S j Of Overcoats and Ulsters.
We have made a tremendous cut in prices all along the line of0
ON AL1L4 XT I? OA S nd $lJT Men's andBosOvrat and Flsters, which wil enable uts to
I When LAs Gatt'cs is so lprevalent noItnan should go out unless
This includes al x;30. 00. 2S.0 le hats an Overcat on.
and r'25.00 C oats. -Nonet Last year we closed our Overcoats down to the smadi number (o'
resrved. TuIta'rvFivNand11( expect to do so this year.
=F a, v , The J. T. Jacobs Company,
:11- IBmTz- Jat. 2, '92 IIEAIIqARERS, 27-29 MAIN Sr., ANN ARBieR.
Al ArbIor Stlm Lgllldry, CO0AL. GEORGE L. MOORE, (M Pbsten ) + +
WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED.1 FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A Fll ine oftkil College 'eel Boks inldig Duo 01a1 Mediaolleel i thele.5o hc
{{'cas, ONchepet plcee leertt Booes end Foeti ens'ooin the city. 5Frehmen erewd . Contee eottPCAeAE OSUETSII/-odfins nwh em nietaat~strolI.4.MI
Officee. - 23 South Fourth Ave.I No. tt WVEST IAcItINocO's STREET. .LQM
teyStutent wilt savioney by"buingiiv'ttersityvTx-Bosad l. sppi,:, edurr.W alo Itrdrsfor l htripatiIAIOISAii, te.
special oiscountit LAW )1300115, EtDtAI. tBtOKS. DI NTAI5iLi)OOS.ines'lot every ook nsct in the 'rle toee ollitotsiy ttedloI to.tolOtc
'ntit cliv.'00) Blankok osoat lowest prices. tlehne6. _1N.I tinS .ap. stOff e
' tlareetorntrt is w~olreellshert no
- Ttt' vIt)KSOIEtict 'tY esesnbleoooand w111 eo 'naranostee. N-
T 'fl Eas t on te. A P . ( O T , Cli'. 'o'in se s
htQhrnY10nGl Strlight Qci. 'Ti I FJW L STE1l.RN MAl1 (.1II IGAN 'C()LLlGCE l - OM MARTIN.
CIGARETTES. 11.1111111 115and15'''1'esl °'.Cloth Caskets, Metallic
Ciartt Sokrswo'UE Iei.i1 ~'tii~A'Is iEOF.le re AN) COstMON(OIN
50# are1illintto nay list' ~ e e ' tll' loel 0}01'11051...e lle e 1'J. APOLH EM S
echtegedi fote k '11111 lelOFoeits COoLiT F C f C Ot T.i r epstefthe egrh'ee,'.and1a11stthell stis' oestnolt'str etad's
tadtiigrettes wi ind"' thes'~sst 11e50'ct11 tcOu t'. -
Int ut ospeioto DaitsNORIA1ANDLI""'' ""' T'"7UN''' "MET ite~alatni iell AhO 'Il's HAIs AND BAGAGE s\LINE,
t allothes. + toPrpatioein foetxaminationlandtltehitngtNorths Msaissr steet.
Thrie Rticnmondi Staigit Feeits MI '.011' A ti INE 4P7'1 t e'.iO7'Ji'M \IN'iN. t oe l tn ooee netho e ilosO tlot -
on No. igcarettes ae tee notelebright- oisD oOolftIO tCLI 1 i, i ~ NDiTA.NioD )ti'iI'.i TI'1.ils e lednghol of br'Iosoneo'. RINSEY & SEA BOLT
6.1mos rOtdelsalelt fltavorediani iighetost IPetheextemseyrmodieateexpsense toisudentos atending. 'he.'eipens cotroo n l'ell teig'
ColdLeaf growtn ieigirisi.Thin in tie Old s't ired e itssot tinny t asnyt ohe o'sdso'ationtsni nstitutiol illit'eontriy 01111anithse Banersand dealen in
end Originlaintd ot Stesigit eet Cigarettens, c s latisofla.Ie well adso fo r s tabtslle is'evthioottfurstniseoi.cre P oiin lo radF e
etnd leansbroughtgost 0011ts inothie ye011'180. Ar.ceries, ProviFonsesidrnandtFeed
inonare ot itittion, ardsolooere Tthto .eERX Pes6et. Sad 8E. Washington St.
ruin1 namne its bielow ts in ale'very pacage.
