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January 12, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-01-12

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r' - i"ri,ta* scattered throughout this great coun-
0~ '1b try, and among that number are
i~ndysome of the most. hrilliant legal
Published Datily (Snasexcepted) daring niinds, anid some of the most emi-
he College tear, liy
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION nent puiblic mien of the day. Thie
new lasw journal swill undoubtedly
_ meet withI favor amonlg the lawyers
itbrito price s).:')0 per year, invariably iiasPn" igenpe et.O aea of the slat.-lDetroit TFribusse.
hea'5so1(1Post Sluiice newssndiisat12 "'
Sulcnon cbscriptions may be leli at Mr. Fliii ic, thle iewe assistant
the otie ofthsie lDst,Opera Ihouse lntk, at
Sheehan's, ait Stotles's, or wti anvofthe I lirariainis 15gathesring saluabiie sta-
oditotrt. tistic's about tite attendiatnie, genleral
lommunsicastios shoullrechbthe offctte hy
o~lc(1.n.is they are to apper the seat oruder, ansI sarioiis 11111r thtinginl
dlay. Adss oall matter'inteetldtsfo' pablies' the librariy.
tills to the i Manngiisg IEditor. All tuissess
sissnuicatioiss thouldbesirtstoithis Iltsil

* )eautiful Chri~tmap GAP~
® uri . ts the I.EA1)Nt SC(H OL t it I' P , .

Ann Arbor, Mish.

11 II'is iusiss., '9Tl iisssgisrYtu
'. IW. C 'ss i, 'l9i, Assist. lit s issispi it'l ii
G. . ITA Is serAs, 'li', Assiss. 3IlsitigEd~sitor.
.. i' rits'Ais, ')', IlissistsSt sUne's.
F. .JAIs r, 'lii, Asstt.lluisii.ctlssisisser.
i'. «'. I'nsK sT,lii, Assist. Buisnsss Msssn'g's.
15. 1'.Pl'sssss'i 1':3. ( 2 S i NEiiss ii,,
I;. M'its Esi ., '0l. ; 1, 1S. s; sst , 'lt
lt 'II LsLENissB:, .
Wj. gan rg 'testuiieiits toi
e'itoriis' IIIsei ug tils cvi 'iig Ini
[; nii lsity Hlli at 7:30o'ilock.
'lii is ticlsduliletst periodl ofitile

(i es' insetedsslinsl th s clsumns at thes'srate' is
sit 10icents per'linse. Sps'sialrates ftre hiss,
sue de tall ies furi'shedIs'iby5'applyin tieD IL5n'r i4 i
slit' isle slhc$2 50iSpersweeh' studenssassisted sis positions.
Ilsasdthse 'lT'soSanis sid.For cat
'liessday eenisngJ. it.12, rIlla111y5
Weerss's' coit mv's ppear alii~il.t th
1t' Iti(,,il in hef olasiss', s'uiist'ildv,
''i il&i lsl T c . T''' eli'leadinigl'lslll'i'l
,it,, ' aces''of piasll' di'tetive's whliiiA. 11, STAt Foil
thoulighl sitisisile lspartnerss, wo'rk
oillilit miiichs'se, sbsa.51anmd terJ LSAFR
i'liirst mI itw 1siteatushules'ly isntrigiueM SiAiiit
I isliliss' s it ce'iiis'usisil lssul, aissd every I'\ 1
schem'sii ttilitiitheliidtetives' ill 221 P2 'IfTe Leadet'
Elu htlii sit Ilie i Ti eris i s ifbsisn Fa honll
thlforsoillllto aesil 15 hi'isclsitoSTil-
i to 'is sissiheis' thu e of'is w~li iii'1iii 'Sits
younisg 'i sissin. 1Ii' is I liuususiglt' It 1un.-'il
scrupuloui5515sisiidstills at niitliinsgsuit ls i' >~t
still01'icorise t eli i nai'lyutw ittdi , God oslc
an lh iece end'iili spislyit'all '155 2 PYteii 2
Issi', lii uisltli. Goiil SCull Piiifrotis.('1111fiit
s'kel'et'oisheisrit,,sit wiithi lpearb lsid
rei'w'aidslif 'rltrnetol i FI. S. 'orsti'r, i
lFsstt lisnssnewi'styletuollas's, IplyiBC e 19 5. MAss ST., Ns. i
os.r for 25. ;Mackl & Ss'hmit.La ieso h f11 illih t
Isiuics if he ' ii' IIstii Iisil it nn n~s. 'nit. S 7s Sil S t.

