~Ij U.of
LU. Waijj
N\ocr. it-N . .
GREETING TO THE EDITORS. togethier to-night ftat I amisceitain I T.[hough we are pressed for rooo illI
seed add but little at this time. how- i almost every department, being coio-
University Haii Filled with an En-
ouatiBoyoStdns ever. I sdesireis the Mayorii of the cityi pelledl in moansyplaces to biring ini extras 01 I
_______od o Sudnt. idssaliseady itniiin iiIs i otll icspaic-lchairs, aiid use the winouivssilts, is
Te cetinig osithet lihgais lress ity, fts extend tosyosi aniost cordiat ass grsidually adding to the isssmbesrsif
\ssoc itist in UnsiversitvyIHall last welcome oii behalf of flu I iisiisits, those whosishave comie here Ifrsoi theirj
I beliese oii save comse amssoglihose wiesterii homeo, vithia dteeriniation 1'V
oc ol-nIighst swifi xwhoimiyon isill insd tmore towiork, and auigiseistedl by a vigoros
The aiim ssasi s 5sustpp~l~l l stesyimpathy ansd meiso n uterest thas cai younig moilsod, aisd whoiieai ailsr
st'.irleis isWIo wsrci iieinciitsti e misfestedt ty isny othser coiipasyvyeais lceit tosassnme the iesltiisi-
clsc l iferent seci cs 5of thlslisvousr orgaizatison. If fluheitbject of bilifie s of isctisve life ini this geat-i
all andsui becfore stesexciss c 54 iivirsity is lto dittusc knowlesdge xvisteriiiwo0rldIof ourssvWhose 1nr ri-ssPPI
~sss ct sitsiindiutrothisisl I sils i i uisthe inress iof the is uivsalledin ihlistory.
pi esi st dit is fis <ai isl I isissst il fOse gre-it secret o1 the sucsii--s (is
ltil t e c th r uie tI ii ranI, fori wis sle iii 5 sisisiie osis thisinsstitustion has Isees li-ha it isis
irohris sioft teisicletist tisits 1itabors ltoliithe s illslito sliiiie-s who 5 f iss ihave-lit-istreateti- u stiun- ],i I SI-
then csitucd stheiimnselvss stllssic-gattics'Hereisdtaisastes i t ailstlioui,,. lcists issci i si --ises iclicuc ts
isisiomssss p8i ii tisiiilt ttcsoriiiitsil io'closcksl stlitii t sr sfuiniili absleoiii isi
Is s go oit.Alot itet er oonis- yousi teachsing si sigx ftist is itis tratmc t.Iticls-seis
ltiii ~loiuii is 5cfeci iisc ii to t t:i i oseis throussghossut the stateftiil1-sst ssssom tilts past osit('t ssstlit- 9 mmmrm
r iti adc is the v5 tius"editos out thes-itioiis ritd tl-siis-ttsii the 1 West nitedsmsinutber sioisistittilitis,
is s-i eedvits tsecosllec i- sli s r wuorlit snditheiisei iii -itt edIsoigis ii i tss w ill
lii iiivity ii ic scsisstts ouiss ill takei tisis sstsit'sl slIs bveatin-, si tiaststee s
liiiiirs iseithsasi ev tli tissorc isenis ul fort iiestayt a.I
ii 'ie-iyHl.Te(liitClubist iiiteil 5sii isitisslall thisevei555i ut grat ii Ii is lstsIe. i-its its sisi
iii iii iaiiiora iilt'imrsi i s i i stsna swbeor ldinsosg we5 tok 554555 int<<mlsuit itits arshiies uthere his-oi
Maised to You -
Through Your
Upon ---
Mi itti-it res of it lietst Mittls
litr, sti(a1(i ..'lio l t s n1 intite plit of t ~ tle f ilik (.t -'t,)- I s t i sits i It slit itsics it l e i (ts lt)1itt lleL.-i 1' ties ti t1itiis msittl t ie
:tis sui tiltt t i Isisi sssss <sl iii i
tr?2 w oeI ii ibe stil tha stu tvi'lt~ltii uttt ~ t slt -utIi i
trust ionwill-oarv s'tirlilk convince is s-cs-i-111csits l. eliit ii li i i i ii Iiolirt 'ta)t;
c le ut-il suslhu-l sstslipssiitt() stisetii11i1it11--usslts ItsdardI'"1FK&1
,its 1{ w i'! liiystu ititil' ower Ii li is 1 l~''''iY <n l \I~(11i h r a th
;F i t Iolr a d h il n iio t ll iss laits t u si(a~pllt s '.iiri( tittiiN tils isn a i l isr 0 t -, if> ji A11,11
situ its is s it s lind ill iii lii veryitti is tiitis tttst i tli! ii st- ii ItsI- I si eti ls itistill( s'-it ' I O it sxiss:S. tI hhh
is sslssscii it tc i ll Is is si ot t t ll ti sti lts usned lti-i i 's-slt it t 's I stt it sui i a t .
