''' r ° " annot be expected to mnake any re-
of ' ' marae progrefe. Whose fault
this is, opinions mtier.
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) i nge nieyafewt u ors
the Clleesear, by iW nieyarewt u ors
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION pondent when he says that a1
____ "coach" should be obtained at
Subscriptiosn price $2.50 per year, invariably once. Our eleven has some hard
in advance Single espies 3 cents. On sale at wr eoeit e noti o
Sneenan sanassPost Office nests stand at str1 efr2tt etit'ti o
o'clock, noon. Subscriptios may be leftsat the important games later in the sca-
the ofies se she DAILY, Opera Housse block, at
Sheehan's, at Steffie's, or wishay of the son.
editos. { H. G. Rows,
Communications sold reach the osites by 1-
ociekp. s.if he ar t apea sh satInstructor in Physics, is doubtless
day. Address all mater intended for publicas-
tion to she Manauging Editor. All bsisness well known to many of our readers, I
coammunications should be set so she Husi- as he graduated witlh 'ci. He is a
ness Manager.naieo Ininadcuehr
THE U. af M. DAILY, 'ntv fIdaa n aehr
Ann Arbor, Mish. from the Fort -Mayne High School.
He has made a specialty of Physics,
EDITORS. and with the advasntages of Professor
ttRA TOEsa, '92. ManagisgEitoro.
5' c. CL~sSs, '5, .sslse. Maossgisg Editor. Carhiart's instruction, will surely
(G. L. csAssMAN, '92, Assist. Menaging Edutor. Succeed.
a. C RVS 9,Bsns aae.-- . P. PARKERs, '93, Asaist.lississo lanaeer. Jeffersonian Prngrum.
C. Wt. RICKETTSo'95, Assist. Buosiness M 'gr.
H. D. JcEcss.. P. 0. 1 i.H.DEcsrxsIICssxo'52 ''he folloiing program wil be i
F. . G11rE;,'2. . . . AO.O5c rEs q. rendteredi by the Jeffersonian society
G. B. Ilyseet, '55. II'. F. 'itLLEs, '90. at their (tall this evening, at 7:30
anus ,sn.,a~a as.,. o'Cclc.
______________________ icsclcnt's sidreos. ....A. J. Davis
Msi........v ......Msls M~innsieDavis,
To-morrowt we wtill publish a com- Declamon..............J. H. Whiteley
plete list of the entering class in tlhe Oratioss.."...........A. D.iMscoary
p b ~~~~~Society tosser..........T. A. Msorrin
medical departmesnl. MNbs.......... t ...... 0.. Thompson
Imoicmptu....0..... . A. Jeffers
We I ~~~Speech ...............E.. Shields4
WEe have received :a communsica- coreSesolo ................Collins
assisted iby Miss Stsinni Davis.
tion frona a law student wthich is on- ts..........c ilesi
signed. No nsewspaper still print Debate.Reolsd hotthile free coinasge j
anything sent to it whlich dtoes not fisancisal policy "
Affirmativ'e-N. J. Mcteuire, C. V. Bensoss
have the name of tan writer attachsed. Negative-A. Mactia, R. A. Hell.
It is not intended for publication, Corset solo ....a...... '. Cosinss
have received for toe opening of college 20,000 Books, new and seeond
hand of all kinds, Greek, Latisa, Frencho, German. Law asid Medical Books,
which they will sell at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Mathematical Instruments and Laboratory supplies. See osur Note Books.
for 1891-2.
c, . ~-! Four departmnets-Comimercial, Noseat book
sir matscript work- &sgssh.Shorthand and
- ~. 'Penmansship. Elegantbuidslasge at-
-- = - -_ sendane efficsent snstructors, irk shoe-
sa- ck stliing expenses cxtremsely lowt$.2to5
$2950 per weck, studento assisted so positions.
For catalogue, address P. R. CLEARY. President.
_________ IMfIffHIGAN NT1gAL
T r"The Iigara Fulls Route."
1.115, M. STAFFRD,
STAsTeIONSt~i al'oy{ShreN T1INi't! At. Kat
its1Faslilotis Ininap Len Eap Ex. Rap Ase.
1tTl-- 5f ercisnst Tail- rhI a AL. MIA M P M PM.P a;. A
rI IJ~IJYY1 Chicsago L. 720531 42 iS31009 0 1455 5
o ri1n g. F inneChesa...... 3, . ...5 30) 70Y 42
DellteMl.... d 411 .....1.. . . 5172599 5
\ lineof Piece lANSS YA1Rid.. 4 420 5259 6122 5 0545A69 019
1Goods to select; yeue57 .... 41S615
frosm. Call for Dlo s.0itA.4110M.A.10 dl.2b1 1'~
1 nBffsalo.....t1 1 400 7531 0 ..
a fdna fittisigI
Suit. IChi. Eel.