stir slemais1mie ts-Cc Olli i'iI. NoI'c ii-i o5'
sirmaistisei'ltotih- Mtplitli. Si iillIitsIid situ
Srsn'uniccTO(Pntinst isililis, hts'oris
tisLosgue, addresss 5PS ',IR LLAi5, Pr"'sideint.
Cincinnati, Hamilton, & Dayton
t i.'luluii' . I.10 i11i .Is5 l4.i; 1' II
9.)5ii ii ii~l
N is' i~lin iii. sills _5s' i'.15it'sls sws
I i s 'si . . . 2 : 5 u l f i l l o is is S r s ' l 4slis t 'li t :li s s . l i is
on eto s i t ll I'. SIh & II.Lis' se ta
yotrstickts sread i llC. s. .,t w e To

tear us theC tews-paper isalis sexist- greatlty to their ladvantaIge to cllhn isv"'"'''.TACY.,N. .A., EOI
'twhentinit needl sf(Cloiaus,]Dress GGuods 15JrFsoAv.DERI
cei. Artiles lit real taluet are' or Fauney Dry Goos.ls Mark & Schmnid. .. -.... j~I
hiarsdlto fintu, andlsmassy are suiavid Ri euidlthe Twso 5Sams lid.
abhy skipped. To those wio si ess Somnethuiing lit: -Iii the lhue iof U. ~ ~
oMsttoeyIteclalitpr-fe 1 itemus, if iterest to the genlerah Meessosainudsen. Gteo.eL. alMIotre,
pu~blic, 5we swouhd sat', 1)1t theeiinboonsellerMain st. .. 5
the ~ xm boes wicharenow We eall espsechilttesntion to chainge 1. D. STIMSON SON33 , P1[9OT 0GRAPIHIIJ Rt
tlace itn e~verbeus es ntuislsuriliVo il,..''.Jiibs(uiiulY tate Street Grocers.NO WHU NST.
la slit sey seatseutliilis. Attendll the great (Overeoat sale. it '. N.1 .IUO T
Anycoltrh~stilssti t~lsIciis tslhThe Tisis Samis. AlsoI, Suit Sale. Onse- Studtenits patr'onage espieeially' solicitedl. _______________________
fiosrthi off. All glutssoite-fousrths il. 2 5 STAlE STRdE'.
lie appreciated. - (all Wedsnlesday mrnisig,. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Lx "'~' Hot andi cold btils 101ceents, at Ptost J. H A L...L E R MihgnRlwy
5555ilN.ITriiN till stons le testinig Olahee Barber Shoup. 1-
Cle patientce sandietiduransce of boh Lls adssies' illarkiutoslesIl inebeautifulRpiigaseiat. onlN 5sig. . ardin effec st eesuber t,, ISil.
instructsir ustndstisient. Sosttue of svrieties, lust rececivedl as Macks &,Siririvalsof aspaciasiatSAnslitriortillly.
thesis 're being lielsdlnowivandllit A isesuhise sitNeekwsear just receivedl GRAND \TFl fPWPA T~l'F. GOsuIG iNsRT.
aendsis htnir louu u tus io better styles stilt he found ii U &&i ~ ~~No.t. Maisl andsEprless .......... 727 us.It
beoetutolla veu'hslwn. YouiWsill say (luey are onei-halsf ONNIGHiTi'ONL.Noi. i.l 1ili A'nurb' ......... 421p).
given eori hergl(lee.T ite pricetyo ytltYfitr themiielsewhsere.
itoifctou ruMabeacecdd ktil & Schmuild. Tuesday Evening, January 12 GIOU~TH 11.
modifcatin wold bea deidedire-Nos. . taill iusesger ............ll 'i .in'
prv m n vrteodpa ,frte $1.95-800 (silts uunhellas siorthli 3.5-iINo. "i. still lxprss.. ......... ...... tu0p. it.
lirsmutue h sllll rI .ft$4.511. warkedl $1114 it Mush & ' FHIS =CO'MEDIAN, No. .asusinter, 'oedo Accoln.. 00la. its
rusts aundttervosus excitemenut so 'liar- Sehslisiu's. T 'rrinus adtPirnstweenrusAnnisAcrbocandi
acteristic' of euamiinations seek iwoulid 1Decembier 5-ills. I. 4Rtoehuti, setnisro A1..~.L3 .~.L~. 'sll tissr~a
-ebr fte'imofRem oAll Trains'pairs except Sunduay.
liprbednawywt. comnpleteilhIssforty-seenid year inthe Inusthe LauighitiSuccets 5. H. BENNETT, R. S. GREENWOOD,
- "1-- jewselry businiuess; startinug as "shop NIGen'N m~'~z tu. Pass. Aigenst, tocal Agenti.
Pi-ess Claub at U. of 31.Hfll boy" iii 1841..Ioehun & Sot's Chiiist- NIP ANDL) TUCK~1
to-niglit. mas seleetiiots incluide many exelusive
novelties antifle latest productiotus iTherMosut Suessfiui Deteetive Csomedy Svet
--+ -sitter of 'ilie Whiitinsg antd Gormna 55'ritten.
Favorable Comment. Mau'fg (os., and other leaditng makers" A (uss? 'C'oi an% y.
-- their prices heintg, reasottable at all QtA,
frn h dsigtstdtimes. A. part of (lie policy of this A. .S;'ugly JDefinedi'tr.5/7i
Judginig fo h dsiius house is to setlet artieles for thteir
array of tontributors to thte nes merit stud beauty, and to suit the tastes .L/ f.~ofoAi
a success from the start. The li- other precious stones being a personal - --
sersity offMichigan 1Law School itas 'obytofM ra oem ' on - 2"i, 35 and 5U0 Vts.
ymarks this firm as th Gem dealer, rcs
graduated ;936~s lawyers wisho are Read thte Tao Sams ad,."- ';. Seans on sale at P. o. Nes Stand. _____________

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