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December 10, 1891 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1891-12-10

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u;IJEfi. i

3 '. Wcriljj.

VOL. I.-NO. 517.


The Choral Union Concert.
Alarge audience was present last
evening in University Hall, the oc-
cason beiing the second concert in
the Choral Union Series. Ovide
Atasin has beconie so universally
recognized as a wonderful master of
the violin that it is safe to say that
practically the whole audience svas
attracted hy him and came to hear
him. That they wvere not at all cis-
appointed may hsere he recorded as
an undeniabale fact. His solos were
played with the ire and svondherfuat
breadth of tone characteristic of his
style, andl the absolute finish of the
Blelgian school of violin playing re-
sealed itself in every phrase. Tlse
finest nuniher on the progranine
ws the suite by Ries--written on
classical lines-in the ascent style,
vet fall oif beautiful melody. The
(1s1(ltt/i' was one of the mocst perfect
exanitles of ease/ott//c playing one
cssist possibly inmaginse, and the
nisisesienswsere played ill a trulys
artisticsianner. fOvide ii ri is sa
retviuist, hutwilntiver stansis

in his performance of last evening has been showyn by fully half of thin
we niay see the reason whsy lie wvas gans ly durngteps er
willing to refuse all the flattering Where is a iiore striking instance 10 TIz,
invitations to remain in Europe. W~e thsans the follosing: -iBuckiiell de-
have spoken very freely concerning feated Swarthmore by the score of
thsese two singers, and it is a relief 32 to 12, and Swarthmsore wiped up NELW
to say that Mrs. Annie Louise Tais- the field with D~ickinson by the score
ner-Musin is a singer of great abit. of 48 to o; still hlscknelt could usst
ity. She tins a phenonsenal range, score a siingte posnt agaist Dickin
andI ter upper tones are lpure and soin. PRICE
sweet- For some reason sheeniibsti- Slut cesen thyesdispsarity of thle;
tsited a conmposition by Fleiecin scsores, 24 toi 6, is isore apparent
D~avid fsor the ''Magic Flsute'" aria, thans real, for these reasoiis: itoinans
ivhicti se mu sit regret. It imuist be kicked a goal froni the fieldt, which , IlFST
remeniberedsthtat thse aria niakes howvever, ivas nut alloivertowviing to
ssich extraorrtiinary itemndss upon noise triiliiig techiiicalitv. Ibis
ttse singer that it is sot to Ise ron- wvould have made Princeton's score
iteredctithStit stir should shiriisk from ii I to o instead of 8 to o. Ini the
attenipting it after ais all-day rail- Piennsylvansiai gamy fsill 45-1Iiiiitd
road journey. In the idset with Mr. halves n-crehplayedvhisle in the
. lsiissit was haridvitosdisingssuiisCorisellpause thetintsvs nere of lint
one froii the ottir. liny ivere botsh30onminutes ituirationii 1Tle first half
eq~ually faulttless ini ntonatiosn. Nile, of the Piennsy leansi gaiiivwosilit
Sengere tis atphieiomienial voice aindthavreiendtdo tsso Ishsitittetrmuinaitesd
kuosishsrsvtss siis as weell.- HiisatItse risdt sitthirtymiinsstes, fosr(lie
((h(en o
encossrsisismber,''"WhoiiTreasics tir foul posints tiriuncetonuisimidle in tlii s i- hos as
Pills of1lusty," ito, irt, wssexceed- hllf sierr scosredsthtirty-two inuflt cies pr
uglly-wesiconserisy NIlr. Srlarf is ass sfter the start sit tlay. Du rinsi; Ithe.

( OF YOUR ---
Mailed to You -
Through Your
1liissitusieofFii iieut Plini
adJeweeleSiociety Baduges.
wnt then Latest SMetropolitanii tyis-s
50it flt a piatiries thau AnissArbomr
I. FYFE & ,.
niversify ()III litters,
IS-cAsE S. AN A tRttO1t
S ShirtsGloves,
Iglish .1VitC~dkiitiiSlii,
titii . -
G yVisisisssII (-roiods,
lEViRs 1) vss i l 1,1 s O-.

