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January 06, 1892 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1892-01-06

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Of Overcoats and Ulster.

All Our Fine Overoate,
,\ll Onr Fine Snits,
All1 Our (Gloves,
A ll Our Hats
(Except C(outr

We' havecniade a treimendons cut in prices all along the line of
Men's and Boys' Overcoats and IJ Isters, which will enable u1s to
1-4 clone them out 800on.
When LA (IlRIPP is.so prlent 1 )no ainshould go) out liii ess
QO F F" he'leasian iOvercoat oii.
auuud ('psI ast yeariwe closed10111.(liiOveri'doltts doiwni to the 5111,111. niumber of
MC1 0818it.) T i'rxrv F+rzi, and exp>ect to Zli so this yer.

A-rr W82E VW0 $ /[s_
Z_:E =2Z

J '8i. 2, ,'9.2

The J. T. Jacobs Company,
IIEAI~iZi A91 9, , 27-29 MIAIN Si., ANN ARBORi.

ARRl Arlor StIORM LlillRY , C O A L. GEORGE L. MOORE,(Successoito +,
WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL, A FelltLine of11ti8811 olege 'rext Books18, 1includin8g LawdIW 81 Melliotl 88,9,881the 1s1ocks.
SPECIAL RATES T STUDEN S IGAL o 8)8'heati pl1881 r 1 oe11o8(8 dZfe 08 18811i'1181n5thelity13. F1'ienc winiIt881 8. (888189 111888
SPEIA RTESTOSTDENS.1 E_ ST R' ld fiends11. 1T1111 have83m01en9t8199 81oek 8183my8store8on NO. 6 S.-mAIN,%'.
o ffice . - 2 3 S o u th F o u rth A ve. iI N o . I 1 I A E r WI A nliN I1'i'N S'l i er . o . aiz . o o i e
ver'y Student will nave money by buiying Utniversity 'text-Books 181811all suplfpies (It Headqua~i~rte'rs. We8allo18 ordesf i ns, ,81 pA )ieAti AdiI2-, 1tc%
special tdiscounit 011LAW BOOKS, ME'DIt8AI, IBOOKS, DEk'1'A,B OOKS, ifl sort, every I88ok 859isii (lie 1118888 ptly888attended88881to.1 (li
t'1i~if'lty. ->, ClO Ihlaik Books at lowest tprices. 8. 21 N.11188118 58., ol911. Fxt(ii

