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October 08, 1891 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1891-10-08

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~Ijc it*I1. of A .W~ij
THE INLANDER. open only to students at Ann Ar- COMMUNICATIQN. (OF YOUR
of the Features ofthe Corn-bor. Twenty-five dollars for a lit- -- 3oa1zE Y
Editors U. o wDAILY:hngfor s OUR
ing Year. erary article of 3,000-5,ooo words, EI orv bee. thingy, forthe ps
The Inlander offers articles dur- competition open to all who ten days,with a great deal of interest
tenedaysewithnaegreat deal ofeinterestMailed to You----
ing the coming college year by many ever been connected with the Uni- the practice of the candidates for -:- -Through Your
distinguished alumni and members versity as almni, member of the the University foot-ball eleven. Al- NEW
of the faculty. Some of the contri- faculty or'undergraduates. Articles though I have no desire to crticise H A P T E D
butions by the older alumni will b e sent to the managing edi- the management of the team, simply
reminiscent in character, others will tor by Nov. o, 1891, accompanied for the sake of criticising, yet there Upon -
deal with practical problems that by name in sealed envelope. The are times when it becomes necessary PRICE -.- - APPLICATION.
confront the University, but all the board reserves the right to publish for some one to give expression pub---
articles will be of special interest to any of te articles, and will not feelicly to a feeling that exists very I ii Ii IfIKI & C0,
every one connected with the Uni- obliged to award the prize if the g ayh g ten s. II& V
best articles are not up to the stan-generally throughout the University. ES
versity. Articles may be expected When I say "the management,' I do Manufacturers o Finest Plain
from: President James B. Angell; Tard required. not mean the individual who arran- andJewelled Society nages.
President Lewis R. Fiske, '50, Al- The subscription price of The In- ges dates, purchases material, etc., DETROIT, - - MICH.
bion College; President Henry Wade lander for the college year, nine but I refer to the conduct of the
Rogers, '74, Northwestern Univer- issues, is $1.50. The board of edi- team on the field. The fact is,
versity; President William H. Payne, tors for the year 1891-2 consists of there is nobody connected with the
Peabody Normal College; Hon. the following well-known literary team in an official capacity who is
Cushman K. Davis, '57, ex-Govern- geniuses: Wilhelm Miller, manag- thoroughly familiar with the game o=
or of Minnesota; Hon. Augustus H. lug editor; A. H. Covect, business foot-ball. When I say that the men
Pettibone, '59; Judge Claudius B. manager; Fred L. Sherwin, and P. have not been trained properly and
Grant, '59; Hon. Byron M. Cutch- W. Ross. Prof. John Dewey and that the season thus far has been
eon, '6r; Hon. Edwin F. Uhl, '62; . wasted, I think I voice the opinion when youwanttheLatest Metropolitan Styles
Judge J. E. McKeighan, '66; Hon. visory board. of a very large proportion of the in shoes atlo to st a pair less than Ann Arbor
INWm. M. Maybury, '70, Hon. J. ' students who are interested in Mich- prices, send for Catalogue to
Logan Chipman; Albert Poole The Course of Lectures. igan's athletic reputation. It seems R HJ FYFE &
Jacobs, '73; Frederick L. Bliss, '77- The following is acomplete list of to me that either one of two things j e " *L. .1" I E (
At this early date it is impossible the dates, lectures and subjects of must be done if Michigan hopes to DETROIT, MICH.
to announce more than a few of the the course of the Students' Lecture sustain the reputation made last
prominent alumni and friends of the Association: year, not to speak of improving up- Chap. Speler &
University who are likely to contrib- November 7,-Leland F. Powers, on its record. One of these things University Otfitters,
ute to The Inlander, but it is hoped in "David Garrick. is to secure a "coach" at once. I'he 20 SOUTH STATE ST., ANN ARBOR.
that this partial list is a sufficient November 28.-Hon. George R. other, and I may as well express muy-
guarantee of the high plane on which Wendling, "Saul of Tarsus." self without circumlocution, is to Neckwear,
The Inlander is to be conducted. December t.-Rev. T. DeWitt make a change in the captain. I Dr Shi Gl
The Inlander can not promise, but Talmage, "Scienceof Good Cheer." have not the pleasure of a personalDreShirsG oves,
hopes to be able to offer during the January 9.-Shubert Male Quar- acquaintance with the present cap- Underwear,
coming college year articles by Pres- tette, of Chicago. lain, but I have, in common withoE'FeH G **
ident David S. Jordan, of Leland January 23.-Bill Nye and A. P. many others, been a witness of his GENTS' FURNISHINGS, ' Quaty.
Stanford, Jr. University; President Burbank. methods of training the eleven, and " O
C. K. Adams, '6s, of Cornell; An- February 5.- Ex-Senator John while I do not think it wise, as a 1 1' 11L1 f
drew D. White, Rev. Moses Coit J. Ingalls, "Social Problems of Our rule, for students to interfere, I can- English Mackintoshes,
Tyler, Hon. Thomas M. Cooley, Second Century." not butfeel that the time has come Athletic and
Hon. Thos. W. Palmer, '49; Don March 5.-Hon. W. C. P. Breck- for some one to speak out. I do . . . Gymnasium Goods,
M. Dickenson, ex-Postmaster Gen- enridge, "Southern Problems." not care to enlarge upon this point. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.
eral, and Mr. Joshua W. Waterman. March 26.-Henry H. Ragan If anyone doubts my statement that
The articles will include series of ''Trip to Alaska," illustrated with a very large proportion of the stu- SAYE TIME AND MONEY
papers on political economy, phil- stereoptican views, dents demand a change, he has only
osophy, short stories, one in each The price of tickets for the course to circulate among the students, and lyBuing yssr
number, popular science articles and will be $.oo the players particularly, and learn
short poems. Athletics from the _ _for himself. I must confess that it
historical side have never been ex- A. H. Lloyd, is with some hesitancy that I send
haustively treated in our college -- this to the DAILY for publication, ofeuswhilewearehere.
journalism. The Inlander expects Who assumes the position as instruc- but I do not believe that the oppor-
to present a series of articles cover- tor in Philosophy so ably filled by tunity of making anexcellentrecord, CALLAGHAAN & CO.
ing this history, with "half-tone" Mr. Tufts, is a graduate of Harvard, for the material is superior in many
likenesses of.o ur famous athletes. '86.- The following year he taught respects to last year's, should be
The Inlander offers the following at Phillips' Academy, at Andover. lost simply because the men are not
prizes during the coming college Since then he pursued special studies put through the proper course of t[14 Monroe St., Chicago.
year; Fifty dollars for a story of in Philosophy at Berlin and Heidel training. OLD "NAssAU."
3,000-10,000 words;-competition berg. Subscribe for the U. of M. DAILY. 50 S. State St., Ann Arbor.

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