'theALLEN &G0iNTEE nnra I 0011000EottIeORS. ori tePoe uaeo h
lit the AnteicanTobnacto o e..TOTHEiEDITORS.rosres, so thsat teb ig t hepopetomaeuth
Manufactureros,. - icihrond.5irgirnia.
i'onersolsoi'o. 101511reactes about 4i,0 (.Of deficit.'heoy swiltte dong a goot
t*~ ~ As is already known ass effort has thistsasoooont the ahumiinitDetroit wot, atd w ss'sutsore thecm that their
f'o~o~ert pooot. NOO'olOo -teets isaset t roise enoughi ton~ey cotntribouteod $o5,000, andolthe stus- efforts ctill toe' higily aptpreciatetd 1y
lCoes ttee -i $d00 t l sn oet. s ,IX . t rc em 'slse tea ttt
heiterl Bing usines.Pysi-toerc agynsimsoitable toa-det ";oo hoc'stiooetss wcho srtoe beneit toy
terest on 55avin1g'Deposoita. l s sfety' o'oetossdate the 2,6o14 tudentssof the Plians ave beets drawnslte ot a i 55the inil01.
Deposioo xs olitent.2 u
Bak. e KErP es tr. vvit. E Cssle iversity. Aphealeshave beeso sytistasiusu offtietlt iesie toe se-
toadeiehost _years o te tolegisla coenosooate allite Stuenetts ofte ho \ S. Knapps~, it '5,ias beets
Ann Arbor Savings Bank ltnre ,011 with to succress, prsncipaly U' t'site bitho yoeiiensaisi onfieto h ilerootti witila gipp
Ann Aetbor Mists.Cantitl Stook, VI5000 I'y'y 0
Ora~ Supluetse, e8e00.000. hini'eLn' use50the peohple did folsdesmatryoungsomen')111, at a1 cost of S$t-3000. sisce tFrioa last.
tegizen e uinerontheiGenrl Bakinities fis
o thin tte. lReceives tDepoooishbuys sand ofthii reetaies that lte It is necessay, therefeoe, for tie 'Thetittoerity 7thMisica Society
elsc agenthprniactesoteUnited stes.fDrafts csied ppopetpyscal isoswell as the tesettal sel- votsg rsomene to raise Si,ooo be-~io sotlols
oientiicationsl.Oficers totodoe torsoiolateev ninelsyiic
Cnursi~iN MCK Prs., feveofiheistgentatf wheirtea
('nrs . H llrANvicP r es-, faest estihtisst hetgrrfore their secioetosothtie gytnisslis it deciei htthte Scolsot s ic~l
CnAS. E irrsoca. Cashie. state institutont sshodte c'aredhfor. cin te built. WokswihhlheCo- wi le a surtisitg.
'P ~ lcstnecsessity issally heameeso ces'eo teliemsaine hart ofcthles'
U. OF IMe PINS! ssrgeItishat the stuidecnts thetmseles buoiritg as soIo s theowesthetoill Lot In rumii al o ldt i etsifsM'Ito.
sselogirtsch 'aoe anaoha I perit The grounitd is alreasdy'l pil'ere with' stiall gd pit. Libeal
S" temsettsspea 0 ' 0 laedl diretly totecalumtteu of tie stakei ot. The tbuidigoctlte r'eard Iif111111 tne to F. S.tPorter,
AltOniaa DltIthi 1house.
A RN OLD's,Uiivesity atol citiz'ens of the state. ilocatrd inth te etetme nrtth-easternoI Sorletbirg 101N:-Ithte lite sit U.
AS M!,an tet. Ois Wednesday, Januaty 5>1891, crer of the camus. tttM. tatioiery. It excel tll its lre'
g A NT M \r. Jostua Wi. Wateran, a gradhsi. It is swithinethee tower of thee tate1 I io klecs lore ininttsit. Geo. L.. Mooe,
_____ -' a o-ae-aohareieo o -editors whto have conic here this1 We Cal" ttec1ilt tenttion ito etiostge
FIEP- TGAH troitannunticedh that he would con- wee k to getyass hestdns of a. J .1.'1J acbs Corpany.
FIN PHTOGAPH, gealy ssit te sudets Atteru tie greatOvercoat sae, st
MILLINRY AN ART GODS ltribtte 920,ooo tosard a gymnasiumo in their efforts to raise etough TeTotis tlSrtSt.Oe
15 tst s~ooStret. fund. The generous offer was re- money tol property euip the gy m fortt off. All gos 'sone-fourth of'.
_____________________ceived with gratituide hy the s- nasimotwshen buit. The matter can ('nPostusty nrlig
01M lot and cold bah.ltr 1 cents, at I'st
TAKXA derts, atd the work of sectring be presented by thenm to their read- O'Ce BarberShpo
tCWOUPYYRt inrkn SEo. wsulbscriptions-sentmneariyot. Abot ers throughout the state, n hy Ladies" Mhackrtohes ir beautiful
BITdIng.PAY OU. ShtoSrt.$23,00hoaoe, enesubscrbedtfromvaretes, "jst receied at Mack &
Builing 20Souh Stte tret. 2.3,00 avebee subcried romare able to do a great deal of good 1 3I O ,y,~rs