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December 10, 1891 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1891-12-10

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r ar W . - ,g ent a common feature in the promi-
OjT '''' nent eastern colleges, and there
seems to be no reason why the U. of
Pablished Daily (stadiays excepted) during M. , the largest in point of attend-
the College ease, by
THE . O M.INDPENENTASSCIAIONante in America, should be behiud.
THE11,OF . IDEENDNT SSOIATONWe advocate the cap and gown, not
Subscription price$S.a0 per yeae, invariably blecaulse it is a feature in the eastern
iadvanes'Stngle copis 3 cento. On sale at colleges, but because it is a unique
. oeenae's andtt Yost office oets tandt at 12
o'clock, noone. Subscripstioas may be lets at and pleasing costume for thseslt-
the sffice ot the Datev, Optera IHoose block, at dents to swear ots class dlay. We all
tShoehan's, at stotnet's, or witb any sof tte knowv hoswtlte Masonic emblents ex-
Communaications soltId reach the office by cite entitusiasm illtlte heart of a
o'clock P. AI. it they see to appear the test
day. Address all matter intetntddtor pablitos- sason; htosw, on public occasions. our
tion to the ManagittgEtitor. All bustiness cooutry's flag makes our blood go
esmmuanictations shoald be sent tot the Oui' epn lrtg u eo sw e
leapin thouharvensaseere
THsMaae U. of M. DAILY, view itt memory thegreat atnd teroic
Ann Arbor, Hick. deeds of our fathers. When in
tinmesee cotte to associate the cap
RALH SONE '9, Mnagng ditr. anti gowenswith thte stttdent, will not
S. W.. CctTISSo.'li2, Assist. MantagintgEditor. it also cause our htearts to heal faster
0. 1. OstAreas, 'tc, Assist. Mtanagingr Editoe.aswthnofheg dolclee
J. 5'. TutAVIS, 'lit, Bositness blanager. aswthnofhegdolclee
N. E. .1 OsTEto, '9+I, Aosist.Buosiness Mantager. days, swhent life was before utssith
C. 55. tICETcS,.'Si. Assist. Buasiness Man'gr. its ltrightt proispects anti glorious
Ht. 0. titwaIt..1'. 0. 5.H.DIect sttsAK,'tt
F. 0 lttteoa. F2. b. n t ; ts'st. futtute? Wiii it not remitnd us itt
w. . P5attaotR, 'lt. J. R. Attsott.,..lt
G. Bt. lygtc't. 'to. C' F. SELERi, 'tia. titlprosperity of thedebet wse osee
W.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~u Ai Sc~cts s s ~ tt.lt ilmioa Mater, atndittake usnioree
wto tate gradutatedi before tos? Not
osfe eek itol) oftthe saet n tleystill we lie te better for it, butt
tiot ofcit coteitiot ofttt or ou tsitdees wsill lie pleased atnd inter-
in thte amptithtieater of the tnyw tos-nsted at lte sigitt of six tor sevett
pital atndi stgesd that the oeato be tttttted't yountg students itt this teat
remuoved at the earliest ptossble anti distinguishied looking habit.
montt antth lat opera chitrtt, sucht We trutst titat the senior classes wiii
as are in toe itt castsettnittoitalsonsdrtissfavrably antd originate
a cutom f wich hey aytel
and muetdical schtools be subtitted.tnn be itroudtnl t future.
'luesday mornitng Dr. H etrtdnan att--- ,
to Id li t lie t h tdobtaced a BUSINESS LOCALS.

~1~H~4Q?.,8f ade st.,
Stave received fun tue openitng of eollege 20,000 Bosoks, stew and seeondi
ltantd oftll kinds, Greek, Latini, French, German. Law anid Medical Books,
whielt they will sell at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Mathematical Inistruments atnd Labtoratory supplies. See oure Ntte Booiks
for 1891-2.
tl In theiRLEA1INo SCHOOLt toBINE~al.y
aFStus departmnts-Commtercitltoo teattotk
" r or manuscrtpt work- Sngcttt.Sh"otthand and
-' yenmtanship. teganttbuildtng, tatae at-
-- tends cceescent instrutorsccwork thor
-- _ - =-_ togb, tiing expensesnenttttttry tots St.251to
Statpe seek tadntn ssiset orO c~atogue, address P. R.CitEAtt, President.
s "The Niagaea Falls Roule.

F INE The Loader
TT a j\/1 ?serllit Tail-
KI ~JOL oritng. Flute
line otf Pieceo
~ Goods to selectj
fromi. ('all for

