iz j I . 0f
Al ip.
VOL. 1I.-No. l61.
The New Law Building.
Thle foundation of the addition to
the law building is now finished and
the brick laying was begun Sat-
urday. Thle work will he pushed as
rap~idly as the weather will perniit,
awl it is expected that the addition
Will tie comipletedl and everything in
readiness for making the necessary
chaniges iin the 01(1 building immie-
diateri after Clommcncement.
W han comipleted according to the
specifie plans the building will be
aers beautiful structure. The ad-
dition is to lbe three full stories high,
and~ wil b1le 50 feet wide and 84 feet
long including the circuilac wing on
the cast side. It is to lbe madae of
gnod stock brick witli stained stoine
t rimings.
(On the inorth sest coriaer there
will be a toswer 25 by 25 feet, 84
fret high fromi biase to sall-plate,
sn o feet frona base to spire. A
turrect swill adorn cacti coriner and
c:ircular wiindowvs swill be pilaced in
tar portion of the toiver avhich ex-
traits abioce the roof of the main
baildiiig. argc aiai ornamntal
ivinidoaws swill be ia the tosser stories
of the toiaer, one cacti oii the north
aad west sidles, those of the first
story beiiig in by 28 feet, with c-
ralar lola aiic plate glass.
Orr the back of the addition there
will lbe a twvo-story circular swing
eiglateein feet deep. (Oi the fronit,
The rooms and ofices in the ad- The Oracle. 1 (OF YOUR --
dition are conveniently arranged. l h rzsfr'4sOal OIT A G
On the left of the entrance anil lobby' 1i
have bieeniawaiardleid. An unusually wr- L BE
will be a very lleasant coriier room large iaiiiiber of cointribuioins havseu
in else lower floor of the towver 25 by been hlaiided inandsi especially' iniaied to Ynhuoua- ou
25 feet. On the first anailsecoiad leiinbraaluuto h ---TruhYu
floors of the adcditioia will be siiait- theumear acleualipsaf ie ts N EJJ\W ~''~T
ions and svell-lighatedl quiz-rooias -zwil eiie.xt aasl elIseatiats ii fC HAPTER
by- 44 feet incliidiiigCtae circular the ediltors to hasva tir pulaication(Uo
svmg. In the secoind storythieie out before ChrsmsbtufoeennunI: PLIAIN
sill atari le a large ieorner rooii in Iifctihlreiisiaiiliscu-
the toiver corner, as by 3_}I feet.ti. 'h ra sl oia iW kI~fI(
(Iis the OacltlillihrevrfloorA VkT(to svhich thia ir- appear shortly aftar the holidas.I c nstheIthird 1111rI (0,
uilar wing does urit extaiid) thairTe anesfoLteIaiTb
will be a large ennui 26 biy 47 feet aivrei sfois ( il ii.eicleiSacieyledges.
aiid a coriier rooias22 by 34 fart Wyckofft title ppige, G. A. aiiionERI;- IH
corresponding to the rooiablcow it. carton, J.itSaswyer.
No change wiii be nmade ini the f,. -
third story of the old buildaing, and Year Bunk of Universities.
very little chaaige will be naade in
the second story, sith the exception A nosel but very promilsing iinE
of the ventilati on, which will prob- dlertakiing in the liac of reference
ably lbe the naost notable change that books is a year book of the universi
enIpossibly be marde. The stair- tics of the wvorldh, intitled "Minai-
sway leading froia the first to the vai, thefirst niimbaer of swhilch
old liiililii 18(vi1l'9192) (s shortly hio appear from isisiicencouicii thi t,iitest Meiropoaiiiaii 5iis
second lofcor of teodbiiwll t hepeso araTunrinSrs nSnoat0cio$I.Si iiiir leas iiciii AiiiiArboi
lie renios-ed anal floored irer sri as alestdfo itlrut)
to forni the eitrance fromi the sea- biiry It asill gire the personuil of
ciiitthe o uen t ardniiis of mnagemeint ania R.H. IE
- by iii lie searstrilciiiiniin ill the leainiigiunicers RHiY-I .
buiildiiig. 1)1 110TI'1NITI.
ties in the woirld. The fiillowln
Thie appearance of the kI - o tucor iiihhc Ielc stoflii-
iili lie changed imaterially.ITha outalid i oikistiiestyo pJ]e
staircase, the sclls of tirof. ITbhmp- iioii 1 4 a tt ic st o nvriy uftes
;n' 'ioaaa heiir V hl f~irginia,(iiriiell i (niceisity of WIis- 2111 Souli lSTAaiE Sr, ANN A Itli0l.
(lie availon the weest side of the
libar wil ll e emoed an ioncousin, Unversty of Miniaesiita, l
lirrysl1 l e enoela Uli nivriyof Teinesseec Sale, Co-1Neckwear',
cniiinifis anid girders siibstitiitei.lumausitPrinaceton, Claik, U nicer- Drs Sh tGlvs
This wvi ill dcoissiderable sipace to ofressnsyhviiiiShelsotuni
thae library anal reading rooiii.ITle aiic finesa ersnl a
rnino iiiIlyifsKuvis IS -illianas Weekly. *GENTS' FRNSHNG O hs
ton and Abbott xiii be left iiraiti C U1 0t.t1i*UOQality.
cally the sanie, sonic minor cliaises Or. Fulton. 'uPOOT-.BAlLL GOODS,"
bieiisgnmadhe on the inteioir.
'The floors of the addition arc to Ani iiterestcih visitni at the iiiiior F~hE> lii Mac kintoshes,.
there wiii be a loug stone verainda,
fifteeia feet deep, exteiading fronm the
projection imade by the taccc base
to the break in the nrthawall of the
iilch builing sear the asnuthis t
cornier, andu the steps of the present eo eri inaa upre
°iiihigbouh1utacraisba-hy iron colunmns anal girihers swithi
This stone veraiahwaith itsh stoni ornamnctal base and caps. The iin-
coiuiis aiad cut aiad gauged Greekteoisobefnsdinnchn
arches will add greatly to the hieauty teandistohewhiolnihdiiigmioaedn
of the structure.bysem
The main entrance will lbe between bye ste. povdsye fvn
these shone columns into a lobby be- tilation will be used. There will be
tween the tower and old building, alresako le,6b 2fe
24 by 24 feet. This lobby will be and 73 feet high in the new part,
faced with Findlay, Ohio, pressed
and two sets of ventilating flues on
brick and will extend up through each side of the old building.
three stories and will contain all the Tewr si h ad fvr
stair-cases used in the whole build- cotentworkin thctrshand ofvery
ing except the small stair-way going thing will be done in first-class style.
from the second to the third story _
of the old building which will be Setosihsolgaexmnd
left as it now is..,.The entrance to Setosihsoogaexmnd
the various rooms and offices will be on their practical work this week by
from this lobby. Mr. Waples.
law lecture, yesterday afternon,seas
the thacologian and lawvyer, Dr. 1Ful1
ton, of Nesw York City. After heing
introduced to the class by Pruofessor
Thompson, the reverend gentleman
mache a brief address to the students,
prefacing it by complimentinag the
class on the general good order prev-
alent among its msembers. During
his address, Dr. Fulton dwelt prin-
cipally on the exalted dignity of the
legal profession, and in closing ex-
horted the members of the class to
pay unfailing devotion to their chos-
en and honored vocation.
Rev. Young, of the Disciples
church, is considered by many the
most eloquent and forcible preacher
in the city.
Athletic utnd
By lluyinug year
of s while we sre herr.
114 Monroe St., Chicago.
5o S. State St., Ann Arbor.