ATIN~Sea. Doe Chi. Lim 5ire.I~hre Pus. Mail
198S. MAIN ST.. No. 19 I upSep Cap hap. Lim Es. Ae.
ANN ARBaR, aMICe. S. Maiss Street. !tBuffalo,...... 12Ne6sit945 340 125 0600
A. M. A.M. P.. e PM. P,5i. P.
De~troit, Lv... 8201.' Eit 10 724559 25915 4 45
1 Waye~unc900 S. 5852 .. . 954 5559
y..... , , Ypsianti ....5552 810 2OS05 4- .s0155 40
' ANNA""0 ' 9 558 39I2S19 918 ai a 10S3o552
Delhi Sills.. 9545 ..... ..... 915 .... ..
Daxter...... s955'I'.. 9 51 . 557
'a 0f Chelan..... 155055 as9. ass. 6
1110 ,4Iv tashasa..._.5150 5 P 3 t4 102537lit 14 5655
LEAVE YOUR ORDERS tChieaga,Ar. 75c 35590 5115 450,8051ss1i15
-AT- 'Daily. Snday excepted.
F.0.NE S 0D . W. RUOGLES. H. w. HAYES,
G5. P. & T. A. Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor
Nesespapers, Magazines, Periodicals, Fine TotedoAnArradNrt
Confections, Cigars end Tobacco. o n ro n ot
Michigan Railway.
Time Table going satoeaffact September 13, 1891.
Arrial of trains at AnnAbor,
P11 0GR PIU R Ito .:: Throogh Sail and Express... 7t40s. im.
No. 4. AnnArbor &Toledo Accom..11t . m
NO. 2 W.HURO ST. No.6. Clare Passenger....... 5 0 p.mi.
Trhe communication wthich ap-
pears in another column, came to
no several days ago, but we have de-
layed publishing it until to-day with
the expectation that the team would
be put under a proper course of
training before this time, and that
any words of thils character would
be unnecessary. It is not oufpolicy
to give publicity to student criti-
cisms, of the conduct of student
organizations, unless it is clearlyj
evident and a matter of University
talk, that there is some ground for
it. We do not wish to take any pos-
itive stand on this foot-ball question.
Our columns are open for communi-
cations, but wte cannot take any
part in the discussion upon either
ide until it becomes of a really
serious character. The eleven has
hardly been in the field long enough
to judge the policy of the captaina.
lie may be familiar wtith the game
or he may :006. It is too early to
pronounce a severe criticism, be-
cause the captain's policy may turn
out to be the wisest one in the end.
There is one things howtever, that is
very apparent. The candidates for
the eleven did not put in an appear-
ance until very late, instead of being
on the campus at least a week be-
fore the University opened, and they
INotices inserted is this column at the ruse
of 50 cents per line. Special rstes for longer
ine, and extra lines furnshed by applying at
the DAIsY office.]
Suite of rooma with furnace heat
an~d bath, room to one gentleman, or
one or two ladies. N. W. cor. 12th and
Hill streets.
Student wanted as agent for our
house; jussior preferred. Address L.
Dreka, Stationary Enlgravinsg House,
1121 Clhestnut street, Philadelphia.
Hutzel & Co. on Main ot. hate a text:
book in ~thleir possession that was found
on the street.
WANTED.-Single room, moderate
size, including hath, within five blocks
of the University. Address. statisng
price, X. Y. Z., U. of M. DAILY.
Osne large suits of rooms, nicety fur-
nished, steam heated, at 26 Maynard
street, one block wvest of lat buildisng.
Students' clocks-every one waar-
rasited. Watts' Jewelry Store, 10 S.
A look through our tinseawill eonvince
you thsat we are the house to purehase
yossr Clutlhing, Furnishing Goods ans I
Hats o_. Call and see thsem. These
Two Sams.j
Ask last year's students where they
trade. All wtill say, at the Two Sams.
We have the novelties for yous. The
Twvo Sanms.
Hot asnd cold bathls 101 cents, at Post
Office Barber Shsop.
Rooms-2 suites with furnace heat
andI use of baths room-at ' o. 5 Monroe.
Mr. Marshall Pease, who has been
conducting a large and decidedly nuc-
cessful class in voit culture since
April 1st, will continse his work
through the coming year. A natural
and correct method bf producing and
placing the vite. Studio with the
Allmendinger Piano Co., 51 Main st,,
where all psi~eriuhire hanay be obtained.
Voices tried free oT charge.
Monday Evening, October 12.
P'rices, $1600, 75, and 60 Ctc5
Seats en sate at P. O. News Stand.
No . Cuares and Tsleds Accom.. 11 3N a. m.
No.3. Throgh Sail. ..... 5920 p. m.
No. 5. Ann Artor & Toleds Aceom.. 710 a. m.
Trais anda5 eon between Asia Arborand
Toledo only.
Central Stasdard Time.
All Trains Delly except Sunday.
aen. Puss. Agent, Local Agent.
rfI I-~