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January 06, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-01-06

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~JC. of 1R1U. 'cxit .
Published Daiy iSundas sexcepted) during
the College ea0rby

Sutbsription price f.50 per yea, ivariably
it adgnce Sigetuiossenets. O salet
dtglenan's ad ost ofilee ews stand at 12
o'clock,noon. Subsripios may be let at
the ofice of te DILY, opeao ouse Sot, at
Stceebu's, at SlulSet's, or witih a~y of the
(Nmunt oeionsoud11reachlshloffliut y
2 t'elus'b. 51. iSIthey artto10aplear Ithe ext
say. Adrets all male Itenetfoe pbica-
iss ato teMaaging Eifo. All lbsnss
commusnicationssuldsllbe easttsteBusi-
nses Maager.
Ann Arbor, Moh.
ItA~sts SONYs, '2 Macnagice Eitour.
S. W5. Ceassu, '2, Ais. MnsagigEditorls.
Gt . tt. t AA, 't, Ausit. MaagigsEditr.
J.. 'Talts, '51, Business SMaasger.
F. E. JAsEtyrt, '3, Assst.lluitestoMtaagser.
C.. IW. ttasyts, '9, Auit. Buinssus assee.f
H. D. Jewss..lP.G. IV. HI)I.Dt sEN't a ,'92
F. D Gtissos, '2. '. . trs.s '9,'t.
W. .PAl itsKE , '3. . 1. st.da ,. '.
F. . iMO'2s't'2. t(IC. F. 5VtLvos.'st.
tW. E. M''SEtstso) , '3. Cots.Ba, O ss,'1
'l'is is the first issue sf tie1)A11Y
sissce tihehiodays. We sii contiinuse
to repost all tf te intteresting loal
c'ollegesnewsuits ou sutssasconpete
mtasner. Wieswotld retuest tie'
professrs and instsrutohrsts savs
rnss iesitations its usig sturv'ttiutns
ftot no(tics.
'fi'l Hlat'sadsisonstt, its qu ot
ing tse-figures pubiiset itinte
DALYst, of the attendance at tie lasw
scitools (f the cotntry, gives Mis-
gan 540 ansi Harvardl 455. 'The
real fgures are, Michigatn 640, asd
Hfarvard 355 The Crismson de-
ducts too frotssMicihigan's total asd
adds it to Harvars's. Was tis ass
intentional tisrpresenttationst
'l's e evening of Janusary first
saked ass imsportant event inthte
Usiversity's calenda, beitg tie
date of tihe fonation of the Itlila-
dlelpshia Society of the Aittssti adc
Fornser Stutdents of te Uivisesity
of Alichigan.'''This associatiots is of
peculiar interest, existisg as it does
in tse east, and showing tiat osrtI
alutnsi inthlat vicinity sare stil ac-
tive iss their zeal foc tieir Alma
Mlater, asd interested in furthering
her welfare. 'This is tie secondl
Mlichigan alumsni associatiosn forted
east of Pittsburg. Th'lere wil prob-
ably be others ts follow its New
sork atsd other large easterns cities.
Trhleasiinglon associatioss is ayouung
one, but already has a large mm-
bersip. Trhe strengis of tie Uni-
versity is ill the est, of core, but
it is gratifying to have these evi-
dences of its populariy in te east.

Andrew D. White on Cigarette
Smoking. A! ea
Ansdrewv D. Whsite, ex-psresidenst of
Cornell tisniversity, recently said its
regard tos cigarette soking. " I
sev-er knse- a student to stmoke
cigarettes whlo did sot dlisappsoinst
expsectation~s, tsr, tos use osur expsres-
sive verstutlar, 'hustler Ipeter oult.'
s ave ivatcedsithsis class of sieni for
tisirtv years, -andss catsnot recall ass =---
ecpint thsrl.Cgrtesokinsg seessis sot oniiy tsovweakent
a young sinan's isody, sblt to usnder
tsinseIsis woul and to wveaken Isis ain- l
btitions. Its colleges hsavinsg a large ay_
percentage osf thsese futile persontages, -
tiiey toot oftess give thse stusdenst tosse;
they set tise fasiisns the fashtions o It O pere ee
over expsesditutre, of carelessness as
its tise veal aisssansd glory osf ssliege
tile.'' I f r/ito ws ff-s'k/t.
* * PIlAS. 11.S F'FO
SmittiCo'lliege is to repsrosdice the
Pa~ssitttt ilay. lThe mscis- 5 15
porste'd asssng a t etaistse rga Is
aniss beis rendser'edi isv schotruss.
Sev'erai scesses takent frottise actusal
pilay swiilibe reprctediiy tise ster- ~~4

iutiful ChraiStmap QiAt .-
our eparmnt-Cctnersalottllts
- -- - It, uashtps Isgeot lIssstdilsh lamg at-
-_ tscssarce 1 feset sssseuctstu thorts
usgh, lisitg xptsets e tiltSly lior,122 5 t
studentsasatisteidtu possttti.
For sataloseaddrtss P.St CLEAttYPresidenst.

The Leadet'
its Fashiiotts ill
I MerchattltfTali-
14orn1g. Fine'
,litte of Pice
!9Goods So select

Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton
A. 1.
Ln 'l'50)s'.t 1 's.5 111.15 55)30 S'.AU
Issuiser . 0.11 11.5 4 1.
Lmss...... 9.35 12.1I. it
Sisdney... . 11. 47, 1.495 .11 5
.llU.... .. t IM .550 7AtS j i15
lay'to. 12.52 - 3.15 S .t0 1.5f
H -asssi sit. 1.15 45. 1212 (7

Book Review.

