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January 12, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-01-12

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Al. W1ai jj.

%vr1. LI.-N >. 1.



The Ladies' Reception Rooms. I
\1 r.N'W. W.Crurneer. ofCaidlac
ii<(-lstittilted iiiself a patiron of
cir[no ei siti girls, ly gener ousl
lipyigtefsinss icressix 5 foi
fiir1ihinlii their rooims ini Newberrvx
H15 1Thieswork was donerddaisngo
tlt oidayss, and alter the '-eneral
. .A irayer-mieetinsg, IN edi es-
da ,esin' iof last seek, thi Hneti-
1wsoflb ie ssociation weesins ted
ii t{Se the es l. oi ttee
OIi iiiiia5 xxieifrsih th S. .A
miil Owi W5ostiiis i xes' eithi Nts.
'1ii'e1 ;i r. No S, na Ntis.
t I tis~,ais Adissorssgase
isiodes. to l telurixshssiandii
tli, rooiiis .oreItssteful ass wellass (Ii

Professor Demmon's Syllabus. Newberry Hall Lectures.
Prof. 1. N. Ilernion has issued a We xisli to rall the atteiitioin sf'
neatly printed eight-page syllahbus of the readers of the Dii is to a course
thse cource of lectures he is giriing in of lectures to he given iii Neswberry
the ~Uies-eily Extensioni Csirse. Hall, untr the ailusices of tse Stsx-F
The couirne, wchich comprises six lee- deists' Chisitiatn Acssciatissn.'Iliese
tuires on iiolisii Literature, wsadte- lectures xwiii he delisvered at 9 :1r5 Siuss-
levered it Detroit bietwcein Noreni- day mniings iby the professssrs, aiid
see i anaidiieceimiler r 18si91, andI xiii he printedl in full at the issisi -
isill lie del isereidii i ssandRaisl ial price of 50n censts a set, psroieIs

i I

sssxssluiiin g j -sisars tI
'I'lse suibjeicts sit the Si". lectures
aie :s isi M res t tssIssl--i I Ire~assi of
tise Newr I cxx isis; '2, isle if I rae-
tiral 'ti Ix , I o ilise I ost--ilie
Puiritan I pc- 4, N x ilssrisrtlu the
Poset o is re , atue Resarttss
-the Clsoths s Ililisoil)Ir : Cs.less-

.. . .

a suffiieintisniiiber saut theist. It
is no sxmine'smingss'crhenme. hut theI
associatson --ianot inscsr the expesie
of prinsting; thesistosgie SiV. I t
csill tak e it least.100 niiuisii5toissiver
thsercss t o iniistinsg.
-l lix ((use sis oseethat scsixinisi-ss
itsieI lie ifollowsing is a list if tlii:

Mailed to You -
Through Your
N 0, V non
::n ltcue siof linest P1ai
si5und e cvlirdSi etyx Badesi.
w i
R. H.,FYFE & ".
e1 aP. .peller ' & @.
Unsiversity (.511iiitei--.
20.1 seur ii - m '-c.AN N 'A liitlOi
Neckwear, }

. t t iil l thesis allsiisixti itsts. issiis-tic'e lioet sif the A(5 i ube t sisnd iieike -s
Hxiiier orirs r ttg-- s In thes itirodus tossys nste toisrIis iels.14. lissGo isasi Natureix PrI fIi
giei-iitite tisisrouumss nsiscuritains syl-itss Proifessosr IDemsmosnssas: x IL S. ( isis F b.i ,.i- I ii
11,Sn l i rs-ixil ii'tisni i t i( " ,la c t thse syllialuss isill rse s Ieal elxsiu tillChemsic Sienise, 1roi.
srttw . L r aY o e iefo r tep ot itene xii this hesissi A.I3ss-sesco1stseFir C.i Ns.-llsi ht ssi
a any iesce nstn s- li r exstiiimeit ill tlie stuyxfi lt - Bole I i ls eacislldC
ii sissiate sA xxi -ai', or ra u u It iha- s b exis 'i sixtar C nc io n s rf . 1
ii ss u~ls. 3 ii- i i
1 sike hirs ais esii-t ier ssis r s xx Tha rrn e e ti ho - ''ale ea(hitat 4 - "
N i l in sals uuiurs- nt sf1 is ssc niclo ia ,ltt a to imitsi S cc). i ssis.sis Istini
555i555 ttis 1prettilyx sstxedll) wsithii 'Sermonsicor Rev. J.T. Sndncerland. ILaI hlN.'i is i-Wh t his tie'

