4cbe o
~n. Wa~Ijj.
VO. 1.N . (
Athletic D~irectors' Meeting. rent the rink for in-door practice,( gant phrase, "'to base a little fan.
butt as there is no other place in Last Satturday evening nearly evers
The athiletircilirectors meint t ows available for the puirptose, it i s number oisthse programs was enroreid 01 I
Aiphia N LI IHall Sattirtlay mtoring. hoped thsat the oswner of thse riiik and some of thenstwice. Several
,nostion seas passedl makiiiga rutlema be induced to cnge his mindI " of tlsese encores swere not deserved,
that 110 persons shldr be permsittedi --- andtihle result svas a lengthening ofN
to hecomie canditlates fur tir players Schubert Male Quartette. the prog rani to such a1nextentt thtat E
upc~ th Uniersty bse-all eam Thefourths attraction us the 1St- thse autlience beearnte restless. Wtritl
islets titey weere sir becatt itisst et'lceAscationcoursethse company svas silling to please,
ctI thie Athletic assoiciatiton. i, 1a tsasvr eilt zht er
A~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~a desitoiv.0sesreontda Saturday eveninig, acots- tt3 r~
deict f5oowa rpote a crtt by te Schutbert Mile Q tartette sontewhat boretiby h-tle isuliscrintI-
the tcntditionsofth ie treasrs, bitt t , t Cicg. [le lar nate applattding. A little tltitgit I
the treastreor correctetdtlthits eIttt et ta ttilolery i i eptitfttliness on thte part of thte -ttnii r
a.tr a titlandsaid that t tth ltl . , aliv t -sotpranto; listsIIta i. su e t n ti atr wl n k
he hneon 8250 ansI $too tttnt eses- oNt-ltVthte S. I_ N. itnd Chtoral tunionttn
iste Ie ttl iiittte Isi ie't r I'llie ttextt attrtiottn of tte Stu-
f'titale qtettewtie itaveoet
ba ll ( tstsistte tswis tttatlte hsy ttte 1 iun erttr ientbyits N -ittland itt It titi Ontt nn
i i eacs Ilie sttitttteid an es~ ti tttarlyerah-iTheetttttteorIahit'tiet
tit tioltlti Iti hts tt attes stere selet-teeltt ploetse a a colt-tts Citt i tt
hencs ftit the seatsn, iclttding e -, audienctee the tilt lilege glee lr tidg ontvi Coie p a n io lenIJa ouar
it~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~cu isl~tilttt iil I ietl thlotettiLetiittle MissMfettle
th as tr rm Iiit tl t i s cI lcti e d o11. n~e ht N tc
itet soeI Itt itte willibliltnttte Ieiil - 'itch -tt
1111 ilsineiittnt attentif the 000
Ilo iIt t tl BaIi~tiitse-IttiNoticeI
li-t) it tol iaist thel ancet is iton Nteiilttlitof tl
s c ilt i lmiii in tlIitne ts, Illre lllii- Iittll -Ie l lt iiti f thIs ii lii i ret r tcii
PRIsCE, Titans: CENTS.
Mailed to You -.-
- ----Through Your
Upion :
~j VI 1 f K I k' wI).
H. FYFE & &'y,
'. Speller & (.
'T T I
ititt 'Cst
late-tallIEiter tinet: Ralpti
ve(rtiig atgenit; R. T.I at tattelstage
ilretitr; F. G.1 tssett, treasurter.
Ralpi t ione, advertisinig atnent;- I:.
G. - asset ttreasttrer;IHIthe.IVn t
Dleveniter,littetary; W. EI tifin,
latw: R. 1.1arratit, mleil; .L
Robitisosi, phlarmiacyt; . PIrett-I
toot -denettal: t V.-W. -Chsenesythot-
The iqulestiont of a coach wss sdiis-
ttisseil ante uematter ieft to the
wc tteer or 1iiii I let test litltl tilaImeit of ' . -00
bet wsitthe ''Swiss I-Eto Son-k tc Ii anCs still lie Itfurtn Iits et}iter Neckxvear',
itliic heiotrilledl 'like a ird." the iman(ItrioLIc(It aini, upon lire- IDress Shirts, Glovces,
Nisis Cl titeisthe clocti111nist al-setitattto(f ANtttI~atiolt lietitsi5p1
thtott-i stuffetrin froni an attaek of tiekets,51whici llaniks catidal tes are Underwear,
th girippe," acqutittedi hetrselfiarir Iequtested tol li((lt111(1 re tultntttoMofGNS UNSIG , Best
tiettlarly in the selection, I -ma either the manatltetr01rtcapltain.Thile i ____ uti
ion andl G alatea," - with sastisfaIttions jspares are to ho illed twithi the stam tue
to tthe atientice, if the enithusiaistic iif tile candlidate,- teItity address,
iapplasuse sthich greetetd les effotrt tihe iosititsshle isis plav-edhereto- ( lEiglisli iMackiintoshes,
coutnts for anythsing. for esvith whttclitist, asn1 the posi- Athletic ts e --
The menmhers of the (tillstette ire: tions fist wvictr sying. There is a --- Gymnaisiumo Goods,
Saimutel T. Battle, first tenotr:'itill- I plethge printedl sponsitile blankswhsich til EVERYitt0 tStCtPTItiN
iati H-arris, secondtItenor; John R. it es ied telby the tcandidlate.
ITyley, baritone, anid feorge II. 1 RALs-H Soxi, Massager. SAYE TIME AND MONEY
lott, basso.
mtaniager. Efforts hare been nmatde A wvortd of conemnsssation nseedhs
tos findihoctswhsat players are a Bailable to be spoken abotit the liberal ap-
fsor ''coach''buttwsiths potor success, plauding in which the audtiences in
as the majority of the finest players University Hall, this year in plartic-
save signed contracts for the seasons. ular, have indulged. Thsere is too
Ani offer has been received from much of it. In a majority of in-
'eter J. Conwvay, who coached the stances it is not sincere, biut is tire-
team last year, an~d if encughs money some not only to the greater num-
can be raised to employ at coach, the her of those in the audience, butt to
probahilities are that Co way will he_ singers-and prer'form irs -as. well It
secured.. - proceeds froma desire on the part
The ,4nager reported that the of- a few students to make a noise,
oawner o the rink had refused to or, in the ;mo e opressivre than ele-
As is wvelt-kniown, younsg womein
are not alloweti to graduate from
Germsain universities. hPernmission
to attend certain cotirses of lectures,
hsowes-er, has been given them at
various times. A fewv weeks ago,
wort was sent to Miss Gentry, an
American girl, that she might listen
to time lectures on mathematics at
the U tive rsiiy of Ihrlin thijs winter.
She heas been annoyed somewhat, it
is said, by the studensts, hsowever
and mnay not remain hong.
BYv Buyinug yourm
of us while we are here.
x4 Q.VTi e-#., Ciceago.
So S. State St., Ann Arbor..