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December 07, 1891 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1891-12-07

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is success has been ' enb! mena
~J~ Of " and the interest wake-ed has been 5 'r I W~T {
very wide and deep. It leks asifw }
Published Daily (Sundays exepted durlili there is a great future before this g ~A '&Q'., "tate 0.'
the College ear, by
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION moeetihhi onr. iave reeived for te opening of college 20,000 Books, new and secod
-_____ - hand of all kinds, Greek, Latin, French, German, Law ad Medical Book,
NOTCE.-The Athletic Board will which they will sell at Greatly 'Reduced Prices.
Subscription price S2.5 per year, invariably Mteaia ntuet n aoaoysple.SeorNt ok
iadaee ingle copies 3 cents. On sale at meet this evening, at 6:30, in Alpha M temtor ntrmns1n8abrtoysppis1Seou2oe.ok
seenaan's and Post Office news stand at 12> Nu Hall. A change in the Standing fr-8--2
oclorhusoon. Sbsriptions may be left at Rules will he proposed, so a full
sheltest he~anxOpea~ose lashatmeeting is desired.
Sh ea', at Stofflet', or with asy of the C .BiE rsdn. ____
Commuications shold reach the office by
I ocloch P. M. it they are to appear the net Announcement. - /j,~
day. Adress all matter inended for publics-'//
ties to the Managing Editr All business I am makiiig great preparations fot y
cmmuicatiens hould be sent to the Hea- (Christmas, aind will sowthe finest lineIsheES12SCOLoyolea
ness Sanager.of goods ever displayed ill this city 1"Four epADmNt SCHOmmerfo alI FS.tbo
TE U. of M. DAILY, My scfess iii the past year, and esb ormanupartmptws-megiltex-boroadkn
AnAar it.peially thiio fall, has encrCOaged me ~ Penmansip Elegant luilding,.llose at
to eslarge my stock. Look out foi trdneer efficient innsirutose oh the
EDITORS. next weeks dvertisemntoseas living expenses eremely low 225 ti
RtArPH Snisa, '92, Msaaging FEditr. MlIespeeffiAll p55 e esstdne siFeor catalogue addeess P. R. CLEARY, President.
S. W. CravtZs, '2, Asist. Managig Editor.
. L. C:AISas, '2, Assst. MaaagissgEditr. J(V. y ( u (/ tG- G GM~
J. C. TiRAVIS, '1?, Business Manager. BUSINESS LOCALS. jL 1.:
F. 5. tAsiaTT'. '93, Aissist.Busines Manager. iNitiersisserted in this cluatthe atle " SAFOD The iNiagra Fll Route.'
C. 5W. tifnnTs, '94, Assist. BusinessMSneer. sit 10 ets per lne. Spec iesates for lnger JAS M1 SAFFORD, .._-
H. D. JEWELL. P. . 5.H.DNaR~iAfi,'92 tim, aisetr lines furnished by apyg at 1 TIMETABLE (REVISED NOVRBRI, 1,181.
F. 15 O1[ssss,'52 . F. E. RateES,' W the DAILY offce,1
W. P. PasmEs, '93. J. R. AasEILL, '13. LOST-A pil'irof gild eye-glasses in. J. M. (STAFFORDO CENTRAL STANDARD TIMilE.
G. i. Otgcet, '. I C. F. WenLEis,'4 idark-blowin leater'c -e. Finiser please .T1
SC.M~cse 9.ICss ttn 5~ leave t U. ir M. DAL~tY ofice utd re- ±~Nh The Lader EASTWARD.
ca~~n~nan. five rewari. aais ulNySieth NtAi.K
____________________ otAsilverssloostsd foutais in Fashions in SpLisa Ens. FxE ptAo
pEenli.Iitials S. C. G. esgraved upon I.. i'.~~.a u. --
WEMAKE a20 announcement to-day it. .Finder lease returii to DAILY Mercahtail ga, M In. M. P M P.M.11 iP5M5 1042
Of the courses of lectures that the ofice or to S. C. Glidden. V 1 O ng. FiteJcsona........ 55 4135a0 842 1>54l 92.5)
professors of the University sill TeToes& n rbrrosex11~ter......... 4.. ..5..3 51ol:6
P 1change tne next Sunday,D~ec. 6. This /line of Piece 0111t Mils... d3p1 ...0 ...'S32 72.
deliver before oral associations, is madse ineessary ott acollit of the A aO..442151.5.229-4 A60 7i50915
shich have bseen asd sill be organ- (Granid Trunk 1' rettrning trans S j Goods to Slct, Wyne Jnec 92,.. . 6a7.81911)1i'
throusghstheir new tuntiel at Pot Ie 2 _. M a. sM.s- a. A M .?Ya' .
iced for the purpose of taking ad- Ilurosicaisisga Slorteillgup othir from. Cal foI Detoit, Ae - 61) 64 227li4s 7191 2)(121)
vantage of tile University Extension tm.A hsi o aubea Dsfaa.... a. o1017 usa 3l a. 91
tection for thic T. & A. to lose, the a fine ftting ------
movement. The lpeople of Michi- titne of their trains wil asst be .""" WESTWARD.
gas will now begisn to appreciate the changed, passinig Aiii Arbor 1is fot- ut. - 0d,.- 5N1.
lows: 7nSATIsONS. DetChi. Lisontfv. She Pee Masi
value of their great U~niversity.Oid'Ntl) OtN 5TH saAIST. NO. 19 1 p 9Sp Sp Sp Lim E. Ass,
" 1 :7a n--(sat rmhr)70r. n 6 '- - ----hese lectures are prepred by pro- ~72 m--(sat rmlce)s .m(iIA.M. A.M.A,2. .M . . A.Ma.
