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January 14, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-01-14

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r ____ be guilty of such an unwise, not to
X . O JU . ~ say foolish, act. Pe uiu h
We sincerely trust that the state
PabhdOiy(udy setd uigeditors will not leave Ann Arbor ANI) FINE AR']
te College year, by
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION with the impression that this city is
infested with dens of infamy and
schtools of vice, for such is very far
Subeciptios price V'.50 per year, invsriably frota the case. If there svas theV
is adsssir Snle eopics 3icnsts. Onsasne at
eenas' sod apot()Mee nes sstand at r.: slightest liasis (tor M1r. Steere'
tirtock,nomit. SuibscriptionsmarySte left at cags hr ol en as
the office itt the DAILY, Optra Hotter stich, at bags tie rllbe oca
Shewhans, at .S4oteS's, or twith alty of the fttr tltis trttest, bitt it is because the C
tattamottica~tis shttildi'eaicit tile Ofisce Sy article is so titaiifestly tttfair an
7octoch e. a. ifthtier ate ttt appeae the seas exaggerated that tile press tf tlir
dlay. Address atl mater intended Citepiiblica-
tions to she Managing Editor. Att bsoiness city swishtes to ideinountce it as an at-
communications should lie testtite Btit tenmpt to ittlame the prejudices o
nss Manage.
TEUafHDAL, the visiting ciitors. Orditnarily thte . mn
Ann Arbor, Hich. vaporitngs of temptlerancte atnd other
fanatics are little hteedeil, sitmply - C
EDITORS. because till thteir Stalenments of so- $250per workhstudents assisted to positions.
FoatRLPHeSTONtEs, 'W2, Matnagtng lEdittir.
S. W. CUTInSS,'3t, Assist. Maniagitn EitoSit. calledl existinig facts are exaggerateid
G. LI. PitAs, '5, Assist. Mtanging.,Etirn. and highly colored, sith the tts-^'. (
J. . TRAIS, 't92, lBusitiess Matiager.
F. E. JAN c'E, 't9t. Asmsttloniness Mtanager. taket ideta that ltertrill thtts tateJS ({ {U
C. W. RIiCES, 1t4, Assist. Businiess Mno'sr. tioce effcct. 1~ M. MFORDI,
H.. Jswsl t. . 0 F. IE. H cct.1s, a. As the re 'eentative if thie St-
W. '. PiARKi l.1 3. 1. 1R. AUNt1s.1i3..i'. BSTAFFRDs
F. ,I. Mi Hissec.'92. c. F. i'mt.cn(. d nctls fth ie t'ttis'ersilv ste eliter
ts.xIt.t.stcu.'i2 protest agaitnst Mr. Steere's chiarges, N The Leadert,
ailit1ieassuire (lie visitintipjoturnatl- itiini
ists that the statemtets cntainiedi
'('itsi. itlentiotn of the State edlittirs the article whch iacctuse the studietnts MccittTi-
is calleil to the report uiponth le pgmx- of all sorts of vs ies, tre vecry far 0111P 'ito

LT & Oo'(Z-,
otr deprtmtst-tcmts it iii sNo at-ILto.
ismanscisiptoh- &uiselttilihoei an(]
Petishipt. Ittogast Sl itltig, taisi'at-
scnulasce. f it t. 55itsltiiuts'5n.riikhoStil
ough, ltiingig 551 555 5extm elyo,.5to ti
tatoeoe, aidress P. R. CLEAOY, President.
Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton
Lv. Tt let' ... ..' 4.6.4 It'll. 5 t.1:3 i 1. J
Siney..... .. 10.4iS 15 "it

ntastumnovttieent, ottattothter(tage. i
We earntestly trutsttat tey itay lie
etilisterd inth lis cause, for it is itn
thteir ptower to gitve thte lproject
tmaterial assistatice.
Ic is svcry exasperatinto1thteitteul--
bers of the local press club, to the
citizents of .\ntn Arbuor, anto i the
tnitrsitcauthoritie s, iwhoi are en-
ileavoring to' create a favorable im-.
piressiotn spon the state erditors
gatherer] here, tot see anl attenmpt
betig miade by a fete"raks to
counteract. all thtat tbey are idoing
by thse distribution of an itijulrious
pamiphlet ettitled, "Ann A' .5rbotr, the
',nirersity an~d Saloons. '''his
pamphlet contains atn addsress by
Mr. Steere, wichel has for its object
the creatiotn of a sentiitent in favor
of a lietmlle lair. We do not wisht
to be iutderstoiod tis placiitgtinr-
selves otn recorid either as opposer]
to or itn favor of thtis lair. It is not
in our prointce to take a statndl spon
either side of a questions of this
kind. B~ut ire do mtost stretitotusly
object to a nutber of the statemtents
made in the article, becattse sotue of
theim are exaggerated, attd souse ab-
solutely utntrute. 'Ten, also, it is
extrenmely injudiious to place this
wvarped anil distorted statement be-
fore the stale editors at thils time,
particularly. We do not knoir
weho is responsible for the more.
We are informed that the Students'
Christian Association is back of it,
but we are u iltr~nk ttb~ete' 'ethat'
any University organization would

