'AJ C. O41 M .'Virzfi u. BUSINESS LOCALS. ; ~ ) )
___Niotices inserted in titlecolumn at tierteti4 j~eautitui 1j~tri rna$ it
ot IV censts pet lne. Specal rates oeloger
Pueblishedt Daily (aandaya eepted) dring tine, ad estea liaes furishedt by appl lg at
theI)lovtte lttel AND HINE' ART BOOKS AT
the Collee year, byDl ltsstttltlItesStitae
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION onthetlt motst approvs.ed style, of the eset
____impo~lrteti woitstet. If s11,see Mr. IJ=&== Z
liRSeigsitet, trepieeettitgthGlodetn
Susrti ol tricer 511ptryetrinvaroiably Esgle. iDetroiit. t the Couk house, otiNVRIYI0If'..'I.'
is daetas itgle enesenetts Odestlet 'riilay, le ];)thitistIle aill also UIEST OKELR
?eeottottndiPos t Ietnewssstandtlat 1. show a.1l11s1 lite ofisamllpesiof Stititgs
seClock,1 s0ssito Sssriptiiitismay e lsft at tund Oset coo hugs, .also somee uovelties
he atics sit the DAh o', lius ose b l , a ten' itietcitiitg' seasn. Leine itt'o e
seeia s, at tflse~ts, oiti as' the add es ai ie ofice.2
ediltors.. it' iit ROM S TOI is axe. ' tt(o'.iai'e hea 11 thouy a ch ittpplrfhe s n Gde s v,. 1tilc es nl" _ --'lc .i hyaet pertenx at ltihRoiitii. (ste blick friitiiC(mt os.tta.
ty. Adittess 01n iittrr intted tot ieslll- Flll ill e ss'wstyle collars, 4ply 15c
lionsto tle Managise' Eior. All busitntss or " fr F. Mack &c SclutaIc.
eammnatiiaat s shiiild lit tilts st t' l1iii- a is flu '.efMIsild i
sldles oftte.tOftMewil fid it-lb tle I y hINOSCHOLI s t' It E.':
TgEU.eftlyDILYto iitheiralaitage to all (It us r. lartpotst Cstsssl_ ttt4
AIEU fM Arbor, ' hileltlintiel if illi S, DlPrrS Goode tor dprmelittitlistah heie011l.Noteti too
An Abo, cih. (sir F.itis' r lit's ( iptils. 2tllisu'Sl & 111lsidid.
A ess'1iseof Neck i;%ar jutitreceivedsh uh vi . scpuml ~,s ,t
EDITORS. 'n 1110 etter styles owill Isfoulfsa stt il i:,(.0pee i ee; stuetstsassisted o potil1,1s.
R ust ai SOas. '2. Maasgingia s~l. I lln. ott will sty they a t i o-lalf br atloue adres 1P. 0. 'tEAI', ttresident.
5. ii.C trlt's 0'2, Assist. Mtnaingdt or, ibs the liuite stlt lily forlr tem elsestiere.
L.1. IsAtstev,a '10, Asis5 t.Mt's n a'sdioi.e AI cLK< \.'Sclniiisil:' N - 11as x
J1 C' t Ta tis. '15. ltssiiss anttar. $1.95- 80 silk m511 rellas ii'ist'tl 03.510 5 '
F.'. 1 Ajrsteso. '31.A tt.Bitatss s lat tliitr ti $4 ),i 15.1 e $1..1") it IMasck ,
Ii ita .ti nrr .s. C.I . V.. WItt u's Ia 'r i s ettil I 'id i ot s .1. IuVeti nt eut
a1 rid i it 1.'a9. Chas. lntsti'51sisiiul l tseCincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton
itlboy~a~'iis' 'I' iiis9so ' &Sonttsig 55 ''t-1151 .N1 Tio Ladtra x. x.
