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January 07, 1892 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-01-07

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AT THE TWO S A M S Of Overoat andUster.
We have iiaie a treiendos ('ut in prices all along the lie o
All 00i" lieo Orcoats, IMn's and Boys' Overcoats and LIsters, whichl will enable us to
ll Or Finle Suits, 1 -4 close tlieni (lt soon1
When L'A GRIEe is s1) prealnt no an Should go out unless
Al Our Gloves, Q he has an Overcoat oi.
All Oiii' hats 'ald ("als I list vil'we cSld our Ove'ircotiowiito tie'511s11all illlof0
{Except Conact ist.) THIRTlil IF, Ond expet to do so this ,year.
AT THWE ETWO S AJVMS The J. T. Jacobs Company,
T-Bz Z 1111. 2, '12 IIEADQUitAJ2Ttais, 27-21 MAIN S'., ANN AiBlR.
Mil Arbo of eanLgllh1ty, CO0AL. GEORGE L. MOOR, (oroet T&Tbbr + +
WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A Full Line oll all (llege Text Raocs, including Law and Mdical BoolaniKthscy
C(ALL oN CeaestIplace for Noe Hokanld'ta flit Pens inllthe city. fresheln lerltllin. ICott'alng
SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS.) M cl~iti eond. Itiols lae my entiestock at my stre oan No. 6S. M IN'Sr.
Ofice. - 23 South Fourth Ave. !o No. WI 'rWES \_SiIXGON SREETi 'r. 6... 2.'OOIO
very studentiv'ill sive nmney by bayin~g Uiersity Text-Books and all sup pli-aiIleaaqartrs. We alloswodes forttris, patie, ssdddil c, et.,
special discotlotuenLAW IBOOKS,KMEDIClAL RIOOiKS I) NTAL BOOKS. i sia, every Boo1k lused in tie.yennqcln'atedd t.
nlivelvsity. S,i~o lan111k Beoks at lowest prices. ____Dlt pp or rie
paedtol tarntist clastorkaon shrt no-
LEADING 1B00K STORE IN THlE CITY tics sateanel tatk aened at scall' lay
21 Eat Hurolln1.et. . (o '(1 11'. Iul ott-
fiphmond Sraight Qut.Iftj, X LTWt IC I AN(k ~G
CIGARETTES. il la rl od I11 11115 1111 1.11,Cloth Caskets, Metallic
CgartteSmkers wh ~tID.JECT NiIOIO o 131
ar5115 n asI I O lIj t it'e d iI ' l 11111 lotIt l , Illllala s a.twls la tat .011 01 eat mscoenI J.A. POLHEMUS
11151 tla the tice tdooalathlnt
-- chargdl Ior the aeitil' a"Y Fr its ('tiI1iF (..iltls', 'lelto are frthe 111dte t-il ad ~a 1 at' bradculllttill'ad ,1 J.'\'.E," 'y "'
ttadeCigar5tesill 011d th'lmotst ltaie aall nt.,
Tu'1' 502' lts an suiapeiartos for isa NORt.Ai._ .12,1 EA(H 'l 2l' TAllGls J11,i'd.SN.Special atetiln gienilAlsO l' Ids t 531)DIBAGAEiI lNE
aell oths. o pep~arlati lrexs'tmf1onio all t e t lla ecine. Nrth Mail Steet.
The Richemond Stright tr its MSIC'sAND ITO iF; AiT'iDFI2AIT:MP(NT.S, Slild ttll u .vlill tile UnitdStaes i-
(aut N.tCigarettes are made frmlihe brigit'oit s'(l.5t.tiiHiIAI. ANDi SHOR5TAND 1EPA TA l''tI 1', till'leading scol of ibusaine. I RSE S A O T
tn, mst delicately tfnlavoed and hihst est 'r theextremely tmoldeatet'xpense tostaudetsla ttending. 'rhe epese acoullnt cal e tg- RN E S A O T
Glcd Lest grams in Virginia. Tis In the Oltt aed Ilewithlus titan xt try ter euacatiattal istitlltinie counlltry1111d1at the B -. sla d deales ill
and origial Brattd sofstraight ct Cigarettes, yaurletie l li e tu1 ~d iolnftale. tEveyting frnleihe. t Gt(' e rie ur 8in ForadFe
and was rught at y s in tin year 175. A. F;. YVERX, Vresideut. and'eed
Bearoititationsansldahbsrethat lila 5 sludtE. W ahingtneS.