is the ssmesssv1ssitsi as Issacis lists suit itisiuity sItiitial though, c s ti h rts Miusssirite" Sftie
scsin clii hair litaty scloneicthe bstcs oussrse, o iti t t sssi-s ei sil lsi si
sat is tposssle, or, isin thies uurdss i 555 lvisits It l i i lul Iad s en- co pa ig luspo is
i-Isis~~~~~~~ isscaditllstr Mt u~n-I Ist~N sis isill slitaiss lie swlcomesv-1sini corretssspning plesritds, l'
ask isf revesalingthe mir ningsof sat sir stprlivestill r(visit thtlIdfete 5 rnlaiis 1t
fIts truevst asui t in uusirig1111 1 - it l is c n ets" ssittl cisvea ise ivrel t i(is of ilthough Isasts
sit conctiepttin aliItsh tt neri--tr msry thanitquantile. his otislusisin to.Tht the taistic
si, ts hev5o/ a/, a s thaI tintrd isv ietwituld5sy that the latsadopteievenlvycurusatsclidtJs ultitthiii i
slnersliotl I Stirev idviusevsilthis j uoivneally liy thivChol istsisossofitoSrisaii(lthsstnsy-lvaniis
sent its (li I v ttls t 5siseas nraging asisss isindsviltsaslit ansui thy 5 issiclss W tllsIoirstll is
ssscsitire Iimisel fswisthi sisy sittwoc ont(n((slits e])ip givet i lsb te r- isg tire si-slera list. I shl-

is sIslid
ilct l
le, hut
'. snit sit
lit avie


it ool

hIIIstcltsiss i lsts, iv Islvitifivil stilts Stisss sisy siller fa. I t h
himsselfI iith sasscsmpasny usiworsstIhy ofl titusr-S as ii ti bring 'tlit liese
sits. Thseuscm u 511suits oanditest- ad is playinglsw-ss cisltiltyisworths
or hieairdlasteesini Ihas-i sO t rct leat sl ssUds itlinsts sit
iidt/tieit, noicltutu wsiteverso i-s lt always crire. Sit iis issst prou ncesss
namise oist iists, sltlsssssi;h :hiss Pati.isv 5 iuccert sa success. I liv tickesr
isstem tias sri hopelessly over IsBis. grsissn s-sswa s-mits rt it-
seigite leSy- te IWaginer iniumber lt-a st s uiuessi, suitsuch aspianiuos weI se-
she sisy nuttIsaisestptiareditat Isvrsi serivstsolie sailled sstluhyisrlist ii
testctI 41 Elsie's tDreami"- thye ishiit

likadit (s s sha ve ~ sssee aie ~tivess1
thssvtin teIamts s.hisiwhile sits this
sbth t ii trit -s-Ih w l lito -ddihs atli
'tincts lisphltsyerssay5thlevy lit up a
rlathes iei orvu as sse agausisi t s-sutl,
whilv their vsxhibitions agist PIiisi-
j ylai hi wa s shtsg
-Allttho'ghthur lvamsuarusc ricty
evenly smastcsIeIItvipect a itory
j for thyescsI((551nd hsblus insvhvsevnt

wonstiss suptptosedstoIt see the kisight -- t si o agamie. It is saidtShunt Cornuell I-
- Pennsylvania or Cornenl. ilaplfoadisntohe1
«-hso isill rescue tier from ioigiomuusy. -Byilapl-fr snisisst Su u illtinn astr
Item wnholie soul is thurowvn into the -Aisothuer isistake is sayinig b leaguie at its neetlisg next stprleg
relationi it this viiion. Miss Par - Iav-odable infereisce that Uurset's It is to huetiopeditshse wll, andi that 1~ 'JJ R fVT '
A W eter sanug it as though it was ain eleven is superior to that of Pien5n-ihe will be admnitteid. Peinnsylvhi a
every day occurrence-.tier voice sylvania. 'Tle Ithicansnwere giv niand rinceton with vote to adit
gvnI of s ivlie we are heire.
hail nor the faintest suggestion of a chiance to play Pennsylvansia, and thltacn-Te oe fYl n
dramatic fers'or, and shin was in fact a flattering offer extended thsenm, but Wesleyan; however, are unknown
entirely inadequate. Mr. lDupuy they declined. Princeton beat quantities-N. It. Young, in Phila- CALLAG H A N &. CO..
has a voice which while- it Jaceks Pennsylvania 24 to o, mwhile tier delphia Press.
ninny or most of the qualities one score-was hot 6 to o against Cornell.- PUISMSHgR5,
took-s for in a voice, certainly does Ju~dging by comparative scores is a Sam Harris has been chosen toast- 114 Monroe St., Chicago.
not fail in-so far as power is con- deceptive way of arriving at a con- master for the junior foot-ball re.I sbrl osbeta iso st epciemrta ban-
quet which lakes place to-night. 50 S. State St., Ann Arbor.

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