a m . 1 is sle'itiiisn s l stiemlt i exc5 1liive t asiitt l i IIi l' i s 'i
i'lnov lis'aittthis'latest 151r1ducst is t nillin J . 1
Ai ls is' di o iSi ii s il ver 51' o sf . 0the ii li' itr 'an 'isltsgsiuus'sc anta'D11ler. . 5ts:-I\21.1
ri rs' iii i111 i t II ll Oit i i g. nI c ill t sitsI~: ,
f the foil thaIilProfes sos Staniiliys tites. 01\. iip lliiof iti l i w 5'ofisiiui. .. 113 l i
lhb suns ;tisl eil ihli'usols ei ies t5li se lsil 'rtili' srthlirts line f 1 us liii .
I nract-sit and 'ix itusd sb'sissls assiltlo suit the 1 tas. tyo 1: ;r.
the ci't'ti' s iif AnniiAsrloii lids 5a of titlit sil 555iiilisritu rteg'rdt'd ")_Y,, 1 FT.f9 oods 1s laiet eisisv,
''i w t.'a 0 llili}d' ''i h g==rcktii s ot sis ansisls itisI I ''sil" o
g n i h s cr" e ho e w q he licio'''usiastssis ui'sg a iet'sssi'sftotm. ''sillot "
may be 1paronediforis iiing snb'' if ssssssRelitsLSnIsts.nuiu ln>
'I n l iii 150as i s losn Iec se i isks tis III s de Gemis de le''ls.t'sBat e itis tIinto
tt 00 e ii li liii''. Its tsnaitliil, (GldlSiaf ltsIls. 'Stil. (h-i ch yot Cantialt S55555 15555hee
th \mstex ressive an ithe l y Sk eim heialrst, st Iit st lls osdil s's's Cincinnatt'ltsu.'lssssss is t'nisi.
woifi thei Il Ilti151 nngeil ui wh'so ii s l 'sss si tlt ottisil l ssI si. Liberal 19 S. MIN ST., N '. Ill pnnciniswthal oiit'sLies e,"tat
rewardIit el turn to P.i S Port'ert, Nu c kr reIii aci's-itlit C. i. C I., is'set o
c onveys thec itroper scs mean ing. T ere lieldrtt l'1iiiIhetse. iltso, iistt i ttusnsInianapliotili.
didrbal n uo e s on in 10thi ts s ti e w:-Intefliche' 'of nanaC.000 . D111.Sl'e't.
isv dslliy rstiises'if.DTRACY, N. P. A.,
'of1 lflt solr i a A111iI i .stttionuery. It excels all it ise'15 tete owAv., DETROIT
tcutyscretsho o l ecessors ittlsdesign. Get. L. Moore'.
liiebeoalIsisreItgreat bokskeller Mtaintt. l
ct of livitngIpiaiss, hauaressski We ecll esiecial atettioutsti ciange
eseilya hs]t t..Teeoh as. J. 1 .Jacobs Cospaia.nyA
wcre probably as mnty as a htutdrecd The Twso Sarcs. AlsoSit Sae. Otie
aplctosfrti r pndtfuurthi eff. All gloves ttnefurttth osff.J P TM I1 & IS I) d UIfD D r
aCdiai~sfrtisot 1.1eae all Wednuessay D.oritiuig.(w .1. JhJOY.JX BOI., L-I
inch it is a very great comadpllimett State Street Grocers.NO12WHRNST
otal Id teolsiie Staheydot Hot atd coldl baths 10 Cents, at Post Stulrttsfttttontgoespeiaihysoliciteu. . N.1 .IU T
o th musiccl elamet ef Shons.4S. STATE STREET.