:t OiilltnnI:nI nt -ics nsistss--cttis tot hese sti tieui sius-sssi I ?-s-s- iss uis tsssi I'e" Os . 3I
tivd ii ma e n elyle t h io O r is ii li t ti s i t(' I it eitt ;isisise1 ils tasit tltit s is of i(ets i i x l s11- Iii i esS ity ir its, eI res,
its it tush 5 elc sme 1oil beh -lf ot e t i utherilis-ti itto stste t I t l ss tie thu dit l ts Iwh o. xsosuses as aslissius this-u- y .1I1't~r'
ittsalotw s olo ed byt e res stil tits wil ls il this h ili st i 'l I ii sit lhtiuss iItt s adtbyl ne (I, s'ih liiutiit
t is so h lust soit i .tt l>. t h ttetgthi s iussl st itareatgrttt unsiesulit librrs for more }rooks,1J N eck wear
i-sitany vec ttis- It- itfshsl t h e m h ersses oiii titi -a it i s1g1t11sasm-i io ts I- n'jm
I ilt-Itt, sithe li ,ssRa tiadstitI sI s s bti of sis it -sm uoIhaein sp- i i t f - houghthatt ira ':t us ,Is llii s r D es -->r ,G l v s
if s -'uintial ttaddres . PI ofsuu ousf tineriitsIself-cifii ce on en edto i s-gusat tue I sx'-s,000hvlu me ts stats th etreII l 7s kitxhe
iiit his-hi s address onictii "How t1551.i prIsntso li so sthwelu tug otihis er si is nipsli sis tI nt ly ie-i th ergs aIheli Ahutisie sisd -
lusts aite wsutt er ."lt Iandsglc sut gress i, fli fts he55i suit stoll its le prtsuts srin et ns ivusIe usr (iuisittsias (oos
ii sel 1-suteth uu ociIi ut il if serve u art e h us sit its l n is l-stlec as e t-ll st sesl t iolh su I il h_ -I k* ET S' URIt S HI NGi S ,isi ci-i i s
[)ulit ost titus alamait oohTl l- issi t anues s i tnus iu s tse . I5 - 1tu t so sia'}t 15 yea,1115(iii i s iciesfrot Ithe
rsutt Mass scsi1hxi its tilt sit.0151mcouss shter tndsaipNisse -r sI n osei 011sit uuit 1ugiiMackto shesi
tutitt ti te ~oiu t enahet rea nuis usshsecsitre hssusiresi th I if leigitouer estoul iketsiate ou inuse1
o th esuhiiss sk auxl i-lucus hue isu tuses -I ig the lsec eaoktis hioithits wthe thoseit io see i isthe l e h ithtsgest n Atleic m f
i ftd ifrgenerftistyux-itirh s it isia te tuukto il-otts heis u
laie isatheerdfevrlttsstsericetlthe atitiuse ofsteokt-te5,e ospplrttnito, ha unp kbl rv Gy as m od,
iI uell stisthlest. adfocbl -tp suo tefrs equth e d tshatio iiflu I usI tixsiutreeanid
i~rcsidcit Angelsphilaesshistsiet. velityhtoteseowmeeentoh
W }atjornlim ffrst~ 'I nier-tti Harars d ri n hesec oeetio 5 siah i-i our-litgen e iy hegnannutaissiusi
ctyuGicuealfftes. i-Hmtns Teafscs, wib gis avenouto hifyrttheutllo M 00 onua its suomertwho[ApSCALLAGTIME N.&C
addroscs upheexeciss he C legre d e st.ie ucfac ts redoas sit a-se oe patehJ rierf.eealsaos
spkwnIi sa ap en i ollrthis sf ucnieenrafu tionsloeist ae vslByo hBenagentisyearur
lath aesfoi s: 'Yo lih also gowasoustxes,0111ryuiss I anM tonige ash ewla or e ata II 51
iitcl Mo thd epnt eokted r reAs 15aseitie ntohan isy, iiftsec es gr o the Pedistrg la ue Clubnee
susssuio, Laes ed Oeuthehat. teh e dls he enn o t ihsde o(tothe dsynore a isthepc mnessurtier thn- 54M no St Chcg
enthu hssan wen alr luead ad to sorktof gt o twhich heiassharaci neis her rhfsgc lipiv<Ph em
liwsug he seaefr sevte aumincts eruedhrtathileatsta poxet5eS ShleSeAnsrbr