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December 15, 1891 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1891-12-15

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'W. of W1~. '$Xi{g
Pablished Daily (Sundays excepted) during
the Coleae tear, by
Suiptonjt price $2.301 per year, invariably
s1 dilcae Single rorirt :3 cents. On sale at
$Seeaa'taani Port Offieewos stand at 12
o'iclc, noon. Subscriptions may be left at
the atice at the tISaY, Opera Housae black, at
Sheehiaa's, at Stfirt's, or willh asy tf the

and the opportunity ought not to be
rejected. At thc next class meeting
a base-ball captain shouild be elected
aiad meaas taken for the raising of
nioney to support a team. There
are etiougha nen ready atnd willing to
defend her on the base-hall diamond.
All thtat is neeed is a little interest
andI enthiuisiasma in the matter.
The Aekansas Traveler.

haave received for bie opening of college 20,000 Books, new and secondl
hianid ot all kinda, Greek, Latin, French, German, Law and Medieal Booka,
whicht they will sell at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Mathenaxtiecil Instruments aind Laboratory sippliea. See our Note Books
foi 1891-2.

7o'clockP. a. iittiey are to appear thk exts Thlewect) kiiowii stanidard attraction
day. Add ress all maitter intended tor patoica-entitted "Kit, the Arkainslas Traveter,
tioa to tie Managing Editor. All butittess will be titoltiate stlige this eveiatiti
comunicatioas sbould tbe scat to tireiBasi- usuiatlprices.
nss Manage. The secret of the ssoinderfual slicers
TEUafMDAL, of this idrtaa is its beiing aipltyiso ttketIIit. accotor basa
An roMc.thorouighly adtaptted to the plteassire bof sratsstt aaemo P exc i
AnnAtaaarckof issaer~itark- ecr ii ottati dasd
a___tll elatsses. IThe seittimn t, swhile i no tti 1( actI taldin. Mat bt at
overlburtdenitig the play, i - pretedaiceeflsitstutrsinr ob tot
EDITORS. that thae nmost fastidsitatiseisi ijoyA -ouh ingxesetrmlow2. o
5-ae 5.hatgt 5il;ttbigiiiiy h lok 50 per wtee; students assisted to positionis.
RAsLPHOE , 9,'aagntditor. wtotbigi aywl hce.Foereitalogae, address F. R. CLEARIY, trce-ident.
S. Wv. CUTISS, '92, Assiot. Managing Editor. And the funo is Sit tprtlriillsly f tinny
0. L.. t'aaeaas, '9t2, Assist. Mtianig Editor. thiatt sentiment asoidipathols give wayVi
~. . 'air, 'a, oslesssiaiogr. ard itie sits convllosed switlh laughiter.
F. EiAi. ts-r. 55. Asist.tBasineas Miaager. Amiog thit Special feattires which swill
C. .1t~x 1 s,94 Asis. usnes' tn'r.be seenlthis evenling, lire the funlny O,(I
C.5' ~ao .'l~Aos.Osao tae.Judge 1a1d1 Baiyor, ftecelebratedJS '1 TF1 , -
t. 0. Irweti..P. 0. t.H.OmETsai 3A '2 ''lie) l" quartettein i betattiftil solo-
F. 1) ttrts, '52. P. $E. tr G o, '92. iCNINTHMLO&Fi_
W. 1'. P tot ti,9'3. J.ltR. AtNEI., '9i. dneltts, mledlys, chlets, jilililee J. 1M.STAFFaORDtHmito
P. J. Met trrrw.'02. I tC. s. EL iiR'94t. hymnts aidod erfullll im i ti atiotisLitn-nn ti
15. E~ti tls<,ROsil. 1. iI 5. titutti, '(5. tie 1.111,5ill headed llby Iirnry ('han- NF Th oterDyo
For " +- -t l1'.of .1. htl Yp ilatttL,-T. T oeo. _"4.4a-t555 .0 .1 x 0 1 1 2.1:
AsA lC n e n d! oia ae .1leil r al-D slr.... ..t.10 t11 25 .16 505
it l the e iseernityoisthe asclaed il on tsit('ttal'rtii 5 si
tiaa bidn o tudTi-ents Ut oflMsale d Yps1,i5lni I U-e-- 'i mt aii ..t..1x.15 1.0 1.('A5 25
N105i11 ~ c0111srhlbc ora12 i cols' . , fro.&_o. i'tilfr niattpolio . 15 1-so3.;
thse largeatipofssol dIlepisaroen- wiill itafieofotnethisfitr -thl~ird to )I
inte-niestti ob el ae ll pgivetsinaCeratasaaf\se.oTicketsna oefiti Pieiecel Daton iditr>.1 04.
totliatesnaatt tr t i on.T icsa e t o. t 3 si l l Jatc . 118 1iioo-s toselect 'rit ttho r att'rt45 dt4itt1ite esci6.M
foa r e ftetof the mibr r o'f e a tnfrrttrltg.lts t, tcuie sit 1- nth a15rtisettrSepi' ore
od to s h otac ptbeo 82 n i i . rm. GCatllNt'tf0,rearitiding tittelattitti 7.4trlyPcol9.os
Lnadto otifth e9 .MA p.u'brtaoolityctles wtetto
thicklteAgeions NO.l1be)the ttngrote-i4-ExepttSutday.tittlei tto c ta
tlelsatitheleistio0111ndepsetta n sale.D. '? , , 31aJa. 1 il- ..r nyln evu~ld nteeeig
sla yicltof hsta eelbr. el e is. .rahnCi intia lyotlotitp ornng
W. 11 BENNTT, G P. A Sourtiants rednv.aCS.HMaui.,bStreet.o
expense, and thtese chtatnges ad iii- BUSINESS LOCALS. 0N ROMc.S 1 aI tet . B. TRACY, N.PA.
provements are well mterited. Micha- [Nticsinserted an this ctlamn astte rate ! 155 t.,,RER8NAaE. DETROIT