Is h nuclccaes ftsn Lathes' Mau'kintoshes int beautiful'i Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
.arbor, that see were 'gratecd te aities, ust received atit Mck & _ H ALL E R, ihgnRiwy
sate. Padcarewvski swill he iis-===ttS
clnrybu ali ie ti ,an he ti1alter Santforih eo llrte prusuuu- TmcardIsitin fett etttbe 0, toot'
I ototy Iol hid ieu titli a sulIte t i of "M y ack '' sill he sentat the tReparitg.a stecalt, lif515511 uMAINS. .Aesus'altottIrv tatat AnusAuos nly.
so compdelledh tiorefuse a large11101 tGrantd Opheta IhiusseIritay, Jtau. 1F). Teo fes._ei__odefltepaisaftigcopnoicGA DOE A D US onNR
lic stofr.the "ilo erKitig," undletmtbraces N. OMFELnAxpes 'a.m
pa itan iscetn a gra se - e ery irequisitse foali i torouh m eelua-N. 3. ass r. sell Abre Acissts .151 11titist
draut tili a gtuaia. The'seerey is the' sork uof iNN ARBttRut. Nits5 'iMil ltasoue... .... .... .5 dp. i.
Sulioti wherever he llays te late AMatt Morgan, sho was un-tittd esoo~r
...,s-sdoutely the' geatest seunie rtist i Cday Jantlry 15, 892 Sntu.>. 'dillPasseger.:. ...... 111 a. u'
Literary Adepiu. this ciuutesvhis ever sect. lTe stae Eve. No.. OalIEpress. ............. .. s051 pa l.
pic__ ostures iere pauittedl by the greut -o. s".0.Passegae'ToeodaAcussi ...; 711110.
iaster epcal for Mri. Sanfrf romTeein, 3 atd iiu etteouAusuAetbir asid
'ihe fllowiv is teprgam a huotgrtphsi taketn fria the' Iu ieial TIe5reign''ilt s' csseoaiiitree o n -utiet-'Tole tly nte 'iu'
thue Adelpdhi Literary Society, nstalocalities ittEngland. 'l scene is mbau. Aastll ituSnd suesseus .011 Tas tail ecet Suntdy.
-theo fourthu act, the gealt Afriant des- W". H. BENNETT. It. S. GREENWOO,
aturday e'veninlg, Jansuary 16tth, in1 etwvasuggestecd by'te auhor, Bent- tro Gen.ii~ (o. Pas. Ag't. LocaAgent.
Roorn112jamtint .ustsueu'h, by'hs oldh friend \V8.1'UCV '1 foIr i __________________
hiantlo .. ....... . 1st etitedIudy IhuIitty M. Statley, the explorer. attd
bleay .,............ htittt~a'sttuthe flag carriedh by Mr.Santferd itt this___________
Iteatio.. . ... P ._ 'tr t re tck, ias etarried by 0110 of Stanleys Suplebl pr'outuetinitsus 5 plcaaiyLtuttect'a
lirie,"is tetht set at __._---- .ret er eXhdiritiEparties siurighiis first tutrel's'utt tttitetsh
Dtasati.os sud, huinerahlhed"nue across Africa. Another realistic ea'
A t a a t i o nr s h o u l d b e .ab o Vis d a h t r e i s t h e i f e - b o a t u s e d i n t h e fi r s t 1 1 . f_-_T_ _ c
Affrmaiv -_..------------ v S Drke at. 'lispboat ias done service i the
Gte'eral setae '' sr f Ln rlcai c'b-Inetpretest by a DintnaoatehChimspany f
'aata- - isrtutetdylonged to the wrecking station sitnweli kaswnus'l yers Ilutrated with the ate
Piao slo ..... ..._._.. Mss enne EdySansly Hook, aid was pirhaseid by Mats trat's twelve aenic mhasteriece.n
- -- "' Mr. Sanford from Ele Unitedl States
The spelling of notices out the governenmt after it lad outlived its i I W
bulletin board lately cotld be im- usefulness. Tie company is one of prices, - :35, 50 and 75 Cts.G/A
positive excelene, comprising the l
proved upon. astes of many well-knows artists. seats otlsasule at P. o. Newsrs tan. - _______