(:I)V'nsois(stps here). ilsiS --.1178 2) aNN usas. MIH. S. Main Street. Btuffalo,........ i2ao 630 94 3d) 12 50
fesors who are already very busy () 4:.5p.m .............8:0 p. .(4Bet A. .A .PM.PM AMPM.P
wihterrglrwradae The finest display ever mde here iuWyetr nc s..58,7 2 N 9'0 95 44
wihterrglrwradaethis city in rngs, can be seen ut te w.aois..'antiunat o tot..9.59',....'95151:I.
delivered without any expense to show wiiidows of Martint Haller. .dN.s A80.. 95338Su 219 18 10 b it au 32 ;
th err eodwa saslt-Handsome designs in Moquette, Wil- DehiMil.. a .943 .... . isna........
tehaesbynwhtiaboue ton, Byantine, Sayrnasund Fur. Fot D Cetmr...lostG ........ sq-..... 115 it5
ly necessary to carry or the course. Christmas 110 makes special ow prices. ~V MCheseia ...1105 53a 0i 1
as ______________Jaen.___ . .. 10.9 5 ass.040.12. 155. . 5
Ini the other sow winldowis just hasa ,. P.5 u. ss.sM.sAM P .Ae M.1A.111
The purpose of the University handsome a display in draperies. che--- -Ciao r 75s55sI 604075511
Extension movement is to provide null and silk curtains. GRA'ND L fPP.A H US U0'wRUGGLES, H. W. AYES.
the means of higher education for For Itolidsy Goods. Beautiful Htand G . P. &T. A. Chicag. AgtAnn Arbo
pesos f llclsss ndof both Painted Articles, cheapest Plush Goods One Solid we, Commencing
persns f al clssesand in the city, and many useful and orn-
sexes engaged in the occupations of mental things,, go to Mrs. M. Pond's Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
State street store. Gland opening 013 Monday Eve., Dec. 7, 1891. MihgnRlwy
life. It is, in fact, an attempt to Wediesday and Thursday.MihgnRlwy
solve the problem of bowy much of Don't forget we keep sweaters, best ---Tima Tahl iglginoffet Sepembe 12. 1191
whtteuieste ofrterquality,$3IS0to $4.2. Mack& Shmid. Arival of rins at A nn Abo.
whtteuieste ofrter Lases' Mackiltoshes in beautiful Engagenent of the Favorite Actress, __
own students can be done for persons varieties, jtst received at Mack & OIse NOuTH.
snable to go to a university. The Seilmid's. n ~NO2.2. Through MalI and Express... 740a. m.
-nltceBabe Slo.,ci v lOoft }'niNo. 4. Ale A rbor & TledeAcom..1t SamR.i.
movement was started so England n Hot and old baths 10 cen1ts, at Post IdLYd " ~ t No. . Clare Passenger ......... 05 p.m.
4872 by the University of Cambridge Full line new style collars, 4 ply, t5c
and has been carried on with in- or 2 for 2. Mark & Schmis. Assioted by No 1. Care and Toledo Accom...]1130a.tn.m
X1.9-800 silk uimbrelas worthl $3.0 No.. Ass Arbor & Toledo Accm.. 1120a. n.m
creasing success. Last year nearly to $4 50, nmarked $1.9 at Mack & ALBERT TAVERNIE:R. Trains 4 and 5 eisa betwee Ana Arbor ad
4000students attended cussoShmd. lCentral Standard Time.
lectureo at about 00 centres in Ladies of tile U. of M. will find it All Trains Daily ecept Sunday.
gral3otll danaet al01U And a Capable Company is he Follwig
Enlad ndWaes Te bjctofgraty o her dvntge t CllonusRepetoire: W. H. BENNETT, R. . GREENWOOD,
Enln n ae.Teojc fwhen illneed of Cloaks, Dress Goods Ge. Pas. Agen. Local Agent.
the American society, which was of~ Faiicy Dry Goods. Mack & Shmid. MONDAY-Thse Galley Shoe.
formed in 8go, is to organize and U. of M. Buttns, 50 cents each, and TUESDAY-Lsacrcia Borgia.
prooteth moemet hrogisutwith class year, 75 cents eah.We ar WEDNESDAY-Lady ('loe.
promoe th movmentthrugho tilhe only makers of the are-ihh EN AOlvrTit
the United States and Canada. The inca button, with correct colors and TIUSA-lerTi.
polished enamel. They don't fade or FRIDAY-The Hoeyoon.
fundamental idea has been education soil, and last forever. Sent postpaid SATURDAY--Damon nd Plthis.
fbr busy people. The audiences upon receipt of price. Students are MATNE-The Mtual Pa-md.
invitesd to visit us When ho town.
have included persons drawn from Roehm & Sons, Jewelers, Grand Circus al.ak fscey led o ak 7 ndiadaeDtot --
Anew like of Nkekwear just received{
universities and colleges have signi- and o beter at yles will 'be found In Prices, - 15,2 5 sid 35 t.*
fled their intention of co-operating tows. Y ou will lt they are one-alf
the priceyouiI pay rr them es where. Reserved Seats n Sale at the P. 0. News.
with the society. In 'many places Mack & Shmid. Stand. Plan open Frayhlrnln1. - " -_____

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