen-pesging tickets for the ouse, elect a presicdeit or ise pesieenit55ar5'ndsll uni i'ishin
iss,' he handled the subsect as> one hrofessor ],yoin shoulsi be swecoued, The folosiing officers swec elected.Gsues
hsalig xpelesc, uss u sir fysi not by the smaall sumber sufficient Secretary-ant treasurer, I.. G. Wit se-,
best "hIits'"'conulusesd theaueience G n npc od
1 barely to bing tismrhlure, utiby iiaiead;tase bhi attnagaec, H-. A.(- us tsintgeoi
with laugter. 'lhcre sere oler large andissnitereste u ishece. tFriedmusan; foot-al isaiager, ID. tp. a. ic~ ues'.
nsumibersscell isefore n d swsorthus %ayhics.
of special usentoi, bst it is sushfiiYaie-Harvard Track Athletic Cup. M. Mayhew, the old oothattIC a s ele j
cieut to say that thc entire peogeaui ; -'isanager, repoted the following ex- ~S'1TATE STREE.
lvii a complete success anss Messs. 'rie track athletic cup, o ie con-pnduesfeteeao,$0.;
Nrc ansi Burbsank will be heartily pced foe by Yalc atd Harvardl teams reenitrs $or3.th; banc, $.35 STM0;DMOE
secomedclby theUn isversity sudintss durligthenisnie ears froits89I I)t emnr seips r13.5 acre $.3theA E powerD INE
shsoulsd then in the future vsit this 1899, is ioswen exhibitious at 'iffa-Thmageswrgintepor
ciy.nysNew York. It is a sterling to appoint solicitors for fuuns ii 11y- BUyhgyoussi
slyer Proe, Lyon'sn iycheshigh, heir ownslhe of athsctics, both
Prot. Lyon' Lecturenanagers ansi treasurer toreota
______Grecian us forn, and thoroughly the end of the season. reota
Annsosucemntthias been manice classical in its entire creation. Itwsecddtath tam
that if three isundred subscribcrs to Around the coyechiesd isrelief osi us while we ure here.
the course can be secured, Professor work, are puroyebeaicfgrsshould be selectd by the captains .G ynwl iehssre fo h al tlts tugigfrwt h dieo h aaes
lectures on the Assyrian Monuments a laurel sreath, which the Goddess A new regulation at Welesly iIC L A RaN & C ,
and tile Bible, at Newberry Hall, on of Victory holds aloft, while the that all who incur conditions will be PUBLISHERS,
February 9-22. Professor- Lyon trumpeter stands in the midst of the required to withdraw from all out- -
ranks high-among.Semitic -scholars, field, and announces--the result of side duties, whether of society, club, q ,4'Mor ebt.; Chicg.
and is an admirable" lecturer. Hie thse contest. Around the neck of class, committee or puhication.
offers to bring a large collection of the cup is the inscription, "Univer- -Ex. 5* S. State S., Ann Armor.

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