tln am e as5belowm is an every package. - -- --
TieALLEN & GINTEISBranch TECMU.PictnFo alHns
Of the AmericanaTobaccoaCo.. TECMU.harvard adl 1 riuetou hae Fo alHns
Maufactarrs,. Rihmnd. Virginia - -l"made ip' attl sill 'hereafter play ! \'rtrvi oi-al ic hs
A freshmualn lmandl~tinliclb is e- lastllyad 00-11A1loe wre. iterttott-ball li.vesthes
______ ~dk ill inorgaas-baleandfootballtte. l 1t otoeinteaea
Ci _ oganzedat lHarvard. Tercniito a fetddrFrt-1eitu hr r e
cat'1111i ,ti'alui. .S'llepllu at itt 1Stlht. 5(NIsa. T'tentysix Priorceton. gradhuates I,,t Frt R'1c11la lee ac II
Doaes a gneralBaninlg tusines.Pays l- ing thec Ioldays. lelt IIto hlpd1 501. Don)iit rIy tli 'lli
terestats Saittg Deposits. His safety arc inte tlxeV~ law shool. Mrs. William (. Witney lli il td lrcf
Depsi Boxes .Fin. foH ReLnt. atir. s e en.o d'\allchl a' the 1'a11)e1y'1111elft
it K aPPres.t1'iHtix SR asher Sxty-ie' e cn. fcollge 7o1Mr. (Cornelius Vnebl aer
BakOnuca Sattrdayeenatng ltSrecaondl ouraKiespsacootlesandl. let thevp
!tor adot jornaism ssprfesso.civedh $32,000frn otilor
Ann Arbor Savings Bank TIllty-ixfr hemenlO hfavaelilla handed1hllw il al cosl
Antt ArorMiht. Caiita Stck $555,Mfrtep roeoesalsiga ini Th d- low he b lcoey
Surptlus ilti.5li. the'ir t2name s atstn idates for the lrt rva le Iseri.lolrsr It ge. hoit tndi
Orgatized n tder the tGeeral Ranitg Latex lriKrtoti1a111'.t' la elil Ssieybes15tyllivl ftl ed'acigi
6et thi state. Rceives Depotss tsand IT e olbialS c t m es.n
united states. crats cated 'watt pioper Tetute foubthv p i
aentiication. tOticers:>yan p %1ale yo rc m ain r on
i'1111521A S Mn.Pren..llrolriatetl 527,00 toithe Ness''Iork ros''hr ilh ae l h
iW. D. 1-ianisissx. vicittre.. Iltl Rrllarhl.II. 'ieeal e a ilt 1 1fthy chaing.
CHAS.F- HICO~,Cashir.PBtanil aeli llnilC5tiflrlGh radllForks F'arh Works bl i ot'lIIaelli rooe ofrns -akelo.Ti sa
fret'OFiiia ihayNls It l p15Smith, fol lowedh by a gellrl disus- imporantIoinitl
il the hpullic' schols11. Son. Ififth.-D1o't hb' afraid of getting
Ii -F- DPN ! ~ a lif ttet has ir Aaugh to vsited ithte medical hur'te.tlei Bad wl
"I scholtoaiicaolurngteelol--. "-A NOLD', 'atiy of the Nesw Englandhcolleges days, and lreports himsel as favor Nlo'ucIaitseAtonticByameetiglo
tit" ____Main ____street._____except ale, Harvard and Wellesley. ably lupressedh sithi the alfar~nCe ISluiaybaia y t g'cok
A4ANT'F A Lj' 'eihn ylo lwhisC of te . of KI. medical students, in l pa a hal.
4~ X N -~ Ja ,lge, has started a crusade against in comilparisonthtil those of Chic go. . C. A. ossE, res.
-ils- - te ohoxious cigarette, giving daily 'resuetatClyectl NocE-oiTs Eo sl.
FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. lectures ott the sbject.eggdisacaslgt. 'res h! 6tudents wo intend to elect coures
Jame W. t~cillof Iwahas omore and freshman classes . .riin 4 adsdoPiloitical Ecoiomy for th'
30 astlauo treet., been appointed by President IHarri- ated Ie difficulty, but on the f!op=scn emette rilese.ep't'iain
SHO RTH ANDTi TAKE A son, to succeed Hon. Thomas M-. ference of the eniors the fight waed formatioti is needed in order to avoid
lil l1 AND COURSE. Cooley as chairtan of the Inter State hot. Four men see knocked sense- confusiot inu adjittment of te work.
IT SWILL PAT YOU. Sorthand Shol, Ness
auildng 20Suth State Street. Commerce Commission, less. LrtNEV C. AAMSi.

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