';0iC. f ,M.rj Vaj ). Social Entertainment.
____- 1 ~he. menihers of the IFoley (Guild eQ ti" C ri tr a
Pishiiediiyi ttnitnniait sixcpted) iiduring will give a social entertatinmetnt at
the toulege tear, byv Gratiger's hall this evening. an AND I)11NE ART BOOKS AT
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION, informal rereption wiilibe lield tI it8
t'tlock, after wvhirh nun interesting &
Pt antoe i iipet rainariabileay antd in asical prog rant will he UXIVERISITY
+n at't' esinkntr.'ieg ; vt entin. On alin tt re'nderedl. The sotnal svill alsot lase
."ine'ntt'sni aosth fienewsrtantitta 12a
tniath, nna. Subistriptttins ta tie left at oilier featsurnesofiantentertainingr
the atfire at the DILYti, Opertaarstarokat charatetr. . Y "_/
Shecha's, at Stotftrt, tortwith ii ay or then
C'oimniaton soudteath tine onite br Re. H. L. Witt. L G /
o'ttiokk1'. H it ty are t tto petrti' te nt
tin. Ahienait antriatittei tr iaitir' kev . 11. I,..Iv Illeti, A. ml . whlo is - ttt eittManagniin Edtttr. All tbtutins
ittintiitin nistttttdibe te nt tthtitin tsti' preach ig nesery tight at the Churchnit - ; '
tei tan ttar.i of Chlristnratltti a itiasa.Vt. 5 Iste LEADiNGaCH
HOOL tit; i ttF
ntitttit al.NuS it ~;
AItA11TI 5iNi', '9, MitangingiAtiti.
s. xW. Ct E'i a, '9J, Assist. T ittttagitt Ediiit.
G.iL.tittAPM, '92ss nist. .Saitaina' Editoir.
J. . I ,i'tst 't9t,,B'tiesa aaitratttiae
C'. tV. iittatna at:,'t9, Assist. iBiusinsstne.
XVa. inn the A. iB. tiourse, after whvhl
In, wetnitino Vain. IlIe has latelyblin ti-
electedtioiitine chair ofiib iilical Lit- a2,5ape etk studehnS ts'asistttotaion
eratiure at his A\lnia Mlater. 'lo-ngh
"ourit tintat tait it-(,
ir annit.'t11(xiatin
oatah.aliingt. litnin
t4. uititsiai
titus,':i ii Fiitt." n'miht_1Atli
2.Al 8Tt liFlII),
; , Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton
________________________ i'BiLI'iiniiniNGtiiiiHOUin'SitE. ns1~'NlinT e I otalarI' ;3.
iti 0/ .1' itititinsiut until tutu mu t i hau lniii 'li nttis cl lnil ..1r, tj tnn''lnnnl1uiitte-it ii
al Sn'n" pnr iit.1 'al ateaforloierj
ti t ~ i t n ' iit~l u i tiitiwidnn ann. ti' tnilni 'hn -at atitinit imMf.m i
l int tint linti ol hadliii trace Ha d hne'il wi iii nititi tuu t. Iz l lt'' l- ''oin (ll lln-in . in it
in Sea t nl'iiiiiInasnV. ttntT trtnii ittie i t t init titiiit
j t na i'i a 'i r ia"
au XOtt .iti1iinar insttta 'Iint iEi in:iis. Ilitn nt ...t.ti.ii.t' I1i1.i4,i i
nnnartnnnt' 1tf. n ui in .lu t .dias i a ties. t'.hnat ''i. atii l t t 9 . MN n. >'it. Ili Ilis innt;>.otr ' at
unr ly inthei anivfa.:ne.' o 'ailittitsni i5tit iti i. is ii.1s
t)1' t l reporn'i a itn'lrtla eb _")d senir ngov ei i nel a 'aia ~ed i1(mails ~i l . ..i ..'tiii .:i:,iStai
:Mito rtin ryan d e .1te rei l a ii ait/ia!. arc Ftiltieoll wt ( sttt it In e tl rls Intl a Kn-nan, ama , t o sil Ct t a 1 . a R C ,N .
