Ije I . of Ifl. fltai p.
VOc,. I I-Nio. 77i.
Dedicatory Ceremony. Ioxver the hospital, "For tihe Glory olf On L iterary lDepartoent-Reg~entsI
Giod."ll Whl'ceelol ViitmniallCocker and Howarsd.
tilddcaor e oyof tile r.tilto, Medical hDirector (If 'Ofn La epwrlleit Rget
fomal opening o tenewx hospil I t.S.Naythen delivered tile ad- (lButtelfheldX 1111hillananti D1aper.
ini niviersity Hail last evening will (ress of the evening, on ''Thse Hos- finNMedilcal Dlepairtmcnt, I tloc~e
opurdlayIc residesnt Angeil w ho ptla nEeetadEpnn ahcCleeadDna col
saidul that at last a hospitasi sailttd ua ~netadE~nn p1h olg odietlSho
hiun creteoi tiiiiicli l td'Icatione,"ssayinlgtat Regents lDrapet, Kicfer 11111 Butter-
uslt'i st sperl Ilsliiei orithec hospitals artesver 01)enIto thee field
psviii erfectly watrmled a tands' (vsiil1 te s'hsienu -t 1 iiieiet ,Kiir
e ii et' lul 11moiit ils111tdi fhtilult prollemls lof physica11 Cook 11111tile IPresidient .
liv e ire solvedt andI tile worst sulffer- On AIulseulni Schol o(f Minlel1a11
i e <11 1 i ais. lsii i 110alliatd. Th rcsv111111tio of IObserva'tory --Regetnts H bbt d
iii iiiiasistslts iclii I 51i~ tiseaxse as tile physicia's 1irst nmotive ilefer 'a1111Cook.
(i ii ls i1115 x i itl ixa Irst took rIo(li t hie swest. Micii II lChxemlicle and1111Plarilic I epart-
,ohsiathe pai)t111einrholer- galln t)b'eingfithilloIhave a StaItehBoattd tiints-Regents D raper, Cook andu
of H ealti.tie then spokeit of tile Howa rd.
theu cartielI back to thi II 1011111
I ir I ilililII niat l~ (il icuat Imethiods of Ietilesinth~te pr ofessioni Initi ildtingls anidi Groundls--Re-
15) isei fll I 11111t P 1 it fiifalise lpretendters by oalrdis if genitsXXhiltmlanillraper antI Howarti.
coleewa ue fr ositl ieI Medical IEsatminets, of tile lanient- IFive 11undtredl lnllsix dollors 5wa1
ci lii' scit Ieil l til Me aca lte 'l acfcutti litutre ca1111educationlx applrolpriatedl fot a 1lboor ry xof
tore1111o11 and tile the patilents wcetrep ysooia s hlo
ii 11 1 111 l~rli I c))tu IIll thicprolfcssioni of tile Inumertlous lyliolaipx h b"x
()ltl Hospitl was) 1 iulilt 01otn 1t 0 iiit'iiliannd a 11(to x isc tleng,)th.t' rhi tectxx'15 nIls) w s
i(; iiiilown whelid)iia'll iiifectedcil cnll
It5les ite militiI i tn pts eas nt de i t hiii s plian 1s id is w~ill
(H n. Il ic hen isipoke if the ap-
xcii Nillor lit hit'sous'nicii mparedii , l re luie i ti'u aeu'c'with u tsoeniucu5i 's ing. li
()f he g nero ity f t e pe ple f r nI l l s ansis thic metl Iiiod ft he ic 1 11the isi('oi theiiiii g ln r a
i'liirb r iind therat"ize'l t he It l
twoi i sil I ii tn111111 ulls fitrh tihesstiln1111 xxi
\iiiii it lin Xrho I ( iliiwo itieietf iitor Ies poke 5ii sh ls lil
hut isinllaesiolotlolly f lilempliliel Ii 1b)o s)lt~l) Wl itttti
l ri g, 111 ut i 0 talihomeilelt nioifi IlmteIr'civile. l cot tllect e thetd I rofeissorinte y
Ios wli00ntallstItreIwathen'thetp((lilt)lthe
terhhenesftll1 ftwed tlavol t thc xiii titetedt attlreIllae rc witgx', ta e
iiiciiical baiithelfin ractal I nsvnts p spekiese the teresidentfofhallityetail
sill nr xtMedical I~catm v siloesths1ic nrk, cr xvicl sevics te hcg c'
flro titequlir~leaforarlxtud.r(sete
tiiArirsthe 11111 Art o rt t L iind i Co.tlihr i l itoars P r of sorll-li
t t eitctot4 cr s I 85 '1h h si lthi sr t o n a l tees sieoa - - -- --y g ~ "
isu ais all1exponent1of1thhe biihelit titigtonPof abbrotnomyectu resne
I aed5511 1)11 lesa tta medf istcae1111oChrties anPIf.abbttdasPaofectitr eatwtat
0 .0 0 towardilstlthe ati tatol tt tecti leect ,s istsa Itoma frdte iciret er ii) iialrery~t
iiiie Sfeeling tof areer ects tinlgelth sbtr ai x r en ii lii r fiev e te pesidntcal obeacll d1110'
I xli I uiv) ts tll R R saillbare witneI s sell lx eied) th edrk, totwhchIsallies liebawillitire-
IMailed to You 'c-.' -
Through Your
LIST wi n y&(,
and111Jee'liedlsoiesty Badlgen.
Wh'len You NItinIttn, late't)Metrplit'I anStyues
R" .FYFE &@G,
IIE'h'1OTtfII'' ;A It.
(Chas. Spleir &r cCo.
are sel lug attgreaitly' r'C
dute pr'tl ltics, thitir Chice
lilt If iNeckwearss, 'IUnider'
swetr 5and11all 1Furn1ishling
Chas. Speller & .
1Y0Buin o ).
liislo iO lleitte, lspeaktingd for the cat faculty. Inlg, Itis lecture Ill)thit"In~ns If
Stateinicrdxcfsclix'ics f anr Pr feos'Court,'' embiracin~g thte lawyers of
Shalnienoces,(IfwhiniouraterfeReens'Metig. Dicketns and other Inottedauttors,
houses comp~osethte University, andi At thte Regents' mxeetinlg, yester- i il be given at Mc~lillan Halt,totr-iofxus winle wuesareee
lItol hw itt lad carried old .linen to day morning, a general re-cast of ner of State and Hutronllstreets, 011
the hospital to tie used for batndages standing commnittees wvas tnaide, soa Thursday exening, at 8 o'clock. CALLAGK I'& CO..
M hos aso ml hns i htte o tn sflos soke of the hsospital as a wxelcome Executixe Commlittee-"'Te Presi- ' A mleetin~g of tite Boston Aluni PUBLISHERS,
mlembher of tse circle of charitable dent, Regents Wh~iitman, Iinhterliehl of 'Yale, Harvard, BrownisXliams,
insitutions of the Slate; character- arid Cocker. Amherst and Dartmonth xiii be held f n Monroe St., Chicago.
iced it as being as important as the Finance-Regents Cocker, Heb- thin months, to organile a University
chulrch, for sorely there is enshrined ard and Kiefer. club. 5o S. State St., Ann Arbor.