a 1111i'l,01irtisdsresser. j 'iT e sishjeets ofis .i -Sissisiti I iss n1 sses sss c n totea}toi55i e i ress cnir'ts, l~rioxes,
io-t s1ofall ldv rclls isisits 5i iii5 i te Iistix i ihnii iitiii is I iaii I Ind Ote U nderw ear,
th -s C -Aasic1their frieiids. It fs ts'Ets o -iiir el sgoseiis isi isgs-ililiii si t E f E1N1S-N S, stls
1; a p assnt l aclse for thiexi)tosii-t Ssitii Priiis iiali-si esideini Angetli.-
li1 ac tes, tsi tails:cii-loungxie o hr NtitTthe'liise litutsses is111ibe pritedithe NewFOOsament (ospelsGOODS,''t
itad nil isil hens i ieiii es oiit ilbetttierxx i week isolisoswin; thir es i vtu ,its nd iii
iii sisislties cii li tel it N is Ssxsie x issi cii swill lie issutedIassuiiiplemiients toi the iisitlh~ii~iI5
isotil fis such puixposses. ipreaciih. - i ixAthleitieixcx iiiii'l tanjd
In the een tings the subje "'cts w(illcnitii -hods
The Mceeting To-Nigilt. ie:I ti Lendc-x-handlConfsxierence; equisieeInumber oflnaivest'srlinN
ViseSlat eiltorsexer to 4thlixe Later Religioxnsiof Inia: ' eexiifiiistteete ette
isierstc -mII.'th set c ;'st, 'Whiat Swvedenbhorg ins to tiglers-txheNctichsieii sa YE+ TIME AND T MONEY
bsxlice a d illd icoximience at -,a 1 abiouit educatioxn, lxy-Rev. A.I}'.xFiist I I l -l
'clck. 'Ie s lx p o fI etruilt. y By seie ltB lriuying Year
O'lck sheflowving ithepro please send your nanme andtIaddiress
graxi:x Unity Club.
to the NIaatgilg lditor iif tite .Sng ---t ---------..'e t-ofM. .le lb'
AWsressxofi Iteei - lYescilen e iakes i Bultlletin.
et the Ann Aruo' lrens Cli i ThIe following is thte progrun of -
Muxicn..----------Chexlane'gens 1 il Unity Club for the InloIltil of l .lrw n r edwre e swiew r ee
Annual Alddress-.------PresdentNeabitt teD .Bo nad I._La eeo swiew r ee
oft he M. P. A- January: s8th, "Swvedenhorg,"' 1r. unlahle to meet their classes yester-
:o---------.------ -----.-.Choral Union Charles S. :Mack; "The Meteoric daQnT tofl pe A LA I\N& c.
Poper ------------------ Prot'. Scott 1dalsss r V I- se; P. alelft fol rippetroit yes- Y. O
new to tiea N tewsveper" HpteiM.W - se; Po.Salylf o eri e
,ong----...........Un . ofm.Gles Club.a28th, Paper by Prof. lDewey; "A terday; ,,ocanuit-the reearsal. ofPBIiES
Adldres ------------ R.N. Dingley TakPnUenicIwthHERSraio,
- 50 i'le aansam Telograph akonFninwt' ilsrain" the Detroit NMusical Society, lie- --
Music -----------------Ch sassegoess by Eugene G. Fassett. will stay'over until to-nigbt, in 14Mno t, iao
a5 Welcozas----._ President Angel1 ,-14 oro t. hiao
Music .............. ... ....Choral Usnio re oh a a ee si h ra
Tssb fellowed by a reception given by the Press Clubs at IT. of 111. Hailodn t erPdeesi h ra
Vniversity Senate in the Library Building. to-night. interpreter of Chopin. 5o S. State St., Ann Arbor.

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