fromtitthe truttht. Anni Arbotr is oite
of the (test piiverneil cities inth le
state. As tbe utayor stated ott
mietnt is rirdiciulouisly smtall, atti this
itt itself is sutfficienit evidetnte that
thte ilistiriders c'omiplainted of its this
article are highily exaggerateil. '('le
toiwn andtihle stutdetits itivite die
most careful investigation of thtese
charges antI feel cotifidenttof te
(,Natices insertet inilthis coumnitat S te ate
of 10 cnts per liar. Special rates toe lancer
time, and eatra liarseurnsished Sy atplying at
the DAILY oflirr.t
RtOOtMS 'I'llRENT.-C'or. 'Xasltellaw
atid Gedldes ares. Fulrniace heat tstd
BlathI Ioomu. Otie block fritmn Campius.
Fu~ll linletnew style collars, 4 ply, 1.5c
or ? for '2.5. Mtsek & Secimidl.
Ladies tif the L?. of M. will finld it
greatly to their tadvantage to eall on us
whienlin need of('lotiks,Dreso onds
or Fanley Dry Goods. Mack & Schmnid.
Alnewr litie of Neckwear jutttreeivetd
alidISo better styles wrill be founin t
towtn. You wrill say they tire otis-half
thir price you pay fur thiem elsewhlere.I
Meek k,& Schmaid.'

i ililtn .'. 145.15Goods to selcti;AiRIi E.l
}1(Knenn t .... . '5 U 5
from1. ('ill for Idaaoi.t t ,5 1.M
a tis' filtin'g 'setl"tli
slift. (ity li wh itt ou 11an secutie'sleepngi c e"-
rahn"Cnits sat' siiryfo'n'.e 1 ornin5
19 S MAN S ., , 19 cnat, iosl withi aildsi thern in. itt tat
ANN ARBOR, 'MIns' S.iAIaini Shieet. ltt iillll0slSItiat~i
D. a. TRACY. N. P. A.,
I155 .F.,'i n uAca.. DETROIT'
State Street Gxrocca s. NO, 12 W. HURON ST.
Stuldenlts patronage especially sobicited.m
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
J.- H A L L E R, Michigan Railway.
Repairngcaspecialty'. 46 SOUTH MINc i Tine Ciard ineSct ecitbet, (i, 1551.
GRIT OEA ICJ~lNit S.Mail and Express.. a. i..

Friday Eve., January 15, 1892

$1.95-800 isills smbrellas wiorthi $3.50 - -
to $4.511, matrked $1(.5 at Mack & Till' eipiingse ucesi itthliesetontinents
Sehlmid's. Engttand, Aasti nsid Amiea-e

Decemlber 5th,. R. J. itoelhmi, senilor
member of the firm of Roehi-& Soti,
completed his forty-secosnd rear in the
jew-elry buineisse startinig as ashop
boy" iti 18494. Soebin & Soi's Christ-
mais selectiona inclilde many exclusive
novelties and tlse lateat produlctiona in
silver of 'The Whitinlg and (Pormisa
Mlsslfg Cos., ansd other leading msakers
their prices being reasonable at all
times. A hart of tile policy of this
hlouse is to select articles for thleir
merit anid beaulty, ansi to suit the tastes
of their patrons 'with strict regard to
quality. "High grade" diamonds and
other precious stones being a personal
"bobby" of Messrs. RBoehm R Son,
marks this firm as Ihe Gem dealers.

Siuperb proiductionlitt BersaminL andueck's
Powerful Slealislic Plasi.
Insterpreted Sr a Distinguished C'ompany at
well hknwn Players Illustrated with the late
MatMorgan's twelve sceenic masterplieces.
Prices, - 3550 and 75 Cts.
Seats on sate at P.O0. News Stand.

Noi.).MailtPassenger ................54'35 p. im.
No.2'. Maili Passegr ......... ..... 11 180a.it'
Nc. 4. Mail Exspres ........... s 40 psim
Ne. 0. Pasenger, Toledo Accom .... ti00a, .
Trins 3:tand 5reinbeteenuAtuisActureand
Tsledo only.
Central Stanidard 'roar.
Alt Traiss Daily except Siinday.
Gen. Pass. Agestnt. Lcat Agent.

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