'jg R -

Onet' of te mosst jseessiss'ltSblilaits ' .1 L i'.'C1incinnti 5 . 12 11o. :-,(
of St'e1new yesaris She Idisussionllo155from.l ('all for Indiansapolis 245 2.42; 12. 9.2
ts' qtionut"'hiall Girls hvProoe''1a fine fiititsg! lxtritSssndss,. 1ttilv.
bya"peua ive acelosr."-'assell -o- Thr~e uonly litne leavintg'Tottldointsheltc'ug
&CIsI' ''petilsstie ok ti .salsuit. fSyty seiiels you c atssecsite Sleettiltu'Coaches,
1 ('tl~~y, es ok S sasotlreacsintg dincinnasti early- followinsg mosrningo.
bobof17paean lrntdad 19 S. MAIN ST., "o.1 etuPrlotCars sot Day Exprs'essris. Direst
lsott ol' 27 l~ges, ssil trilletl Nt. I 'sconneetionasorith altlbSsstern tinsest. See Ibsat
bounssd in ll 01asttracutive fosrm. IS is your1'tiekets readl svia t. H. &c5D., Skess 5'..-
essenltially si teals year pu~bliecations, sf asANN A.',MIC. 'S. litSre.5'ls isrsu tadls~assttu
sl~dS~tetuntiortreas th usss-D. B. TRACY, N. P. A.,
eousrse, and5the author treats.thETsOIT
jeet ill a style far frou th e tosvelt-5 1RERO AgDERI
tionatl. Ois 11011conlusionl is 'x-
puessedl illthsese words: "If swc ever jI
sutlive thseeconven~tionts, it will > >I
doubtless be by exeeptious and111by j/
degrees. Let itSsIsope that somseclay, o n odbts1 t, at Post j.o
byteqitaddlct nemdayOfc abrSo.of some wise tribuntal-if tot oilier- Lasies' Macekintoshues iss beauutifusl NO. 12 W. HURON ST.
wie--a younug lady or womuauutlay varieties. jsust received at Macke & ___________________
receive a privilege of echoiee iln isatters Selstait's.
of She lighuest c.onseqlOuellcethtltcat AtnewlitteofNeckwear justt'eceived Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
ottly nowhappntuuaueuck nuto better styles u-ill be fonudi
utptsb lsey sucident."towns. Yous will sauy thuey re otue-haslf Michigan Railway.
Several illusstriotus instausces in whlichs teisricec (1ospy for thseus elsewhsere.
thue leap year prerogatise wss exereisedl Macli & Sehistusrrh. Tins.ivlrud in nanct>SDeeember I 19.
are givess by thse "spectulative bauche- Ladsies of! the t'. sit M. will findui t tvt at un tAnnlsArbsuc anly.
lor." lAnsortySthese are tse swife of Al greatly So thegir adlvanutage So cail on iss
deLeses,~tleita tatisius Ms.shiets itt tied of Cloaks, lDress Goods SOlrNORT01H.
de Lssep, AdlinaPatt andMrs.or Fancy D~ry Gioods. Mauck & Schumisd. INo. I. Mail and Expess. 222..... .a. as.
Hoknthe muillionaire wisdosw.ii No. :. Passg'r. Ann Arbor Aettius...1200 noon-t
t~ti~~,Fuil littettews style csolars, 4 pty, 1CNit. s. Mit Passecnger......4'5p. m.
Baths Cheap. or for 2f5 Mack & Schimitd.00OI0NsSOT.
Itl ~ i~ --to$4.s50, marlked $1.05 t s aoo No. 4. ainoress............ 4 . .
ThsOfrgoodh ostly tuttil lass.11 i- SeiuiI 'S. Na. 0. Passcnger, Toledo Aeessm.21i0a. m
sell ickes gooh fo .)s Douts'Sforge't ore keels sweaters best Toleo nly.0st c~essAoAbcnd
baiths fosr $51.11. Tickets trantsferable. qulluuity, $3.5Oto $4.2.). Mack & Scittid. Centra Standard Time.
IttersOpr otuse Barber Shopi. - All Trains Daily exccpt Sanday.
Dhetrys priTecembtier 5th, It. .J. Itseutui, senolr .BNE" .GENOD
1s4us* enmber of She firm of iloelsus & Sotn, w.H N~' 1 .GENOD
BUSINESS LOCALS. compliseted hsis forty-secotnd year ill (le 5Gcn. Pass. Agent, OLocal Agent..
tnsrtd citcalmnattil tlcjewselry busintess-.satrtintg as "shuop
1autieaiserlinisecalumleottoe saeboy" its 1849. Roelhn & Soi's Christ-
time and ext-uslines ifarnished by applying at maselcio iuluemty eessv
Ohe O.SsLs office.] novelties anth le ltatest prodluctionos itts
Soniethsing niew:-In the linse of IT. silver of The Whitinsg and Gormnta
of M. statiotnery. It excels all its pre- Matn'fg Cos., antd other lea ding makess R
decessors isn design. Geo. L. Moore, their prices beinug reasonable at tll l
bookseller, Main st.' times. A part of thse policy of (Isis1
We call especial attention to change huouse is to select articles for thoeir
of ad. J. T. Jacobs Company. merit ansd beauty. arid to suit the tastes
Atten theseatOvercat sle of their ptatrons with strict regard to'"
Attnd ltegret Oercat ale atquality. "High grade" diamonds and
Thse Two Sama. Also, Suit Sale. One- other precious stones beinug a persotnal
fourth off. All glovea one-fourtht off. "luobby" of Messrs. Roehm & Sono,
Call Wednesday mortoing. marks thtis firm as the Gem dealers._____________


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