-- ilWo1 entiper liae. Speialerates cor loager ________________________ _
igans lass schtool is the largest in time, aod extra lines faraisherdtty applyitng at
the DAtILY-office.]_
coutntry, antIitt mansy respects thec Mr. DB1B. Tracy, itortlartit passetiger - -~
best. Ther following is fronthlea agent of thte ittcinitati, Hamilton &
"iCounsellor"thlajorl - Daytott K. Ri., will be at tlte Arlingtont'
talarjunlpub- Hotel all day Thutrsda~y, to aecomuto-
ishled by the Ness York lass Schtooldtate all stitdenita desirintg to trav-elGR N EA CO9 MWAi GR ,
the "off-shoot" of thse Colutmbia over flab lioe. ID. B3. TilACY, Agent. ---
College lass School: LOST.-Stunday, a breastpin, someNO12WHU NST
gwhtere betweent11itiversity Hail antd Tuesday Evening, Dec. 15. 91. NO12WHRNST
Fronthbie best sotircers at our com-, Ypsilanti jtinctiont. Finiderrsill riblige
otandthte attetndancee at the variousn sier by teas-lug same at this offlee. Special Enogagomeat oh the Celebrated Actor Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
lawscholsforthepreentsesionmay T., A. A. &-,N. Wy tickeb officrssill
lao-shosfrtepeel eso aaybe opeitedh sll tesfternioonuWeduies- ('.JjN 1Michigan naiway.
lie suitmtarized as follos-s': tay, Dec. 10, from nt2tttil 8:401t.init., to I,, fJ\, N FIX 'NU3 -ie~iyo ihgn___-_ 4 cot~dt tdnswt oia iehr nefc eebrs
ItoHairtdi----------------------255 ticeats. goodt to leavte oilatty traina next Inthle hFao Americsa Drama, -Arrival of5trina at AnntsArbtrroaaly.
Yor day. 11.S. (iaRENsstoo, Agenst. -
New Yotrk Last School---No--- 145 FoStaldatGodtBauaaltan _ExpGINeNRTH. 72 1
Colttmtbia---------------------i _ _ _ _ _ e00 ane r tile~Gostheatfluh GtodtNo.l1.?Nail notxpesrist......7a i
Univirtiy ofrPinslrsvaichtsprstt_18tsit oood. Psgr, Aaa Arbor Aeoto ..12i 00tnon
('iivrsiy f iteityhsatiat 180it1btecity,sad miaity isefttl antiloria-THE ARKANSAS TRAVELLER. No. 5. Mil Phasseager-........s.45p. m
ButfasloaLsaw cho -- -56 tienttail thitigs, go to SMrs. St. Ponid's
AisnyLss ehnth40----- State street stitre. Glandtoltpenintgottstupptotrted 5byIts ownsets$7rlest tDramaticGtNeOUH
W'edniesday sadThutrsdhay. Comttpanyt' All sithe amtiliatFeatures'. Thr No. 2. Stall Passengr........ 11110 a. Ito
Dtoi' frgt n- kep wrttrs bstFatitt tJtdge and Mitjotr? Little kEdaa. thirNo. Stall Express . .......- - -40p. m.
-Dont frgetwe eepsweaer', b s onoderful thild Actress! Trhe great Poker No. 6. Passeager, Toledo Accot.... 7500 a . s
qjuality, $3.50 to $4.2-5. Mack & Schamid. Gaame! 'Tte Steamboat Esplosion! The Cele- Trinls 3 attd 6 eta betweenisAtna-Arbor ind
IT SEFasMS too bad that thae seniors Lais akutois(tbetil brated Ideal Qutartettel Aad ia Host atfNvel- Toledo nnly.
Lais aknohsi euiu irs. Central Standard Titae.
should set sucs a bath exanaple to thsesarieties, just received at Stack &--- All Train Daily excrpt Sanday.
under classoseniatlsletics. Througha- Schimid's.W.HBENT, RS.GEWOD
ou h niecleecuswta Far te Holidays, theirF., A. A. & N. Prices, 35, 50, and 75 Cts. Gen '. Fass. Agent. torah Agent.
out th entir collge couse, w th. H's-will igicestir tnd otne-thtird farr _~,

but one or two exceptions,'
manifested an attitude of coc
ference toswards everything I
log to class honor. She may
a little atte'nti~n througha the
tion of the cap and gown, hut
active measures are taken, fai
glory will never be won on. 1
letic field. This is their last

' htas for rounadltrip. Tickets on sale Dec. ir-e et aSaeaP t CtaSad
iiidf 4th, 25th and 31st, 1801, and Jan. 1st,
ni-1895, between all stations ont the line, To-day, at the Two Santa-the great
pertain- and othter points desigitated on hand itat sale. $1.81 for any hat eostintg
rattract bills. Tieketa good going eta above $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 or $4. Sale eloses
dates, and returning on any regular Wednesday night. At te Two Sams.
adop- train tuntil Jan. 14, inclusive. LOST-A brown purse containing
unes . S. GREENWOOD, Loeal Agent. $5, stamps and a little ehange. Person
tnes A new line of Neckwear juat received wsill please return same to Miss M. F.
Mme and and no better styles will be foutndit Tummerman, 3 Olivia Place.
the ath- town. You will say they are one-half FOUND-A watch charm is at the
the price you pay for them elsewhere, desk in the Library. Owner can have
chance Mack & Schmid. the same by calling for it.

1 "° 7cad,
A c%

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