STAnTONS Otal Oay Site N Yt Ni'sAtllK..
A kM A.P. t..tta at LP. pA.
Jackson........ 25:4 5t :30' 847t t itt 6tt5 it2
Chelsca....... '95( 1 1(ttt it
Det ertc......... 41did . ,. . . 1 51: 10 5 1('''
Dethi SMills... d4It1 .. 55'1 . 1
kNNtARBtR.. i4i42' t 5 '62294 4i 451 55
Ypsilanti.... 5tt:t 5,0 9t 6 (t o flust80. 11 0
WiayneJune 57. l.... ( s 515112
jDetroit, Acr 6 lilt lit5 7i20itt4.1lit715920112 10

prontise fromtttthe chtairmtattof te
executive commtittee of the hoard of
regents thsat tite seats wostld be
changed during tie coming vacatiotn.
It is hoped thiat no attemnit swill be
made to utilize te present seats, as
by removing every other rose, but to
sise such seats as suggested by the
DAILY. With such seats the students
would not lie down when tired, as
they are now prone to do, mucit to
the annoyance of the lecturer, neitht-
er would such seats be defaced.
Were the present seats used and
there he tomce the sace between
them, a student wvould be tinable to
sit throught a lecture or a clittic
withtout standing thte latter hialf of
the hour or sitting in the aisles, as
the majority are ntow obliged to do,
to rest from the torture of tie pres-
ent cranmped and narrow seats.
We1 are pleased to see that the L'.
of M. is coming to the front in near-
ly all things pertaining to college life.
The present agitation over the cap
and gown question is proof that the
true university spirit is being in-
fused in the breasts of the students,
and that the old-time conservatism
and distrust of everything not per.
tamning closely to study, are dying
out. The cap and gown is at pres-

a fine fiting ~~''
sit. Ci -Kl
Si ToATONS. DerChi. IListt tve. hltssPat EMast
19 S. MAIN ST., 1N0. 19 tap WhXP Eap tap.'Lics Es. Ace.
ANN ARBOR,.'-MCH. S. Alain Street. Bufalo...... 125.s 63009S4.5 3ts 1201( 6CO
A.M. oA..r.. M.Ast rat. t'.Y
+ j DeOtoit,t~v.51'8 0t7 40it 0 800 9ia 9sin aat
..-,sttto5. IpYpsilantti 9t2i 8t25tat05o900 .11i5tt 4(?t
ANN ARBOR..9351 841) 2S19 918 1isOl ions o,-t

tNoticcs inserted in this colamnt at thsc rate
of it ceats pee line. Special rates tor ittager
time, antd extra lines farnished btp applyinge at
the DAILYr offiee.2
LosT-A pair of gold eye-glasses in
dark-brown leathler ease. Finder please
leave at U. OF M. DAILY offiee and re-
eeive reward.
LosT-A silver mountfld fotuntain
pen. Initials S. C. G. etigraved upons
it. Fintder please returni to DAnLY
offiee or to S. C. Glidden.
The fitiest display ever made here itn
this city in rugs, ean be seen its the
show winidows of Martins Haller.
ttandsome designs in Moquette, Wil-
toll, Byzantine, Smyrnta,ansd Fur. For
Christmas lie makes special low prices.
Ino the other showe wiindowv is just as
handsome a display in draperies, cite-
nille and silk culrtains.
For Holiday Goods, Beauitiful ttand
Painlted Artieles, echeapest Plushs Goodls
in the eity, tind tmany useful alidIotint-
msental thiings, go to Mrs. M. Ponds
State street store. Gland opening oni
Wednsesday tand 'Thursday.
Donst forg('t we keep sweaters, best
qusaity, $3.5l to $4.25. Mack & Schmid.
Ltadies' Mackintoshes itn beautiful
varieties, just reeeived at Maec &
Htcansd cold baths 10 cen~ts, at Post
OfticecBarbor Shop.
Full line new style eollars, 4 ply, t5e
or 2 for 25. Maek & Schide.
$t.95-8001 silk umbrellas worth $3.50
to $4.50, marked $1.55 at Mack &
Ladies of the U. of M. will find it
greatly to their advantage to callusn us
when in nseed of Cloaks, Dress Goods
or Fancy Dry Goods. Mack & Sehmid.
Anew line of Neckwear just received
and no better styles will be found in
town. You will say they a're one-half
the priee you pay for them elsewhere.
IMack & Schmid.

One Silid Week, Commening
Monday Eve., Dec. 7, 1891.
lEngagen ent o the Favorite Actress,
Ids: V'~aj Ooitalq4
Ansisted by
And a Capabie Company an the Following
MONDA F-The Gallny Slane.
TUESDAY-Leetia Borgia.
THURSDAY-Oliver Twist.
FRIDAY-The IHoncymoo.
SATURIDAY-Daon tsandtiPhas.
MATINEE-The .Mutual Friined.
Prices, - 15, 25 and 35 Cts.
Reserved Seats on Sale at the P. 0. News
Stand. Plan open Friday nmorning.

Dexter...... 955 ........5945....52 6(al
Chclsea.... . ia10 ..... ..9.58......i11t0756t8
Jatcks..... 11i00 Il5ls3nd41040t11o1it-1t,55 5
thicagonAc.. 715535 19 106a50 4 50 rIt5 1155
G3. F. & T. A. Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
1 Michigan Railway.
In effect Decemberc6, 1t91.
Asrival o1 trains at Actn Arbtor only.
No. 5. Mail and Expres............. 7 27a. m.
No. 3. Paange. Ann Arbor Aecoan'.52 00 m.
No. 5. Mail Passenger ................d4,11 p. m
No. 2. ttail Patnenger ...............11t18sa. at.
No. 4. Mail Express.. ,......... 8...50dSp. m.
No. a. Passeniger, Toiedo Aecom.... 7 tS a. at.
Trains 3nnd 6 run between Ann Arbor asd
Toiedo only.
Central Standard Time.
All Traint Daily except Sunday.
Gen. Pann. Agent. Locai Agent.

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