tancinnati .... :: an5. t DE0 {i-
ifla thee wihtie sltestv ais hitin i ieninl t iel'sal l inontl p. Ii~r1 rn. (tl cr
ii rliew ianwatryrtiste tu d itteit't ure t': 1'.tStine l te ]'' (7. ok ,.lr .% l''
at1t tityIrinecttiig aitrit's ii gicc nnresot'curetrsgit (en.L.Notce
tuei .niterfie tiet iiix'bciiiiiaittt h itniks fe'ie. Mati & st. d ecigCicnaierl oit n;ron
19 S.'MAIN -T.,P'eloriCars onDeeiat nittetittitti toizelm
'lirnteaf'aet its nv stoasta theofir Lmnif es of 1.cth s C.oanp.uilly. dit J 11) onnctoithaO G our n Lne.P SeOa
nitte.onrl niiitns Ic te r etltenithe grendVit Ovrenta l s t s yn it', at State Street, iroe\.. I)NO.t12 it-. IILRON . rl
tanr tue a fti teriptatne licinil nt ittinei off. (Al oins Dresie(foidi'tli . SittletitsCIncitnaage einneetaly soliniteit
ut tAcNNtci' sitlai AfrterRBilOiRiety oriti.S MI. i'A'tsTRE Stree.
atonyhd thdao t F nii Drynit(oodtts ill 'ntiSchnit . tTl D BAnn AborandN orlh.
Iftherssio th sigasvestbiigsparthigs OuHeeadtmher Toittsli d.' 155A.1.L.JERMihian Railwaye.,DTO
witd fewtn a pg eritcryitiit he iidutyic om tingm' sniewt:to-Is I itine t fitU.'of52'0I..
I rn oltts cu t ttin anincti . '(tic s tti n e a t r e. t e x e ls a lil ilats ire-n ei at n o n n n e. 'tt tS in at a iu ti t st
of the attol'IlEV,0trivetInintdesign Geo. L.ittat',a, aiim y
taitse csrimattr se ifllet ii sen nrc at bs lr.T hi's.
itthei Fis cnitytha e t he ownfi th irshalt d.mJii . Y Ji iaosnty tt y .re Dntue-hintifO i, t t. 'in',.ii ear Sea t . .1 it
atinn etu etowIard t leticstcb m-tti' telte St it)'(grea tuvrtiat se n', atNta Ne S it ttiNGtrotetrs.ter.........'n
tar stn t.I Tw'o Sndsllso Suht'ettnnnutl .SFaa veJn ay 1, 82 S ulte.aOeit-e.NO..12..W . tHURO S. a
faat cuber oftineupnaat h e ti-fuhat off5. All dres1 ne-foa t ha off. NttSdetain patrenxageespecially..soalSittid.
ofr hei hlt c nictenasocitin efour ptie- Calheehrsila i..5m ttrnnin . sinr Tne'''nin9 S AES ac T R EET.aitttt itid ne iias
Horc andugctltub.atlieni0innettsSatitiostn Tenednt nn ArboaTi Noe.
mimeisterofntetorm]ftoledtma SwmieittlaingCaty sini Staino'
oben' hite f h p1oiiou '',t nItlitnttilB Itobrto.cJ .id ecuirE itt(lieigW Ri.lENET, It . iN CO
seci it teriar ad vil ncfie hi Lmadnect'oMaciitosiesmoinybeautmive ~~z
lpeassHusepineipiftin t.iTeivaietienamjdst meclate, k ctiomiipapirt inatial ty.alnau in hiaanntt'a m( adine3e ~ePle t,19-
schivr f's he Wlriivig anI Goemmi aawAnnt Reatinin Viny
tny Thansari mgxvios ip Incdforenoitshatttig-'n.-tmd threchngmkesf
nth onedts httingxviiien ocny t irneleeneNgkreasonalet altd ' lJ "r o 1J F- [7 1-S
imno.A par of te poliy of hin I.
tede ntslraycrnnsncs ose ttorstlet arilbeforutheir
quality.t"High gradetdiamondsiamidshalt tagan'sNtweiMailnania ma tereiene
hirovciscnin rc hcig madnin the.ther peciousstomnenheibmra persmma1:)3n(10t/poor.
be eletedfrm ethe th fculy ma rstis firmpas-orhe mdelwer . PrNNesRBR,50 nd7 o. ;; aIPsegr........ .3p
coricltm f hi Mchgam Xinmi "oby'ofmess. loh on ~I "
Scoa orighotdeadthe Tworobbilamss aitl.ckFreantaamsae a .n -ay 5 , 1892 _________G____