LEADING 11O0K TOItE IN TILE CITY. Highest88(g1ade818'lIIght. Apply at8 818)e(38
g~ehrnnd StaightQ~t. Ir - j [ Tr i T ) .t 'rilE - IEXCEII l( - I A i';\TRI'
1 ?JI.h T T 1.4 I I .irhf Q ,HTFI B i ; _ IAGE 11as11189the98888181 8machinery,3,Inis 8re9.
CIGARETTES. l18p9e8 orat81 888e1889d.) 99191l881888181881'.wo81891guaranteed8981.No-
Cigorette Smonkees who --Iu ,IS 8808 18018 'f~l11'J888l1l
515are iling to e~y a little NOTI"D f88881s 1'K1I:i' .i'c1I I" 8'OI'118I)8. 11911888988818819888 9811 11813' 818118 a9 181 '08(.M. MARTIN,
x: ore titan te price 11119 81888888InItile 88188813. I 1iAtEIt IN
charged for the ordinary Foits1' 118 EEC11SE rprsfrtednesadam ttebods utr n
trade Cigarettes, willifiod tihe'most88 practicalfresults. i89888818'88'8889 88181881 11 1881818111 88 l t a k t ,i ~ tli
'enBnPspro nForei118 AI7'IIAL .INVD) 'f'l'X1tli13S' T'I'ii~NI N 111r~ .Special 8attention11givenl ANI)>isiSlIN COFFIPNS.
8/ all others. 18_~818918 89811818881118 98115
Tile IRichmondl Straight Poer118s121818' A4DLI'iINK FA~i7'l;' iAR11MENN8. 88err881to,8888118i.1the5)811ted.0188181J. A.OLH EM US,
CutI No.1I Cigarettestlre nmade from the hight' Poe its i'C)8M,851)1('1.LA lU , INO IIttlt: NO l 1.DI 1 Ali! fly ', 1111'helding seholo81business'8. - '' " V p 8
.51, 11o811delicately flavored anti highesttcost '8or tihe'extreemely moerteexene t sdntat en89180 811'81 1 1ding8. T'e expense8a' count1can8 be0fig-18 1190?-
Gold Leaf grown in10Virginia. Tisis inthe (lid 888'low11889998h8111s8th1118118 in ot edct113'll8' 'll'881 Iion l nsitultion Inth1e8c11880193, ado t t he111'ALSO '1115 1A1CKAND BAGGJAGE, I2 NEi,
8188 Origintailirador Straight Ct Cigarettes, same timlivewlladlo otbe1i'191181 8581189. E8'ervtiirft rnishe11811. North ManaStreet._
0188 was hrooght out hy usoin the year 38711. A i FR__Pei___t eae fiiains n bereta h
teat same as helow as an every pachage. RNE SAOT
The ALLENS & GINTESRraneh IBahers and dealers Iit
Of the Almeriean Tohacco Co.. College Expenses. Donnelly's Dive.,rcrePoiiosFlu n ed
Mtaoufacturers, - Richmaond, Virginia. (0Hand85FS Washington t.t
e selaotg11818001 818191D'S oie' lnnelly, 8189 failbolus _HA_1_ER
4 uaifll , III ;?It~~e ertinngan omparinug the foot bail1 player, who 891wasuumnmher -" _
('apitl,. $,,(0 uplus a88881Profits, 58,85, vraccotofa thet5 ic tof the IPrinetotn chamupionte Iamlla8lit1' 9118g0 858181iat 41,8811811H81A1N S1
18889s a general anthing buoiness. rays fit- man1y dilfferenlt univfrsities 81881]i'ol- few er ao.temptedto c-.li
terent on Saving Deposits. Han safety ycars go,1889181)1LO l.01t1T1QTTISmNS
Deposit iBoxes fortRent. legces, nwith this icstult: '''IIc ecost of i E x t.KMF5re. I'8.1EtECahe.sicide oill then igh~t (of Dechcbr U J.015 &'Sly
hash ossetSaturhavev'ening. anlit)cft~lion 810at IHarrard is estimnatedlState slreet (Doeis.
30, by Jumpniing 11181 the lake, at ,tllll 8i8Ilo'~~ill oiiel
Ainn Arbor Savings Bankfrui$;7(lw'touoo'vy Chicago. lHe was draggedl lut (If thel 8 28 S. 5'fATE, STRtEET'.
Annt Arbor SMicht, Capital Stoc, 55,50, liberal'') a year; at Plnnscton 10it swtrb o fI a a
Sur9pl$100 II~.000vte.b Sot' fI 5188, icCI8119(f he'ycletf
Orgtanized tnader teGenteral 1Banhing naws from $31it to $1845; at ('09nel11fronim 11Jnc 1889T 1 881clec811havexcul~ltoreof th .aet th e-
o1 ltis slate. Rleceives Deposits, boys an~dan nesHwenolcleg
89110 exchange onnthe princeipal cities of the $350 188 $5oo. The I~awvcrcuce 11111- frieiu1l. Iiroseuht actioli sahatlt118811
sedStateo. Drafts cashedl 889018propere .frend. romptactio88ave Dthe
identificstionlOfficers: rerstv I asa asptthyeryusstoheviuscleswllb
1118RI18TIAN C, Pros.,, erynelly's lie.lDonhnelly 51)111tinic 8 iSSt it 198858ol'e O 8
W., 8. H~ARIAN. ,VicePres., expenses a88 1(888a18$175. Llei8ses aoflliIo iha youg 1)8y181aidJanilidryi,1802,
Cat FRiVanssatir r are gi18n8as,400oIt year; flThelve iio y y ilaverage iage'o(Ithtil'Vale fresh-
_____________________________________ 8 \ as gi Ovio recip~rocated the fe-chug brut 1881h1ers i88198899,acrg
at Welles.le.y, 535o; at,\t. IHolyoke, father rfsdpositively t alss enclass ,is nineteen1,8188rtileaverage
IiOF M, PINS ! 52oo. As1a rle 981890098'188 the toeiavetauy,6iugotulositltSounthe cgautrafee
8885tf18I Iiees relowr luau ly, whuomuhue regardedl as a wi1ld 18115

30 East Huron Street,
IT WILL PAY YOU. Shoriband Schonl, lNew
Iluilding, 20 Soth Stnte Street.

tile eastern., Thhse figures neces- ' , 8 enate8181re81 1amo~rlilge C_;liver-
sarily ceave ott of consideration all yug111,sity, by 8 vote' of 525 to IS5, 118s
class, nsociety and 11ltb taxes81n11 Thie sturpluis of the H arvard, foot- feje~ctedthlieiproplosition t18)dispenuse
certain plersonal expetnes. The ball association, this year, is $,000, with the studly of Greek,
registrar of Cornell gave the average the receipts frott the Springfield H~effehlinger 81181hiarbotur have
sum spent by students there as from game being $6,ooo. been witihrawnt by tile Yale nuanage-
$ 50 to $400, hot said men "do gel 'T'here are twventy-two graduates ntetut, from thte list of eligibles for
along with less then $200 for all of the Unieersitycf Michigan-in thistile captaincy. of Vale's foot-bali
expenses". Ile estimated that present Congress. Senators -llrice teani. 'he. sentintent at Vale is
about to per rent of the, students of (3111, Casey of South -Dakota, against the platyinug of 111e1 who
there swere wholly or partially self- Davis of Minnesota' and Allen of retulrni andi cuter the hrofessional
sulpporting- Chicago Inter Ocean, Washington attended the University. departmsents for athletirs alone,

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